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321 - 360 件 / 366件

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Pivotalの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 366件

  • RabbitMQ vs Kafka: Which Platform Should You Choose in 2023?

    Have you ever found yourself standing at a crossroads, trying to decide between RabbitMQ vs Kafka for your Microservices-based system? Have you ever wondered which of these messaging platforms is most suitable for your use case? RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka are well-known solutions in the asynchronous messaging domain, but despite popular belief, they aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions. As a software

      RabbitMQ vs Kafka: Which Platform Should You Choose in 2023?
    • GitHub - pivotal/kpack: Kubernetes Native Container Build Service

      A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?

        GitHub - pivotal/kpack: Kubernetes Native Container Build Service
      • 【天気コラム】梅雨入りはいつ頃なのか(2020/5/23更新) - お天気めがねの家庭菜園日記

        関東や東北太平洋側ではオホーツク海高気圧の影響で日照不足・低温が続いていますね。もはや梅雨寒のような状況となっていますが、そのような天気も今日の午後からは一旦解消に向かいそうです。 となると気になるのが、「梅雨入りの発表はいつなのか」「今後の天候はどうなるのか」といったところでしょう。では、最新の季節予報などをもとに、そのあたりの最新の予測に迫りましょう。 目次 梅雨入りの目安 現在の梅雨入りエリアは 梅雨入りはいつになりそうか この先1か月の天候について まとめ 梅雨入りの目安 梅雨は曇りが続いたり大雨が降ったりと、日々の生活や農業などに様々な影響を与えることから、社会的にも関心の高い事柄であり、気象庁では、現在までの天候経過と1週間先までの見通しをもとに、梅雨の入り明けの日を発表しています。 では、具体的な梅雨入りの目安はあるのでしょうか?理想的には以下の通りとなります。 前々日までは

          【天気コラム】梅雨入りはいつ頃なのか(2020/5/23更新) - お天気めがねの家庭菜園日記
        • VMware、Pivotal買収の意図と今後

          VMwareは2019年8月下旬に開催した年次イベント「VMworld 2019」で、前週に発表したPivotal Softwareの買収(まだ完了はしていない)について説明した。これは同社のこれまでの事業、そしてKubernetes戦略の枠内にも収まりきらない取り組みだ。同買収の文脈を追った。 Pivotal Softwareの買収について、VMware プロダクト/サービス担当COO(最高執行責任者)のラグー・ラグラム氏はVMworld 2019で、「(VMwareが)開発者を助ける存在になる」と説明した。そこで、「将来VMwareは、『ITインフラベンダー』と形容されたくないほどに、開発者を直接助けたいと考えているのか」と聞くと、次のように答えた。 「素晴らしいインフラベンダーであることに誇りを持っている。この活動を広げ、開発者のニーズにも応えたいと考えている。これによって(企業IT

          • Node.JS Use Case: When & How Node.JS Should be Used

            Quick Summary :- If Node.js has ever been on your mind –– or you’ve recently started learning it –– you might be asking yourself: where can I use Node.js? If the stats are to be believed, among three in four software engineers incorporate node either in the full stack or in the backend. With the thumping majority of apps using the popular JS run-time environment, it’s a great opportunity to unders

              Node.JS Use Case: When & How Node.JS Should be Used
            • 他人の技術に興味や関心を持つということ - Line 1: Error: Invalid Blog('by Esehara' )

              暫くスタートアップのお手伝いをしている。最近やったのだと、下のような感じ。 jeffh/sniffer · GitHubを使ってSphinxでDocstringをぶん投げる DjangoとJenkinsを連帯させ、ローカルでテストを廻す blockdiagを使ったモデル関係の整理 Muninを導入して、落ちる原因になってるサーバーリソースの監視 Hipchatを使っているので、GitHubやPivotal Trackerを連携させる Hipchatの遊び心としてHubotの導入 django開発の基礎としてBeProud社の『Pythonプロフェッショナルプログラミング』を薦める そんな感じ。上のことがどれだけ効いているかはわからないけれど、自分が楽しんでやれる環境に整備し、あとは他の人にも「だいぶ楽になったなー」という気持ちになれれば、こっちとしては万々歳。もしかしたら半分くらいは自己満

