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"*free software"の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 427件

  • Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing

    Microsoft Store App Awards Winner 2022, Creativity - Graphics and 3D "Paint.NET is just about perfect ..."- Lifehacker "Impressive." - PC World, Top 100 Products of 2007 "It raises the quality bar," - Jeff Atwood, Stack Overflow co-founder, on Coding Horror About Paint.NET is image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with supp

    • MH Free Software iEdit

      iEditは、いわゆるアイデアプロセッサの一種です。ラベルとテキストからなるノードをアイデアを構成する1つの単位とします。iEditではツリー構造とネットワーク構造を用いてノードを組み合わせ、アイデアを練り上げていきます。アウトラインエディタとダイアグラムエディタが融合したものです。 ツリー構造ではノードの追加・削除、レベルの上げ下げなどが自在にできます。ネットワーク構造においては、ツリー上で同一レベルにあるノードが表示されます。ネットワーク構造ではノードの位置と大きさ、フォント、色が自由に設定できます。 ノードとノードの関連はリンクという概念で表現されます。リンクはネットワーク構造においては線と矢印で表現されます。また、リンク先はノードに限らず、ディスク上のファイルやWebのURLなども指定できます。 ネットワーク図はクリップボードで他のアプリケーションに貼り付け可能な他、テキスト、HT

      • File Hippo - Download Free Software

        The latest versions of the best software Hand picked software titles - only the best!Tested for malware, adware and virusesNo added bundles or toolbarsPopular softwareLatest updates 5,854,276,212 Downloads Served 2 Minutes Ago Last Update Check 43,484 Program Versions Listed

        • dps(mac Free Software news)

          Website dpsmac.com is ready. The content is to be added.

          • ImeWatcher - Free Software!

            Windows XPを買ってWindows 2000からアップグレードしました. いろいろと改善・改悪されていましたが,一番気に入らなかったのはIME2002のウインドウです. 狭いノートパソコンの画面上ではどれだけカスタマイズしても邪魔は邪魔です. 一応,言語バーという形でタスクバーに格納はできますし,各アイコンの表示を操作できますが, IMEパッドや単語/用例登録など時々使う重要な機能までアイコンを表示させるのはちょっと納得いきません. そこでIME2000ライクなインターフェースを実現できないか?,こんな動機から開発を始めました. IME Watcherはタスクトレイに常駐し,IMEの状態を監視しています. IMEの入力モード(ひらがなや半角カタカナ)が変更されると表示されるアイコンも変化するようになっています. アイコンを左クリックすると入力モードの変更, 右クリックするとIME

            • Rubyのまつもと氏が「2011 Free Software Awards」受賞。「おもわず涙を流しそうになりました」とコメント

              Rubyのまつもと氏が「2011 Free Software Awards」受賞。「おもわず涙を流しそうになりました」とコメント フリーソフトウェアの推進のためにリチャード・ストールマン氏が創設したフリーソフトウェア財団(Free Software Foundation)は3月26日、「2011 Free Software Awards」を発表。フリーソフトウェアに貢献した人物としてRubyの生みの親、まつもとゆきひろ氏が「The Award for the Advancement of Free Software」を受賞しました。 受賞にあたり、まつもと氏にメールでコメントを依頼したところ、以下のような文章をいただきました。そのまま掲載します。 まつもと氏のコメント Rubyの開発をはじめた1993年当時には「オープンソース」という単語そのものが存在しませんでした。また、LibrePla

                Rubyのまつもと氏が「2011 Free Software Awards」受賞。「おもわず涙を流しそうになりました」とコメント
              • ImeWatcher - Free Software!

