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Syntaxに関するエントリは95件あります。 githubcssJavaScript などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『GitHub - banga/git-split-diffs: Syntax highlighted side-by-side diffs in your terminal』などがあります。
  • GitHub - banga/git-split-diffs: Syntax highlighted side-by-side diffs in your terminal

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

      GitHub - banga/git-split-diffs: Syntax highlighted side-by-side diffs in your terminal
    • A Proposal For Type Syntax in JavaScript - TypeScript

      Today we’re excited to announce our support and collaboration on a new Stage 0 proposal to bring optional and erasable type syntax to JavaScript. Because this new syntax wouldn’t change how surrounding code runs, it would effectively act as comments. We think this has the potential to make TypeScript easier and faster to use for development at every scale. We’d like to talk about why we’re pursuin

      • Difftastic, a structural diff tool that understands syntax

        Difftastic is a CLI diff tool that compares files based on their syntax, not line-by-line. Difftastic produces accurate diffs that are easier for humans to read.

        • buildkit/frontend/dockerfile/docs/syntax.md at dockerfile/1.4.3 · moby/buildkit

          BuildKit supports loading frontends dynamically from container images. Images for Dockerfile frontends are available at docker/dockerfile repository. To use the external frontend, the first line of your Dockerfile needs to be # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.3 pointing to the specific image you want to use. BuildKit also ships with Dockerfile frontend builtin but it is recommended to use an external i

            buildkit/frontend/dockerfile/docs/syntax.md at dockerfile/1.4.3 · moby/buildkit
          • GitHub - Wilfred/difftastic: a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩

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              GitHub - Wilfred/difftastic: a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
            • Syntax - Tailwind CSS Documentation Template

              Writing documentation is enough to make you rip your hair out without worrying about the design. Let us help you keep a few strands. Syntax is a beautiful documentation template built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js, designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team. Powered by Markdoc, the new Markdown-based authoring framework from Stripe, it's now easier than ever to focus on writing great documentatio

                Syntax - Tailwind CSS Documentation Template
              • SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL

                Philosophy We strive to create an environment conducive to many different types of research across many different time scales and levels of risk. Learn more about our Philosophy Learn more

                • GitHub - unjs/magicast: 🧀 Programmatically modify JavaScript and TypeScript source codes with a simplified, elegant and familiar syntax powered by recast and babel.

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - unjs/magicast: 🧀 Programmatically modify JavaScript and TypeScript source codes with a simplified, elegant and familiar syntax powered by recast and babel.
                  • GitHub - earthly/earthly: Super simple build framework with fast, repeatable builds and an instantly familiar syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby.

                    🔁 Repeatable Builds - Write builds once, and run them anywhere – on your laptop, remote, and in any CI. ❤️ Super Simple - Instantly recognizable syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby. 🛠 Compatible with Every Language, Framework, and Build Tool - If it runs on Linux, it runs on Earthly. 🏘 Great for Monorepos and Polyrepos - Organize your build logic however makes the most sense for yo

                      GitHub - earthly/earthly: Super simple build framework with fast, repeatable builds and an instantly familiar syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby.
                    • Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker

                      Products Docker DesktopContainerize your applicationsDocker HubDiscover and share container imagesDocker ScoutSimplify the software supply chainDocker Build Cloud Speed up your image buildsTestcontainers Desktop Local testing with real dependenciesTestcontainers Cloud Test without limits in the cloud See our product roadmapMORE resources for developers

                        Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker
                      • Crontab syntax for us humans -- Cron Helper

                        *Expands to all values for the field,List separator-Range separator/Specifies step for ranges@hourlyRun at the start of each hour@dailyRun every day at midnight UTC@weeklyRun at every Sunday at midnight UTC@monthlyRun on the 1st of each month at midnight UTC@yearlyRun on Jan 1st at midnight UTC@annuallySame as @yearly

                        • Rust's Ugly Syntax

                          Rust’s Ugly Syntax Jan 26, 2023 People complain about Rust syntax. I think that most of the time when people think they have an issue with Rust’s syntax, they actually object to Rust’s semantics. In this slightly whimsical post, I’ll try to disentangle the two. Let’s start with an example of an ugly Rust syntax: pub fn read<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> { fn inner(path: &Path) ->

                          • CSS relative color syntax  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                            Build with Chrome Learn how Chrome works, participate in origin trials, and build with Chrome everywhere.

                            • Master CSS - A Virtual CSS language with enhanced syntax.