                他人の技術に興味や関心を持つということ - Line 1: Error: Invalid Blog('by Esehara' )
              • The AI of GoldenEye 007 – AI and Games

                Goldeneye 007: one of the most influential games of all time. A title that defined a generation of console gaming and paved the way forward for first-person shooters in the console market. I wind the clock back over 20 years to learn the secrets of how one of the Nintendo 64’s most beloved titles built friendly and enemy AI that is still held in high regard today. About the Game Upon its release i

                  The AI of GoldenEye 007 – AI and Games
                • Virtual production and the rise of the microstudio | Amazon Web Services

                  AWS for M&E Blog Virtual production and the rise of the microstudio Co-Authored by Hasraf ‘HaZ’ Dulull, Director / Producer (co-founder) of Haz Film. I was recently awarded a spot in Epic Games’ Unreal Fellowship for a deep-dive into virtual media production. Epic Games is aggressively supporting the growth of game engine technology and its use in film and TV production. The Unreal Fellowship is a

                    Virtual production and the rise of the microstudio | Amazon Web Services
                  • Comparing the best Node.js unit testing frameworks - LogRocket Blog

                    Jeremy Kithome Software developer. #MUFC to infinity and beyond! Fortune favors the bold. From tomato farmer to API farmer. Editor’s note: This comparison of Node.js unit testing frameworks was last updated on 3 July 2023 to include the most recent survey data, and other popular testing frameworks, such as Supertest and Webdriver. In this Node.js unit testing guide, I’ll provide some reasons why y

                      Comparing the best Node.js unit testing frameworks - LogRocket Blog
                    • 新型コロナ感染症:喫煙も「高死亡リスク」権威ある医学雑誌に新たな研究結果が(石田雅彦) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース

                      新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)感染症(COVID-19、以下、新型コロナ感染症)の流行が収まらないが、世界的に権威のある医学雑誌に心血管疾患やCOPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)の患者とともに喫煙者の死亡リスクが高いという新たな研究結果が出た(この記事は2020/05/03の情報に基づいて書いています)。 喫煙は心血管疾患のリスクを上げる 喫煙と新型コロナ感染症の関係については、重症化リスクがあるという研究結果がすでにかなり出ている(※1)。掲載は著名なジャーナルも多く、査読付きではない論文は枚挙に暇がない。 また、加熱式を含むタバコ製品にニコチンは必ず入っているが、最近になってニコチンとその受容体(α7-nAChR)が細胞へウイルスの侵入を促進し、新型コロナ感染症の感染リスクを上げるのではないかという仮説(※2)も出ている。 一方、タバコを吸うと感染しにくいのではという仮説(※3)も

                        新型コロナ感染症:喫煙も「高死亡リスク」権威ある医学雑誌に新たな研究結果が(石田雅彦) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
                      • タコイチの《今週の狙い馬》2頭目! - 競馬サラリーマン タコイチ

                        いつも当ブログをご覧頂き有難うございます。 それでは、タコイチの《今週の狙い馬》2頭目 をお届けします! では2頭目は・・・ 新潟 9R   岩室温泉特別 9月 1日 (日) 3歳上2勝クラス   定量   ダート1200m   登録33頭 引用 : netkeiba.com - 国内最大級の競馬情報サイト 《今週の狙い馬》  マラードザレコード 通算 2-3-4-8   三浦皇成  騎乗予定   栗東 : 鈴木厩舎 17戦2勝の Pivotal 産駒の5歳セン馬です。 ブリンカーの効果で、持ち前の先行力に磨きのかかった2走前の阪神ダート1400m の6Fの通過タイムが、1分10秒8というかなり速いタイムだった事を踏まえると、圧勝すらあるかと考えていた前走中京ダート1200m の 1勝クラス ですが、2着馬の ヒロシゲグローリー の粘りにはチョット手を焼きましたね。 残り100m 地点で先

