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1 - 40 件 / 58件

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Olympicの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 58件

  • Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price

    Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price TOKYO — The finish line of the men’s triathlon Monday morning looked something like a battlefield scene, bodies sprawled out on ground, trainers coming to the aid of overheated athletes, even a few being helped off with their arms draped over shoulders. This despite the Olympics moving the start time to 6:30 a

      Japan's Olympic organizers lied about its weather, and now athletes are paying the price
    • Perspective | Japan should cut its losses and tell the IOC to take its Olympic pillage somewhere else

      Somewhere along the line Baron Von Ripper-off and the other gold-plated pretenders at the International Olympic Committee decided to treat Japan as their footstool. But Japan didn’t surrender its sovereignty when it agreed to host the Olympics. If the Tokyo Summer Games have become a threat to the national interest, Japan’s leaders should tell the IOC to go find another duchy to plunder. A cancell

        Perspective | Japan should cut its losses and tell the IOC to take its Olympic pillage somewhere else
      • 神保哲生 on Twitter: "IOCが、五輪に参加する全選手に、未来永劫IOCを訴えないという誓約書にサインさせてるというところごすごい、っつうかひでぇな。 Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are… https://t.co/tTyTkdtCiv"

        IOCが、五輪に参加する全選手に、未来永劫IOCを訴えないという誓約書にサインさせてるというところごすごい、っつうかひでぇな。 Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are… https://t.co/tTyTkdtCiv

          神保哲生 on Twitter: "IOCが、五輪に参加する全選手に、未来永劫IOCを訴えないという誓約書にサインさせてるというところごすごい、っつうかひでぇな。 Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are… https://t.co/tTyTkdtCiv"
        • It's 7-11 almost 24/7 when it comes to Olympic fine dining | CBC Sports

          When I arrived at the Olympics here in Tokyo I knew it was going to be a challenge to find food. I packed two huge boxes of protein bars hoping they would get me through the first two weeks of the most strict protocols — including not being able to leave our hotel accommodation. Prior to leaving I learned our hotel in Tokyo had an attached 7-Eleven. Now, having never been to Japan before I was una

            It's 7-11 almost 24/7 when it comes to Olympic fine dining | CBC Sports
          • Japan’s Ex-Prime Minister Is Behind This Hateful Olympic Scandal

            Sources involved in planning the Games told The Daily Beast that an Olympic ceremony fiasco was basically Shinzo Abe’s favor to his homophobic, ultranationalist pal and donor. TOKYO—When the Olympics opening ceremony was held on July 23, ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the man who had sealed Japan’s bid for the Games in the first place, was conspicuously absent—but he was there in spirit. Despite mu

              Japan’s Ex-Prime Minister Is Behind This Hateful Olympic Scandal
            • 「国も順位もなし」がスケボーの常識 このカルチャーで「五輪が変わる」 - OGGIのOh! Olympic - スポーツコラム : 日刊スポーツ

              岡本碧優(みすぐ、15=MKグループ)は最終3本目も果敢に難トリックに挑戦し、失敗して泣き崩れた。駆け寄ったのは直前まで決勝を戦っていた各国の選手たち。他国の選手たちに肩車された岡本の表情から笑みがこぼれた。関係者から大きな拍手が送られた。 スケートボードならではの光景だった。選手は1本滑り終わるたびに他の選手とハイタッチし、抱き合った。高度なトリックが決まるとボードをコンクリートにたたきつけて喜び、歓声をあげる。心からスケートを楽しみ、笑顔で滑る。新しい五輪の風景は、テレビを通して伝わった。首をかしげる人もいただろう。しかし、多くの人にはポジティブにうつったはずだ。 スケートボードに国境はない-。もともと国という意識は薄い。プロツアーでも、Xゲームでも、選手は個人で参加する。国歌もなければ国旗もない。国を意識することもない。 実際、多くの選手が米国で滑っている。米国の市民権も持っている。

                「国も順位もなし」がスケボーの常識 このカルチャーで「五輪が変わる」 - OGGIのOh! Olympic - スポーツコラム : 日刊スポーツ
              • Opinion | Why are we still using a Nazi propaganda stunt to open the Olympic Games?