                              A Virtual CSS language with enhanced syntax.Efficiently build your UI and design system with HTML only. <button class="btn ">

                                Master CSS - A Virtual CSS language with enhanced syntax.
                              • TextKitでのシンタックスハイライト高速化 / Optimize Syntax Highlight with TextKit

                                macOS native symposium (https://macos-native.github.io) #08 登壇資料 テキスト描画の世界は複雑で、何気ない操作もデータ量が大きくなると簡単に処理のボトルネックと化します。しかし、何がそんなに時間を要するのでしょうか。macOS、iOS共にテキスト描画を司るTextKitの癖を読み抜くことで、愚直な実装からシンタックスハイライトの適用を高速化していく過程を理屈を追いながら解説します。

                                  TextKitでのシンタックスハイライト高速化 / Optimize Syntax Highlight with TextKit
                                • GitHub - tc39/proposal-type-annotations: ECMAScript proposal for type syntax that is erased - Stage 1

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - tc39/proposal-type-annotations: ECMAScript proposal for type syntax that is erased - Stage 1
                                  • Introducing the new npm Dependency Selector Syntax

                                    August 3, 2022 npm query is a new top-level command as of npm v8.16.0 which accepts a Dependency Selector (as defined in the Dependency Selector Syntax Specification) & returns a filtered JSON Array/NodeList of dependencies from your project. We believe this capability has been a missing piece of the package management ecosystem; With its introduction we hope to unlock the potential for developers

                                      Introducing the new npm Dependency Selector Syntax
                                    • GitHub - cube2222/jql: Easy JSON Query Processor with a Lispy syntax in Go

                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                        GitHub - cube2222/jql: Easy JSON Query Processor with a Lispy syntax in Go
                                      • More control over :nth-child() selections with the of S syntax  |  CSS and UI  |  Chrome for Developers

                                        The :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() pseudo-class selectors With the :nth-child() pseudo-class selector it is possible to select Elements in the DOM by their index. Using the An+B microsyntax you get fine control over which elements you want to select. :nth-child(2): Select the 2nd child. :nth-child(2n): Select all even children (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and so on). :nth-child(2n+1): Select all odd c

                                        • Syntax::Keyword::TryとPerlのキーワードプラグイン (その1) - Masteries

                                          id:papix です. この記事は, Perl Advent Calendar 2019の2日目の記事です. 昨日は, id:karupanerura さんの「2019年の最先端のPerl開発ボイラープレート」でした. qiita.com 今日は, 昨日のエントリでも触れられていたSyntax::Keyword::Tryについて, さっくりとアレコレ綴りたいと思います. Perlと例外処理 Perlで例外処理をするにあたって, 例えばJavaのようなtryやcatchといった仕組みは言語仕様として提供されていません. そのため, Perl Monger達はtry/catchのような機能を提供するモジュールを用意して対処してきました. その中でも著名なものの1つは, Try::Tinyでしょう. metacpan.org Try::Tinyを使えば, 例外(die)が起こるコードについて,

                                            Syntax::Keyword::TryとPerlのキーワードプラグイン (その1) - Masteries
                                          • Python3.12からPEP695-Type Parameter Syntax(型引数構文)が導入され、型変数を使ったクラスや関数の定義が大きく変わる - Qiita

                                            # インスタンス属性`hoge`の型がなんであるかはコンストラクタ引数に # 渡された`hoge`引数の型で決まることを型チェッカーに伝える class Foo(Generic[_T]): hoge: _T def __init__(self, hoge: _T) -> None: ... # この関数が返す型がなんであるかは引数に渡されたシーケンスの型引数が # 何型かで決まることを型チェッカーに伝える def get_first(seq: Sequence[_T]) -> _T: return seq[0] 上記のコードでは、グローバルに宣言した_Tをまったく違う意味として使えてしまっています。 つまり、ひとつの型変数に過剰な責任が載せられてしまっています。 もちろん、別々の名前で宣言することで、意味が違うことを強調し、責任を分散させることもできます。 しかし、ジェネリッククラス、関数

                                              Python3.12からPEP695-Type Parameter Syntax(型引数構文)が導入され、型変数を使ったクラスや関数の定義が大きく変わる - Qiita
                                            • Font with Built-In Syntax Highlighting

                                              Note: I received a lot of great feedback from the discussions at Mastodon and Hacker News, so I've updated the post with some improvements to the font! I've also added some further examples and acknowledgements at the end. Syntax Highlighting in Hand-Coded Websites The problem I have been trying to identify practical reasons why hand-coding websites with HTML and CSS is so hard (by hand-coding, I