                          タコイチの《今週の狙い馬》2頭目! - 競馬サラリーマン タコイチ
                        • First look at Cloud Native Buildpacks support in Spring Boot 2.3 Milestone 1

                          Yesterday (January 23, 2020), Spring Boot 2.3.0 M1 was released. One of the highlights in this milestone is the support for building OCI images using Cloud Native Buildpacks. Build a (Docker) image for your Spring Boot application in minutes! You can find the complete example project used in this blog post at my Github account. Update: Spring Boot 2.3 has been released Friday, May 15th. So please

                            First look at Cloud Native Buildpacks support in Spring Boot 2.3 Milestone 1
                          • Spring Tool Suite に Pivotal tc server Developer Edition が見当たらない - Qiita

                            Spring Tool Suite に Pivotal tc server Developer Edition が見当たらないJavaspringSTS 背景 仕事でSpring(Bootではない)を使うことになった。 Spring Framework 5を使って学習中。 書籍内で使用しているサーバーが見当たらない・・ 開発環境 macOS Mojave Spring Tool Suite 3.9.7(STS, 英語表記) 症状 (デフォルトだと)左下の Servers ビューに表示されているはずの「Pivotal tc Server Developer Edition」が表示されていない。 書籍の説明によると、STSに同梱されており、デフォルトで表示されるらしいのだが・・ なにやらワークスペースをデフォルトから変更すると、表示されなくなるらしい。 解決方法 Server のインストール

                              Spring Tool Suite に Pivotal tc server Developer Edition が見当たらない - Qiita
                            • Rare Unseen Photos of 1970s Tokyo Look Like They’re Straight Out of Science Fiction

                              Unseen Photos of 1970s Tokyo Look Like They’re Straight Out of Science Fiction Photographer Greg Girard is known for his explorations of Asian cities like Hong Kong and Shanghai, but a newly published series of photographs reveals a pivotal moment early in his career. Several years in Tokyo during the mid- to late-1970s not only helped develop Girard's photography but also give the public a rare g

                                Rare Unseen Photos of 1970s Tokyo Look Like They’re Straight Out of Science Fiction
                              • Tariq Islam | Docker's Second Death

                                I do enterprise cloud stuff at Google, also at k8sfiles.com. Words are my own. Feels Like ForeverPerhaps not quite forever, but the history with Docker feels really long in good and bad ways. I had joined Red Hat in the summer of 2015, the same summer that OpenShift 3.0 went GA. This was a remarkable event because it marked a redesign of the platform onto Kubernetes which itself had just gone to v

                                • Pas Cher Zoloft. Vente Zoloft Sans Prescription. - Council for Children's Rights

                                  Home › Forums › State of Our Children Report Forum › Pas Cher Zoloft. Vente Zoloft Sans Prescription. Pharmacie européenne Pas Cher Zoloft — http://url-qr.tk/Zoloft — Cliquez ici – Allez à la pharmacie – Anonymat complet – Qualité pharmaceutique et dosage. – Nous vous rembourserons l’argent si les marchandises ne vous conviennent pas. – Expédition mondiale rapide garantie. – Différentes méthodes d

                                  • VMware Tanzu Completes the Modern Applications Picture

                                    Last Thursday, I wrote about VMware’s definitive agreement to acquire Pivotal. We’re really excited to fully join forces, but as I foreshadowed it is one element in our larger strategy to help customers build modern applications, run Kubernetes consistently across environments and manage it all from a single point of control. On Monday at VMworld, we put a name to that strategy—VMware Tanzu is our

                                      VMware Tanzu Completes the Modern Applications Picture
                                    • Unveiling the Majestic Queensboro Bridge: Exploring Its History, Beauty, and Hidden Gems - DmiAttic’s blog

                                      What is the significance of the Queensboro Bridge? The Queensboro Bridge, also known as the 59th Street Bridge or the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge, holds great significance in the history, infrastructure, and culture of New York City. Here are some key points highlighting its significance: Transportation Hub: The Queensboro Bridge serves as a vital transportation link, connecting the borough of Queen

