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RESTの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 82件

  • 『現場のPython』を読んでPythonでWeb Appを作るために必要なものが大体わかった気になった - 空の箱

    書籍はこちら。 現場のPython──Webシステム開発から、機械学習・データ分析まで Web+DB PRESS plus 作者:altnight,石上 晋,delhi09,鈴木 たかのり,斎藤 努技術評論社Amazon 元々WEB+DB PRESS plus で連載されていた内容をまとめた本。連載期間は2020年6月〜2023年8月のものだったらしいけど、書籍化にあたって加筆されているらしい。 初版の発行は2024年9月と最近である。 この本を読もうと思った経緯 仕事で少しだけPythonを使うことになったから。作るものは簡単なツールだったんだけど、それにあたって環境周りやらLinter、Formatterとかは最近は何を使うといんだろう?っていうのをキャッチアップしたかった。 こればっかりはとっかかりがないことにはドキュメントを見に行くこともできないので、いい感じにまとめられてる情報を

      『現場のPython』を読んでPythonでWeb Appを作るために必要なものが大体わかった気になった - 空の箱
    • Findyの爆速開発を支えるタスク分解 - Findy Tech Blog

      こんにちは。 ファインディ で Tech Lead をやらせてもらってる戸田です。 既に皆さんも御存知かと思いますが、弊社では開発生産性の向上に対して非常に力を入れています。 以前公開した↓の記事で、弊社の高い開発生産性を支えている取り組み、技術についてお話させていただきました。 tech.findy.co.jp ありがたいことに、この記事を多くの方に読んでいただき反響をいただいております。 そこで今回は、↑の記事でも紹介されている「タスク分解」について更に深堀りしてお話しようと思います。 タスク分解は、弊社にJOINしたら最初に必ず覚えてもらう最重要テクニックの中の1つです。 それでは見ていきましょう! タスク分解とは メリット 事前に対応方針の認識を合わせやすくなる Pull requestの粒度を適切に保つことが出来る 進捗管理、引き継ぎをしやすくなる タスクの作り方 具体例 良いタ

        Findyの爆速開発を支えるタスク分解 - Findy Tech Blog
      • 詳細解説:標準準拠システムデータ連携 | Amazon Web Services

        Amazon Web Services ブログ 詳細解説:標準準拠システムデータ連携 こんにちは。 AWS パブリックセクター技術統括本部の押川です。 本ブログは、「詳細解説」シリーズの一つとして、標準準拠システムの AWS 上でのデータ連携について解説いたします。ぜひご検討の際に参考にしていただければと思います。 本ブログは以下の内容で構成されています。 庁内データ連携機能とは 2つの連携方式とデータ連携の要件 認証認可について AWS 上での実現方法 認証認可サーバーが必要な場合 認証認可サーバーが必要でない場合 異なる CSP またはオンプレミスとのファイル連携をする場合の認可を行う各方法のまとめ まとめ ガバメントクラウドでの業務システム構築を支援する中でよくご質問をいただく項目については、ガバメントクラウド活用のヒント『見積もりで注意すべきポイント』をはじめとする「ガバメントクラ

          詳細解説:標準準拠システムデータ連携 | Amazon Web Services
        • I quit my job to work on my programming language

          I did it. On Wednesday, I will hand in my badge and gun, so to speak, and dedicate the rest of 2025 to shipping my programming language, jank. It's been a long time coming, and actually a gradual transition, but how did we get here? The start of jankTen years ago, to the month, I started tinkering with programming language design and compiler development. At that point, I was deep into C++ and my

            I quit my job to work on my programming language
          • Ruby 2.7のここがすごい! パターンマッチ、コンパクションGCなどをリリースマネージャーに聞いた|ハイクラス転職・求人情報サイト AMBI(アンビ)

