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Gatesの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 307件

  • Bill Gates now uses an Android phone

    By Tom Warren, a senior editor covering Microsoft, PC gaming, console, and tech. He founded WinRumors, a site dedicated to Microsoft news, before joining The Verge in 2012. Windows Phone has been dead for a good year now, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has decided it’s also time to move on. In an interview with Fox News Sunday (spotted by On MSFT), Gates reveals he’s now using an Android phon

      Bill Gates now uses an Android phone
    • Bill Gates’s Favorite Business Tales, in The New Yorker

      Bill Gates’s Favorite Business Tales, in The New Yorker In 1969, John Brooks published “Business Adventures,” his collection of New Yorker business stories—“Twelve classic tales from the worlds of Wall Street and the modern American corporation.” Now, forty-five years later, Bill Gates, in the Wall Street Journal, is calling it his “favorite business book.” (He says it’s Warren Buffett’s favorite

        Bill Gates’s Favorite Business Tales, in The New Yorker
      • How Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Richard Branson Cope With Stress (Infographic) | Entrepreneur

        { if (value == true) { document.body.classList.add('overflow-hidden'); document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].classList.add('overflow-hidden'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('overflow-hidden'); document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].classList.remove('overflow-hidden'); } }); " >

          How Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Richard Branson Cope With Stress (Infographic) | Entrepreneur
        • Bill Gates: The Last Day At Microsoft | Engadget

          Subscribe To Engadget Today: http://bit.ly/YA7pDT Watch The Latest Engadget Video Here: http://goo.gl/ZYWTn **** More Below **** Bill Gates: the last day at Microsoft Engadget provides the web's best consumer electronics & gadgets coverage. Launched in 2004 by former Gizmodo editor and co-founder Peter Rojas, Engadget now covers the latest mobile devices, computers, TVs, laptops, personal electr

            Bill Gates: The Last Day At Microsoft | Engadget
          • kind を使って Feature Gates を有効化した Kubernetes クラスターを構築する - kakakakakku blog

            Mac のローカル環境で Kubernetes の検証をするときに,お手軽な Docker Desktop for Mac "Edge" を使っている.Feature Gates を有効化した Kubernetes クラスターで検証をするときは minikube に --feature-gates オプションを指定して使うこともある. Docker Desktop for Mac Edge release notes | Docker Documentation GitHub - kubernetes/minikube: Run Kubernetes locally kind 🐳 kubernetes-sigs/kind: Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes より引用 「Kubernetes 完全ガイド

              kind を使って Feature Gates を有効化した Kubernetes クラスターを構築する - kakakakakku blog
            • Bill Gates released another bug in TED2009 | wrong, rogue and log

              Bill Gatesがまた新たな「バグ」をリリースしたのだ。いやソフトウェアについてのことではなく、これは文字通りに。TED2009の講演での出来事である。 Bill Gatesが、The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundationを通じて、ものすごい勢いと資金でこの地球上からマラリアを撲滅しようとしていることは周知のことである。そのGatesがTED2009に登壇し、未だに発展途上国の子供達の三大死因の一つになっているマラリアを撲滅することの重要性と、その活動に多くの人が関わるべきであることを訴えたのだ。その上で、感染はしていないマラリア蚊数匹を会場に放ったのだ。そして "Not only poor people should experience this." と言って、会場の人々の興味を強く引きつけたのだ。単にワクチンや蚊帳を提供することだけでなく、マラリアも蚊も

                Bill Gates released another bug in TED2009 | wrong, rogue and log
              • How can I be as great as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Sir Richard Branson?

                Answer (1 of 433): Donald Trump was once asked how he became a billionaire. Most expected an answer long and sour, but Trump kept it short and sweet: “EVERYTHING in life is LUCK.” THE TRUTH ABOUT SO-CALLED “GREATNESS” I. WHAT OUR FELLOW MAMMAL TEACHES US ABOUT “GREATNESS” The lab rat is dump...

