AWS News Blog Heads-Up: Amazon S3 Security Changes Are Coming in April of 2023 Update (4/27/2023): Amazon S3 now automatically enables S3 Block Public Access and disables S3 access control lists (ACLs) for all new S3 buckets in all AWS Regions. Starting in April of 2023 we will be making two changes to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to put our latest best practices for bucket security i
Amazon Web Services ブログ AWS Well-Architected フレームワーク – ホワイトペーパー更新、ツールおよびベストプラクティスについて 当社では、AWS を活用するアプリケーションの設計と構築を、可能な限り適切に、お客様に行っていただけるようにしたいと考えています。このことの実現に向け必要な情報をすべてご提供するため、2015 年には、AWS Well-Architected を立ち上げました。このフレームワークには、次のような 5 本のピラー(柱)があります。 オペレーショナルエクセレンス – ビジネスに付加価値を与え、サポートプロセスとその手順を継続的に向上させるための、システム実行とモニタリングの機能です。 セキュリティ – 情報とシステム、およびアセットを保護するための機能です。リスクの評価と緩和戦略を通じ、ビジネスに付加価値を生み出します。 信
Amazon Web Services ブログ AWS Control Tower – マルチアカウント AWS 環境の設定と管理 今月初め、私はエンタープライズ規模の AWS のお客様にお会いしました。彼らは AWS を全面的に支持する予定で、AWS を大規模にセットアップして実行することで得られるすべてのものに期待していると言っていました。Cloud Center of Excellence の設定に加えて、彼らは私たちのおすすめとベストプラクティスに沿って開発と本稼働アカウントをプロビジョニングするチームのために、安全な環境をセットアップすることを望んでいます。 AWS コントロールタワー そして本日、AWS Control Tower の一般提供を開始しました。このサービスは、安全で優れた設計で、すぐに使える、新しいベースラインのマルチアカウント AWS 環境を設定するプロセスを自
AWS News Blog Amazon CloudFront Support for Custom Origins Amazon CloudFront uses an ever-growing network of edge locations to give your users high speed, low latency access to your content, regardless of where they happen to live. Until now, CloudFront could serve up content from Amazon S3. In content-distribution lingo, S3 was the only supported origin server. You would store your web objects (w
AWS News Blog AWS CloudShell – Command-Line Access to AWS Resources No matter how much automation you have built, no matter how great you are at practicing Infrastructure as Code (IAC), and no matter how successfully you have transitioned from pets to cattle, you sometimes need to interact with your AWS resources at the command line. You might need to check or adjust a configuration file, make a q
AWS News Blog AWS Database Migration Service Do you currently store relational data in an on-premises Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL database? Would you like to move it to the AWS cloud with virtually no downtime so that you can take advantage of the scale, operational efficiency, and the multitude of data storage options that are available to you? If so, the new AWS Database Mi
AWS News Blog AWS CloudHSM – Secure Key Storage and Cryptographic Operations Back in the early days of AWS, I would often receive questions that boiled down to “This sounds really interesting, but what about security?” We created the AWS Security & Compliance Center to publish information about the various reports, certifications, and independent attestations that we’ve earned and to provide you w
AWS News Blog New – Savings Plans for AWS Compute Services I first wrote about EC2 Reserved Instances a decade ago! Since I wrote that post, our customers have saved billions of dollars by using Reserved Instances to commit to usage of a specific instance type and operating system within an AWS region. Over the years we have enhanced the Reserved Instance model to make it easier for you to take ad
AWS News Blog Using AWS ElastiCache for Redis With AWS OpsWorks To build on the recent launch of AWS ElastiCache for Redis, Development Manager Enno Brehm sent me a guest post to show you how to set it up for use in AWS Opsworks. — Jeff; With the launch of Amazon ElastiCache for Redis it is now easier than ever to use Redis with your AWS OpsWorks applications. Within minutes you can have this powe
The column labeled “Baseline Performance” indicates the percentage of single core performance of the underlying physical CPU allocated to the instance. For example, a t2.small instance has access to 20% of a single core of an Intel Xeon processor running at 2.5 GHz (up to 3.3 GHz in Turbo mode). A t2.medium has access to 40% of the performance of a single core, which you (or your operating system,
AWS News Blog New – Cross-Region Replication for Amazon S3 We launched Amazon S3 nine years ago as of last week! Since that time we have added dozens of features, expanded across the globe, and reduced the prices for storage and bandwidth multiple times. You, our customers, have trusted us with your mission-critical data and have used S3 in thousands of interesting and unique ways. Your creativity
AWS News Blog Amazon Aurora – New Cost-Effective MySQL-Compatible Database Engine for Amazon RDS We launched the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) service way back in 2009 to help you to set up, operate, and scale a MySQL database in the cloud. Since that time, we have added a multitude of options to RDS including extensive console support, three additional database engines ( Oracle,