Get Your Large Dynamic JavaScript Website, Crawled, Indexed and Found
Get Your Large Dynamic JavaScript Website, Crawled, Indexed and Found
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【ECへ上手に誘導!】投稿でファンを虜にしているFacebookページ事例3選 ファンをFacebookページから自社のECサイトに訪れてもらうには?参考になるFacebookページ事例を3つご紹介します。 Facebookページを始めてみたものの、中々売上に繋がらない・・とお悩みの担当者の方も多いのではないでしょうか。Facebookページから自社のECサイトに誘導し、さらには売り上げにつなげることを最終目標としている方が多いと思いますが、まずは、いいね!をしてくれた、Facebookページのファンを魅了することこそ、最初のステップです! 今回は、日本国内でFacebookを活用する企業事例をWebマーケッターが解説するブログ「Facebookプロモーション国内事例集」より、ファンを魅了する投稿で、FacebookページからECサイトへ上手に誘導することに成功している事例を3つご紹介しま
The code explained in this article has been slightly revisited in the pen afterwards. For the ultimate version of the code, check the pen. You know how much I love playing with Sass lists. I think they are the most powerful and useful feature in Sass. It’s a shame there is so few functions to deal with them. This is why I made SassyLists. Most importantly, I always wanted a console.log() for Sass.
For a while I’ve been blogging about making all sorts of 3D-style effects using CSS. In this post I take it one step further and try to make the scenes look even more three dimensional. See the stereoscopic cube demo. Stereoscopes There are many techniques used to try to convey a 3D image from a screen. One of the oldest is the use of red and green (or blue) coloured film, which when watched throu
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Emails grouped by Sender UNIQUE Unibox is a people-centric email client that organizes your messages by sender. The contact list on the left is sorted by the date of the last email and each person is displayed only once. Selecting a contact displays all messages that you exchanged with that person, similar to chat applications or smartphone SMS apps. Messages and Conversations SIMPLE Seeing all em
What is Offline.js? Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users when they've lost internet connectivity, like Gmail. It captures AJAX requests which were made while the connection was down, and remakes them when it's back up, so your app reacts perfectly. It has a number of beautiful themes and requires no configuration. Install The easiest way to add Offline to your site is with Eag
Gemfile の 「group :test, :development do」ブロックに書いている 個人的に最強な設定 を晒したいと思います。(2013/10/24 現在) 作業環境 Ruby 2.0.0p247 Rails 4.0.0 Gemfileに設定している内容 ※ コメントに随時変更したものを追記しますー group :test, :development do gem 'pry-rails' gem 'pry-doc' gem 'pry-stack_explorer' if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' gem 'pry-byebug' else # 以下はRuby1.9の時のみ使う(pry-byebugの代わりに) # debuggerは1.9以下でしか動作しない, remote は byebug で使えないようになった gem 'pry-debugger