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Baumgartner'sの検索結果1 - 32 件 / 32件

  • ホメオパシー新聞12 週刊ポストの記事第6回 本連載が大論争を巻き起こした (「ホメオパシー問題」に私がこだわった理由)に対しての見解|日本ホメオパシー医学協会

    ホメオパシー新聞12 週刊ポストの記事第6回 本連載が大論争を巻き起こした (「ホメオパシー問題」に私がこだわった理由)に対しての見解 週刊ポスト 第6回 本連載が大論争を巻き起こした 「ホメオパシー問題」に私がこだわった理由 ジャーナリスト 国際医療福祉大学大学院教授 黒岩祐治氏 ジャーナリスト 国際医療福祉大学大学院教授 黒岩祐治氏 「黒岩はホメオパシー擁護論者でないといいながら、ホメオパシー叩きのマスコミを批判することによって結局は擁護しているのではないか? 日本最大のホメオパシー団体が予防接種やぜんそくに対する吸入ステロイドも否定しているが、そういう事実も知らないのではないか? ホメオパシー批判の朝日新聞の記事を統合医療潰しの意図があると黒岩は疑っているが、そんな風には思えない記事ではないか?」 上記はNATROM氏などの指摘として引用しています。しかしこれを引用することの

    • Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights

      » Jump into more adrenaline filled aerial action: http://win.gs/MoreAerial After flying to an altitude of 39,045 meters (128,100 feet) in a helium-filled balloon, Felix Baumgartner completed a record breaking jump for the ages from the edge of space, exactly 65 years after Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier flying in an experimental rocket-powered airplane. Felix reached a maximum of speed

        Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights
      • 医療のアクセス制限と補完代替療法の普及。 - ホツマツタヱ。

        軽微な症状なら低コストでホメオパスのような”準医師”が診察し、重症のみを医師が診察するシステムがコストパフォーマンスの観点から見れば良いのかもしれない。まさしく「補完」医療。ただし、現在の日本では患者さんの専門医志向が強く、なんらかのアクセス制限とセットでなければ、こうしたシステムは機能しないだろう。(略)応急処置のページ(P270-271)は素晴らしい。まず、蘇生のABC(A-気道、B-呼吸、C-脈拍)について書いてある。(略)「骨折箇所が手だけのときは、自分たちで病院へ連れて行きましょう」。手の骨折ぐらいで救急車を呼ぶな、ということ。この本は要するに「家庭の医学」なのだ。http://d.hatena.ne.jp/NATROM/20080918#p1ロッキー,アンドルー[ロッキー,アンドルー][Lockie,Andrew] The Royal College of General Pr

        • WooCons #1: 170 Free Web Icons | WooThemes

          Everybody loves a free web icon set and we love releasing these once in a while. After seeing our WooFunction icon set has notched up almost 60 000 downloads thus far, we felt another web icon set was long overdue. So we set out to find an awesome designer to work with us…Similarly to finding Tyler’s work for our upcoming tumblog theme – Crisp – we stumbled onto Janik Baumgartner‘s work on Dribbbl

          • Internet 2012 in numbers

            There is so much happening on the Internet during a year that it’s impossible to capture it all in a blog post, but we’re going to give it a shot anyway. How many emails were sent during 2012? How many domains are there? What’s the most popular web browser? How many Internet users are there? These are some of the questions we’ll answer for you. To bring you these answers, we’ve gone to the ends of

              Internet 2012 in numbers
            • Skydiver Felix Baumgartner breaks sound barrier

              Highlights from Felix Baumgartner's leap into the record books Austrian Felix Baumgartner has become the first skydiver to go faster than the speed of sound, reaching a maximum velocity of 833.9mph (1,342km/h). In jumping out of a balloon 128,100ft (24 miles; 39km) above New Mexico, the 43-year-old also smashed the record for the highest ever freefall. He said he almost aborted the dive because hi

                Skydiver Felix Baumgartner breaks sound barrier
              • FlashBrighton » Blog Archive » how to make actionscript 3 play generated pcm wave data

                Since seeing André Michelle’s and Frank Baumgartner’s wonderful and innovative audio programming efforts, I’m sure many of you are wondering how on earth you can synthesize sound in Flash. Not happy seeing black magic at work, I set out to write an audio library that allows users to create raw PCM audio data and to feed it into the Flash audio subsystem. To start with I checked out the Sound class

