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oshwに関するmactkgのブックマーク (2)

  • Novena: A Laptop With No Secrets

    Has the computer become a black box, even to experienced electrical engineers? Will we be forever reliant upon large, opaque organizations to build them for us? Absolutely not, we say. And to prove our point, we built our very own laptop, from the circuit boards on up. Admittedly, we did not delude ourselves that we could build a laptop that would be faster, smaller, or cheaper than those of Apple

    Novena: A Laptop With No Secrets
    mactkg 2015/10/29
    Novena: A Laptop with No Secrets
  • OSHW/translations/ja - Definition of Free Cultural Works

    Version 1.1 of the definition has been released. Please help updating it, contribute translations, and help us with the design of logos and buttons to identify free cultural works and licenses! 翻訳:小林 茂(@kotobuki) 桑田喜隆(@morecat_lab) 小林 英男(@NetSynth) 金 茂(@ssci) @weed_7777 中田 宗文(@munef) オープンソース・ハードウェア(OSHW)基準書1.0[edit] オープンソース・ハードウェアは設計図が公開されたハードウェアであり、その設計図やそれに基づくハードウェアを誰もが学び、改変し、頒布し、製造し、そして販売できる。オ

    mactkg 2011/03/01
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