                  How can I be as great as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Sir Richard Branson?
                • The Simple Idea Bill Gates Uses to Hire the Best Employees

                  Luring job candidates to become future employees in the Great Resignation is proving to be a challenge. As workers get younger and more diverse, they come with uniquely different expectations, and companies are now forced to adapt. Conventional wisdom in the pandemic age dictates that employees need flexibility. Bill Gates knew this many years back when he predicted what we now see in most hybrid

                    The Simple Idea Bill Gates Uses to Hire the Best Employees
                  • BBC NEWS | Technology | It's not the Gates, it's the bars

                    Page last updated at 09:22 GMT, Thursday, 3 July 2008 10:22 UK To pay so much attention to Bill Gates' retirement is missing the point. What really matters is not Gates, nor Microsoft, but the unethical system of restrictions that Microsoft, like many other software companies, imposes on its customers. That statement may surprise you, since most people interested in computers have strong feelings

                    • Cover Story: Steve Jobs at the Pearly Gates

                      The New Yorker offers a signature blend of news, culture, and the arts. It has been published since February 21, 1925.

                      • Bill Gates: He eats Big Macs for lunch and schedules every minute of his day - meet the man worth $80 billion

                        With $80 billion, Bill Gates is the world’s richest man. So how does he spend his money? What makes his life worthwhile? And is his a happy marriage? Mary Riddell spends three months with the Microsoft billionaire to find the answers. Microbes fascinate Bill Gates. On his arrival for a recent meeting with Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, Gates is spotted clutching a book on bacteria, p

                          Bill Gates: He eats Big Macs for lunch and schedules every minute of his day - meet the man worth $80 billion
                        • NotFound | Bill Gates

                          Your search for "", with selected filters, does not match any posts. Please try again with a different search term or reset filters. Popular searches include: Books, Malaria, and Future of Food.

                          • Bill Gates at TED 09: How do you make a teacher great?

                            The theme at TED this year is "The Great Unveiling," and it was an unveiling of a sorts for Bill Gates when he gave an impassioned, upbeat talk to a packed hall in Long Beach Tuesday morning. But Bill was not at TED to talk about technology or Microsoft. The rebooted version of Bill Gates is all about changing the world through his own style of philanthropy. Bill is presenting with visuals much be

                              Bill Gates at TED 09: How do you make a teacher great?
                            • Bill Gates氏,米下院にて移民政策の改革や基礎研究への投資増額を要求

                              米Microsoftの会長であるBill Gates氏は米国時間2008年3月12日,米下院科学技術委員会の公聴会に出席し,将来的な革新と米国の競争力について提言した。その中でGates氏は,米国の競争力を保つために,教育の改革,高いスキルを持つ人材を国内にとどめるための移民政策の改革,基礎研究への投資増額の必要性を主張した。 教育については,米国は革新的な技術を開発するスキルを持つ科学者とエンジニアが不足しているとして,科学と数学分野における教育の改革を訴えた。移民政策については,米国企業が優れた人材を雇用できるように改革する必要があると強調。留学生が卒業後に米国で働ける期間を延長するほか,H-1Bビザやグリーン・カードの発給数の増加などを提案している。 基礎研究への資金増額については,議会に対して今後7年間において年間10%増額するように要求。Gates氏によれば,連邦政府による基礎研

                                Bill Gates氏,米下院にて移民政策の改革や基礎研究への投資増額を要求
                              • Gates Signals U.S. Is Flexible on Moving Air Base in Japan (Published 2011)

                                TOKYO � Striking a conciliatory tone on an issue that has divided Japan and the United States, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday that the Obama administration would follow Tokyo’s lead in working to relocate an American air base on Okinawa. During talks with Japanese leaders in Tokyo, Mr. Gates said he also discussed a sophisticated new antimissile system that the United States is jo

                                  Gates Signals U.S. Is Flexible on Moving Air Base in Japan (Published 2011)
                                • Bill Gates - Wikipedia

                                  William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American businessman, investor, philanthropist, and writer best known for co-founding the software giant Microsoft, along with his childhood friend Paul Allen. During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president, and chief software architect, while also being its largest individual shar

                                    Bill Gates - Wikipedia
                                  • Bill Gates Reveals His "Greatest Mistake Ever"

                                    In an interview with Village Global, Microsoft founder and former CEO Bill Gates has revealed his "greatest mistake ever"... Microsoft has made plenty of mistakes over the years, but none greater than fudging its mobile strategy. This isn't my opinion, but the opinion of Bill Gates, founder and former CEO and chairman of Microsoft. In other words, the person that should know. How Microsoft Let And