                Amid Covid fears, Tokyo Olympic Games' torch relay kicks off. It should be extinguished. The spectacle risks sacrificing public health on the altar of an Olympic tradition — one established by the Nazis, no less. Yoshihide Muroya, Japanese aerobatics pilot and race pilot, carries the Olympic torch in Minamisoma, Fukushima prefecture, Japan, on Thursday.Issei Kato / Reuters

                  Opinion | Why are we still using a Nazi propaganda stunt to open the Olympic Games?
                • 'Sad, lonely feeling': Tokyo man evicted twice, 50 years apart, for Olympic construction

                  4 minute readJuly 1, 20212:52 PM UTCLast Updated ago'Sad, lonely feeling': Tokyo man evicted twice, 50 years apart, for Olympic construction TOKYO, July 1 (Reuters) - When Kohei Jinno was evicted from his family home to clear the way for the construction of the National Stadium for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, he was sad but proud to contribute to Japan in a moment of national triumph. But when he was

                    'Sad, lonely feeling': Tokyo man evicted twice, 50 years apart, for Olympic construction
                  • Grace Lee on Twitter: "I am the Olympic COVID-19 Liaison for my organization. #Tokyo2020 has so far been a crapshoot and is making me lose my hair: a thread."

                    I am the Olympic COVID-19 Liaison for my organization. #Tokyo2020 has so far been a crapshoot and is making me lose my hair: a thread.

                      Grace Lee on Twitter: "I am the Olympic COVID-19 Liaison for my organization. #Tokyo2020 has so far been a crapshoot and is making me lose my hair: a thread."
                    • The Olympic Games (@Olympics) | Twitter

                      Excellence, respect and friendship 🕊️ ES: @JuegosOlimpicos FR: @JeuxOlympiques HI/EN: @OlympicKhel JA: @Gorin KO: @Olympic PT: @JogosOlimpicos RU: @Olympia_da

                        The Olympic Games (@Olympics) | Twitter
                      • 「国も順位もなし」がスケボーの常識 このカルチャーで「五輪が変わる」 - OGGIのOh! Olympic - スポーツコラム : 日刊スポーツ

                        岡本碧優(みすぐ、15=MKグループ)は最終3本目も果敢に難トリックに挑戦し、失敗して泣き崩れた。駆け寄ったのは直前まで決勝を戦っていた各国の選手たち。他国の選手たちに肩車された岡本の表情から笑みがこぼれた。関係者から大きな拍手が送られた。 スケートボードならではの光景だった。選手は1本滑り終わるたびに他の選手とハイタッチし、抱き合った。高度なトリックが決まるとボードをコンクリートにたたきつけて喜び、歓声をあげる。心からスケートを楽しみ、笑顔で滑る。新しい五輪の風景は、テレビを通して伝わった。首をかしげる人もいただろう。しかし、多くの人にはポジティブにうつったはずだ。 スケートボードに国境はない-。もともと国という意識は薄い。プロツアーでも、Xゲームでも、選手は個人で参加する。国歌もなければ国旗もない。国を意識することもない。 実際、多くの選手が米国で滑っている。米国の市民権も持っている。

                          「国も順位もなし」がスケボーの常識 このカルチャーで「五輪が変わる」 - OGGIのOh! Olympic - スポーツコラム : 日刊スポーツ
                        • Tokyo Olympic gold medal replaced after first got bitten

                          The mayor of softball athlete Miu Goto's hometown prompted outrage after chomping on her medal.

                            Tokyo Olympic gold medal replaced after first got bitten
                          • 動かないオールドリールをレストアして使えるようになるか?【Olympic MIDGET 150】

                            先日、実家に行った際に母親に、古い釣具があるけど処分していいかと聞かれました。 この釣具たちはその昔、父親が釣りをしていた頃に買ったものらしい…おそらく30~40年前くらいのものと思います。 その中からとりあえず、渋い色合いの両軸リールだけもらって帰りました。 テトラポットの穴釣りに使えるかなーと思ったので。 ただもらって帰ったものの、ハンドルは回らないし、メッキ部分のくすみもある状態。 果たして使えるようになるのか? そんなプチレストアの記録です。 外観を観察 エンジ色の樹脂ボディにシルバーメッキ。 ハンドルは白だったのかも知れないけど、古びたクリーム色の樹脂製。 そして、なぜか2カ所ネジがないという…w まぁ、これはサイズの合うネジがあればどうにでもなる。 製品名と思われるその刻印は「MIDGET 150 Olympic Japan」って書いてあります。 オリムピックのミゼット150と

                              動かないオールドリールをレストアして使えるようになるか?【Olympic MIDGET 150】
                            • Joint Statement from the International Olympic Committee and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee - Olympic News

