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41 - 80 件 / 126件

新着順 人気順

Approvedの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 126件

  • Why AWS Supports Valkey | Amazon Web Services

    AWS Open Source Blog Why AWS Supports Valkey Less than a week after Redis Inc. announced it was removing the open source license and pulling out of the Redis project, Redis contributors banded together to move the community to The Linux Foundation as the Valkey project. They did this almost immediately after the license change announcement went live, in response to community outcry on GitHub and o

      Why AWS Supports Valkey | Amazon Web Services
    • IBM to Acquire HashiCorp, Inc. Creating a Comprehensive End-to-End Hybrid Cloud Platform

      ARMONK, N.Y. and SAN FRANCISCO, April 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) and HashiCorp Inc. (NASDAQ: HCP), a leading multi-cloud infrastructure automation company, today announced they have entered into a definitive agreement under which IBM will acquire HashiCorp for $35 per share in cash, representing an enterprise value of $6.4 billion. HashiCorp's suite of products provides enterprises w

        IBM to Acquire HashiCorp, Inc. Creating a Comprehensive End-to-End Hybrid Cloud Platform
      • Announcing the Preview of OpenAI Whisper in Azure OpenAI service and Azure AI Speech

        In July we shared with this audience that OpenAI Whisper would be coming soon to Azure AI services, and today – we are very happy to announce – is the day! Customers of Azure OpenAI service and Azure AI Speech can now use Whisper. The OpenAI Whisper model is an encoder-decoder Transformer that can transcribe audio into text in 57 languages. Additionally, it offers translation services from those l

          Announcing the Preview of OpenAI Whisper in Azure OpenAI service and Azure AI Speech
        • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


            HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
          • ABEMA におけるマイクロサービスデプロイ状況可視化のための内製モニタリングツールの開発 | CyberAgent Developers Blog

            こんにちは!2023 年 7 月より 約 2ヶ月間、株式会社 AbemaTV Cloud Platform チームにて内定者バイトをしていた 24 卒 SRE 内定者の 後藤 廉(X(Twitter) : @ren510dev)です。 内定者バイト期間では、主に、ABEMA を構成するマイクロサービスのデプロイ状況を可視化するべく、独自のモニタリングツールの開発に従事しました。 また、既存の運用・監視体制への導入・統合、開発組織への推進等を実施し、プラットフォームエンジニアリングに挑戦しました。 今回のブログでは、配属部署やチーム内ミッションステートメントの紹介を交えつつ、私が内定者バイト期間中に取り組んだこと、成果を紹介します。 目次 ABEMA Cloud Platform チームの紹介 ABEMA が抱える運用課題 仕様策定 アーキテクチャ 処理フロー マルチリージョン展開 デプロイ

              ABEMA におけるマイクロサービスデプロイ状況可視化のための内製モニタリングツールの開発 | CyberAgent Developers Blog
            • 40代になる前に、マーケターがすべきこと――鹿毛康司インタビュー | Marketing Native(マーケティング ネイティブ)

              中高年の転職は珍しくなくなりました。それでも30代後半から40代初めにかけては、「今の会社にずっと勤めるのだろうか」「自分はこういう人生だったのか」などと考えてみたり、「このままリストラされず、大過なく定年退職を迎えたい」と不安に思ったり、独立を模索するなど、キャリアについて思い悩む機会が増えがちです。 取材をしていても、「マーケターとして、40代からどう生きていくべきか」と悩みのような言葉を口にする人が少なくないと感じていました。 そこで今回は、人生の先輩マーケターである株式会社かげこうじ事務所代表の鹿毛康司さんに、40代以降に後悔しないマーケターの生き方、働き方について話を聞きました。 (取材・文:Marketing Native編集部、撮影:海保 竜平) 60歳に備えて、お金の準備を ――鹿毛さんも40代で転職という転機を迎えられましたが、あらためてこれから40代を迎えるマーケターは

                40代になる前に、マーケターがすべきこと――鹿毛康司インタビュー | Marketing Native(マーケティング ネイティブ)
              • Free data transfer out to internet when moving out of AWS | Amazon Web Services

                AWS News Blog Free data transfer out to internet when moving out of AWS You told us one of the primary reasons to adopt Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the broad choice of services we offer, enabling you to innovate, build, deploy, and monitor your workloads. AWS has continuously expanded its services to support virtually any cloud workload. It now offers over 200 fully featured services for compute,

