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  • Lit Launch Day: Lit 3.0, Labs graduations, a compiler and more!

    Lit Launch Day: Lit 3.0, Labs graduations, a compiler and more! It's launch day for the Lit project, and we have a bunch of exciting releases to share with the Lit and web components communities! After several months of development, the Lit team is happy to announce the final release of Lit 3.0 – our first major version since Lit 2.0 in early 2021, the first graduating class of Lit Labs packages @

      Lit Launch Day: Lit 3.0, Labs graduations, a compiler and more!
    • SizeBench: a new tool for analyzing Windows binary size - Performance and Diagnostics

      We’ve recently released a new tool called SizeBench, which helps investigate binary size for compiled native PE files such as DLLs and EXEs. This post will talk a bit about what the tool can do and how we’ve used it inside Microsoft over the past few years as it has been developed. You can download the tool now from the Microsoft Store – just click here to get started: https://aka.ms/SizeBench Tab

        SizeBench: a new tool for analyzing Windows binary size - Performance and Diagnostics
      • How We Built Hydrogen: A React Framework for Building Custom Storefronts

        Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window We’ve been building Hydrogen, a React framework for building custom storefronts on Shopify, for more than a year. We invested in cutting-edge new technology, like React Server Components, to ensure building on the Shopify platform is a terrific experience for developers. Here’s a look behind the scenes at how we did

          How We Built Hydrogen: A React Framework for Building Custom Storefronts
        • How I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it

          Comments (GitHub discussion) Comments (Hacker News) tl;dr: I learned some Vulkan and made a game engine with two small game demos in 3 months. The code for the engine and the games can be found here: https://github.com/eliasdaler/edbr This article documents my experience of learning Vulkan and writing a small game/engine with it. It took me around 3 months to do it without any previous knowledge o

          • Why is OAuth still hard in 2024? | Nango Blog

            Why is OAuth still hard in 2024?We implemented OAuth for the 50 most popular APIs. TL;DR: It is still a mess. OAuth is a standard protocol. Right? And there are client libraries for OAuth 2.0 available in basically every programming language you can imagine. You might conclude that, armed with a client library, you would be able to implement OAuth for any API in about 10 minutes. Or at least in an

              Why is OAuth still hard in 2024? | Nango Blog
            • The modern guide to React state patterns - LogRocket Blog

              When it comes to React applications, state is an integral part of what makes the application dynamic and interactive. Without state, applications would be static and unresponsive to user input. State management is the process of handling the state of an application optimally. It is a crucial part of the development process. In this article, we will take a look at the different state management opt

                The modern guide to React state patterns - LogRocket Blog
              • Init Struct Pattern

                Introduction Let’s talk initialization of complex structures in Rust. There’s a few popular ways to go about this, some of which include the pub fn new() convention and the builder pattern. In this blog post I’m going to compare these, and also introduce a new pattern which I’m going to call the Init Struct Pattern. New The first and most common way to initialize structures is by declaring a funct

                • Neat Rust Tricks: Passing Rust Closures to C

                  One of Rust’s biggest selling points is how well it can interoperate with C. It’s able to call into C libraries and produce APIs that C can call into with very little fuss. However, when dealing with sufficiently complex APIs, mismatches between language concepts can become a problem. In this post we’re going to look at how to handle callback functions when working with C from Rust. Our hypothetic

                    Neat Rust Tricks: Passing Rust Closures to C
                  • 清春 (キヨハル) - バントーのブログ ~V-pedia~

                    いろいろなV系バンドのメンバーの歴史や売上などを調べています。パチンコライターをしているので、時々パチンコの情報や、温泉情報などもあり。 清春 本名 森清治 生年月日 1968年10月30日 血液型 A型 出身 岐阜県多治見市 パート ボーカル、ギター 経歴 →ダブルベッド → SUS-4 → GARNET → 黒夢 → Sads → ソロ → ソロ、黒夢、SADS サポートメンバーなど 三代 堅 … Guitar、Bass → MERRY GÖ RÖUND → THE SHITBABIES → リッツ → M-AGE → GUNIW TOOLS(サポート) → 清春(サポート)、櫻井敦司(サポート) → 清春(サポート)、THE MORTAL、u crack irigaru、青天の霹靂 中村佳嗣 … Guitar → Beet-Sweet → Eins:Vier(Yoshitsugu)