                • 第4回 海外のソーシャルメディアプロモーション、9つのトレンド

                  第4回 海外のソーシャルメディアプロモーション、9つのトレンド:【連載】海外事例に学ぶマーケティングイノベーション(1/2 ページ) 9つのキャンペーンを例にとりながら、各ブランドがソーシャルメディアにどのような役割を担わせ、どのような仕掛けを埋め込み、一体何を成し遂げたのかをご紹介する。 2012年、日本でのソーシャルメディアの利用者は、国内インターネット普及人口の半分にあたる5億60万人。20歳から40歳までの世代では、5人に3人が利用している。Webマーケティング研究会では2013年のFacebook利用者が前年比20%増の2000万人に到達すると予想している。 あるべき姿が固定されている従来の広告手法とは異なり、ソーシャルメディアでの広告手法は発展の余地が大きい。新しいメディアであり、ユーザー側も積極的に参画することができるため、メディア内でのコミュニケーションを変化させることが可

                    第4回 海外のソーシャルメディアプロモーション、9つのトレンド
                  • Red Bull Stratos FULL POV | Felix Baumgartner's Stratosphere Jump

                    See through the eyes of Felix Baumgartner as he completes his world record breaking jump from the stratosphere! ► Watch more stratos videos: https://youtu.be/dOoHArAzdug Baumgartner reached an estimated speed of 1,357.6 km/h or 843.6 mph(Mach 1.25) jumping from the stratosphere, which when certified will make him the first man to break the speed of sound in freefall and set several other records

                      Red Bull Stratos FULL POV | Felix Baumgartner's Stratosphere Jump
                    • グーグル上級役員が成層圏から41.4kmの超音速ダイヴ、バウムガートナーの記録破る

                      グーグル上級役員が成層圏から41.4kmの超音速ダイヴ、バウムガートナーの記録破る2014.10.25 12:00 satomi 本日未明、グーグル上級VPのアラン・ユースタスさん(57)がヘリウム気球で成層圏の1番てっぺんまで上って地球にジャ~ンプ! フェリックス・バウムガートナーが2年前に樹立した高度世界記録を破って新記録を樹立しました。 NYタイムズが独占的に報じたところによると、バウムガートナーが上空12万7852フィート(約39km)から飛んだのに対し、ユースタスさんが飛んだのは上空約13万5908フィード(41.4km)。 空中では手足を動かさないように踏ん張り、バウムガートナーの落下スピードを上回る最高速度時速822マイル(1,323km)で落ちまくり、15分後にトンと着地しました。 Google's Alan Eustace broke Felix Baumgartner'

                      • Online advertising - Wikipedia

                        Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, digital advertising or web advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising that uses the Internet to promote products and services to audiences and platform users.[1] Online advertising includes email marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web banner

                          Online advertising - Wikipedia
                        • Felix Baumgartner's GIF from Space

                          Felix Baumgartner successfully jumped from 127,900 feet Sunday -- breaking the record for the highest altitude skydive in the process. But what would an epic jump be without an epic GIF? Thus, we bring you Baumgartner's jump, in GIF form. Gallery of the Space Jump:

                            Felix Baumgartner's GIF from Space
                          • Penquin’s Moonlit Maze

                            Download full report (PDF) Download Appendix B (PDF) Download YARA rules Back to the Future – SAS 2016 As Thomas Rid left the SAS 2016 stage, he left us with a claim that turned the heads of the elite researchers who filled the detective-themed Tenerife conference hall. His investigation had turned up multiple sources involved in the original investigation into the historic Moonlight Maze cyberesp

                              Penquin’s Moonlit Maze
                            • Felix Baumgartner's Test Jump - Red Bull Stratos

                              For more adventure, check out http://win.gs/1graqDm On March 15, 2012, Austria's Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a space capsule from an altitude of approximately 71,580 feet as the Red Bull Stratos project moved forward into the manned flight stage in New Mexico. The 42-year-old rode the space capsule attached to a giant helium balloon above the so-called "Armstrong Line." The goal of the Red Bu

                                Felix Baumgartner's Test Jump - Red Bull Stratos
                              • Space Jump by Felix Baumgartner Dazzles the Social Web

                                The social web had record-setting responses to the Red Bull Stratos space jump Sunday. To start with, more than 8 million viewers tuned into YouTube's live video stream of Felix Baumgartner's leap. A number of Stratos-related topics trended on Twitter, including #SpaceJump, #RedBull and #FelixBaumgartner. We'll keep you posted when we have numbers in from Twitter and other networks about the volum

                                  Space Jump by Felix Baumgartner Dazzles the Social Web
                                • Space Jump Live Stream Already Breaks YouTube Record by 10x

                                  On top of the world record for longest freefall jump, Felix Baumgartner's Red Bull Stratos space jump has already broken an Internet record. More than 7.1 million people are tuning in to watch the live video of the jump on YouTube, setting an Internet video record. According to All Things D, the previous YouTube viewing record was set during the London Summer Olympic Games, when about 500,000 peop

                                    Space Jump Live Stream Already Breaks YouTube Record by 10x
                                  • https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmsctech/45/45.pdf