                  Free data transfer out to internet when moving out of AWS | Amazon Web Services
                • エンジニアのコミュニケーション課題をAWS GameDayで改善しろ! 〜イベントレポート編〜 - Money Forward Developers Blog

                  はじめに 先月までの暑さがなりを潜め、秋の訪れを感じつつも冬の息吹を感じる今日このごろ皆さん、どうお過ごしですか? どうも、1ヶ月ぶりくらいの登場となりました、マネーフォワード技術広報をしている @luccafort です。 技術書典15の原稿をなんとか書き上げたのでようやく先日マネーフォワード社内で開催したAWS GameDay(以降、GameDay)の開催ブログを書くことができます。 本記事はAWS GameDayってなんなの?や、どういうことをしていたの?を、実際のイベントの雰囲気を画像多めでお伝えしていこうと思います。 Approvedをもらってから2週間以上放置した著者の図。 懺悔の意味を込めてここに紹介しておきます。 AWS GameDayとはなにか? 公式のAmazon Web Servicesから概要を引用します。 AWS GameDay GameDay は、ゲーム化された

                    エンジニアのコミュニケーション課題をAWS GameDayで改善しろ! 〜イベントレポート編〜 - Money Forward Developers Blog
                  • Microsoft Incident Response lessons on preventing cloud identity compromise | Microsoft Security Blog

                    Microsoft observed a surge in cyberattacks targeting identities in 2023, with attempted password-based attacks increasing by more than tenfold in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. Threat actors leverage compromised identities to achieve a significant level of access to target networks. The compromise of an identity, under certain circumstances, could enable threat acto

                      Microsoft Incident Response lessons on preventing cloud identity compromise | Microsoft Security Blog
                    • ‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

                      Smoke rises after Israeli airstrikes in several location in the Gaza Strip, October 9, 2023. (Atia Mohammed/Flash90) The Israeli army’s expanded authorization for bombing non-military targets, the loosening of constraints regarding expected civilian casualties, and the use of an artificial intelligence system to generate more potential targets than ever before, appear to have contributed to the de

                        ‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza
                      • ビットコイン現物ETFが初めて正式に承認される

                        アメリカの証券取引委員会(SEC)が2024年1月10日に、ビットコインに直接投資する上場投資信託(ETF)についての11件の申請を承認しました。仮想通貨ウォレットや取引所を利用しなくても、従来の株式取引と同じ枠組みでビットコインに投資できるようになったことで、仮想通貨市場の活況に一層の弾みがつくとみられています。 SEC.gov | Statement on the Approval of Spot Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Products https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/gensler-statement-spot-bitcoin-011023 Spot Bitcoin ETFs Approved to Launch in US by Gensler’s SEC - Bloomberg https://www.bloombe

                        • PAPERWALL: Chinese Websites Posing as Local News Outlets Target Global Audiences with Pro-Beijing Content - The Citizen Lab

                          Key Findings A network of at least 123 websites operated from within the People’s Republic of China while posing as local news outlets in 30 countries across Europe, Asia, and Latin America, disseminates pro-Beijing disinformation and ad hominem attacks within much larger volumes of commercial press releases. We name this campaign PAPERWALL. PAPERWALL has similarities with HaiEnergy, an influence

                            PAPERWALL: Chinese Websites Posing as Local News Outlets Target Global Audiences with Pro-Beijing Content - The Citizen Lab
                          • The biggest sci-fi/fantasy award has been accused of censorship, and the situation is a mess

                            Graphic: Matt Patches/Polygon | Source images: Chengdu Worldcon; HarperCollins Publishers; Penguin Random House; Netflix; Getty Images Hugo Awards under fire over censorship accusations, and SFF writers want answers The 2023 awards, held in China, saw several nominees mysteriously declared ineligible The science fiction and fantasy literature community is in uproar this week after the release of t

                              The biggest sci-fi/fantasy award has been accused of censorship, and the situation is a mess
                            • Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new?

                              Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new? On 26 June 2024, the 127th Ecma General Assembly approved the ECMAScript 2024 language specification, which means that it’s officially a standard now. This blog post explains what’s new. The editors of ECMAScript 2024  # The editors of this release are: Shu-yu Guo Michael Ficarra Kevin Gibbons What’s new in ECMAScript 2024?  # Grouping synch

                              • WebAssembly: An Updated Roadmap for Developers

                                The WebAssembly (Wasm) ecosystem is transforming. Developers can look forward to a modular, virtualizable, and robust environment for building applications, libraries, and services. We are excited to be working towards this with implementations for WASI-Preview 2. This roadmap reflects changes occurring in standards within the WebAssembly Community Group (CG) and the WASI Subgroup within the W3C.