                    • 🔐 Portable Secret

                      🔐 Portable Secret Better privacy, without special software. TL;DR; Portable Secret is a little hack that allows you to: Send encrypted messages/images/files over insecure channels (email, messaging, …) Store sensitive information (passwords, documents) in insecure locations (web, Cloud drives, USB drives) It’s portable because: decrypting these secrets does not require special software! All you n

                      • Eating the Cloud from Outside In

                        Home Ideas Writing & Speaking Book Tactics, Strategy, Principles About Bio, Talks, Photos Subscribe RSS, Newsletter, Mixtape See discussions on Hacker News and InfoQ. I also discussed this on the AWS.FM podcast. Cloudflare launched on September 27, 2010, and every year since, it has made it a point to celebrate ”Birthday Week” with a raft of launches. By far, the show-stopper this year was the ann

                          Eating the Cloud from Outside In
                        • The Linux Kernel Has Been Forcing Different Behavior For Processes Starting With "X" - Phoronix

                          Show Your Support: This site is primarily supported by advertisements. Ads are what have allowed this site to be maintained on a daily basis for the past 19+ years. We do our best to ensure only clean, relevant ads are shown, when any nasty ads are detected, we work to remove them ASAP. If you would like to view the site without ads while still supporting our work, please consider our ad-free Phor

                            The Linux Kernel Has Been Forcing Different Behavior For Processes Starting With "X" - Phoronix
                          • すいませんm(_ _;)mページ変えます【neatとneetの違い】 - 未経験転職

                            すいません。このURLの記事ページを差し替えますm(_ _;)m ごめんなさいでしたぁぁあああ!! 昨日、下記の記事をこのページのURLで投稿しました hukusagi.hatenablog.com で、ニートの記事だったので"neet"とURLに付けるつもりでいたら、"neat"と間違えていました! テヘヘ. (・・*)ゞ ちなみに【neat】は、きちんとした、こぎれいな、こざっぱりした、すっきりしたみたい意味で 【neet】は、Not in Education, Employment or Trainingの頭文字を取った造語です スターとかブックマークとかしてくださった方々に、お詫び申し上げます! 以後、気をつけます!! それでは失礼致しました~

                              すいませんm(_ _;)mページ変えます【neatとneetの違い】 - 未経験転職
                            • On-line Diazepam. Buy Diazepam Using Visa - Furums

                              It is currently November 28th, 2020, 5:59 am All times are UTC-05:00 №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - Buy Diazepam Using Visa -- Click here to buy Diazepam. On-line Diazepam - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa /

                              • MINIX is dead – OSnews

                                Way back in 2006, to celebrate the introdiction of MINIX 3, Andy Tanenbaum, the operating system’s legendary creator, published an introduction article to the new version here on OSNews. I’ve followed along with development ever since, with the last item we ever posted dating from 2015. Over the weekend, a link to the MINIX 3 git repository made the rounds, noting that the last change is dated 14

                                • How we think about browsers

                                  Chrome, Edge, and Firefox all have similar release cycles with releases every four weeks. Graphing Chrome traffic by version from January through April shows us how quickly older versions of these evergreen browsers fall off. We see peak-to-peak traffic around every four weeks, with a two week period where a single version represents more than 80% of all traffic for that browser. This shows us tha

                                    How we think about browsers
                                  • Scripting with Go: a 400-line Git client that can create a repo and push itself to GitHub

                                    Scripting with Go: a 400-line Git client that can create a repo and push itself to GitHub July 2023 Go to: Tech summary | Error handling | Performance | vs Python | Conclusion A few years ago I wrote pygit, a small Python program that’s just enough of a Git client to create a repository, add some commits, and push itself to GitHub. I wanted to compare what it would look like in Go, to see if it wa

                                    • Corecursion and anamorphisms | Whisper of the Heartman

                                      Thomas HeartmanFebruary 17, 2020 · mod: 20:58, March 15, 2020 You know that feeling where you hear about something and you immediately need to look into it? I had that while listening to the most recent episode of Adam Gordon Bell's /Corecursive/ podcast today, where they were talking about where the name of the podcast came from. Up until then I had just assumed that corecursive meant /mutually r

                                        Corecursion and anamorphisms | Whisper of the Heartman
                                      • Calling Haskell from Swift

                                        struct User { let name: String let age: Int } // birthday(user: User(name: "Anton", age: 33)) = User(name: "Anton", age: 34) func birthday(user: User) -> User { // Calls Haskell function... } To support this workflow, we need a way to convert the User datatype from Haskell to Swift, and vice versa. We are going to serialize (most) inputs and outputs of a function. Even though the serialization as

