Posted by kdawson on Saturday November 13, 2010 @07:12PM from the future-proofing-the-skillset dept. LordStormes writes "I've been a Java/C++/PHP developer for about 6 years now. However, I'm seeing the jobs for these languages dry up, and Java in particular is worrisome with all the Oracle nonsense going on. I think it's time to pick up a new language or risk my skills fading into uselessness. I'
ジェネリクスでは、「型」を変数にした「型変数」というものを取り扱う。型変数で何が嬉しいかというと、メジャーな例ではコレクションAPIが挙げられる。java.util.Listとかjava.util.Mapとかのデータを格納するタイプのユーティリティクラスのことだ。 2004年にJavaのバージョンが5.0となるまでは、Javaにはジェネリクスの機能はなかった。なので、Listにデータを格納し、取得する場合は List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("hello!"); String str = (String) list.get(0); といったソースコードになる。 add()の引数はObject型で宣言されており、どんな参照型でもadd()することができた。 get()の戻り値もObject型で宣言されておりキャストが必要だった。このキャストはプログラ
Netty is an asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. Netty is an NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients. It greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP and UDP socket server. 'Quick and ea
In the first part of the series I talked about some of the new and improved features in Commons Lang 3.0. In this article I will talk about concurrent utilities provided by Commons Lang 3.0. A new package 'org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent' has been added which provides support classes for multi-threaded programming and makes use of Java 5 java.util.concurrent.* classes. The main concurrency fea
The Mac has some nice tools to turn your jar file into a first class Mac application. This is most useful if the application has a GUI interface; Swing, SWT, etc. There are three parts to this process: Package your application as a jar file Create an icon for your application Create an application bundle Some applications referenced below may not be installed on your Mac by default. If not, you ca