Haskell for Web Developers This blog post is somewhat dated and may not reflect changes to the ecosystem since 2013. The perpetual myth persists that Haskell cannot be used for “real world applications”. Normally real world is usually left undefined in such a discussion, but can often be taken to mean that Haskell is not suited for database and web development work. Haskell has a rich library ecos
Get Started Learn how to build concurrent, distributed programs with Cloud Haskell Learn more Cloud Haskell: Erlang-style concurrent and distributed programming in Haskell. The Cloud Haskell Platform consists of a generic network transport API, libraries for sending static closures to remote nodes, a rich API for distributed programming and a set of platform libraries modelled after Erlang’s Open
SIMPLE CLOUDHASKELL STORAGE SERVICE =================================== This code is distributed under the terms of the GPL, so use it, change it, etc but please acknowledge its origin. Installation ============ (1) Download CloudHaskell from git://github.com/jepst/CloudHaskell.git (2) Install it with 'cabal install' in its top level directory (3) Download the storage server code from git://github
As a part of my general programme of developing a distributed monadic MapReduce implementation in Haskell (as described here), I have been working slowly on the distributed infrastructure required to do this, using CloudHaskell. I have now succeeded in producing a very general proof-of-concept for distributed storage. This introduces some interesting challenges, as we want the type of the data h