                                        • Zoomで音楽を流すなら音声共有がおすすめ!設定方法と共有時の注意点 | NECネッツエスアイ

                                          Zoomを使ってヨガやダンスなどのレッスンを行ったり、トークイベントを開催したりする場合、BGMとして音楽を流したいと思うことがありますよね。 部屋や会場で音楽を流して拾わせることもできますが、Zoomの機能を活用すれば、より高品質の音声共有を行うことが可能です。 ここでは、Zoomの画面共有機能を活用した音声共有のやり方について解説しています。 音声共有を行う際の注意点などもまとめているので、Zoomでのセミナーやイベントの際に音楽を流したいとお考えの方はぜひ参考にしてみてくださいね。 Zoomで音声共有を行う方法と手順 Zoomで音声共有を行う場合は、Zoomに標準搭載されている「画面共有」機能を活用します。 まずはシーン別の音声共有の手順について詳しく見ていきましょう。 画面共有中に音楽も再生したい場合 スライドショーなどの画面を共有しながら、BGMとしてPC内の音楽やYouTube

                                            Zoomで音楽を流すなら音声共有がおすすめ!設定方法と共有時の注意点 | NECネッツエスアイ
                                          • So Long Surrogates: How we moved to UTF-8 in Haskell

                                            We released a blazingly fast Aho-Corasick implementation, written in Haskell, in 2019. This implementation was based on UTF-16 strings, since Haskell's text library uses that for its internal string representation. However, the most recent major update of text changed its internal string representation from UTF-16 to UTF-8. This is good news for us, since most of our customer’s data is ASCII, this

                                            • Functional programming is finally going mainstream | Hacker News

                                              My experiences with the encroachment of FP into otherwise imperative or OO languages has mostly been:1. Write a bunch of functional code. 2. Marvel at how clean and neat things are. 3. Get customer reports of performance problems. 4. Spend a lot of time ripping out FP components and replacing them with imperative code. The big mistake is in believing there is any value in this- or that-oriented pr

                                              • 10 Super Useful Tricks for JavaScript Developers | by Mahdhi Rezvi | Bits and Pieces

                                                As we all know, JavaScript has been changing rapidly. With the new ES2020, there are many awesome features introduced that you might want to checkout. To be honest, you can write code in many different ways. They might achieve the same goal, but some are shorter and much clearer. You can use some small tricks to make your code cleaner and clearer. Here is a list of useful tricks for JavaScript dev

                                                  10 Super Useful Tricks for JavaScript Developers | by Mahdhi Rezvi | Bits and Pieces
                                                • "Writing a PEG parser for fun and profit" - Guido van Rossum (North Bay Python 2019)

                                                  Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) are a relatively new formalism for describing grammars suitable for automatically generating efficient parsers. I've become interested in using a PEG-generated parser as an alternative to CPython's nearly 30 year old "pgen" parser generator. This poses some interesting problems. I've also come up with a neat way of visualizing the parsing process, which is helpfu

                                                    "Writing a PEG parser for fun and profit" - Guido van Rossum (North Bay Python 2019)
                                                  • NextDNS is my new favourite DNS service

                                                    Finally! I’m happy to report that I found a DNS service that perfectly suits my needs. My requirements are as follows: Low-latency Reliable Available everywhere Support for DoT and DoH Includes ad-blocking and tracker-blocking Customisable Available stats Pi-Hole: sorry, I do leave home sometimes We all know Pi-hole, which is an awesome software. Sadly, it does not fit my requirements. First of al

                                                      NextDNS is my new favourite DNS service
                                                    • Don’t make the mistakes I did moving your design system from Sketch to Figma

                                                      We set out to move our UX tools stack from Sketch, Invision, Craft and Abstract to Figma, Figma, Figma and Figma. After months of planning to replace our UX tool stack, we were finally ready to take the leap. We jumped into a boardroom on a Friday bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked imported every sketch file of every project just to realise: Oh snap our entire design system doesn’t work like it used to…

                                                        Don’t make the mistakes I did moving your design system from Sketch to Figma
                                                      • 【?】赤い羽根募金さん、Colaboが助成金をもらうために提出した全書類を非開示にしてしまう…

                                                        暇空茜さんのツイート アカい羽根募金から助成金をもらうためにコラボが提出した書類は、公にするとまずいから一切出せないらしいです アカい羽根募金から助成金をもらうためにコラボが提出した書類は、公にするとまずいから一切出せないらしいです pic.twitter.com/neAT84wSL7 — 暇空茜 (@himasoraakane) February 10, 2023 fa-wikipedia-w共同募金 共同募金(きょうどうぼきん)とは日本の募金活動の一つ。運営主体は社会福祉法人中央共同募金会。赤い羽根がシンボルの募金であり、一般に「赤い羽根共同募金」「赤い羽根募金」と呼ばれる 出典:Wikipedia

                                                        • 5個もどうする?  five paprikas?