                                      Bill Gates Reveals His "Greatest Mistake Ever"
                                    • Bill Gates: Vaccine-autism link 'an absolute lie'

                                      Bill Gates: Vaccine-autism link 'an absolute lie' By Danielle Dellorto, CNN

                                      • The Bill Gates Timeline

                                        Here it is, the definitive Bill Gates timeline. It may contain some bugs and lack some features, but it works: from his parents to the last day of his work at Microsoft, the Bill Gates timeline shows his personal and business adventure-on the top-in relation to the tech industry-on the bottom-as his company takes over it all. Click on the image above to access the full high-resolution version. [Bi

                                          The Bill Gates Timeline
                                        • 10 of Bill Gates’s favorite books about technology

                                          Whenever I want to understand something better, I pick up a book. Reading is my favorite way to learn about a new subject—whether it’s global health, quantum computing, or world history. Here are 10 books that helped inform my choices for this year’s list of 10 breakthrough technologies. Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark Anyone who wants to discuss how artificial intelligence is shaping the world should rea

                                            10 of Bill Gates’s favorite books about technology
                                          • プログラミング学習を奨励するビデオ、Gates氏やZuckerberg氏など豪華出演陣

                                            コンピュータ科学教育の振興を目指す非営利組織Code.orgは現地時間2013年2月26日、著名なコンピュータプログラマーが出演する短編ビデオを公開した(画面)。米Microsoft創業者兼会長のBill Gates氏や米Facebook創業者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のMark Zuckerberg氏などが、プログラミングと人生の関わりやプログラミングの楽しさなどを語っている。 Code.orgは、学生がコンピュータプログラミングを学ぶきっかけになればと考えて、豪華キャストのビデオを制作したという。米Twitter共同設立者兼会長のJack Dorsey氏や、米Zappos.comのTony Hsieh CEO、米DropboxのDrew Houston CEOなども登場する。 ビデオはCode.orgのWebサイトで視聴可能。同サイトではさまざまな学習リソースや、コンピュータプログラミ

                                            • 【レポート】CES 2007 - 「ノンPCの世界で増殖するWindowsエコシステム」Bill Gates氏基調講演 (1) Windows Vistaは64ビット時代を拓くOSになる | パソコン | マイコミジャーナル

                                              1月8日(米国時間)よりスタートする「2007 Intenational CES」の前夜祭となるプレキーノートが、7日夜に開催された。プレゼンターは恒例となる米Microsoft会長Bill Gates氏で、同氏のCESでの講演は今回で11回目となる。2007年のスタートを飾るGates氏のキーノートのテーマは「Connected Experiences」。製品やサービスの単なる機能強化にとどまらず、互いをネットワークでつないで情報共有することで得られる「経験」を広げていこうというものだ。 CESでの講演は11回目。米Microsoft会長Bill Gates氏 Vistaのコンシューマ向けローンチまで1カ月を切る 11月30日より企業ユーザー向けに提供が開始されたWindows Vistaだが、今月1月30日にはいよいよコンシューマユーザー向けの製品提供が開始される。コンシューマ向け

                                              • Why Libertarians Should Not Love Bill Gates 日本語訳

                                                リバータリアンがビル・ゲイツを愛せない理由 著者: Eric S. Raymond 日本語訳: yomoyomo、福田 以下の文章は、Eric S. Raymond による Why Libertarians Should Not Love Bill Gates の日本語訳である。 本文は1998年11月16日に公開されており、当時開始した米国司法省とマイクロソフトの独占禁止法をめぐる裁判に対する ESR のステートメントである。リバータリアンとしての ESR が必然的に導き出した意見とも言える。 本翻訳文書について福田さんから誤訳の訂正を多数していただきました。修正が入った箇所は文章全体に渡り、yomoyomo の倫理学、経済学、法学、英語文法の理解の欠如を正していただきました。また福田さんは日本人に馴染みの薄いリバータリアニズムについて著者に質問され、そのやりとりの骨子は訳注に反映させて

