Not a HAppS TutorialAbstractThis is not intended to be a tutorial to HAppS, a Haskell Web Application Framework. Instead it is a cookbook style description of how to do various things based on what I’ve been learning as I use it. It serves primarily as a reminder to myself on how to do things but published so that others may find it useful too.Revision HistoryVersionDateComment InstallingThe easie
Gitit is a wiki backed by a git, darcs, or mercurial filestore. Pages and uploaded files can be modified either directly via the VCS's command-line tools or through the wiki's web interface. Pandoc is used for markup processing, so pages may be written in (extended) markdown, reStructuredText, LaTeX, HTML, or literate Haskell. Notable features include plugins: dynamically loaded page transformatio
happs introthe missing happs documentationgetting started with happsprerequisitescabal install memainurl handlingtemplatesstringtemplate basicsform post dataquerystring get datamacid datachanging the data modelcron jobsthanks Haskell is a great way to program. And HAppS is a great way to build web applications. Especially if you believe, like I do, that as modern software systems tend toward ever darcs get Haskellでtwitterのようなものを実装しました。 試験的に公開してみます。 皆様利用して感想など頂けると幸いです。 Web2.0的な素敵な背景は、tkngさんに作っていただきました。 ありがとうございます。 全体的なページのデザインは私が適当にポコポコ作ったので、ひどいです。 このシステムは日々の普通な使用にゆるゆると耐えてくれればよいかなと思っておりますが、 最低限のスケーラビリティは考えて設計されております。 投稿データ〜1000万程度まで保持できることを考え、 そのデータに対し現在提供しているあらゆるクエリをノータイムで返すことができます。 投稿、削除、星をつけるなどの操作からランキングをリアルタイムに更新します。 ページはすべてたどること
Motivation There are two or three CGI libraries for Haskell. But if you ask the cognoscenti (to be found on the #haskell IRC channel) for Haskell web programming recommendations they will almost invariably point you at HAppS. HAppS may have many virtues but it’s documentation and associated tutorial do not number among them. Copying the first Rails screencast, Creating a Blog in Fifteen Minutes, I
Evan Weaver has this idea: SQL is a kludge. It's a weird idea, that SQL isn't necessary in Web apps and doesn't belong in Web apps, but Dave Thomas and Avi Bryant both hinted at it in their RailsConf keynotes, David Heinemeier Hansson basically used it as the base assumption for ActiveRecord, and, according to my roommate Justin, Paul Graham used it as a base assumption as well in the original Lis