120 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 6, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 1994 Volcano-An Extensible and Parallel Query Evaluation System Goetz Graefe Abstract-To investigate the interactions of extensibility and parallelism in database query processing, we have developed a new dataflow query execution system called Volcano. The Vol- cano effort provides a rich environment for research and
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The NVSL builds cutting edge systems to understand how non-volatile memories (and other storage, memory, networking, and programming technologies) will shape future computer systems and give us the performance we need to enable next-generation applications. More importantly, we train researchers and builders that can recognize the full-system impact of new technologies and translate that understan
Modern computer systems have been built around the assumption that persistent storage is accessed via a slow, block-based interface. However, new byte-addressable, persistent memory technologies such as phase change memory (PCM) offer fast, fine-grained access to persistent storage. In this paper, we present a file system and a hardware architecture that are designed around the properties of persi
Mai Zheng, The Ohio State University; Joseph Tucek, HP Labs; Feng Qin, The Ohio State University; Mark Lillibridge, HP Labs Modern storage technology (SSDs, No-SQL databases, commoditized RAID hardware, etc.) bring new reliability challenges to the already complicated storage stack. Among other things, the behavior of these new components during power faults—which happen relatively frequently in d
Eunji Lee and Hyokyung Bahn, Ewha University; Sam H. Noh, Hongik University Awarded Best Paper! Journaling techniques are widely used in modern file systems as they provide high reliability and fast recovery from system failures. However, it reduces the performance benefit of buffer caching as journaling accounts for a bulk of the storage writes in real system environments. In this paper, we prese
A Study of Index Structures for Main Memory Database Management Systems Tobin J. Lehman Michael J. Carey Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706 ABSTRACT One approach to achieving high performance in a database management system is to store the database in main memorv rather than on disk. -One can then design new data structures aid algo- rithms oriented towards maki
Phase change memory (PCM) is an emerging memory technology with many attractive features: it is non-volatile, byte-addressable, 2–4X denser than DRAM, and orders of magnitude better than NAND Flash in read latency, write latency, and write endurance. In the near future, PCM is expected to become a common component of the memory/storage hierarchy for a wide range of computer systems. In this paper,