            Ruby 2.7のここがすごい! パターンマッチ、コンパクションGCなどをリリースマネージャーに聞いた 2019年12月25日にリリースされたばかりのRuby 2.7では、どのような機能がどういった経緯で採用されているのでしょう。リリースマネージャーのnaruseさんと、フルタイムコミッターのmameさんに詳しくうかがいました。 まつもとさんはとにかく忙しくて 実はすごいirbの改良 パターンマッチはRubyをどう変えるか キーワード引数は、端的に壊れていたのを大整理した 高速化に向けたいくつかの観点 Ruby 2.7で導入される「コンパクションGC」とは Ruby 3のビジョンは「静的解析」「並行並列」「JIT」 プログラミング言語Rubyには、クリスマス前後に新しいバージョンをリリースする伝統があり、2013年の2.1.0以降は毎年12月25日にメジャーバージョンアップが行われています

              Ruby 2.7のここがすごい! パターンマッチ、コンパクションGCなどをリリースマネージャーに聞いた|ハイクラス転職・求人情報サイト AMBI(アンビ)
            • Cloudflare、11月に大規模インシデント発生、ログ消失に至る

              Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...

              • More Speech and Fewer Mistakes | Meta

                Meta’s platforms are built to be places where people can express themselves freely. That can be messy. On platforms where billions of people can have a voice, all the good, bad and ugly is on display. But that’s free expression. In his 2019 speech at Georgetown University, Mark Zuckerberg argued that free expression has been the driving force behind progress in American society and around the worl

                  More Speech and Fewer Mistakes | Meta
                • Why I Chose Common Lisp — Dan's Musings

                  Goodbye, Clojure After ~7 years, I was done with Clojure. I was writing a some CLI apps, and I hated how long they took to start up. The community at large seemed not to care about this problem, except for the babashka folks. However, I spent long, hard hours banging my head against native-image and it just wasn't working out. It was incredibly painful, and at the end of it, I still didn't have st

                  • Highlights from Git 2.48

                    The open source Git project just released Git 2.48 with features and bug fixes from over 93 contributors, 35 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.47 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here is GitHub’s look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since last time. Faster SHA-1s without compromising security When we publish

                      Highlights from Git 2.48
                    • LLMの脆弱性を無料で診断できるツールGarakが登場 多岐にわたる機能を提供

                      GBHackers on Securityは2025年1月6日(現地時間)、オープンソースソフトウェア(OSS)のLLM(大規模言語モデル)脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性スキャナー「Garak」を開始した。 GarakはAIシステムのセキュリティや信頼性を向上させるための無料ツールとされ、特にセキュリティ研究者やAI開発者、AI倫理の専門家にとって重要なツールとして注目されている。 LLMの脆弱性を無料で診断できるツールGarak 幅広い機能を提供 Garakは、ハルシネーション(幻覚)やデータ漏えい、プロンプトインジェクション、誤情報生成、ポイズニングの発生といったLLM特有の脆弱性を体系的に特定する機能を備えている。 Hugging FaceやOpenAI、Replicate、Cohere、NVIDIA NIM、OctoAI、Groqといった主要なAIプラットフォームに対応しており、APIベース

                        LLMの脆弱性を無料で診断できるツールGarakが登場 多岐にわたる機能を提供
                      • Can you reverse a Coinbase transaction? Notes | Knowt

                        Coinbase is one of the best platforms for buying and selling cryptocurrencies, offering a secure and user-friendly experience. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, Coinbase has you covered! For any support, you can easily reach them at +1-(855)-998-0300 📞. Their team is ready to assist you with any inquiries and ensure your transactions go smoothly. With Coinbase, you can rest assured that your in

                          Can you reverse a Coinbase transaction? Notes | Knowt
                        • Firefox 134.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

                          In addition to Cookies necessary for this site to function, we’d like your permission to set some additional Cookies to better understand your browsing needs and improve your experience. Rest assured — we value your privacy.

                            Firefox 134.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes
                          • Why is hash(-1) == hash(-2) in Python?