                              They were joined by Mori Yoshiro, the President of the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee; the Olympic Minister, Hashimoto Seiko; the Governor of Tokyo, Koike Yuriko; the Chair of the IOC Coordination Commission, John Coates; IOC Director General Christophe De Kepper; and the IOC Olympic Games Executive Director, Christophe Dubi. President Bach and Prime Minister Abe expressed their shared concern ab

                                Joint Statement from the International Olympic Committee and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee - Olympic News
                              • Olympic Boss Wanted Flame Lit by ‘Pure Japanese’ Ex-Yankee Player, Not Osaka

                                The ex-chairman allegedly told staff that baseball player Hideki Matsui—nicknamed “Godzilla”—would be the right fit because he’s a “pure Japanese man” with a “fighting spirit.” TOKYO—The 2020 Olympics delighted the world when, at the opening ceremony on July 23, biracial tennis superstar Naomi Osaka—with a rose-gold torch in her hand—lit the Olympic cauldron. But that wasn’t the original plan. Acc

                                  Olympic Boss Wanted Flame Lit by ‘Pure Japanese’ Ex-Yankee Player, Not Osaka
                                • USHIKU | 比類なき不正義 | an injustice of Olympic proportion

                                  2022年2月26日(土)シアター・イメージフォーラムほか全国順次公開! “おもてなし”の国、日本――? 収容者たちから語られる胸を突く言葉の数々 この国の“偽りの共生”が暴かれる 彼らに言いたい。 あなたたちは最初の判断を間違えた。 こんな国に来るべきではなかったのだ。 次に詫びたい。 だって僕もこの制度とシステムを黙認しながら下支えする国民の一人だ。 だからこそ多くの人に観てほしい。 観て気づいてほしい。 森達也(映画監督・作家) 「もしこれが自分の家族だったら?」と想像しながら観た。難民を助けるどころか、拘束し、殺す国。アクリル板越しに様々な国籍の人々が登場するが、カメラが映し出すのは欺瞞に満ちた我々日本人の表情でもある。 七尾旅人(シンガーソングライター) 入管というブラックボックスに閉じ込められた難民申請者たちの「人間として対応してほしい」「日本で妻と暮らしたい」という切実な思い

                                  • International Olympic Committee announces plans to move Olympic marathon and race walking to Sapporo - Olympic News

                                    International Olympic Committee announces plans to move Olympic marathon and race walking to Sapporo Cooler conditions for these endurance events are part of comprehensive measures to protect athletes, officials and spectators during the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today announced that it is planning to move the Olympic marathon and race walking events to Sa

                                      International Olympic Committee announces plans to move Olympic marathon and race walking to Sapporo - Olympic News
                                    • Perspective | Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are safe — from liability

                                      The Tokyo Games will be safe, perfectly safe. How do I know? Because Baron Von Ripperoff and the other lords at the International Olympic Committee have assured me so. And the IOC’s assurances are to be trusted, are they not? Just look at them, so authoritative in their dark lapels and gold pins and rimless glasses. They’re as immovable and solid as statues. Any resemblance to the living is purely

                                        Perspective | Olympic leaders are making sure the Tokyo Games are safe — from liability
                                      • Koichi Nakano@Progressive! Channel on Twitter: "【「聖火」「聖火リレー」って日本語の呼称がうさんくさいから調べてみた】 英語やフランス語などでは基本的にそんな言い方は滅多にしない。そもそもOlympic flame(オリンピックの炎)もあまり言わないし、最も一般的な言い方はto… https://t.co/kciicWspUa"

                                        【「聖火」「聖火リレー」って日本語の呼称がうさんくさいから調べてみた】 英語やフランス語などでは基本的にそんな言い方は滅多にしない。そもそもOlympic flame(オリンピックの炎)もあまり言わないし、最も一般的な言い方はto… https://t.co/kciicWspUa

                                          Koichi Nakano@Progressive! Channel on Twitter: "【「聖火」「聖火リレー」って日本語の呼称がうさんくさいから調べてみた】 英語やフランス語などでは基本的にそんな言い方は滅多にしない。そもそもOlympic flame(オリンピックの炎)もあまり言わないし、最も一般的な言い方はto… https://t.co/kciicWspUa"
                                        • The “Legal Epidemiology” of Pandemic Control | Perspective | Protecting Olympic Participants from Covid-19 — The Urgent Need for a Risk-Management Approach | May 25, 2021 | The NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE

                                          • Naomi Kawase’s Olympic film promises to be like nothing you’ve ever seen before | CNN