                Windows XPを買ってWindows 2000からアップグレードしました. いろいろと改善・改悪されていましたが,一番気に入らなかったのはIME2002のウインドウです. 狭いノートパソコンの画面上ではどれだけカスタマイズしても邪魔は邪魔です. 一応,言語バーという形でタスクバーに格納はできますし,各アイコンの表示を操作できますが, IMEパッドや単語/用例登録など時々使う重要な機能までアイコンを表示させるのはちょっと納得いきません. そこでIME2000ライクなインターフェースを実現できないか?,こんな動機から開発を始めました. IME Watcherはタスクトレイに常駐し,IMEの状態を監視しています. IMEの入力モード(ひらがなや半角カタカナ)が変更されると表示されるアイコンも変化するようになっています. アイコンを左クリックすると入力モードの変更, 右クリックするとIME

                • The GNU Operating System and the Free Software Movement

                  What is the Free Software Movement? The free software movement campaigns to win for the users of computing the freedom that comes from free software. Free software puts its users in control of their own computing. Nonfree software puts its users under the power of the software's developer. See the video explanation. What is Free Software? Free software means the users have the freedom to run, copy

                  • GNU Emacs - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

                    An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor — and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing. The features of GNU Emacs include Content-aware editing modes, including syntax coloring, for many file types. Complete built-in documentation, including a tutorial for new users. Full Unicode support for n

                    • Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing

                      Microsoft Store App Awards Winner 2022, Creativity - Graphics and 3D "Paint.NET is just about perfect ..."- Lifehacker "Impressive." - PC World, Top 100 Products of 2007 "It raises the quality bar," - Jeff Atwood, Stack Overflow co-founder, on Coding Horror About Paint.NET is image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with supp

                      • GitHub - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers

                        ^ back to top ^ Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. It is used for the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Related: Database Management, Personal Dashboards Aptabase - Open source, privacy first and simple analytics for mobile and desktop apps. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 Docker AWStats - Generate statistics from web, stream

                          GitHub - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
                        • Open Hardware Monitor - Core temp, fan speed and voltages in a free software gadget

                          The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer. The Open Hardware Monitor supports most hardware monitoring chips found on todays mainboards. The CPU temperature can be monitored by reading the core temperature sensors of Intel and AMD processors. The sensors of ATI and Nvidia video cards as well

                          • Free Software Foundation

                            Free software means that the users have the freedom to run, edit, contribute to, and share the software. Thus, free software is a matter of liberty, not price. We have been defending the rights of all software users for the past 35 years. Help sustain us for many more; become an associate member today.

                            • GSL - GNU Scientific Library - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                              The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers. It is free software under the GNU General Public License. The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. Unlike the licenses of proprietary numerical librari

                              • Heroku Proxying becomes Free Software | Heroku

                                • GNU Parallel- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                  GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers. A job can be a single command or a small script that has to be run for each of the lines in the input. The typical input is a list of files, a list of hosts, a list of users, a list of URLs, or a list of tables. A job can also be a command that reads from a pipe. GNU parallel can then split the input and pipe

                                  • GNU Source-highlight - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

                                    GNU Source-highlight 3.1.8 by Lorenzo Bettini This program, given a source file, produces a document with syntax highlighting. It also provides a C++ highlight library (new) (since version 3.0). Source-highlight reads source language specifications dynamically, thus it can be easily extended (without recompiling the sources) for handling new languages. It also reads output format specifications dy

                                    • Klok - Personal Time Tracking made Easy - Free Software

                                      We have moved to getklok.com. You will be redirected automatically but please remember to update your bookmarks. Take me there now

                                      • My Lisp Experiences and the Development of GNU Emacs - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                        Transcript of Richard Stallman's speech at the International Lisp Conference, 28 Oct 2002. Since none of my usual speeches have anything to do with Lisp, none of them were appropriate for today. So I'm going to have to wing it. Since I've done enough things in my career connected with Lisp I should be able to say something interesting. My first experience with Lisp was when I read the Lisp 1.5 man

                                        • DDD - Data Display Debugger - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

                                          What is DDD? GNU DDD is a graphical front end for the command-line debugger GDB and the variant CUDA-GDB. Besides usual frontend features such as viewing source texts, DDD has become famous through its interactive graphical data display, where data structures are displayed as graphs. Other command-line debuggers can be used with DDD, but the interface development is no longer active in version 3.4

