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  • Monty Python

    Welcome to the official Monty Python YouTube channel where you can enjoy exclusive videos featuring us, the Pythons, our fans & collaborators; official music...

      Monty Python
    • Monty Python - Spam

      El sketch del que se cogío el término spam. Espero qeu nadie se moleste por encontrar este video (que evidentemente no es mio) aquí, pero es algo que forma parte de la historia, y creo que debe ser accesible de la forma más fácil para cualquiera. Esta es una de ellas. Gracias, <a href="Monty Python">http://pythonline.com/home.html</a>

        Monty Python - Spam
      • Monty Python's Flying Circus - Just the words

        • YouTubeのMonty Python チャンネル公開後、DVD売り上げ大幅アップ | スラド IT

          YouTube に Monty Python の 公式チャンネルが公開されてから、Amazon.com での彼らの DVD-Video の売り上げが 23,000 % の伸びという大躍進を遂げたとのこと (本家 /. 記事, ITmedia の記事より) 。 本家編集者が指摘するように「Monty Python のように何十年もその魅力を保ち続ける作品を作り出せるパフォーマーはそういない」という側面が非常に大きいとはいえ、フリーコンテンツが実際の売り上げに結びつくことをこのような形で実証したことの意味も大きいのではないだろうか。

          • Monty Python's Eric Idle - London 2012 Performance | Music Monday

            📲 Want to watch live sport and original documentaries for free? Check out our website: https://oly.ch/WatchLiveSport Monty Python's Eric Idle performs 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' at the London 2012 Olympic Games Closing Ceremony. Every two years, the world's finest athletes gather at the Olympic Games - a spectacular celebration of sporting excellence that captures the attentio

              Monty Python's Eric Idle - London 2012 Performance | Music Monday
            • The Monty Python Channel on YouTube

              Subscribe to the Official Monty Python Channel here - http://smarturl.it/SubscribeToPython Monty Python announces its decision to launch its YouTube channel Visit the official Monty Python store - http://smarturl.it/MontyPythonStores Visit the NEW Monty Python iTunes store - http://smarturl.it/MontyPython1D5TGitun Welcome to the official Monty Python YouTube channel. This is the place to find

                The Monty Python Channel on YouTube
              • Monty Python to reunite for stage show

                It's been more than 30 years since the last proper Python project as David Sillito reports All of the surviving members of comedy group Monty Python are to reform for a stage show, one of the Pythons, Terry Jones, has confirmed. "We're getting together and putting on a show - it's real," Jones told the BBC. "I'm quite excited about it. I hope it makes us a lot of money. I hope to be able to pay of

                  Monty Python to reunite for stage show
                • Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Sing-Along - Monty Python

                  Subscribe to the Official Monty Python Channel here - http://smarturl.it/SubscribeToPython Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Sing-Along. Visit the official Monty Python store - http://smarturl.it/MontyPythonStores Visit the NEW Monty Python iTunes store - http://smarturl.it/MontyPython1D5TGitun Not The Messiah (He's a Very Naughty Boy) DVD, Blu-ray and Soundtrack available from June 8th:

                    Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Sing-Along - Monty Python
                  • Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

                    Monty Python's Life of Brian - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. "Life's a Piece of Shit, When You Look at It."

                      Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
                    • Monty Python - Spam

                      The origin of SPAM. If you like this video, support Monthy Python buying their DVD.

                        Monty Python - Spam
                      • News - I want some tube - Monty Python is now on YouTube : 404 Blog Not Found

                        2008年11月20日14:30 カテゴリNews翻訳/紹介 News - I want some tube - Monty Python is now on YouTube キタ━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━ッ!! 彼ら自身による紹介。年取ったねえ、みんな。 YouTube - The Monty Python Channel on YouTube でも、あれもあれもあれもあれももう上がってる!TVの分だけじゃなくて、映画の分まで。 とりあえずこれ貼っとこうっと。 YouTube - Every Sperm is Sacred ♪Every flick is sacred. ♪Every flick is great. ♪If a flick is wasted, ♪God get quite irate! 迷える子羊たちよ、神の思し召しですぞ! 他もこれくらいやらないと、神罰が下りますぞ!