                                  WebAssembly: An Updated Roadmap for Developers
                                • foodnewsclip

                                  これまで食品安全情報blogおよび食品安全情報blog2をご愛用いただきありがとうございます。2024年3月末をもって私畝山は定年退職したため、「食品安全情報」作成のための資料としてのblogは終了致しました。今後も「食品安全情報」は二週間に一回発行されますので引き続きご利用ください。 一方で公式「食品安全情報」には掲載されない情報をご愛顧いただいていた方々より、継続のご要望を頂いております。その方法についてはこれから検討することになりますが、その検討の一環として暫定的にここにニュースの記載を継続し、読者の皆様からの支援の可能性についてご意向を伺うことにします。 例えば年会費を払っても継続してほしいという個人・法人の方は(uneyama〇k03.itscom.net;〇は@)まで連絡をお願いします。3か月以内に方向性を決める予定です。 [ProMED]食中毒-イラク:(KIRKUK)致死、

                                  • Al Jazeera condemns Israeli government decision to shut down local offices

                                    Al Jazeera Media Network has condemned the Israeli government’s decision to close its operations in Israel as a “criminal act” and warned that the country’s suppression of the free press “stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law”. “Al Jazeera Media Network strongly condemns and denounces this criminal act that violates human rights and the basic right to access of information.

                                      Al Jazeera condemns Israeli government decision to shut down local offices
                                    • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

                                      Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

                                        A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
                                      • Apple's 'Crush' ad is disgusting | TechCrunch

                                        Apple can generally be relied on for clever, well-produced ads, but it missed the mark with its latest, which depicts a tower of creative tools and analog items literally crushed into the form of the iPad. Apple has since apologized for the ad and canceled plans to televise it. Apple’s VP of Marketing Tor Myhren told Ad Age: “We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.” Apple declined to

                                          Apple's 'Crush' ad is disgusting | TechCrunch
                                        • GitHub - meta-llama/codellama: Inference code for CodeLlama models

                                          Code Llama is a family of large language models for code based on Llama 2 providing state-of-the-art performance among open models, infilling capabilities, support for large input contexts, and zero-shot instruction following ability for programming tasks. We provide multiple flavors to cover a wide range of applications: foundation models (Code Llama), Python specializations (Code Llama - Python)

                                            GitHub - meta-llama/codellama: Inference code for CodeLlama models
                                          • Ep 5: Cell-based Architecture 101 - Why?

                                            In the previous post, I’ve introduced two key problems that Cell-based Architecture solves: Scalability Availability However, these are very common problems in any cloud system and there are tons of solutions/design addressing them already. Why do we need to solve them again? In this second episode of “Cell-based Architecture 101“, I’d like to talk about the limitations of the existing solutions/d

                                              Ep 5: Cell-based Architecture 101 - Why?
                                            • 5 Lessons I learned the hard way from 6 years as a software engineer

                                              Hey there, Jordan here 👋. You’re probably familiar with most of my articles being a “how-to” guide. Those guides come from my real-world experience and lessons I learned—usually from mistakes I made. This article is going to cover the 5 biggest lessons I had to learn the hard way through feedback that surprised me. Each of these shaped the engineer I am today. Hopefully, sharing these lessons wit

                                                5 Lessons I learned the hard way from 6 years as a software engineer
                                              • 舌を電気的に刺激して耳鳴りを抑えるFDA承認済みの装置「Lenire」とは?

