Talk and workshop at YOW! Lambda Jam, Brisbane, 2014. Template Haskell is a meta programming framework for Haskell implemented by the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), which is widely used as a template meta-programming system for Haskell, to define macros, code generators, or even code transformation engines. Subsequent support for the quasiquoting of arbitrary programming languages greatly simplif
README.mdAn attempt to compile Clojure down to Objective-C and integrate with Cocoa. Very experimental at the moment – don't expect much! Contributions are welcome. License This project is released into the public domain, and can be used for free and without attribution for any use. This may change if code from other Clojure or ClojureScript implementations needs to be used.
In the interest of full disclosure—I'm not an old time Mac person. I've had my Mac for two years. I only decided to learn Objective-C and Cocoa after I explored doing an application using Python and Qt, and someone in the Python community said “Objective-C is easy. Why don't you write a real Mac application”. Neither am I a Haskell expert. What not, what, and why? This is not the missing tutorial
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler.
Hcode is meant to be a spartan editor for the purpose of editing Haskell source code for MacOS X. It is written using Cocoa/Objective-C to give the best Mac experience I can envision. I have some vision of what I want to do with this editor, and in preparation of this, I have done the minimal necessary to ensure this compiles with XCode 4 on Lion. In doing so, no new functionality has been introdu
This is the third part of a small series of articles1 on how to use Haskell for the development of Cocoa applications. In this post I describe a simple way how to implement a Cocoa controller in Haskell. This way one can define the application’s model layer completely in Haskell without any reference to the underlying Cocoa framework (or Objective-C classes). Recap: OBJC InstancesSince the last bl
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