                                                          Expression: sloppy 雑な / refreshing taste サッパリ味 / perfect for ~ ~にピッタリ 人気ブログランキング、今日は何位? Five large paprika were sold for 250 Yen, so I got them without thinking how l would cook them. パプリカ大きいのが5個で250円だったので、何も考えずに買ってしまいました。 I decided to pickle them with hot peppers that I got from my garden. とりあえず、庭で収穫した唐辛子とピクルスにすることに。 Just cut and put them in the bottle and pour vinegar to the edge. Put sugar to t

                                                            5個もどうする?  five paprikas?
                                                          • ノイズ除去ソフト一気比較 - 星のつぶやき

                                                            街なかで天体写真を撮っていると、光害まみれの背景から星雲を炙り出すために、かなり無茶な強調処理を強いられることがしばしばあります。このとき、どうしても問題になるのがカメラのノイズです。 ここで強い味方になってくれるのが「ノイズ除去ソフト」です。最近はカメラのノイズリダクション機能もなかなか優秀ですが、どうしても微光星や星雲のディテールが消失しがち。その点、ノイズ除去ソフトは、PCの豊富な計算リソースを用いることができることもあり、元画像を損なうことなく、きれいにノイズのみを取り去ってくれます。 とはいえ、ひとくちに「ノイズ除去」と言っても、ソフトによってそのアルゴリズムなどは様々。当然、性能の高低やノイズの種類による得手不得手も出てくるはずです。 そこで、代表的なノイズ除去ソフトをいくつか集めて、簡単にですがその性能を見てみようと思います。*1*2 なお、以下の記事では基本的にそのソフトの

                                                              ノイズ除去ソフト一気比較 - 星のつぶやき
                                                            • Common Lisp for shell scripting - simonsafar.com

                                                              ... let's use SBCL instead of bash!. Objective Shell scripts are... just programs. Written in a rather ugly programming language, that was nevertheless designed to be as similar to actual UNIX command invocations as possible (given how it is actual UNIX command invocations for the most part). Using any other language (e.g. Python) definitely comes with some downsides: if most of what you're doing

                                                              • Async Rust in Practice: Performance, Pitfalls, Profiling

                                                                It’s been a while since ScyllaDB Rust Driver was born during ScyllaDB’s internal developer hackathon. Since then, its development and adoption accelerated a lot. We’ve added many new features and published a couple of releases on crates.io. Along the way, we also stumbled upon a few interesting performance bottlenecks to investigate and overcome — read on for more details. First Issue Arises A few

                                                                  Async Rust in Practice: Performance, Pitfalls, Profiling
                                                                • SICP: JavaScript Edition available for pre-order | Hacker News

                                                                  Note to the unaware, both* this version and the classic (Scheme) version are Creative Commons-licensed and freely available online. (*edit: thanks to keithwinstein for enlightening me -- I wrongly thought it was just the one. The publisher's site doesn't advertise this at all!)https://sicp.sourceacademy.org/ (JS version) https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html (1984 classic) h

                                                                  • Swift Program Distribution with Homebrew

                                                                    It’s not enough to make software; you also have to make it easy to install. Apple’s had this figured out for almost a decade. Anyone can go to the App Store and — with a single tap — start using any one of a million apps in just a few moments. Compare that to the all-too-common scenario when you go to install any other random piece of software: Download this gzip’d tarball of source code — oh, and

                                                                      Swift Program Distribution with Homebrew
                                                                    • 「われわれは地球をめちゃくちゃにしている、信じられないほどに…」議論を呼んだロシアの写真 : らばQ