                                        Unveiling the Majestic Queensboro Bridge: Exploring Its History, Beauty, and Hidden Gems - DmiAttic’s blog
                                      • Statement Against Stephanie Kelton's Meeting With the Far Right in Japan

                                        Democratic Socialists of America's Libertarian Socialist Caucus The Libertarian Socialist Caucus (LSC) of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) aspires to create a socialist society freed from all forms of hierarchy and domination. We see fascism as the ultimate manifestation of hierarchy, domination, and authoritarianism, and our commitment to antifascist organizing is an outgrowth of our le

                                          Statement Against Stephanie Kelton's Meeting With the Far Right in Japan
                                        • Policy Roundtable: The Future of Japanese Security and Defense - Texas National Security Review

                                          In this roundtable, which grew out of a conference on maritime strategy in the Indo-Pacific region sponsored jointly by the United States Naval War College, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces Maritime Command and Staff College, and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, our contributors examine growing Japanese defense capabilities and aspirations. The authors examine the impact of a more robust Japan

                                            Policy Roundtable: The Future of Japanese Security and Defense - Texas National Security Review
                                          • A Guide to Q-Learning

                                            Q-learning stands out in machine learning as a pivotal technique that helps algorithms make optimal decisions by learning from their experiences. Introduction Imagine training a robot to navigate a maze. Now, think of teaching a computer to master chess. This is the realm where Q-learning becomes crucial. Q-learning doesn’t give machines specific instructions on decision-making. Rather, it lets th

                                              A Guide to Q-Learning
                                            • Business Cards in Japan: How to Properly Exchange Your Business Card

                                              Business cards, known as meishi (名刺), are fundamental to good business relations and professional etiquette in Japan. As you may expect, the exchange of business cards, meishi kokan (名刺交換), is a very delicate process with set guidelines that need to be respected. Business cards are significant in Japanese work culture, and Japanese people are very sensitive about your respect for their business ca

                                                Business Cards in Japan: How to Properly Exchange Your Business Card
                                              • RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language

                                                RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language Obituary Professor Kathleen Booth, one of the last of the early British computing pioneers, has died. She was 100. Kathleen Hylda Valerie Britten was born in Worcestershire, England, on July 9, 1922. During the Second World War, she studied at Royal Holloway, University of London, where she got a BSc in mathematics in 1944. After graduating, s

                                                  RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language
                                                • aczone alternative. NO PRESCRIPTION Overnight Buy - OTS News forum

                                                  №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - NO PRESCRIPTION Overnight Buy -- Click here formore info - aczone alternative - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy - Fast delivery and complete anonymity

                                                  • Using LoRA for Efficient Stable Diffusion Fine-Tuning

                                                    LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models is a novel technique introduced by Microsoft researchers to deal with the problem of fine-tuning large-language models. Powerful models with billions of parameters, such as GPT-3, are prohibitively expensive to fine-tune in order to adapt them to particular tasks or domains. LoRA proposes to freeze pre-trained model weights and inject trainable la

                                                      Using LoRA for Efficient Stable Diffusion Fine-Tuning
                                                    • Dockerfile不要!Cloud Native BuildpacksでLaravelアプリケーションのコンテナイメージを作成する|Laravel|PHP|開発ブログ|株式会社Nextat(ネクスタット)

                                                      top > 開発ブログ > PHP > Laravel > Dockerfile不要!Cloud Native BuildpacksでLaravelアプリケーションのコンテナイメージを作成する こんにちは、ナカエです。 本日はCloud Native Buildpacksについての記事です。 Buildpacksは簡単に言えばDockerfileを書かずにアプリケーションのコードからコンテナイメージを作成できる仕組みです。元はPaaSで有名なHerokuで考案され、Cloud Foundryや他のPaaSでも利用されてきました。 Herokuにコードをデプロイするだけでアプリケーションが動くのは、裏でこのBuildpacksが活躍していたおかげなんですね。 HerokuとCloud Foundryで差異があった仕様を統一し、アプリケーションコードからOCIイメージを作成する仕様として標準化