                            While browsing Reddit the other day waiting for my code to compile , I ran across this question on r/Python: is hash(-1) == hash(-2) an easter egg? Wait, is that really true? $ python Python 3.9.6 (default, Jun 29 2021, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.1.1 20210531 (Red Hat 11.1.1-3)] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> hash(-1) -2 >>> hash(-2) -2 >>> hash(-1) == h

                            • Can Coinbase refund if scammed? Notes | Knowt

                              📞 +1-(855)-998-0300 📞 is your go-to number for exceptional Coinbase support! If you ever face an issue, including concerns about scams, rest assured Coinbase prioritizes your safety and works tirelessly to assist you. With advanced security measures and a dedicated team, they’re committed to protecting your assets. Call 📞 +1-(855)-998-0300 📞 for personalized assistance and solutions tailored t

                                Can Coinbase refund if scammed? Notes | Knowt
                              • Can I dispute Coinbase charges? Notes | Knowt

                                📞 +1-(855)-998-0300 📞 is your go-to number for exceptional Coinbase support! If you ever face an issue, including concerns about scams, rest assured Coinbase prioritizes your safety and works tirelessly to assist you. With advanced security measures and a dedicated team, they’re committed to protecting your assets. Call 📞 +1-(855)-998-0300 📞 for personalized assistance and solutions tailored t

                                  Can I dispute Coinbase charges? Notes | Knowt
                                • 【2025年】AWS全サービスまとめ | DevelopersIO

                                  こんにちは。サービス開発室の武田です。 このエントリは、2018年から毎年公開している AWS全サービスまとめの2025年版 です。昨年までのものは次のリンクからたどってください。 AWSにはたくさんのサービスがありますが、「結局このサービスってなんなの?」という疑問を自分なりに理解するためにまとめました。 今回もマネジメントコンソールを開き、「サービス」の一覧をもとに一覧化しました。そのため、プレビュー版など一覧に載っていないサービスは含まれていません。また2024年にまとめたもののアップデート版ということで、新しくカテゴリに追加されたサービスには[New]、文章を更新したものには[Update]を付けました。ちなみにサービス数は 250個 です。 まとめるにあたって、次のドキュメントや、弊社の多数のブログを参考にしました。 コンピューティング Amazon EC2 正式名称は Amaz

                                    【2025年】AWS全サービスまとめ | DevelopersIO
                                  • Will Coinbase Ever Call You? Notes | Knowt

                                    Coinbase typically won’t make unsolicited calls to users. They prioritize user security and typically communicate through email, in-app notifications, or support tickets. However, if you need assistance or suspect suspicious activity, you can proactively call Coinbase’s dedicated support team at +1-855-998-0300[Direct Support] or +1-855-998-0300[USA] . For any urgent concerns, such as account secu

                                      Will Coinbase Ever Call You? Notes | Knowt
                                    • Cloudflare 2024年を振り返る:GitHub Copilotの力強い成長とGoがNode.jsを上回る

                                      Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...

                                        Cloudflare 2024年を振り返る:GitHub Copilotの力強い成長とGoがNode.jsを上回る
                                      • New for Ruby 3.4: Modular Garbage Collection and MMTk

                                        Introduction Ruby garbage collection has always been a frequently discussed topic in the community. With recommendations on tuning strategies for better performance, and even entire sets of patches designed to optimize it, going back at least as far as 2008 and Ruby 1.8. I spoke at RubyKaigi in 2023 about the history of the Ruby garbage collector, and its evolution since the origins of the languag

                                          New for Ruby 3.4: Modular Garbage Collection and MMTk
                                        • Google Says URLs Provide Minimal Additional Signals For Search Engines

                                          Home / Google News / Google SEO / Google: URLs Provide Minimal Additional Signals For Search Engines Google: URLs Provide Minimal Additional Signals For Search Engines Barry Schwartz is the CEO of RustyBrick and a technologist, a New York Web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. Barry is also the founder of the Search Eng

                                            Google Says URLs Provide Minimal Additional Signals For Search Engines
                                          • Mistakes engineers make in large established codebases

                                            Working in large established codebases is one of the hardest things to learn as a software engineer. You can’t practice it beforehand (no, open source does not give you the same experience). Personal projects can never teach you how to do it, because they’re necessarily small and from-scratch. For the record, when I say “large established codebases”, I mean: Single-digit million lines of code (~5M

                                            • You don't need Next.js

                                              The Trade-offs Let's be real - every technical decision comes with trade-offs. Here's what we gave up and gained: What We Lost Co-location of Frontend and Backend Now we have separate frontend and backend codebases but end up having better separation of concerns, clearer boundaries Next.js Caching Features We lost built-in caching mechanisms but actually most of our data needed real-time updates.