                          News - I want some tube - Monty Python is now on YouTube : 404 Blog Not Found
                        • Stephen Hawking Sings Monty Python… Galaxy Song (Music Video) - YouTube

                          Monty Python - Galaxy Song Available to buy now from iTunes - http://po.st/Ed0IKJ Subscribe to the Official Monty Python Channel here - http://smarturl.it/SubscribeToPython Enjoy our latest video for our new single, “Stephen Hawking Sings Monty Python… Galaxy Song” which is available as a digital download from 13 April, and on limited edition 7” vinyl on Record Store Day 2015. The song, which is

                            Stephen Hawking Sings Monty Python… Galaxy Song (Music Video) - YouTube
                          • Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down Five To Go 【若干ネタバレ】 - yamazaki666 卍ピャウ!ピャウ!ピャウ!卍

                            モンティ・パイソン再結成ライヴの2014年7月20日、ロンドンO2最終公演で世界衛星中継(日本除く)された番組『Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down Five To Go』を見ました。 いい大人がこれを見て泣いているのはどうかと思うけど、これを見て泣くのはいい大人だけですよね。 名スケッチの数々を再演、最初の一言だけで観衆が沸き上がります。 さすがにシリー・ウォークは体力的に難しいし、ミュージカル仕立ての新曲「Silly Walk Song」にしたのはある意味苦肉の策なのかも知れませんが、「Life's a silly walk in the park♪」という一節でまた涙が出ます。 ゲストはエディ・イザードとマイク・マイヤーズ。マイヤーズは「international man of mystery」と紹介されます。 セミレギュラーだったキャロル・クリー

                              Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down Five To Go 【若干ネタバレ】 - yamazaki666 卍ピャウ!ピャウ!ピャウ!卍
                            • It's! モンティ・パイソンがSkypeに登場--チャットで「Monty Python Mojis」を使おう

                              Microsoft傘下のSkypeは、「Skype」のチャットに挿入可能な短いビデオクリップ「Moji」の新シリーズとして、「Monty Python」(モンティ・パイソン)のクリップ集「Monty Python Mojis」を提供開始した。 SkypeのMojiは、チャットでテキストの代わりに送信できるビデオクリップ。言葉で表現できない感情などを伝えるのに使えるという。 モンティ・パイソンは、英国BBCで1960年代から1970年代にかけて放送された、コメディテレビ番組「Monty Python's Flying Circus」(邦題「空飛ぶモンティ・パイソン」)に端を発する一連の作品群。ナンセンス、シュール、過激な風刺などを交えたコント(スケッチ)で構成され、派生映画なども制作された。 熱狂的なファンが多く、「The Ministry of Silly Walks」(「バカな歩き方省」

                                It's! モンティ・パイソンがSkypeに登場--チャットで「Monty Python Mojis」を使おう
                              • monty-python.jp – このドメインはお名前.comで取得されています。

                                このドメインは、お名前.comで取得されています。 お名前.comのトップページへ Copyright © 2020 GMO Internet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

                                • Monty Python, The Fish Slapping Dance

                                  Hilarious monty python sketch. Just watch.

                                    Monty Python, The Fish Slapping Dance
                                  • Daily Post North Wales - News - North Wales News - Monty Python star Terry Jones regretted leaving Wales

                                    You can find this story in  My Bookmarks.Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right.

                                      Daily Post North Wales - News - North Wales News - Monty Python star Terry Jones regretted leaving Wales
                                    • Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (The Unofficial England Football Anthem) - Monty Python

                                      Subscribe to the Official Monty Python Channel here - http://smarturl.it/SubscribeToPython Visit the official Monty Python store - http://smarturl.it/MontyPythonStores Visit the NEW Monty Python iTunes store - http://smarturl.it/MontyPython1D5TGitun Monty Python have re-released their classic and much adored single with a brand new verse fitting for this year's World Cup. Available to download

                                        Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (The Unofficial England Football Anthem) - Monty Python
                                      • Terry Jones: Monty Python stars pay tribute to comedy great

                                        Members of the iconic comedy group lead tributes to their "outrageously funny" co-star, who has died aged 77.

