2008年5月27日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Whatever:hover

    Hi there! This script is from 2003, and targets a flaw in IE6, which at its peak was a really popuplar browser. Today (oct 2011) it no longer is, and as such this script should not really be necessary anymore. Please try to convice your client, project manager or boss, that not every browser needs to display a website the exact same way; it is the content that matters. And if you really still need

    nshash 2008/05/27
  • Server Switcher – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)

    For a similar add-on compatible with Firefox Quantum, you can give Location Switcher a try (different developer). Server Switcher is a navigational help tool for web developers. It allows you to easily switch between sites on your development (hosting the temporary version you are currently working on) and live servers, so that you can immediately see the differences. Use case: When you are on htt

    Server Switcher – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
    nshash 2008/05/27
  • New York Times も API 公開へ

    以前「ロイターが API を公開した」というエントリを書きましたが、あの New York Times もその流れに追従するようです: ■ New York Times API Coming (ReadWriteWeb) まだ予定の段階ですが、今年の夏から秋にかけて、API と開発者向けプラットフォームが公開されていくようです。 In addition to the API, New York Times CTO Marc Frons told mediabistro.com that internal developers at the paper will use the platform to organize structured data on the site. Following that, the paper plans to offer developer keys to

    nshash 2008/05/27
    こうしたオープン化の流れがデータの流動性を高め、サードパーティへのNYTの実装が進めば、NYTのDevice Independenceを加速させることになるでしょう。EPIC2014とは真逆に行きそうな感じですね。