
makeとAVRに関するmangakojiのブックマーク (7)

  • Cheapest standalone arduino?

    From the MAKE: Flickr pool Gao writes – Hi my master: I has made a cheapest Standalone Arduino mini use ATMEGA8 and breadboard. maybe you would like see it,here it’s photo on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/whaleforset/3197918087/ If you think that’s funny enough to post on makezine’s blog,,,just do it. Thank you very much for reading and sorry for my english. Please no apologies – you’ve obv

    Cheapest standalone arduino?
    mangakoji 2009/01/16
    ブレッドボードにMEGA8を展開したArduino でもブレッドボードは高いからcheepestはウソだと
  • Upgrade your Arduino projects

    current: @adafruit - previous: MAKE, popular science, hackaday, engadget, fallon, braincraft ... howtoons, 2600... View more articles by Phillip Torrone Ladyada writes– Running out of space in your big Arduino project? Good news! Finally, after months of backorders, one can now buy the latest improvement to the ‘ATmega8′ line of chips: the ATmega328’s. The ‘328 has 32K of flash, and 2K of SRAM.

    Upgrade your Arduino projects
    mangakoji 2008/10/09
  • Home

    This spoon-centered art installation is constructed using a 10’x10’ pop-up canopy as a base. All four sides are hung with partially see-through “curtains” made from 1400+ metal spoons of various sizes attached with jump rings and interwoven with aluminum wire. One side has an opening in the middle of its “curtain” as a doorway into […]

  • Technology Archives

    DALE DOUGHERTY is the leading advocate of the Maker Movement. He founded Make: Magazine 2005, which first used the term “makers” to describe people who enjoyed “hands-on” work and play. He started Maker Faire in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2006, and this event has spread to nearly 200 locations in 40 countries, with over 1.5M attendees annually. He is President of Make:Community, which produces

    Technology Archives
    mangakoji 2008/08/26
    ヤカンをMIDI via Arduino マイコンでコントロールー
  • Bionic Arduino – Introduction to Microcontrollers with Arduino – todbot blog

    todbot blog Random experiments, circuits, code, rapid prototyping, sometimes things to buy, and the odd tune by Tod Kurt. Bionic Arduino is a set of four 3-hour classes in November 2007 hosted by Machine Project and taught by Tod E. Kurt. It is an introduction to microcontroller programming and interfacing with the real world using the Arduino physical computing platform. It focuses on building ne

    mangakoji 2008/08/20
  • “WiiChuck” Wii Nunchuck Adapter Available – todbot blog

    todbot blog Random experiments, circuits, code, rapid prototyping, sometimes things to buy, and the odd tune by Tod Kurt. Want to hook up a Wii Nunchuck to an Arduino but don’t want to cut up the cord on your Nunchuck? Yeah me too. So I made some of these: It’s a small PCB that adapts the Wii Nunchuck connector to standard 4-pin header. I call it the “wiichuck adapter”. It plugs directly into the

    mangakoji 2008/08/14
    WiiヌンチャクをArduinoなどに接続するためのコネクタ 4$
  • avr-libc: AVR Libc

    1.4.3 (WinAVR 20060125添付) Introduction このドキュメントの最終バージョン(英語版オリジナル)はhttp://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/avr-libc/ から得ることができます。 AVR Libcパッケージは、Atmel AVR 8bitRISCマイクロコントローラ専用の、スタンダードCライブラリのサブセットを提供します。さらに、ほとんどのアプリケーションに必要な基的なスタートアップコードも提供します。 このドキュメントには単なるライブラリの説明を越えた価値があります。我々はこのドキュメントが新しいAVR開発者が自由に使えるこれらの開発ツール( binutils, gcc avr-libc等)を速やかに習得するのに役立つ充分な情報を与えてくれることを期待します。 もしもあなたが行き詰まった問題で、ドキュメントがお役に

    mangakoji 2008/08/07
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