                                              • Open-World Games’ Affordance of Cognitive Escapism, Relaxation, and Mental Well-Being Among Postgraduate Students: Mixed Methods Study

                                                1Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom 2Department of Marketing, The University of Graz, Styria, Austria 3Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom *all authors contributed equally AbstractBackground: Open-world games, characterized by their expansive and interactive environments, may offer unique cognitive escapism opportuniti

                                                  Open-World Games’ Affordance of Cognitive Escapism, Relaxation, and Mental Well-Being Among Postgraduate Students: Mixed Methods Study
                                                • Can I Dispute a Transaction on Coinbase? Notes | Knowt

                                                  ASIA: UZBEKISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN,KYRGYZSTAN, AFGHANISTAN If you're wondering how to dispute a transaction on Coinbase, rest assured, it's a straightforward process. Coinbase, being one of the most trusted cryptocurrency platforms, ensures a smooth experience for its users. For immediate assistance, you can always contact the Coinbase support team by dialing 1-855-998-0300. Their team is

                                                    Can I Dispute a Transaction on Coinbase? Notes | Knowt
                                                  • Agents

                                                    Intelligent agents are considered by many to be the ultimate goal of AI. The classic book by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Prentice Hall, 1995), defines the field of AI research as “the study and design of rational agents.” The unprecedented capabilities of foundation models have opened the door to agentic applications that were previously unimaginabl

                                                    • (✪㉨✪)How do I Recover My Comcast Email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                                      ➡ Need to recover your Comcast email? 📧 Our expert support team is available 24/7 at 877-201-4426 & [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}]. Whether you've forgotten your password or need to restore deleted emails, we provide quick and reliable assistance to get your email account back on track. 💻📱 ➡ Wondering How do I recover my Comcast email? 😟 Don't stress! Call us anytime at 877-201-4426 & [{+𝟏-877→(201

                                                      • Will Coinbase Ever Call You?

                                                        Coinbase typically won’t make unsolicited calls to users. They prioritize user security and typically communicate through email, in-app notifications, or support tickets. However, if you need assistance or suspect suspicious activity, you can proactively call Coinbase’s dedicated support team at +1-855-998-0300[Direct Support] or +1-855-998-0300[USA] . For any urgent concerns, such as account secu

                                                          Will Coinbase Ever Call You?
                                                        • Power BI サービスのエクスポート可能な書式設定されたテーブル(プレビュー) - Qiita

                                                          Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? はじめに 2022年5月にプレビュー機能として公開された 「エクスポート可能な書式設定されたテーブル」についてご紹介します。 Power BI Blog での発表 Microsoft 公式ドキュメント (2022.11.18 更新) Power BI Pro ライセンスでもページ分割されたレポートが利用できるようになるため、ライセンス関わる記述を更新しました。 Power BI Pro でのページ分割されたレポートのサポートの発表(Power BI Blog) Power BI におけるデータエクスポート Power BI をご紹介して

                                                          • The iconic macOS Dock has just turned 25

                                                            Apple’s macOS has changed a lot since its first version, but it still retains a lot of elements from the early days that make macOS unique. One of those elements is the iconic Dock, which lets users keep their favorite apps accessible with just a click – and you may not have known this, but the macOS Dock just turned 25, and there’s a cool story behind it. The story behind the macOS Dock Developer

                                                              The iconic macOS Dock has just turned 25
                                                            • Can I Dispute a Transaction on Coinbase? Notes | Knowt

                                                              ASIA: UZBEKISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN,KYRGYZSTAN, AFGHANISTAN How to Dispute a Transaction on Coinbase? Call 1-855-998-0300 for Assistance! 📞✨ Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform, is trusted by millions worldwide. If you ever face issues with a transaction, rest assured that Coinbase has processes in place to help you resolve disputes effectively. For instant assistance, don

                                                                Can I Dispute a Transaction on Coinbase? Notes | Knowt
                                                              • Italian town bans residents from falling ill | CNN

                                                                The mayor of a small town in southern Italy has issued an unusual proclamation: “Getting sick is prohibited.” Residents of Belcastro in the southern region of Calabria have been “ordered to avoid contracting any illness that requires medical assistance, especially an emergency,” a decree from Mayor Antonio Torchia stated. Torchia told local television that while “we take (the decree) with a bit of