                                    HC 45 House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy Fourth Report of Session 2009–10 HC 45 Published on 22 February 2010 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £0.00 House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy Fourth Report of Session 2009–10 Report, together with formal minutes, oral and writte

                                    • 日本ホメオパシー医学協会

                                      ホメオパシーの有効性を実証した100以上の論文(エビデンス)がリストアップされています。 ※引用元アドレス http://www.homeopathic.org/content/homeopathy-research-evidence-base-references Aickin M. The end of biomedical journals: there is madness in their methods. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2005; 11 (5):755-7. Aickin M. Participant-centered analysis in complementary and alternative medicine comparative trials. J Alternative & Com

                                      • Geomagnetic reversal - Wikipedia

                                        "Magnetic reversal" redirects here. For switching of a magnet, see Magnetization reversal. Geomagnetic polarity during the last 5 million years (Pliocene and Quaternary, late Cenozoic Era). Dark areas denote periods where the polarity matches today's normal polarity; light areas denote periods where that polarity is reversed. A geomagnetic reversal is a change in a planet's magnetic field such tha

                                          Geomagnetic reversal - Wikipedia
                                        • [レポート]世界記録となった2,500万の同時アクセスを捌いたHotstar.comとその方法 #reinvent [CMY302] | DevelopersIO

                                          こんにちは。DA事業本部の春田です。 本記事は、AWS re:Invent2019の CMY302: Scaling Hotstar.com for 25 million concurrent viewers のセッションレポートです。 The English version is here. 概要 This session focuses on why traditional autoscaling doesn't work for Hotstar (Disney's OTT streaming service), who recently created a global record for live streaming to 25.3 million concurrent viewers. We talk about challenges in scaling infrastruc

                                            [レポート]世界記録となった2,500万の同時アクセスを捌いたHotstar.comとその方法 #reinvent [CMY302] | DevelopersIO
                                          • Skydiver Felix Baumgartner set to break sound barrier

                                            Two high altitude jumps earlier this year were used to test all the equipment The Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner will attempt to become the first human to break the sound barrier unaided by a vehicle. He is going to jump out of a balloon at more than 120,000ft (36.5km) above Roswell, New Mexico. In the near vacuum at that altitude, he should accelerate beyond about 690mph (1,110km/h) within 4

                                              Skydiver Felix Baumgartner set to break sound barrier
                                            • Felix Baumgartner's Space Jump Gave Red Bull Social Media Wings

                                              Felix Baumgartner's Oct. 14 jump from the middle of the earth's stratosphere, sponsored by Red Bull, made social media and space history. The almost 23-mile free fall jump set records, stunning and amazing people around the world, who reacted on social media. Analysis company Taykey examined the chatter from the Red Bull sponsored event and found at the peak of conversation about the skydive, appr

                                                Felix Baumgartner's Space Jump Gave Red Bull Social Media Wings
                                              • Reading Selection List

                                                Menu Home Graduate Submenu Overview Contacts Admissions and Fellowships New Students Graduate Guide to Study General Exam Dates Spring 2024/Fall 2023 Courses Inventory Job Candidates' Handbook Placement Fellowships/ Awards Undergraduate Submenu For Prospective Majors Submenu What is Comp Lit? Careers in Comp Lit Prerequisites Declaring Major Welcome FAQs Departmental Events Contacts For Current Ma

                                                • Felix Baumgartner's world skydive record attempt under way

                                                  Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner is diving to Earth on his mission to break a series of freefall records. His giant helium balloon left the ground at Roswell, New Mexico, about three hours ago and climbed through the sky to more than 128,000ft (39km). Baumgartner then jumped out. The near absence of air at this high altitude means he should break the speed of sound as he falls - a velocity in e

                                                    Felix Baumgartner's world skydive record attempt under way
                                                  • The Top Trending News Events of 2012

                                                    What makes a news story go viral? Perhaps only Google knows for sure. The search giant has released its list of the news events that skyrocketed to the top of their “trending” queries in 2012 (and shared the list exclusively with TIME). These events were the most searched over a sustained period in 2012 as compared to 2011. While many of the top trending stories of the year are somewhat expected —

                                                      The Top Trending News Events of 2012
                                                    • 異次元の戦い 曲芸飛行ヘリコプターと1000馬力ドリフトマシンの壮絶バトル映像

                                                      モンスタードリフトマシンと化した1000馬力の「トヨタ 86」と曲芸飛行用に改造されたドイツ・ベルコウ社製「MBB Bo 105」の対決動画です。一歩間違えば大事故となってしまう陸と空の強力なマシンが接触寸前のギリギリの所でしのぎを削っています。 1. 睨み合う Jakub Przygoński(トヨタ 86) 氏と Felix Baumgartner(ヘリコプター) 氏。いざ勝負! 2. 3. 4. 撮影場所は東欧・ポーランド。トラックに牽引されているのはポーランド空軍の戦闘機です。 5. 周りをグルグルと回れているポーランド空軍。怒っていいのでは……。 6. 真上から見たらこんな感じ 7. 「トヨタ 86」の屋根に取り付けた的(まと)の中心を見事に打ち抜くヘリコプター 8. 何かおもちゃのような…… 9. ラジコンでも勝負する二人。驚くことにラジコンでの動作と同じことを本物で実現してい