                                          • Android Freeware: Best and Free Software for Android mobile platform

                                            Categories Games (176) Finance (59) Health (91) Travel (104) Reference (146) Productivity (230) Multimedia (116) Communications (215) System (158) Entertainment (256) Shopping (61) Sports (58) News (36) Internet (1) Browse » Android Apps » Android Devices Follow on Twitter Facebook

                                            • Logos of GNU packages - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                              This page is a collection of official and semi-official logos of GNU packages, sorted in alphabetical order. Help us complete the list Many GNU packages don't have logos—if you are skilled enough and willing to contribute logo for a package, please contact the package maintainers and show them your work. If approved, let us know at <webmasters@gnu.org> in order to add it to this page. A list of al

                                              • libiconv - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

                                                Introduction to libiconv International text is mostly encoded in Unicode. For historical reasons, however, it is sometimes still encoded using a language or country dependent character encoding. With the advent of the internet and the frequent exchange of text across countries - even the viewing of a web page from a foreign country is a "text exchange" in this context -, conversions between these

                                                • GNU Gnash - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                                  GNU Gnash is the GNU Flash movie player — Flash is an animation file format pioneered by Macromedia which continues to be supported by their successor company, Adobe. Flash has been extended to include audio and video content, and programs written in ActionScript, an ECMAScript-compatible language. Gnash is based on GameSWF, and supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9. SWF v10 is not

                                                  • Developed by 100% free software | Official website of Hamstersoft

                                                    Easy and effective This is a simple but powerful program that allows you to open, view and print PDF documents, XPS, DjVu. The intuitive interface is designed in the style of Microsoft Office 2013.

                                                    • Screen - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                                      GNU Screen Introduction to GNU Screen Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells. Each virtual terminal provides the functions of the DEC VT100 terminal and, in addition, several control functions from the ANSI X3.64 (ISO 6429) and ISO 2022 standards (e.g., insert/delete line and support for multiple character

                                                      • Emacs Muse - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                                        Emacs Muse (also known as "Muse") is an authoring and publishing environment for Emacs. It simplifies the process of writing documents and publishing them to various output formats. Obtaining Emacs Muse Stable releases and development sources are available at the GNU ELPA website. Documentation Documentation for Emacs Muse is available online, as is documentation for most GNU software. You may als

                                                        • Log を残す (ログをとるには) - オープンソース・フリーソフトのコンパイル&インストール --- Compile & Install for Open Source / Free Software

                                                          This page is written in Japanese. Code is ISO-2022-JP. オープンソース・フリーソフトのコンパイル&インストール --- Compile & Install for Open Source / Free Software >> Log を残す (ログをとるには)

                                                          • Free software download,Over 200000 software free downloads

                                                            Top Freeware for lastweekDownloads 1 Full Player 8.2 Full Player is your ultimate choice for your Windows PC and notebooks. 4,234 2 4Free Video Converter 3.8 3,798 3 PC Manager 9 2,444 4 Virtual Drive 11.6 2,009 5 Full Video Converter Free 10.3.9 1,707 6 4Free DVD Ripper 3.8 1,590 Top Shareware for lastweekDownloads 1 Full DVD Ripper Pro 9.3 Rip DVD to device/video/audio formats fastest, edit/crop

                                                            • Free Software!


                                                              • Free Software by Pascal Bourguignon

                                                                Pascal Bourguignon's Sofware Lisp Software Common-Lisp packages Some Common-Lisp packages. Emacs Packages Some emacs packages. Other links: Why Lisp? Why Lisp? The Nature of Lisp CLiki is a Common Lisp wiki. It contains links to and resources for free software implemented in Common Lisp. (Answers all questions about Common Lisp) Common-Lisp.Net Provides the Common Lisp community with development r

                                                                • GNU Kind Communications Guidelines - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                                                  by Richard Stallman Purpose The GNU Project encourages contributions from anyone who wishes to advance the development of the GNU system, regardless of gender, race, ethnic group, physical appearance, religion, cultural background, and any other demographic characteristics, as well as personal political views. People are sometimes discouraged from participating in GNU development because of certai