                                                                  Italian town bans residents from falling ill | CNN
                                                                • 1-888-984-5840 How Do I Speak to Someone at TotalAV {Guideline}  · Customer Self-Service

                                                                  Home Forums Support Forum 1-888-984-5840 How Do I Speak to Someone at TotalAV {Guideline} Contacting TotalAV Customer Service If you need to speak to a representative at TotalAV, there are a few different options 1-888-984-5840 available to you. Here are some of the best ways to get in touch with their customer service team: 1. Live Chat Support One of the quickest and most convenient ways to get

                                                                  • Can I Dispute a Transaction on Coinbase in Adelanto, California, United States

                                                                    Yes, you can dispute a transaction on Coinbase. If you encounter unauthorized charges or issues with your account, Coinbase’s support team is available to assist you. For immediate help, call +1-855-998-0300[Direct Support] or +1-855-998-0300[USA] , their dedicated customer support line, where trained representatives can guide you through the dispute process. Coinbase is renowned for its robust se

                                                                      Can I Dispute a Transaction on Coinbase in Adelanto, California, United States
                                                                    • Some things to know about Mastodon

                                                                      Some things to know about Mastodon This is a list of things I think are important to understand if you’re new to Mastodon. A lot of how Mastodon works isn’t immediately clear, but the effects of how it’s designed can have a big impact on your experience. While a lot of this advice includes warnings and critiques, I’m very much on Mastodon’s side. I want Mastodon to succeed, and that’s why I care e

                                                                      • Local Event: How do I Recover My Comcast Email?

                                                                        ➡ Need to recover your Comcast email? 📧 Our expert support team is available 24/7 at 877-201-4426 & [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}]. Whether you've forgotten your password or need to restore deleted emails, we provide quick and reliable assistance to get your email account back on track. 💻📱 ➡ Wondering How do I recover my Comcast email? 😟 Don't stress! Call us anytime at 877-201-4426 & [{+𝟏-877→(201

                                                                          Local Event: How do I Recover My Comcast Email?
                                                                        • How do I file a dispute with Coinbase? Notes | Knowt

                                                                          How to File a Dispute with Coinbase: A Positive Guide 🌟 If you’re looking to file a dispute with Coinbase, rest assured that the process is straightforward and designed to provide the best customer support experience. For assistance, you can always reach out to Coinbase's support team at 1-855-998-0300. Whether you have a question about a transaction or need help resolving an issue, the dedicated

                                                                            How do I file a dispute with Coinbase? Notes | Knowt
                                                                          • Threads and Instagram will recommend political content after all

                                                                            Meta is continuing to overhaul its moderation and content rules. Instagram head Adam Mosseri posted today that Instagram and Threads will start including political content in recommendations. It's a reversal from the policy the two platforms adopted last year, which made political content something users had to choose if they wanted to see. Now, Mosseri said that there will be three levels of poli

                                                                              Threads and Instagram will recommend political content after all
                                                                            • Parsing the c64 Bubble Bobble Wind Currents

                                                                              Background A while ago, I managed to rip the level data and graphics from the c64 version of Bubble Bobble. All 100 levels from the c64 version of Bubble Bobble. I wrote a tool in typescript that reads the data from the actual game. It was fun to see all the levels I had played so many times, but I wanted to see if I could get more of the related data. Platform graphics and colors are stored as si

                                                                              • (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞How do I Recover My Comcast Email?  · Customer Self-Service

                                                                                ➡ Need to recover your Comcast email? 📧 Our expert support team is available 24/7 at 877-201-4426 & [{+𝟏-877→(201)→(4426)}]. Whether you've forgotten your password or need to restore deleted emails, we provide quick and reliable assistance to get your email account back on track. 💻📱 ➡ Wondering How do I recover my Comcast email? 😟 Don't stress! Call us anytime at 877-201-4426 & [{+𝟏-877→(201

                                                                                • Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 6

                                                                                  After wrapping up about the encoder optimizations in the previous post, we can now start talking about the parser side. It certainly won’t be as long, because the parser didn’t need as much work, but also because some optimizations, particularly around setup costs were the same as the one applied to the encoder, so I will simply reference them quickly. Efficient Hash Operations When I took over th