                                            Naomi Kawase is on her phone in the back of a taxi, squeezing in this interview on the way to another shoot. For a director known for her lyrical brand of filmmaking, she talks at a clip; time is pressing, understandable as the days edge closer to the opening of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Japanese auteur, the nation’s most famous female director, is deep into the production of her official film

                                              Naomi Kawase’s Olympic film promises to be like nothing you’ve ever seen before | CNN
                                            • Watch China W v Thailand W Olympic Games – Handball Women live stream September 23, 2019 – sportmaster2020

                                              Watch China W v Thailand W Olympic Games – Handball Women live stream September 23, 2019 Competition: China v Thailand live China W handball – Thailand W handball live stream China W handball – Thailand W handball live stream Eskilstuna Guif – Önnereds match overview, prediction&tips Recent matches Eskilstuna Guif is playing mutable (in the last 5 games wins – 2). Recently Eskilstuna Guif have a s

                                              • Olympic Opening Ceremony Composer Apologises Over School Bullying

                                                This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/olympic-opening-ceremony-composer-apologises-over-school-bullying-01626509707

                                                  Olympic Opening Ceremony Composer Apologises Over School Bullying
                                                • IOC Statement on gender equality in the Olympic Movement - Olympic News

                                                  IOC Statement on gender equality in the Olympic MovementInclusion, diversity and gender equality are integral components of the work of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Over the past 25 years, the IOC has played an important role in promoting women in and through sport, and it will continue to do so by setting ambitious targets. In the challenging context we live in, now more than ever,

                                                    IOC Statement on gender equality in the Olympic Movement - Olympic News
                                                  • Japan investigates subway death, media says involved Olympic official

                                                    1 minute readJune 7, 20219:22 AM UTCLast Updated agoJapan investigates subway death, media says involved Olympic official TOKYO, June 7 (Reuters) - Tokyo police said they are investigating a deadly incident on the city's subway, which media reports said involved a senior official at the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC). Private broadcaster Nippon Television, citing metropolitan police sources, ide

                                                      Japan investigates subway death, media says involved Olympic official
                                                    • Tokyo 2020 organisers accused of excluding Olympic opening ceremony musician for being ‘African’

                                                      Thank you for registeringPlease refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in Tokyo 2020 organisers accused of excluding Olympic opening ceremony musician for being ‘African’Exclusive: Senegalese percussionist Latyr Sy claims he was removed from Friday’s opening ceremony because organisers did not want an ‘African’

                                                        Tokyo 2020 organisers accused of excluding Olympic opening ceremony musician for being ‘African’
                                                      • Olympic Triathlon 2020: Tokyo Bay Water Quality in Question - Bloomberg

                                                        • Opinion: Olympic leaders misguided in setting new date for Tokyo Games

                                                          Opinion: Olympic leaders misguided in setting new date for Tokyo Games In these extraordinary times, in the midst of sickness and death and despair and uncertainty throughout the world, we now know the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will begin July 23, 2021, one day earlier than they would have started this summer. I care more about the Olympics than anyone I know, but I didn’t need to know that date to

                                                            Opinion: Olympic leaders misguided in setting new date for Tokyo Games
                                                          • Japan’s ruling party accused of violating Olympic charter over LGBT rights

                                                            A decision on a rival LDP proposal that calls on the government to “promote understanding” of LGBT people was postponed, according to Japanese media accounts of the meetings. The failure to back a proposed law to protect LGBT rights was condemned by human rights groups, which said the party deserved a “gold medal for homophobia”, two months before Tokyo is due to host the delayed 2020 Olympics. An

                                                              Japan’s ruling party accused of violating Olympic charter over LGBT rights
                                                            • Two athletes in Olympic Village test positive for coronavirus, the first instances of athlete infections there

                                                              TOKYO — Two athletes residing in the Olympic Village tested positive for the coronavirus, officials said Sunday, the first instances of athlete infections inside the Village, underscoring growing fears about the spread of the virus during the Games, which are set to begin in five days. That means three people have tested positive inside the Village, an area of Tokyo that is closed off to the publi

                                                                Two athletes in Olympic Village test positive for coronavirus, the first instances of athlete infections there
                                                              • Watch Costa Rica W vs Nicaragua W Olympic Games – Football Women Live October 04, 2019 – sportmaster2020

                                                                Watch Costa Rica W vs Nicaragua W Olympic Games – Football Women Live October 04, 2019 Competition: Nicaragua vs Costa Rica live Costa Rica W – Nicaragua W live stream Costa Rica W – Nicaragua W live stream Stratford – Leiston match overview, prediction&tips This match a meeting between a mid-table team and the outsider will be held (ranked 13 and 22 in the zone Relegation). Stratford is in awful