                                                        異次元の戦い 曲芸飛行ヘリコプターと1000馬力ドリフトマシンの壮絶バトル映像
                                                      • ホメオパシー出版スタッフブログ

                                                        4月28日 17:30~ TBS系列の『報道特集』の後半の特集で、「精神薬大量処方の暗部」と題して、精神科での薬の大量処方が深刻な事態を招いている現状が報道されるようです。一度に500錠を服用し死に至ったケースなど、なかなか表沙汰にならない診察室の実情を患者遺族らが告白したものです。 5月5日 14:00~16:00 小倉謙氏特別講演「数字で見る精神医学の実像」 という講演がCHhomで行われるようです。 これは本当にやばそうな講演会です。『心の病を売り込む』のDVDを作った「市民の人権擁護の会」の日本支部の方が講演を行うようです。 以下、CHhomのホームページから引用します。 午後には、賢いお母さんは知らないでは済まされない向精神薬(心に使うクスリ)の実態について、市民人権擁護の会世話役で「心の病を売り込む」(日本語版)の制作・普及活動を行っている小倉謙氏に「数字で見る精神医学の実像」

                                                        • Watch a Conservator Delicately Remove Murky Varnish and a Warped Wooden Panel From an Aging Painting — Colossal

                                                          Julian Baumgartner, of Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration in Chicago, condenses over 40 hours of delicate swiping, scraping, and paint retouching into a 11.5 minute narrated video of a recent conservation project. Baumgartner walks the audience through his restoration of The Assassination of Archimedes, which involved cleaning a darkened varnish from the surface of the piece, removing the work from

                                                            Watch a Conservator Delicately Remove Murky Varnish and a Warped Wooden Panel From an Aging Painting — Colossal
                                                          • Go static: 5 reasons to try JAMstack on your next project - Builtvisible

                                                            Whether you’re building a blog, setting up an ecommerce site, or developing a JavaScript-powered single page app, the days of defaulting to WordPress for all but the simplest projects are over. Static site generators and ultra-fast CDN-based distribution are powering a new generation of websites, and the time to embrace this is now. Before diving into the why, let’s quickly look at the what. JAMst

                                                              Go static: 5 reasons to try JAMstack on your next project - Builtvisible
                                                            • First FDA-Approved Study of Stem Cells to Treat Hearing Loss Begins at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital

                                                              Media Contact: Alex Rodriguez Director, Communications 713-704-1222 Alejandra.rodriguez@memorialhermann.org Thousands of children in the US are impacted by acquired hearing loss. The inner ear is easily injured by high intensity noise or by environmental factors like chemicals and viruses. Cord blood stem cells have been shown to migrate to the area of injury to help the body repair itself. Fir

                                                              • 今年の「T3 Gadget Awards」の最優秀ガジェットは『HTC One』 | 気になる、記になる…

                                                                10日ほど前の話ですが、イギリスのハイテク誌”T3 Magazine”が主催しその年ごとに優れたガジェットを選出する「T3 Gadget Awards 2013」の受賞結果が発表されています。 今年の「Gadget of the Year」(今年の最優秀ガジェット)は「HTC One」が、「Innovation of the Year」(今年の最も革新的な製品)は「Google Glass」が受賞しており、Apple製品では「MacBook Air」が「Computer of the Year」を、「iPad mini」が「Tablet of the Year」をそれぞれ受賞しています。 なお、各部門ごとの受賞製品は下記の通り。 Innovation of the Year ・Google Glass Entertainment Gadget of the Year ・Sky+ HD 2T

                                                                  今年の「T3 Gadget Awards」の最優秀ガジェットは『HTC One』 | 気になる、記になる…
                                                                • How Hotstar.com dealt with 25 million concurrent viewers which became the world record #reinvent [CMY302] | DevelopersIO

                                                                  This post is the session report about CMY302: Scaling Hotstar.com for 25 million concurrent viewers at AWS re:Invent 2019. 日本語版はこちらです。 Abstract This session focuses on why traditional autoscaling doesn't work for Hotstar (Disney's OTT streaming service), who recently created a global record for live streaming to 25.3 million concurrent viewers. We talk about challenges in scaling infrastructure fo

                                                                    How Hotstar.com dealt with 25 million concurrent viewers which became the world record #reinvent [CMY302] | DevelopersIO