                                                      • Developing a hierarchical model for unraveling conspiracy theories - EPJ Data Science

                                                        Research Open access Published: 16 April 2024 Developing a hierarchical model for unraveling conspiracy theories Mohsen Ghasemizade ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0008-5758-16581 & Jeremiah Onaolapo1 EPJ Data Science volume 13, Article number: 31 (2024) Cite this article A conspiracy theory (CT) suggests covert groups or powerful individuals secretly manipulate events. Not knowing about existing conspiracy

                                                          Developing a hierarchical model for unraveling conspiracy theories - EPJ Data Science
                                                        • Microsoft Build 2024 Book of News

                                                          Welcome to Microsoft Build, our annual flagship event for developers, and to this year’s edition of the Book of News. Here, you’ll discover about 60 announcements, ranging from the latest AI features for Windows to the expansion of Microsoft Copilot and its new capabilities alongside novel tools for developers and cost-efficient and user-friendly cloud solutions for innovation. As we convene for M

                                                            Microsoft Build 2024 Book of News
                                                          • JWT (JSON Web Token) (in)security - research.securitum.com

                                                            research.securitum.com securitum.com vulnerabilities researches and cyber security education publications JWT (JSON Web Token) is a mechanism that is often used in REST APIs it can be found in popular standards, such as OpenID Connect, but we will also encounter it sometimes using OAuth2. It is used both in large companies and smaller organisations. There are many libraries available that support

                                                              JWT (JSON Web Token) (in)security - research.securitum.com
                                                            • 【Spring】Beanのライフサイクル〜生成から破棄まで〜 - Qiita

                                                              概要 この記事ではBeanのライフサイクルについてまとめています。 割と内部のお話です。 以下のキーワードは知っている前提で進めます。 Bean DI(Dependency Injection) ちなみに先日pivotalが主催するSpring Professional v5.0 Examを受けたのでそのときに勉強した内容のまとめです。 Beanのライフサイクルは大きく3つに分かれます。 1. 初期化フェーズ 2. 利用フェーズ 3. 終了フェーズ 初期化フェーズ このフェーズでは主に Bean定義読み込み・書き換え Bean生成&DI 初期化処理 を行います。 このフェーズが最も複雑です。 大まかな流れはこんな感じ では詳しく見ていきましょう。 Bean定義の読み込み まずBeanの生成に必要な情報の読み込みが行われます。 @Configurationの書かれたJava Config @

                                                                【Spring】Beanのライフサイクル〜生成から破棄まで〜 - Qiita
                                                              • Internet Archive 25th Anniversary – Universal Access to All Knowledge

                                                                Celebrate the Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary! As the Internet Archive turns 25, we invite you on a journey from way back to way forward, through the pivotal moments when knowledge became more accessible for all. On this anniversary page you can: watch our virtual celebration create a video anniversary message tweet about how the Internet Archive has enhanced your life & work dive deep into ou

                                                                • siteSakamoto

                                                                  A Coda to Ryuichi Sakamoto’s 595 NFTs Project By Eiichi Yoshimura Nearly a quarter-century ago, Ryuichi Sakamoto introduced Music on Internet, a paper presented at the Internet Conference ’97 in Yokohama, with a prescient prediction for music at the dawn of the Internet age: “To date, musicians have primarily relied on CDs, concerts, and the mass media (TV etc.) to reach the ears of listeners. How

                                                                  • My $500M Mars Rover Mistake: A Failure Story — Chris Lewicki

                                                                    Spirit (left), Opportunity (right) and Marie Curie (flight spare to Sojourner rover), Monday Feb 10, 2003. PIA04422 Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech Disassembling and inspecting motor components after each round of environmental testing is not practical. However, we can check their internal condition by examining their electrical performance. To do this, using a device called a break-out-box, we disconne

                                                                      My $500M Mars Rover Mistake: A Failure Story — Chris Lewicki
                                                                    • A Guide to Gradient Descent in Machine Learning

                                                                      In machine learning, optimizing the learning models is a critical step. This is where Gradient Descent emerges as a central optimizing algorithm. What is Gradient Descent? Machine learning hinges on creating models that predict outcomes from various inputs. However, these models don’t start perfectly; they initially operate on random parameters, which are not ideal for making accurate predictions.