                                              • 週刊Railsウォッチ: syntax_suggestがRuby標準ライブラリに追加、RubyのVisitorパターンほか(20220906後編)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                こんにちは、hachi8833です。RubyKaigi会場限定でこんなイベントも開催されるそうです。 Ruby に関するQAは答えられる気がしないけれども() 頑張る!!#rubykaigi #agilewarehttps://t.co/aw3kCgJ94y — えりりん (@suuuuengch) September 6, 2022 グルメガイドも出ていますね。 いよいよRubyKaigiまであとわずかですね! 今年は自分の地元三重で開催されるのでおすすめのグルメ&観光スポットをまとめてみました。 参考になれば幸いです🥳 【地元民おすすめ】RubyKaigi 2022で三重に来たら訪れてほしいグルメ&観光スポットまとめ #note #RubyKaigihttps://t.co/sImcGveGJF — rince@育休中 (@kazumax1218) September 4, 2022

                                                  週刊Railsウォッチ: syntax_suggestがRuby標準ライブラリに追加、RubyのVisitorパターンほか(20220906後編)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                • The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree

                                                  By Francesco Bertolaccini You’ve reached computer programming nirvana. Your journey has led you down many paths, including believing that God wrote the universe in LISP, but now the truth is clear in your mind: every problem can be solved by writing one more compiler. It’s true. Even our soon-to-be artificially intelligent overlords are nothing but compilers, just as the legends foretold. That sma

                                                    The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree
                                                  • Prettier 2.7: new --cache CLI option and TypeScript 4.7 syntax! · Prettier

                                                    Add --cache and --cache-strategy CLI options (#12800 by @sosukesuzuki) Two new CLI options have been added for a caching system similar to ESLint's one. Please see the doc for more details. If this option is enabled, the following values are used as cache keys and the file is formatted only if one of them is changed. Prettier version Options Node.js version (if --cache-strategy is content) content

                                                      Prettier 2.7: new --cache CLI option and TypeScript 4.7 syntax! · Prettier
                                                    • Experimenting A New Syntax To Write SVG

                                                      It's been a while since I introduced a new syntax to the css-doodle project to solve my own problems. While I'm not sure it would be useful elsewhere, I need to make some notes before I forget the details. Motivation I always find it a bit hard to write SVG without the help of additional tools or libraries. The main issue for me is that SVG code grows too fast to keep up. If we take a closer look

                                                      • webpackのinline syntax - hiroppy's site

                                                        誰得かわからないですが、これの質問が来たのでここで説明しようと思います。 webpack は、ローダーチェインと呼ばれる仕組みで動いています。 これには、inline の書き方が存在しますが開発者ですら使うのは非推奨です。 しかし、webpack のログにはこの表記が多々出てくるため疑問がある人は多いと思います。 設定は以下のファイル群です。 // webpack.config.js module.exports = { mode: "development", module: { rules: [ { test: /\.css$/i, use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"], }, { test: /\.css$/i, use: [require.resolve("./loader")], enforce: "post", }, ], }, }; // l

                                                          webpackのinline syntax - hiroppy's site
                                                        • Help pick a syntax for CSS nesting  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                          .nesting { color: hotpink; } .nesting > .is { color: rebeccapurple; } .nesting > .is > .awesome { color: deeppink; } An official CSS version of this syntax is being strongly considered and we have a split in preference that we'd like to employ the help of the community to break the tie. The rest of this post will be introducing the syntax options so you can feel informed to take a survey at the en

                                                          • JSDoc as an alternative TypeScript syntax

                                                            As web development has embraced static typing during the past decade, TypeScript has become the default language of choice. I think this is great—I love working with TypeScript! But what if you can't use TypeScript? You may encounter circumstances where you need to work in plain JavaScript, be it tooling constraints or a team member who does not like static typing. Under these circumstances, look

                                                            • Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs

                                                              A workflow is a configurable automated process made up of one or more jobs. You must create a YAML file to define your workflow configuration.

                                                                Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs
                                                              • 【Invalid Syntax】Python のよくある基本的なエラーと確認方法まとめ。初学者向けにわかりやすく解説!