                                                • 高梨陣平 on Twitter: "これはスゴイ。Steve Jobsが社内向けに、MSのBill Gatesに助けを求めた取引の内容を確認したメール、取締役会とMSとの間で調整を要したJobsの苦労が垣間見える。 Java、IE、Office for Mac、伝… https://t.co/xXc8pVw18g"

                                                  これはスゴイ。Steve Jobsが社内向けに、MSのBill Gatesに助けを求めた取引の内容を確認したメール、取締役会とMSとの間で調整を要したJobsの苦労が垣間見える。 Java、IE、Office for Mac、伝… https://t.co/xXc8pVw18g

                                                    高梨陣平 on Twitter: "これはスゴイ。Steve Jobsが社内向けに、MSのBill Gatesに助けを求めた取引の内容を確認したメール、取締役会とMSとの間で調整を要したJobsの苦労が垣間見える。 Java、IE、Office for Mac、伝… https://t.co/xXc8pVw18g"
                                                  • Mini Dam Construction With Six Gates Water Discharge

                                                    #MiniConstruction #ScienceProject #construction #dam #Mini #Hydroelectric Great, thank you all for watching my video. Please click subscribe to the channel . Thanks

                                                      Mini Dam Construction With Six Gates Water Discharge
                                                    • Some SEO Advice For Bill Gates

                                                      SearchBot requires a free Search Engine Land account to use, and gives you access to all SearchBot personas, an image generator, and much more! If you already have a Search Engine Land account, log in now. Otherwise, register here! What do you get for Bill Gates, the richest person in the world? How about a little free SEO advice for his new blog? It could use some. Bill, I went looking for your b

                                                        Some SEO Advice For Bill Gates
                                                      • Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

                                                        Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Walter Mossberg and Kara Swisher interview Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Bill: "I'd give a lot for Steve's taste." Steve: "Bill was much better at partnering than Steve Wozniak and I were." We've kept secret that: Steve: "We've been married for 10 years." Bill: "I'm not the Fake Steve." Quotes from memory. Exact text may be wrong. Done

                                                          Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
                                                        • レザンファン ギャテ,Les enfants gates

                                                          レザンファン ギャテはCLUB NYXグループプロデュースのこだわりのフレンチレストラン。 華やかで美しいテリーヌは、他では決して味わうことのできない一品です。

                                                            レザンファン ギャテ,Les enfants gates
                                                          • How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates

                                                            Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. Philanthropist and Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates offers insights into the COVID-19 pandemic, discussing why testing and self-isolation are essential, which medical advancements show promise and what it will take for the world to endure this crisis. (This virtual con

                                                              How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates
                                                            • Gates without Microsoft - FORTUNE Magazine

                                                              Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. All times are ET. Disclaimer. Morningstar: © 2018 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc. 2018. All rights reserved. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its

                                                              • Bill Gates Does This for 10 Minutes 3 Times a Week. So Should You

                                                                Bill Gates doesn't have a lot of free time but he makes sure to meditate as often as he can, usually two or three times a week, he writes in a recent blog post. As Gates has learned, meditation has physiological and brain benefits that have been proven by research again and again. Gates has changed his mind big-time about meditation. Back when he was in his 20s, he writes, "I thought of meditation

                                                                  Bill Gates Does This for 10 Minutes 3 Times a Week. So Should You
                                                                • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Wikipedia

                                                                  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)[a] is an American private foundation founded by Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates. Based in Seattle, Washington, it was launched in 2000 and is reported to be the second largest charitable foundation in the world,[7][8] holding $69 billion in assets as of 2020.[4] The primary stated goals of the foundation are to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme po

                                                                    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Wikipedia
                                                                  • Davos Annual Meeting 2008 - Bill Gates

                                                                    http://www.weforum.org/ 24.01.2008 A New Approach to Capitalism in the 21st Century William H. Gates III, Chairman, Microsoft Corporation, USA Chaired by Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

                                                                      Davos Annual Meeting 2008 - Bill Gates
                                                                    • 【RSA Conference 2006】「デジタル社会に信頼性を」---Bill Gates氏:IT Pro

