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  • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

    Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

      Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
    • 748 - 絵日記

      エクセルで I make テトリス作って Tetris みましたよ by Excel テトリス風のゲームをExcelVBAで作成する http://d.hatena.ne.jp/TTTT+game/ <Windows/Office武勇伝でSurface Proを当てよう!>

        748 - 絵日記
      • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

        Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

          Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
        • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

          Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

            Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
          • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

            Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

              Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
            • 君の名は? 未来に再会したときに気付くかな――Windows/Officeにおけるサービスオプション名の変更

              君の名は? 未来に再会したときに気付くかな――Windows/Officeにおけるサービスオプション名の変更:その知識、ホントに正しい? Windowsにまつわる都市伝説(93)(1/3 ページ) Microsoftは自社製品や技術、機能の名称変更の理由を「ユーザーからのフィードバックに基づいて」「よりシンプルに」「より分かりやすく」と説明します。この言葉を目や耳にしたとき、筆者は少し警戒します。なぜなら、そうは思えないことが多々あるからです。英語表現なら分かりやすいのかもしれませんが、日本語環境となると……。 連載目次 Windows 10のサービスオプションはシンプル? それとも複雑? Windows 10は「サービスとしてのWindows(Windows as a Service:WaaS)」という概念に基づいて、以前よりも短いサイクルでアップグレード(「機能更新プログラム」という名

                君の名は? 未来に再会したときに気付くかな――Windows/Officeにおけるサービスオプション名の変更
              • Microsoft Corporation

                Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                  Microsoft Corporation
                • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                  Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                    Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                  • Microsoft Corporation

                    Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                      Microsoft Corporation
                    • Microsoft Corporation

                      Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                        Microsoft Corporation
                      • 高い成果を挙げる社員ほど「自分の席にいない」ことが証明された

                        「働き方」という経営問題―The Future of Work― 人口減少による働き手の不足と経済・社会のグローバル化が、企業経営を取りまく大問題となっている。そのなかで、企業が競争優位性を築くためのキーワードとして浮上しているのが「ワークスタイル変革」だ。識者への取材や企業事例の紹介を通じて、すべての企業と働く人に問われている「働き方」の課題を明らかにしていく。 バックナンバー一覧 マイクロソフトの大転換 マイクロソフトは、2014年に就任したサティア・ナデラ新CEOのもと、従来のWindows、Office製品のパッケージ販売からクラウドサービスの提供に事業の大転換を進めている。すでに最新版のOS「Windows10」は、既存のWindows7、8.1ユーザーに無償でアップグレードが提供され、順次サービスとしてアップデートされていき、主力のOffice製品についてはクラウド化し、Win

                        • Microsoft ダウンロード センター: Windows、Office、Xbox、その他

                          すべての Microsoft 製品GlobalMicrosoft 365TeamsWindowsSurfaceXboxセール法人向けサポート ソフトウェアWindows アプリAIOneDriveOutlookSkypeOneNoteMicrosoft TeamsPC とデバイスXbox を購入するアクセサリVR & 複合現実エンタメXbox Game Pass UltimateXbox Live GoldXbox とゲームPC ゲームWindows ゲーム映画とテレビ番組法人向けMicrosoft CloudMicrosoft SecurityAzureDynamics 365一般法人向け Microsoft 365Microsoft IndustryMicrosoft Power PlatformWindows 365開発者 & IT デベロッパー センタードキュメントMicrosof

                          • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                            Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                              Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                            • Microsoft Corporation

                              Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                Microsoft Corporation
                              • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                  Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                • DHTMLリファレンス - MSDN

                                  Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                    DHTMLリファレンス - MSDN
                                  • Microsoft ダウンロード センター: Windows、Office、Xbox、その他

                                    すべての Microsoft 製品GlobalMicrosoft 365TeamsWindowsSurfaceXboxセール法人向けサポート ソフトウェアWindows アプリAIOneDriveOutlookSkypeOneNoteMicrosoft TeamsPC とデバイスXbox を購入するアクセサリVR & 複合現実エンタメXbox Game Pass UltimateXbox Live GoldXbox とゲームPC ゲームWindows ゲーム映画とテレビ番組法人向けMicrosoft CloudMicrosoft SecurityAzureDynamics 365一般法人向け Microsoft 365Microsoft IndustryMicrosoft Power PlatformWindows 365開発者 & IT デベロッパー センタードキュメントMicrosof

                                    • Welcome to MSDN Library

                                      Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                        Welcome to MSDN Library
                                      • Windows 7 における、既定のユーザー プロファイルのカスタマイズについて - Ask CORE - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