                                                                機械学習の講師をしている株式会社キカガクの安藤です! 本記事では、Python でよくあるエラーを 10 種類、確認方法や解決方法を交えてご紹介します! Python を使っているとよく遭遇するエラーです。これらのエラーの対処法をマスターして Python をよりスムーズに使えるようにしましょう! ゼロから始めるプログラミング スモールステップで Python を基礎から学べる、初学者の方向けの講座です。演習問題を通して Python の使い方を理解し、データ分析や機械学習実装のための基礎を身につけることを目指します。

                                                                • Pipe syntax  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud

                                                                  Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Pipe syntax Pipe syntax is an extension to GoogleSQL that supports a linear query structure designed to make your queries easier to read, write, and maintain. To enroll a project in the pipe syntax preview, fill out the BigQuery pipe syntax enrollment form. Overview You can use pipe syntax anywhere

                                                                    Pipe syntax  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud
                                                                  • GitHub - laixintao/iredis: Interactive Redis: A Terminal Client for Redis with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.

                                                                    Advanced code completion. If you run command KEYS then run DEL, IRedis will auto-complete your command based on KEYS result. Command validation. IRedis will validate command while you are typing, and highlight errors. E.g. try CLUSTER MEET IP PORT, IRedis will validate IP and PORT for you. Command highlighting, fully based on redis grammar. Any valid command in IRedis shell is a valid redis comman

                                                                      GitHub - laixintao/iredis: Interactive Redis: A Terminal Client for Redis with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
                                                                    • GitHub - breejs/bree: Bree is a Node.js and JavaScript job task scheduler with worker threads, cron, Date, and human syntax. Built for @ladjs, @forwardemail, @spamscanner, @cabinjs.

                                                                      // app.js const path = require('path'); // optional const ms = require('ms'); const dayjs = require('dayjs'); const Graceful = require('@ladjs/graceful'); const Cabin = require('cabin'); // required const Bree = require('bree'); // // NOTE: see the "Instance Options" section below in this README // for the complete list of options and their defaults // const bree = new Bree({ // // NOTE: by defaul

                                                                        GitHub - breejs/bree: Bree is a Node.js and JavaScript job task scheduler with worker threads, cron, Date, and human syntax. Built for @ladjs, @forwardemail, @spamscanner, @cabinjs.
                                                                      • Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide

                                                                        Basic Syntax The Markdown elements outlined in the original design document. Overview Nearly all Markdown applications support the basic syntax outlined in the original Markdown design document. There are minor variations and discrepancies between Markdown processors — those are noted inline wherever possible. Headings To create a heading, add number signs (#) in front of a word or phrase. The num

                                                                          Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide
                                                                        • Syntax Highlight Guide

                                                                          Version 1.93 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from August. Syntax highlighting determines the color and style of source code displayed in the Visual Studio Code editor. It is responsible for colorizing keywords like if or for in JavaScript differently than strings and comments and variable names. There are two components to syntax highlighting: Tokenization: Breaking text in

                                                                            Syntax Highlight Guide
                                                                          • Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting

                                                                            The CSS Working Group is continuing a debate over the best way to define nesting in CSS. And if you are someone who writes CSS, we’d like your help. Nesting is a super-popular feature of tools like Sass. It can save web developers time otherwise spent writing the same selectors over and over. And it can make code cleaner and easier to understand. Unnested CSS .class1 { color: green; } .class1 .cla

                                                                            • Unsound TypeScript: spread syntax

                                                                              こんにちは、びしょ〜じょです。 最近は脳を全く使っておらずなんたらかんたら。 Promise の話はなんかムリそうだったので、今度は勘ではなく文献等にあたって実装するかもしれません。 でもそれってオレやる必要ある? とにかく今回は別の話をします。 はじめに TypeScriptの利用を積極的に避けている人、賢い。 TypeScriptは漸進的型付けを採用しており、よくわからない型に any を付けることができます。 そしてTypeScriptは(gradural) subtypingを採用しており、さらに any があらゆる型のtop typeとなっております。 このことは、文献[1]を読んでいただくと分かるとおり(読むまでもなく直感的にも分かりますが)、型システムはunsoundになります。 const x: string = "hoge"; // string <: any const

                                                                                Unsound TypeScript: spread syntax
                                                                              • Markdown list syntax now autocompleted · GitHub Changelog

                                                                                AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

                                                                                  Markdown list syntax now autocompleted · GitHub Changelog
                                                                                • Zed Decoded: Syntax-Aware Task Spawning With Tree-Sitter - Zed Blog

                                                                                  Have you ever wanted to execute code from inside Zed? Run tests, or a linter, or the compiler, or maybe a script, or a shell one-liner? Watch: What you just saw was me using Zed Tasks to execute a Go test from inside Zed, passing the name of the current function to the go test command. Tasks, as a new feature, first landed in Zed all the way back in February, in v0.124.7. But since then they've be

                                                                                    Zed Decoded: Syntax-Aware Task Spawning With Tree-Sitter - Zed Blog