                                                                      「デジタル社会に必要なのは“信頼(trust)”である。Microsoftでは,サービスや製品を提供するベンダーとコンピュータ・ユーザーに信頼をもたらすような取り組みに力を入れている」---。Microsoftの会長兼Chief Software ArchitectのBill Gates氏は米国時間2月14日,「RSA Conference 2006」の基調講演において,セキュリティに重要であるとする4つの要素を挙げるとともに,同社のセキュリティに関する取り組みを解説した。 同氏が挙げた4つの要素は,「trust ecosystem」「engineering for security」「simplicity」「fundamentally secure platforms」。 trust ecosystemとは,人々とビジネスの間に信頼や責任を生じさせる環境のこと。実世界では当然のように存在

                                                                        【RSA Conference 2006】「デジタル社会に信頼性を」---Bill Gates氏:IT Pro
                                                                      • Bill Gates on Steve Jobs: We grew up together

                                                                        By 60 Minutes Staff July 28, 2013 / 3:00 PM EDT / CBS News Bill Gates on Steve Jobs: We grew up together 05:28 We've seen plenty of Bill Gates on television, but we'd never seen him get emotional before. It was a striking, yet subtle moment in Gates' 60 Minutes interview this week when Charlie Rose asked him about his longtime business rival, the late Steve Jobs. Gates grew emotional as he recalle

                                                                          Bill Gates on Steve Jobs: We grew up together
                                                                        • Bill Gates's house - Wikipedia

                                                                          Bill Gates designed and owns a mansion that overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion[1] incorporates technology in its design.[specify][2] In 2009, property taxes were reported to be US$1.063 million on a total assessed value of US$147.5 million.[3] Design and features[edit] The house was designed collaboratively by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson and Cutl

                                                                            Bill Gates's house - Wikipedia
                                                                          • Feature Gates

                                                                            KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2023 Chicago, Illinois + Virtual.4 days of incredible opportunities to collaborate, learn + share with the entire community! November 6 - November 9, 2023. This page contains an overview of the various feature gates an administrator can specify on different Kubernetes components. See feature stages for an explanation of the stages for a feature. OverviewFeature gates ar

                                                                              Feature Gates
                                                                            • Suga, Bill Gates agree vaccines key for Tokyo Olympics

                                                                              JapanToday Sotokanda S Bldg. 4F 5-2-1 Sotokanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0021 Japan Tel: +81 3 5829 5900 Fax: +81 3 5829 5919 Email: editor@japantoday.com ©2024 GPlusMedia Inc. The Olympic rings are displayed at Odaiba in Tokyo. Image: AP file sports Suga, Bill Gates agree vaccines key for Tokyo Olympics

                                                                                Suga, Bill Gates agree vaccines key for Tokyo Olympics
                                                                              • Melinda Gates goes public - Jan. 7, 2008

                                                                                (Fortune Magazine) -- Years before Melinda French met and married Bill Gates, she had a love affair - with an Apple computer. � She was growing up in Dallas in a hard-working middle-class family. Ray French, Melinda's dad, stretched their budget to pay for all four children to go to college. An engineer, he started a family business on the side, operating rental properties. "That meant scrubbing f

                                                                                • 『水戸 黄門 スロット 女神』|喰 霊 スロット 設置 店舗|2月6日 スロット・God's Temple Deluxe|Gates of Persia|12月 スロット 設定

                                                                                  化 物語 スロット 福岡 変更の可能性あり)▼関連リンク 2017年ルーキーリーグ特設ページ doaxvv Casino. > 5月5日狙いスロット > 高槻 スロット プリモ 新宿 2 スロット Punch Club 水戸 黄門 スロット 女神 渡辺晴人(65分) 【龍】井田有星(58分=大西祐介補)(8月20日) 【グラスポ】市立船橋高等学校 1-5 帝京高等学校 【市】光輝松谷(66分=アシスタント五井貴宏)【エンペラー】石井順太(16分) Book of Oil 24スロットの高画質チャンネル その中でもアーセナルとチェルシーのビッグロンドンダービーは世界的に注目されるダービーマッチです,パチスロ アラジンワンバイベット 30日 イベント スロット 北九州 Captain Shark™ 海 物語 スロット 沖縄 2 代表初選出となったチームメイトのFW杉本健勇選手について「オースト