                                        Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                          Windows 7 における、既定のユーザー プロファイルのカスタマイズについて - Ask CORE - Site Home - TechNet Blogs
                                        • モバイルコンピューティングを考えるブログ

                                          アリスインワンダーランドの秘密 ~ワタリガラスと文机の謎~ 2010年5月24日月曜日 投稿者 佐竹 義智 xx 先週末に、豊洲のユナイテッドシネマで「アリスインワンダーランド」を見てきました。「不思議の国のアリス」は、そういえば中学校の時に、ハンプティーダンプティーというずんぐりむっくりした卵と、アリスが話しをしているのを英語の教科書にあったことを思い出しました。 ふと、不思議の国のアリスって、そういえばどういう物語だっけ?と思い、調べてみると、これが結構奥が深い。 作者は、ルイスキャロルで、これはペンネームで本名は、チャアルズ・ラテュイッジ・ドドトン、1832年生まれで、数学と論理学の専門家です。不思議の国のアリスのイメージといえば、童話や絵本のようなイメージを私は持っていたのですが、ルイスキャロルが数学者だけあって、不思議な生き物や、個性的な登場人物に目がいきがちですが、いろんな

                                          • How Microsoft Lost Its Mojo: Steve Ballmer and Corporate America’s Most Spectacular Decline

                                            Once upon a time, Microsoft dominated the tech industry; indeed, it was the wealthiest corporation in the world. But since 2000, as Apple, Google, and Facebook whizzed by, it has fallen flat in every arena it entered: e-books, music, search, social networking, etc., etc. Talking to former and current Microsoft executives, Kurt Eichenwald finds the fingers pointing at C.E.O. Steve Ballmer, Bill Gat

                                              How Microsoft Lost Its Mojo: Steve Ballmer and Corporate America’s Most Spectacular Decline
                                            • 東京都渋谷区が区立小中学校のすべての児童生徒向けに「Surface Go 2」を 12,500 台導入 - News Center Japan

                                              すべての Microsoft 製品 Global Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox セール 法人向け サポート ソフトウェア Windows アプリ AI OneDrive Outlook Skype OneNote Microsoft Teams PC とデバイス Xbox を購入する アクセサリ VR & 複合現実 エンタメ Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox Live Gold Xbox とゲーム PC ゲーム Windows ゲーム 映画とテレビ番組 法人向け Microsoft Cloud Microsoft Security Azure Dynamics 365 一般法人向け Microsoft 365 Microsoft Industry Microsoft Power Platform W

                                              • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                                Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                  Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                                • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                                  Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                    Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                                  • Microsoft Download Center: Windows, Office, Xbox & More

                                                    Introducing the new BingYour AI-powered copilot for the web. Ask questions. Chat to refine results. Get comprehensive answers and creative inspiration.

                                                    • Microsoftが月例セキュリティ情報を公開 IEとWindows DNSサーバの深刻な脆弱性に対処

                                                      13件のセキュリティ情報のうち、IEとWindows DNSサーバに関する2件について、Microsoftは最優先で更新プログラムを適用するよう促している。 米Microsoftは8月9日(現地時間)、予告通りに13件のセキュリティ情報を公開した。このうちInternet Explorer(IE)とWindows DNSサーバに関する2件を深刻度が最も高い「緊急」レベルと位置付け、最優先で更新プログラムを適用するよう促している。 IEの累積的なセキュリティ更新プログラム(MS11-057)では、合計7件の脆弱性に対処した。問題を悪用された場合、細工を施したWebページを表示しただけで、リモートでコードを実行される恐れがある。脆弱性はIE 9を含む全バージョンが深刻な影響を受ける。 7件の脆弱性のうち2件は事前に情報が公開されているが、Microsoftによれば、現時点でこの問題を悪用した攻

                                                        Microsoftが月例セキュリティ情報を公開 IEとWindows DNSサーバの深刻な脆弱性に対処
                                                      • 「Microsoft AI and Research Group」は設立1年で8000人規模に拡大、ビジネスとして形になるのは数年後か

                                                        by iphonedigital Microsoftが2016年9月に設立したAI(人工知能)関連研究組織「Microsoft AI and Research Group」が設立から約1年で8000人規模の組織へと成長したことがわかりました。その背景には、Microsoftがモバイル端末やソーシャルメディアでは「機会」を逃しており、AI分野では成功を収めたいという強い意志があるようです。 One year later, Microsoft AI and Research grows to 8k people in massive bet on artificial intelligence – GeekWire https://www.geekwire.com/2017/one-year-later-microsoft-ai-research-grows-8k-people-massive