                                          Terry Jones: Monty Python stars pay tribute to comedy great
                                        • Monty Python "Oscar Wilde Sketch" dubbed in Japanese / モンティパイソン日本語吹替

                                          第3シリーズ/エピソード13「オスカー・ワイルド」   Terry Jones - The Prince Of Wales Graham Chapman - Oscar Wilde John Cleese - James McNeill Whistler Michael Palin - George Bernard Shaw WHISTLERというのは画家ジェームス・ウィスラーらしい。 ▼ジェームズ・マクニール・ホイッスラー - Wikipedia http://j.mp/gbrrpf シナリオ採録(英語)はこちら http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/8889/poetry/mp-wilde.htm

                                            Monty Python "Oscar Wilde Sketch" dubbed in Japanese / モンティパイソン日本語吹替
                                          • Every Sperm is Sacred - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

                                            Subscribe to the Official Monty Python Channel here - http://smarturl.it/SubscribeToPython Every Sperm is Sacred scene, taken from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. Terry Jones picked this as part of his Top 10 Monty Python Movie Moments for Esquire Magazine - "There were about 60 kids and, even though some of the dialogue in this scene was considered a bit racy at the time, the parents were al

                                              Every Sperm is Sacred - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
                                            • 伝説の英コメディ映画「Monty Python and the Holy Grail」のメイキング版がiPad電子書籍アプリとして発売 | HON.jp News Blog

                                                伝説の英コメディ映画「Monty Python and the Holy Grail」のメイキング版がiPad電子書籍アプリとして発売 | HON.jp News Blog
                                              • Monty Python - Philosophers' World Cup


                                                  Monty Python - Philosophers' World Cup
                                                • Traffic sign makes people do the Monty Python Silly Walk - YouTube

                                                  A new sign in Ørje encourage residents to walk silly. However, the sign is illegal and must be eliminated, require the authorities.

                                                    Traffic sign makes people do the Monty Python Silly Walk - YouTube
                                                  • The MONTY PYTHON CHANNEL on YouTube 開設 | スラド

                                                    1969 年から英 BBC テレビで放映され、日本でも 1976 年からテレビ東京 (元東京 12 チャンネル) で放映された……と言えばピンと来る人も多いであろうモンティ・パイソンであるが、このたび YouTube に The MONTY PYTHON CHANNEL という公式チャンネルが開設された。現在「高品質な」 24 本の動画が投稿されているが、特筆すべきは今回のチャンネル開設にあたって作られた"The Monty Python Channel on YouTube"。マイケル・ペイリン、テリー・ギリアム、エリック・アイドル、ジョン・クリーズ、テリー・ジョーンズへのインタビュー的新作映像である。fabulous ! ヒアリングに自信のある方には是非邦訳をお願いしたい。 今回のチャンネル開設にあたっての巻頭言が CNET Japan の記事にまとめられているが、こちらもモンティ・パ

                                                    • Terry Jones: Monty Python stars pay tribute to comedy great

                                                      The BBC's David Sillito looks back at the Welsh comic actor, writer and director's life Monty Python stars have led the tributes to their co-star Terry Jones, who has died at the age of 77. The Welsh actor and writer played a variety of characters in the iconic comedy group's Flying Circus TV series, and directed several of their films. He died on Tuesday, four years after contracting a rare form

                                                        Terry Jones: Monty Python stars pay tribute to comedy great
                                                      • The Spanish Inquisition - Monty Python

                                                        In the early years of the 16th century, to combat the rising tide of religious unorthodoxy, the Pope gave Cardinal Ximinez of Spain leave to move without let or hindrance throughout the land, in a reign of violence, terror and torture that makes a smashing film. This was the Spanish Inquisition... (this transcript is also available with screen shots from the original) Chapman: Trouble at mill. Cle

                                                        • Neil Innes: Monty Python songwriter dies aged 75

                                                          Sir Michael Palin and John Cleese lead the tributes to "The Seventh Python" and Rutles star.