                                                                • Watch South Korea vs North Korea Olympic Games – Handball Women Live 9/23/2019 – sportmaster2020

                                                                  Watch South Korea vs North Korea Olympic Games – Handball Women Live 9/23/2019 Competition: North Korea v South Korea live South Korea W handball – North Korea W handball live stream South Korea W handball – North Korea W handball live stream Eskilstuna Guif – Önnereds match overview, prediction&tips Recent matches Eskilstuna Guif is playing shaky (in the last 5 games wins – 2). Recently Eskilstun

                                                                  • Reconsider this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic games

                                                                    News & Views Reconsider this summer... Reconsider this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic games Editorials Reconsider this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic games BMJ 2021; 373 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n962 (Published 14 April 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;373:n962 Kazuki Shimizu, researcher1, Devi Sridhar, professor2, Kiyosu Taniguchi, director general3, Kenji Shibuya, director41Department of H

                                                                      Reconsider this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic games
                                                                    • Rio 2016 Closing Ceremony Full HD Replay | Rio 2016 Olympic Games

                                                                      📺 Watch all the #Paris2024 action LIVE! ➡️ https://go.olympics.com/watch Watch all the magic of the Rio 2016 Closing Ceremony from the legendary Maracanã Stadium to the world. The perfect end for an unforgetable Olympic Games. Watch our exclusive documentary with the behind-the-scenes of the inspiring storing of how the opening ceremony was put together - "Viva": http://oly.ch/Olympics/en/play

                                                                        Rio 2016 Closing Ceremony Full HD Replay | Rio 2016 Olympic Games
                                                                      • After Tokyo, we should bring the Olympic charade to an end | David Goldblatt

                                                                        The empty seats in the stadiums of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are a blessing in disguise, for the sporting spectacle, no matter how good, will not be able to dispel the fact that this super-spreader event is being held in the midst of an unprecedented public health crisis and against the wishes of the vast majority of the Japanese public. In so doing, the International Olympic Committee – which earne

                                                                          After Tokyo, we should bring the Olympic charade to an end | David Goldblatt
                                                                        • Frenchman starts hunger strike by Tokyo Olympic Stadium in desperate bid to see his kids

                                                                          TOKYO — Frenchman Vincent Fichot began a hunger strike this weekend close to Tokyo's Olympic Stadium in a desperate bid to regain access to his two young children, who were taken away by their mother three years ago and whom he hasn't seen since. Japan is unique among developed nations in not recognizing the concept of joint custody. In practice, its courts almost always award sole custody to whic

                                                                            Frenchman starts hunger strike by Tokyo Olympic Stadium in desperate bid to see his kids
                                                                          • Tokyo Olympic Games: When are they and how will Covid affect them?

                                                                            The Tokyo Summer Olympics have begun, despite a surge in Covid cases in Japan.

                                                                              Tokyo Olympic Games: When are they and how will Covid affect them?
                                                                            • Untitled — Canberra Olympic - Belconnen United soccer live...

                                                                              Competition: Belconnen United - Canberra Olympic live https://rd-alt.hockeyoracle.com/?e=2066581&s=57 https://rd-alt.hockeyoracle.com/?e=2066581&s=57 Gungahlin - Cooma match overview, prediction&tips Gungahlin could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days. Gungahlin will have a mini benefit in this match. Last 13 head-to-head matches Gungahlin won 6 matches, drawn 3 matches, lo

                                                                              • Team Canada will not send athletes to Games in summer 2020 due to COVID-19 risks - Team Canada - Official Olympic Team Website

                                                                                Team Canada will not send athletes to Games in summer 2020 due to COVID-19 risks TORONTO (March 22, 2020) – The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC), backed by their Athletes’ Commissions, National Sports Organizations and the Government of Canada, have made the difficult decision to not send Canadian teams to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in the summer of 20

                                                                                  Team Canada will not send athletes to Games in summer 2020 due to COVID-19 risks - Team Canada - Official Olympic Team Website
                                                                                • IOC welcomes Pfizer and BioNTech’s donation of vaccines to teams heading for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 - Olympic News

                                                                                  IOC welcomes Pfizer and BioNTech’s donation of vaccines to teams heading for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020As part of the plans to ensure safe and secure Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE to donate doses of the companies’ COVID-19 vaccine

                                                                                    IOC welcomes Pfizer and BioNTech’s donation of vaccines to teams heading for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 - Olympic News