                                                          「Microsoft AI and Research Group」は設立1年で8000人規模に拡大、ビジネスとして形になるのは数年後か
                                                        • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                                          Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                            Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                                          • 最近の Microsoft の Java 事情とインタビュー記事の日本語化

                                                            2018年2月22日 at 8:30 午前 1件のコメント はじめに:最近の Microsoft における Java について この記事の本題に入る前に、マイクロソフトの Java 活動にとって、とても嬉しい情報を共有いたします。私が入社したのは約2年半前になります。その際私以外にグローバルで Java on Azure に関する啓蒙活動をしている方は一人 (Brian Benz) しかいませんでした。そして私の入社から2年半を経て、この直近数ヶ月の間に 3 人もの Java 関連の方々がマイクロソフトに入社してきてくださいました。その内二人は元オラクルで、一人は、TomEE を提供する Tomitribe から入ってきてくださいました。 Bruno Borges (Developer Advocate) Jonathan Giles (Developer Advocate) Theres

                                                              最近の Microsoft の Java 事情とインタビュー記事の日本語化
                                                            • Windows、Office 仮想環境、リモートで使う場合のライセンスまとめ(2011年4月版)

                                                              3月くらいに、AmazonのVPCを使って社内LANを全部ネット側に持っていないか、考えたときに調べたことのまとめ。(といっても、ただの箇条書きですが) Microsoftのサポートに電話したら、非常に丁寧に説明していただきました。 以下、2011年3月~4月、MicrosoftのWindows、Office、Hyper-Vのラインセンスに関するサポート部門へ電話で確認したまとめです。 なお、以下で"仮想化"といった場合、Hyper-Vに限らず、仮想化にVMwareなど他社製品を利用した場合でも同様とのことでした。 【WindowsクライアントOSのライセンス】 http://www.microsoft.com/japan/windows/enterprise/how-to-buy.aspx Windows7 Enterprise Edition Windows 7 Enterprise

                                                              • Microsoft Vydal Aktualizciu Pre Office For Mac

                                                                Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 9334 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 93 Motocross Girls Dirt Biking Motorbike Girl Motorcycle Girls Kawasaki Dirt Bikes Dirt Bike Girl Dirtbikes Hot Bikes Custom Bikes Forward It's officially so let's start the year off right with some pin-up photos and wallpapers of Crissy Lynn, TransWorld Motocross' February 2011 poster girl. May 29, 2016  Get Shadetree Surge

                                                                  Microsoft Vydal Aktualizciu Pre Office For Mac
                                                                • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                                                  Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                                    Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                                                  • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                                                    Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                                      Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                                                    • Magical Jelly Bean

                                                                      The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is a freeware utility that retrieves your Product Key (cd key) used to install windows from your registry Recover product keys for Windows, Office, Adobe products, Acronis products, Electoric Arts games, WinZip, Nero and more than 10,000+ other programs

                                                                        Magical Jelly Bean
                                                                      • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                                                        Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                                          Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                                                        • Microsoft Download Center: Windows, Office, Xbox & More

                                                                          Introducing the new BingYour AI-powered copilot for the web. Ask questions. Chat to refine results. Get comprehensive answers and creative inspiration.

                                                                          • Microsoft Corporation

                                                                            Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                                              Microsoft Corporation
                                                                            • Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career

                                                                              Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                                                Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
                                                                              • .NET のアプリケーション アーキテクチャ : アプリケーションとサービスの設計

                                                                                Microsoft Learn. Spark possibility. Build skills that open doors. See all you can do with documentation, hands-on training, and certifications to help you get the most from Microsoft products. Learn by doing Gain the skills you can apply to everyday situations through hands-on training personalized to your needs, at your own pace or with our global network of learning partners. Take training Find

                                                                                  .NET のアプリケーション アーキテクチャ : アプリケーションとサービスの設計
                                                                                • Microsoft ダウンロード センター: Windows、Office、Xbox、その他

                                                                                  すべての Microsoft 製品GlobalMicrosoft 365TeamsWindowsSurfaceXboxセール法人向けサポート ソフトウェアWindows アプリAIOneDriveOutlookSkypeOneNoteMicrosoft TeamsPC とデバイスXbox を購入するアクセサリVR & 複合現実エンタメXbox Game Pass UltimateXbox Live GoldXbox とゲームPC ゲームWindows ゲーム映画とテレビ番組法人向けMicrosoft CloudMicrosoft SecurityAzureDynamics 365一般法人向け Microsoft 365Microsoft IndustryMicrosoft Power PlatformWindows 365開発者 & IT デベロッパー センタードキュメントMicrosof