                                                                  • Matz wins the 2011 Free Software Award

                                                                    BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA — Monday, March 26th, 2012 — Free Software Foundation president Richard M. Stallman announced the winners of the FSF's annual free software awards at a ceremony on Sunday, March 25th, held during the LibrePlanet 2012 conference at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. The Award for the Advancement of Free Software is given annually to an individual who has made a grea

                                                                    • MOONGIFT: >> オープンソースを愛する人のためのステッカー「Free Software Sticker Book」:オープンソースを毎日紹介

                                                                      これはナイス! もらったシールやステッカーで格好いいものはノートPCやデスクトップに貼り付けている。ノートPCの背面は殺風景なので、アクセントがあった方が親しみがわきやすい。 そして、ノートPCには既に幾つかシールが貼られている。それがWindowsのマークやIntelのシールだ。これが好きではない人は、こちらを使ってみよう。 今回紹介するオープンソースはFree Software Sticker Book、Linuxやオープンソースを愛する人のためのステッカー集だ。 使い方は簡単だ。ノートPCに貼られたWindowsシールを取り外す。次に気に入ったシールをプリンタで印刷する。それを上手に切り取って、PCに貼るだけで良い。大きさは様々なものがあるので、ノートPC背面にもちょうど良いものもある。 小さめのシールにはLinuxの他、Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/Mandrive/F

                                                                        MOONGIFT: >> オープンソースを愛する人のためのステッカー「Free Software Sticker Book」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
                                                                      • Get a Free Software PDF reader!

                                                                        The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a popular format to publish formatted text and documents. There are several different versions of it, some qualifying as an Open Standard, some certified by ISO and some encumbered by software patents. You might want to promote the versions that are Open Standards, because Open Standards guarantee interoperability, competition and choice. Read more... There ar

                                                                        • Emacs FAQ for MS Windows - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

                                                                          This is the FAQ for GNU Emacs on MS Windows, answering some frequently asked questions. (Note that this FAQ is rather obsolete.) It is available in the following formats: HTML - with one web page per node. HTML - entirely on one web page. Return to the GNU Emacs home page. Please send FSF & GNU inquiries to gnu@gnu.org. There are also other ways to contact the FSF. Please send broken links and oth

                                                                          • Download Software for Windows - Free Software & reviews

                                                                            PuTTYPuTTY, an open-source and free terminal application

                                                                            • The JavaScript Trap - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

                                                                              There are two kinds of moral wrongs a web page can do. This page describes the wrong of sending nonfree programs to run in your computer. There is also the wrong we call SaaSS, “Service as a Software Substitute” where the page invites you to send your data so it can do computing on it in the server—computing which is unjust because you have no control over what computing is done. You may be runnin

                                                                              • QualityImprovementInFreeSoftware - Free Software における品質改善: リリース管理を中心に

                                                                                これまでの問題 リリース管理はあまり組織化されておらず, リリースの更新はたまにしか実施されなかった. こうした問題とロードマップの欠如から, 凍結(コード・フリーズ)の発表が唐突にされることも多かった. 組織化されていないリリースの常として, 新しい予定外のブロッカーがリリース・プロセスでみつかった. それも遅延を招いた. 予定外の遅延があると, ソフトウェアは長期にわたって凍結される. Debian 3.1 の場合は一年以上凍結された. このリリースが公開に至った時にはすでに多くのコンポーネントが古くなってしまい, ユーザの要望に合わなくなっていた. Debian が過去のリリースで何度も深刻な遅延に至ったという事実は, プロジェクトのイメージを損ねた. Debian は進みが遅く締切を守れないと思われている. これは開発者やユーザ・コミュニティの不満にもつながっている. 対策 プロジ

                                                                                • ReadPlease . Home . FREE Software that lets your computer talk - Text-to-speech

                                                                                  Dog Breeder Information You Can Trust Here at ReadPlease we hope you read information about your new puppy. We help connect you to the breeders in your local area no matter what dog breed want to adopt into your home. If we don’t have a breeder in your area check the neighboring states pages. If you want to find out more information on your exact dog breed visit our dog breed information page. Dog