                                                            Neil Innes: Monty Python songwriter dies aged 75
                                                          • Monty Python‘s Life of Brian - ちりやま日記

                                                            イギリス/1979年/94分 主演: Graham Chapman、Michael Palin 出典:amazon.de Monty Python's Life Of Brian イギリスの有名コメデイアングループMonty Pythonが脚本、主演をしたブラックユーモアが効きまくっているコメデイ映画。 シーザーが活躍していた時代。 ユダヤ人とローマ人のハーフの青年ブライアンが、ひょんな事からメシア(救世主)になってしまう。 ウイットに富んだイギリスのジョークがバシバシ出てくる。 しかも今なら速攻で謝罪とか規制とかさせられそうな程の台詞やら演出やらあって、昔の映画は、大らかで良かったんだなと思わせてくれる。 シーザーが『B』を『P』と発音して、聴衆の笑い者になっていたり、過激派?ユダヤグループのメンバーの1人が性同一障害に悩んでいたり、更には磔にされてしまった囚人達が『Always Loo

                                                              Monty Python‘s Life of Brian - ちりやま日記
                                                            • monty python football

                                                              monty python guys with their crazy ideas Before you write a comment: Yesss it was an offside and yess it was an own goal..

                                                                monty python football
                                                              • Monty Python's Terry Jones diagnosed with dementia

                                                                Terry Jones directed Monty Python's Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life Monty Python star Terry Jones has been diagnosed with a severe variant of dementia. The 74-year-old has primary progressive aphasia, which affects his ability to communicate. As a result, Jones "is no longer able to give interviews", his spokesman said. The news was confirmed as Bafta Cymru announced the Welsh-born comedian

                                                                  Monty Python's Terry Jones diagnosed with dementia
                                                                • Stephen Hawking in Monty Python Live (mostly)

                                                                    Stephen Hawking in Monty Python Live (mostly)
                                                                  • Monty Python's last ever live show... and a new song

                                                                    Jump to navigation It has been a day of mixed emotions for Monty Python fans. The release of a new song called The Silly Walks Song (available to play below), the first original Python material since 1999, has been widely celebrated, but the news that their July 20 performance at London's O2 Arena will be their last ever quashes rumours that the comedy troupe were planning a more extensive world t

                                                                      Monty Python's last ever live show... and a new song
                                                                    • The Monty Python Spam Skit!

                                                                      The Infamous Monty Python Spam Skit! Listen to the Spam Skit in streaming RealAudio! Scene:  A cafe.  One table is occupied by a group of Vikings wearing horned helmets.  Whenever the word "spam" is repeated, they begin singing and/or chanting.  A man and his wife enter.  The man is played by Eric Idle, the wife is played by Graham Chapman (in drag), and the waitress is played by Terry Jones, also

                                                                      • Amazon.co.jp: モンティ・パイソン アンソロジー MONTY PYTHON“ ALMOST THE TRUTH” [DVD]: モンティ・パイソン (出演), バラエティ (Unknown): DVD

                                                                          Amazon.co.jp: モンティ・パイソン アンソロジー MONTY PYTHON“ ALMOST THE TRUTH” [DVD]: モンティ・パイソン (出演), バラエティ (Unknown): DVD
                                                                        • Monty Python Sketches

                                                                          G'day Bruce! Bruce here, giving you a big Australian welcome to the Bruce directory of all the Bruce scripts from the Monty "Bruce" Python tv series, brought to you by the fine folks at (what else?) Monty Python's Flying Circus in Australia! Australia, Australia! We love you, amen! Now this here is a fine Australian Bruce site run by Bruce "Bruce" Jewell, Bruce, and normally we wouldn't steal cont

                                                                          • Watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail | Netflix

                                                                            '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                                              Watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail | Netflix
                                                                            • Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks (Full Sketch)

                                                                              Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks Full Sketch

                                                                                Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks (Full Sketch)
                                                                              • Monty Python's Life of Brian recreated for BBC comic drama

                                                                                As Brian Cohen, the hapless hero of Monty Python's Life of Brian, finds out, it can be tricky stepping into the shoes of someone worshipped by all. And the fear of not passing muster is on the minds of all six actors cast as Pythons for a BBC comedy drama about the release of the film in 1979. Holy Flying Circus will tell the story of the making of Life of Brian and the righteous fury that surroun

                                                                                  Monty Python's Life of Brian recreated for BBC comic drama
                                                                                • YouTube - Monty Python: Bicycle repairman!

                                                                                  どの国のコンテンツ (動画とチャンネル) を表示するかを選択してください。サイトの表示言語は変更されません。