                                                「キーン」といった耳鳴りは、突発性難聴や中耳炎などの疾患や、騒音、ストレス、睡眠不足などの要因で生じるとされています。アメリカ耳鳴り協会の調査では、2500万人以上の成人が耳鳴りを患っており、これによって多大なストレスが生じたり、パニックに陥ったりすることがあるとのこと。2023年3月にアメリカ食品医薬品局(FDA)が承認した「Lenire」という装置は、舌を電気的に刺激することで、耳鳴りから気をそらすことができると期待されています。 FDA Grants Lenire® Tinnitus Treatment Device De Novo Approval https://www.lenire.com/lenire-granted-fda-approval/ An FDA approved device offers a new treatment for ringing in the e

                                                • Amazon SageMaker StudioでMLOpsを始めました - inSmartBank

                                                  こんにちは!スマートバンクでSREをしている @maaaato です。 今回はスマートバンクが提供するB/43の裏側にAmazon SageMaker Studio(以下SageMaker Studio)の利用を開始したのでSageMaker Studioにまつわる話をしたいと思います。 筆者はこれまでにMLOpsの運用は行った経験がなく初めての試みでした。同じくSageMakerの構築・運用も初めてだったためいくつか悩んだポイントがありました。 特にSageMakerにはいろんな機能がありどれを使うのがベストなのか迷ったり、MLOpsを設計するにあたり、AWS Step Functions(以下Step Functions)を採用している事例などもあることからAmazon SageMaker Studio Pipelinesとどちらがベストなのか?Step Functionsとの違いはな

                                                    Amazon SageMaker StudioでMLOpsを始めました - inSmartBank
                                                  • Tetsuya Yamagami - Wikipedia

                                                    Tetsuya Yamagami (山上 徹也, Yamagami Tetsuya, born 10 September 1980) is a Japanese man who has admitted to assassinating Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan, on 8 July 2022.[4] A resident of Nara, he was arrested at the scene of the assassination. He was 41 years old, had no prior criminal history, and was unemployed at the time of his arrest.[5][6][7] Personal life[edit] Yamagami was bor

                                                    • RFC 9512: YAML Media Type

                                                      RFC 9512 YAML Media Type Abstract This document registers the application/yaml media type and the +yaml structured syntax suffix with IANA. Both identify document components that are serialized according to the YAML specification.¶ Status of This Memo This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.¶ This document is a product of the Inter

                                                      • Cellulite Treatment Market Size Worth USD 3,162.1 Million by 2027 at 11.2% CAGR - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                                                        Cellulite Treatment Market Size Worth USD 3,162.1 Million by 2027 at 11.2% CAGR - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Cellulite Treatment Market Insights and Industry Analysis by Cellulite Type (Hard Cellulite, Soft Cellulite, Edematous Cellulite), End Use (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centres, Specialized Dermatology Clinics), by Treatment Procedure (Non-Invasive, Minimally-Invasive, Topica

                                                          Cellulite Treatment Market Size Worth USD 3,162.1 Million by 2027 at 11.2% CAGR - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                                                        • Why Golang instead of Rust to develop the Krater desktop app | MoonGuard - Web Monitoring Tools

                                                          Hello! If you have been following our articles, you may remember reading that Krater was being developed with Rust using Tauri. However, this is no longer the case because a few months ago we made the decision to migrate the entire project to Wails (Golang). In this article, we will discuss our experience and why we made such a risky decision to migrate an entire application from one language to a

                                                            Why Golang instead of Rust to develop the Krater desktop app | MoonGuard - Web Monitoring Tools
                                                          • Antipsychotic Drugs Market Size Worth USD 33.59 Billion by 2030 at 5.7% CAGR - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                                                            Antipsychotic Drugs Market Size Worth USD 33.59 Billion by 2030 at 5.7% CAGR - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Antipsychotic Drugs Market Trends and Insights by Generation (First Generation, Second Generation), Types of Antipsychotics (Atypical Antipsychotics, Miscellaneous Antipsychotics Agents), Therapeutic Applications(Schizophrenia, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder) and Region (the Americas,

                                                              Antipsychotic Drugs Market Size Worth USD 33.59 Billion by 2030 at 5.7% CAGR - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                                                            • Delving Into the World of IT Security

                                                              In a time when technology is in every part of our daily lives, IT security has become a top priority in organizational strategies worldwide. This article discusses IT security and its various areas and aspects. What is IT Security All About Information technology is at the heart of our society, which heavily relies on digital tools. While it helps us interact easily and smoothly with each other, i

                                                                Delving Into the World of IT Security
                                                              • Dynamic Digital Radiography

                                                                Dynamic Digital Radiography (DDR) allows you to observe movement like never before. This novel low-dose X-ray imaging technique enables visualization of anatomy in motion. The DDR can acquire up to 15 sequential radiographs per second and play them back as a cine loop,  allowing you to observe the physiological cycle and as individual radiographic images (up to 17"x 17" in size). This advancement