                                                                      「われわれは地球をめちゃくちゃにしている、信じられないほどに…」議論を呼んだロシアの写真 気候変動や環境汚染などのニュースは絶えず、危機的だと頭で理解はしていてもなかなか実感はわかないものです。 「人間が地球を信じられないほど台無しにしている」という写真が、議論を呼んでいました。 We are fucking up this planet beyond belief and killing everything on it. : Reddit, RichardsDrawings - Pixabay Polar Bears feeding on garbage in Northern Russia 😔 shrinking habitats has forced more bears to wander into Belushya Guba for food -photo by Alexan

                                                                        「われわれは地球をめちゃくちゃにしている、信じられないほどに…」議論を呼んだロシアの写真 : らばQ
                                                                      • Introducing 1Password for Visual Studio Code | 1Password

                                                                        In writing software, we’re used to embedding secrets and other configurable values right in the codebase. They might be Stripe keys to power your online shop, webhooks for a custom Slack bot, a Docker username and password for a CI config, AWS credentials, or an API token and host to set up 1Password Connect. Secrets are used everywhere in our code. Sometimes, though, we forget when we’ve been usi

                                                                          Introducing 1Password for Visual Studio Code | 1Password
                                                                        • -=PalShack=- | hax since before it was cool

                                                                          This adventure starts out at Shmoocon, Grifter talked me into going even though at the time I didn’t have a pass and was 299 miles away. Luckily someone had an extra and hooked me up! Additionally, I was lucky enough to be talking with Darren Kitchen from Hak5 about my previous years DEF CON Wireless Monitoring Project and told him that I wished I could create a system that didn’t have to channel

                                                                          • Flappy BirdをAIに自動プレイさせる話 - Qiita

                                                                            こんばんは。りーぜんとです。 今回はFizzBuzzのやつに引き続き、強化学習第二弾ということで、Flappy BirdをプレイするAIを作ってみます。 作成したプログラムは全てGitHubにあるので参考にしてください。 目次 Flappy Birdとは ゲームを実装 DQNで挑戦 NEATで挑戦 結果 Flappy Birdとは Flappy Birdというゲームを聞いたことがある人は多いんじゃないでしょうか。無料でプレイできるのでぜひ遊んでみてください。 とりあえず僕もやってみます。 いやむっず。 鳥が土管を超えるとポイントが入るのですが、結構頑張ったけど5点までいけません。 今からAIを作って5点を突破できれば僕より強いってことですね。ひとまず10点を目標にしましょう。 ゲームを実装 まずは学習に使うゲーム環境を作っていきます。 今回はpygameというライブラリを使って実際に学習し

                                                                              Flappy BirdをAIに自動プレイさせる話 - Qiita
                                                                            • Agile software development is dead. Deal with it - SiliconANGLE

                                                                              In February 2001, 17 middle-aged white guys came together at a Utah resort and hammered out the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. And lo, Agile was born. In the intervening 19 years, organizations of all sizes, from the largest enterprises to the nimblest of startups have attempted to follow the principles of Agile. Agile – spelled with the deific capital A – has informed methodologies, fr

                                                                                Agile software development is dead. Deal with it - SiliconANGLE
                                                                              • 外国人「AIに各国をアニメ悪役風に出力してもらった結果」海外の反応 : 暇は無味無臭の劇薬

                                                                                Comment by LegalCan4801 アニメ悪役風の各国 <アメリカ(America)> <カナダ> <イングランド> <クロアチア> <エジプト> <フランス> <ドイツ> <ギリシャ> <アイスランド> <インド> <イタリア> <日本> <メキシコ> <ルーマニア> <ロシア> <スペイン> <ウクライナ> <オーストラリア> <ブラジル> <中国> Comment by thejazzghost 999 ポイント いや~、メキシコは素晴らしい! Comment by youradhere562 167 ポイント ↑ソンブレロ・タイム Comment by AlkalineSublime 120 ポイント ↑こういう国の擬人化ではメキシコとエジプトはいつもキャラが尖ってる。 Comment by lapinatanegra 5 ポイント ↑リアルにこういうタトゥー入れたい。

                                                                                  外国人「AIに各国をアニメ悪役風に出力してもらった結果」海外の反応 : 暇は無味無臭の劇薬
                                                                                • Julia 1.6: what has changed since Julia 1.0?

                                                                                  Julia 1.0 came out well over 2 years ago. Since then a lot has changed and a lot hasn’t. Julia 1.0 was a commitment to no breaking changes, but that is not to say no new features have been added to the language. Julia 1.6 is a huge release and it is coming out relatively soon. RC-1 was released recently. I suspect we have at least a few more weeks before the final release. The Julia Core team take