                                                                        A Guide to Gradient Descent in Machine Learning
                                                                      • Pfizer and BioNTech Confirm High Efficacy and No Serious Safety Concerns Through Up to Six Months Following Second Dose in Updated Topline Analysis of Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Study | Pfizer

                                                                        Analysis of 927 confirmed symptomatic cases of COVID-19 demonstrates BNT162b2 is highly effective with 91.3% vaccine efficacy observed against COVID-19, measured seven days through up to six months after the second doseVaccine was 100% effective in preventing severe disease as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and 95.3% effective in preventing severe disease as defined

                                                                        • 2024年、Gmailと米Yahooによる "No Auth, No Entry" 等 - 朝から昼寝

                                                                          概要 2023年10月、Google (Gmail) と米Yahoo (※) から、メール送信者向けのルール強化についての発表がありました。 2024年初旬に、それら2社が提供するメールサービスに対して送信した電子メールを受け取ってもらうための必須要件が追加されるというものです。 これは、大手メールボックスプロバイダー (MBP) において、送信ドメイン認証の必須化、いわゆる "No Auth, No Entry" が適用される格好であり、メールサービスに関わる人が把握しておくべき変化かと思います。 本記事では、Googleと米Yahooの発表内容や、M3AAWGのコメントをまとめておきます。 (※) アメリカのYahooの話なので、日本のYahoo! Japan (LINEヤフー株式会社) が提供するメールサービス (@yahoo.co.jp) のことではありません。 SPF、DKIM、

                                                                            2024年、Gmailと米Yahooによる "No Auth, No Entry" 等 - 朝から昼寝
                                                                          • A review of _Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps_ - Keunwoo Lee's Minimum Viable Homepage

                                                                            Keunwoo Lee's Minimum Viable Homepage A review of Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps 2022-06-07 Summary N. Forsgren, J. Humble, G. Kim. Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations. IT Revolution Press, 2018. Accelerate is an influential book of advice for building and delivering software. I’m a practicing softw

                                                                            • ‘Amazing’ Math Bridge Extended Beyond Fermat’s Last Theorem

                                                                              When Andrew Wiles proved Fermat’s Last Theorem in the early 1990s, his proof was hailed as a monumental step forward not just for mathematicians but for all of humanity. The theorem is simplicity itself — it posits that xn + yn = zn has no positive whole-number solutions when n is greater than 2. Yet this simple claim tantalized legions of would-be provers for more than 350 years, ever since the F

                                                                                ‘Amazing’ Math Bridge Extended Beyond Fermat’s Last Theorem
                                                                              • Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (Official Video 2019)

                                                                                “What’s Going On” (Deluxe Edition/50th Anniversary) Available Now! Listen Here: https://marvingaye.lnk.to/WhatsGoingOnDeluxe ‘What’s Going On Live’ Album Out Now! Listen Here: https://UMe.lnk.to/WhatsGoingOnLiveYD Hitsville: The Making Of Motown (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Available Now! Get it here: https://motown.lnk.to/Hitsville For more Marvin Gaye news and merchandise: Marvin

                                                                                  Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (Official Video 2019)
                                                                                • 【BMJ】COVID-19 ファイザー社のワクチン試験におけるデータインテグリティ問題を研究者が内部告発(2021.11.7作成)

                                                                                  リンク The BMJ Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports In autumn 2020 Pfizer’s chairman and chief exec 5 users 85958 Alzhacker @Alzhacker 研究機関である

                                                                                    【BMJ】COVID-19 ファイザー社のワクチン試験におけるデータインテグリティ問題を研究者が内部告発(2021.11.7作成)