                                                                  Dynamic Digital Radiography
                                                                • The Mystery of the Bloomfield Bridge

                                                                  Why is this bridge here? This pedestrian bridge crosses I-494 just west of the Minneapolis Airport. It connects Bloomington to Richfield. I drive under it often and I wondered: why is it there? It's not in an area that is particularly walkable, and it doesn't connect any establishments that obviously need to be connected. So why was it built? I often have curious thoughts like this, but I dismiss

                                                                    The Mystery of the Bloomfield Bridge
                                                                  • Cingulate dynamics track depression recovery with deep brain stimulation - Nature

                                                                    Patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) experience a wide variety of debilitating symptoms, including persistent negative mood, anhedonia, psychomotor retardation and suicidal thoughts. While many patients with TRD who receive experimental subcallosal cingulate (SCC) deep brain stimulation (DBS) have responded to continuous stimulation with durable symptom relief4,5,6,7,8, the clinical

                                                                      Cingulate dynamics track depression recovery with deep brain stimulation - Nature
                                                                    • Game Boy Emulator for iPhone Now Available in App Store Following Rule Change [Removed]

                                                                      Game Boy Emulator for iPhone Now Available in App Store Following Rule Change [Removed] A week after Apple updated its App Review Guidelines to permit retro game console emulators, a Game Boy emulator for the iPhone called iGBA has appeared in the App Store worldwide. The emulator is already one of the top free apps on the App Store charts. It was not entirely clear if Apple would allow emulators

                                                                        Game Boy Emulator for iPhone Now Available in App Store Following Rule Change [Removed]
                                                                      • Akiya in Japan: How to Buy Cheap Abandoned Houses

                                                                        We have long heard that houses in Japan are expensive. Then, all of a sudden, someone tells you that you can buy a cheap house in Japan. Imagine the waves such a statement will cause. The same thing happened with the Akiya phenomenon in Japan. Akiya, or abandoned cheap houses, has always existed in Japan. However, lately, this has become a buzzword, especially among foreigners, both in and out of

                                                                          Akiya in Japan: How to Buy Cheap Abandoned Houses
                                                                        • GitLab SAFE Framework

                                                                          SAFE Why SAFE? GitLab has accomplished a number of milestones and Transparency has been essential to our success from the beginning. As GitLab has matured, we have evolved to viewing Transparency as both Internal Transparency and External Transparency; accordingly we want to continue to equip team members with the tools to enable responsible transparency in order to protect GitLab and our team mem

                                                                            GitLab SAFE Framework
                                                                          • Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders

                                                                            Engineering Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders — Lessons From Stripe, Uber & Carta Will Larson, a veteran engineering leader and the CTO at Carta, holds three conventional engineering management “anti-patterns” up to the light for a closer look. Whenever Will Larson meets up with fellow CTOs or heads of engineering at other startups, he often finds himself having the same conversatio

                                                                              Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders
                                                                            • Smartwatches, Rings Claiming to Measure Glucose are not FDA-Authorized

                                                                              Español 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) Tagalog Date Issued: February 21, 2024 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers, patients, caregivers, and health care providers of risks related to using smartwatches or smart rings that claim to measure blood glucose levels (blood sugar) without piercing the skin. These devices are different than smartwatch applications that display data

                                                                                Smartwatches, Rings Claiming to Measure Glucose are not FDA-Authorized
                                                                              • Study Japanese and Culture at Japanese Language Schools |Himanshu Jain

                                                                                In the last ten years, the Japanese government made it part of their government mandate to increase the number of foreign students and skilled professionals in Japan. Although the 2020 Olympics have come and gone, the event has created an urgency for companies to increase the number of foreign employees to be able to compete on a competitive global scale. While going to school as a four-year under

                                                                                  Study Japanese and Culture at Japanese Language Schools |Himanshu Jain
                                                                                • GitHub - explainers-by-googlers/prompt-api: A proposal for a web API for prompting browser-provided language models

                                                                                  This proposal is an early design sketch by the Chrome built-in AI team to describe the problem below and solicit feedback on the proposed solution. It has not been approved to ship in Chrome. Browsers and operating systems are increasingly expected to gain access to a language model. (Example, example.) Language models are known for their versatility. With enough creative prompting, they can help

                                                                                    GitHub - explainers-by-googlers/prompt-api: A proposal for a web API for prompting browser-provided language models