いつの間にか、はてブページ(ttps://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/hogehoge)を表示するとページタイトルに 「[B! あとで読む]fugagufa」みたいにタグが表示されるようになってるんだけど、これやめてほしい。 いま https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/s/nikkan-spa.jp/1583121 を開くと、「[B! ꧁ቻンቻン꧂] pato「おっさんは二度死ぬ」――何もしてないのに憎まれる、大多数の“おっさん”の哀しみ<書評・ロマン優光> | 日刊SPA!」て出て超きもかった。 いや、直接的にはキモいタグをつけたブクマカが悪いんだけど、ブクマカがキモいのはこの際しょうがないので、システム的に対応してほしい。
The Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan is changing its alphabet from Cyrillic script to the Latin-based style favoured by the West. What are the economics of such a change? The change, announced on a blustery Tuesday morning in mid-February, was small but significant – and it elicited a big response. “This one is more beautiful!” Asset Kaipiyev exclaims in surprise. The co-founder of a small resta
In some parts of the world, an angel can signify death and clapping hands imply sexual intercourse. There can be few days more nerve-wracking than your own wedding, and few things as hard to express as the emotions that you might feel in the countdown. When it was Olympic and Wimbledon tennis champion Andy Murray’s big day, however, he managed to capture precisely those feelings in a tweet that mo
https://turingcomplete.fm/12 を聞いていて、モヤイ像について昔ちょっと調べたのを思い出したので掘り起こしてみる。 Unicodeに収録された絵文字のなかに「モヤイ像」というものがある。これ、モアイ像ではなくて “Japanese stone statue like Moai on Easter Island”、つまり「イースター島にあるモアイ像みたいな日本の石像」として定義されている。ちなみにモアイ像の絵文字というものはないのであった。マジで? マジで。 モヤイ像というのは東京の渋谷駅のランドマークになっているアレであって(細かく言うと色々あるのだがそれについては後述)、イースター島のモアイ像とは似せたようなかんじであってもまあ違う。髪もあるし。上述リンクの図像もまさに渋谷のモヤイ像のような見た目になっている。どうしてこんなことになっているのだろうか? いっぽう
Summary This document defines the structure of Unicode emoji characters and sequences, and provides data to support that structure, such as which characters are considered to be emoji, which emoji should be displayed by default with a text style versus an emoji style, and which can be displayed with a variety of skin tones. It also provides design guidelines for improving the interoperability of e
Designer Christian Boer had problems reading as a child because of dyslexia. Now he’s created a downloadable font that can untangle the jumbled letters that many dyslexics see. Christian Boer always struggled with reading. When confronted with a page of text, the letters would twist and jumble together into an incomprehensible mess. It was not until his mother overheard a conversation her husband
Peace be upon him(彼の上に平安あれ)の略。 ムハンマド(彼の上に平安あれ)やイーサー(彼の上に平安あれ)といった預言者について言及する時には必ずこのような言い回しを用いて敬意を示さねばならない、というしきたりがイスラム法(フィクフ)に定められているのだが、正直みんなめんどくさいと思っているので英語圏の人はこのように略す。 当然ながら敬虔なムスリムには嫌われるが、フィクフの解釈は諸説あるので、現代のカジュアルな信者にはわりと許容されている。 Fight of Gods - General Discussions 「え、ムハンマド(PBUH)いねーの?」 「ムハンマド(PBUH)はやべーだろムハンマド(PBUH)は」 なお言い回しのバリエーションの一つ SAWS (Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam) にはなんと一文字で表せる専用のUnicodeコードポイ
Unicode® 10.0.0 2017 June 20 (Announcement) Version 10.0.0 has been superseded by the latest version of the Unicode Standard. This page summarizes the important changes for the Unicode Standard, Version 10.0.0. This version supersedes all previous versions of the Unicode Standard. A. Summary B. Technical Overview C. Stability Policy Update D. Textual Changes and Character Additions E. Conformance
This tablet has an account in Sumerian cuneiform describing the receipt of oxen The Egyptians used to believe that literacy was divine, a gift from baboon-faced Thoth, the god of knowledge. Scholars no longer embrace that theory, but why ancient civilisations developed writing was a mystery for a long time. Was it for religious or artistic reasons? To communicate with distant armies? The mystery d
As kids, two Guinean brothers invented a new script for their native language. Now they’re trying to get it on every smartphone. Twenty-six years ago, two brothers decided their native language needed a new alphabet. The scripts they’d been using to read and write their native Fulani, an African language spoken by at least 40 million people, weren’t working well. Fulani’s sounds were rendered impr
Computer history, restoring vintage computers, IC reverse engineering, and whatever Star characters (☆★) have long been part of the Unicode standard, which means they can appear as characters in web pages, text, and email. But half-stars were missing, so they required special images or custom fonts. I recently co-wrote a proposal to add half-star characters to Unicode, and it was just accepted. In
Unicode® 9.0.0 2016 June 21 (Announcement) Version 9.0.0 has been superseded by the latest version of the Unicode Standard. This page summarizes the important changes for the Unicode Standard, Version 9.0.0. This version supersedes all previous versions of the Unicode Standard. A. Summary B. Technical Overview C. Stability Policy Update D. Textual Changes and Character Additions E. Conformance Cha
The @ character is the symbol of the internet age, crucial for emails and social networking. But no-one really knows where it came from, writes Claire Bates. The "at sign" was once an obscure symbol known only to book-keepers. That changed thanks to Ray Tomlinson, the man widely regarded as the inventor of the email. He plucked it from his keyboard in 1971 to go between the user name and destinati