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  • TechCrunch

    The savvy marketers at Boston Dynamics produced two major robotics news cycles last week. The larger of the two was, naturally, the electric Atlas announcement. As I write this, the sub-40 second vide

    • あなたが教わってるそのCSSテクニックはもう古い | TAKLOG

      Xの初学者のポストにて古の手法を教わっている方をよく見かけるので、2024年現在そのCSSテクニックはもう古いってものをいくつか列挙しました。 ブロックのセンタリングに margin を使うなら margin-inline:auto を使いなさいmarginを使ってブロックのセンタリングを行う際によく教わるのはmargin:0 autoあるいはmargin:autoでしょう。

        あなたが教わってるそのCSSテクニックはもう古い | TAKLOG
      • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

        Some Indian government websites have allowed scammers to plant advertisements capable of redirecting visitors to online betting platforms. TechCrunch discovered around four dozen “gov.in” website links associated with Indian states,…

          TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
        • TechCrunch

          "Number Go Up: Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall" by investigative reporter Zeke Faux has several chapters on FTX's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, but it's also about crypto more broadly.

          • TechCrunch

            Hiya, folks, and welcome to Week in Review (WiR), TechCrunch’s digest of the past week in tech news. It’s TC’s column that highlights the major stories over the past few days, and &#

            • TechCrunch

              Welcome, folks, to Week in Review (WiR), TechCrunch’s regular newsletter covering this week’s noteworthy happenings in tech. TikTok’s fate in the U.S. looks uncertain after President

              • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                AI-powered summaries of webpages are a feature that you will find in many AI-centric tools these days. The next step for some of these tools is to prepare detailed and…

                  TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                  After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

                    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                  • AIのべりすと

                    Higher = Excludes the least relevant words. Setting this around 0.1 would be useful for removing highly irrelevant words.' style='display:none;'>Adjusts the range of words the AI is allowed to pick. Higher = Excludes the least relevant words. Setting this around 0.1 would be useful for removing highly irrelevant words.

                    • TechCrunch

                      Brave Software, the maker of Brave Browser and Search, confirmed that it has laid off 9% of its staff across departments. The company didn’t specify how many people were affected, but it corrobo

                      • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                        Where Aytac Yilmaz lives in the Netherlands, the sun might not appear for days on end, which can really crimp the output of the country’s solar panels. Wind turbines might…

                          TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                        • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                          The Series C funding, which brings its total raise to around $95 million, will go toward mass production of the startup’s inaugural products

                            TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                          • TechCrunch

                            Spotify’s slow movement to put lyrics behind its paid service wall in its music service are about as popular as you would expect. Precise details of the update are evolving but what we can say a The ransomware attack that has engulfed U.S. health insurance giant UnitedHealth Group and its tech subsidiary Change Healthcare is a data privacy nightmare for millions of U.S. patients, with CEO And

                            • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                              Ever wonder why conversational AI like ChatGPT says “Sorry, I can’t do that” or some other polite refusal? OpenAI is offering a limited look at the reasoning behind its own…

                                TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                              • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                Rachel Coldicutt is the founder of Careful Industries, which researches the social impact technology has on society.

                                  TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                • TechCrunch

                                  [A version of this post appeared in TechCrunch’s robotics newsletter, Actuator. Subscribe here.] The last time I’d spoken with the NVIDIA at any length about robotics was also the last time we

                                  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                    SpaceX’s massive Starship rocket could take to the skies for the fourth time on June 5, with the primary objective of evaluating the second stage’s reusable heat shield as the…

                                      TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                    • ドコモが「動画配信」でアベマに突きつけた挑戦状

                                      NetflixやAmazon プライム・ビデオが台頭する動画配信サービス業界。しかし少し前まで、外資勢を差し置いて圧倒的なシェアを誇っていたサービスがある。NTTドコモとエイベックスが共同出資で設立し、2015年にサービスを開始した「dTV(ディーティービー)」だ。 運営元のドコモは3月上旬、dTVの大規模リニューアルに踏み切ると発表した。4月12日からサービス名を「Lemino(レミノ)」に変更し、月額550円の有料プランのみだったサービス形態を、広告付きの無料配信と月額990円の有料プランの2本柱へと移行する。 注目度の高いスポーツ中継や音楽ライブ等を独占生配信するほか、独占配信作品の最新エピソードやオリジナル作品の一部を広告付きで無料配信する予定だ。感想をシェアしたり、フォローしたユーザーの推奨コンテンツを表示したりする機能も追加し、よりユーザーが関心のあるコンテンツを見つけやすい仕

                                      • TechCrunch

                                        Bandcamp has officially changed hands from its old new owner, Epic, to its new new owner, Songtradr, and lost half its employees in the process. Songtradr confirmed that “50% of employees receiv

                                        • TechCrunch

                                          Google’s trying to make waves with Gemini, its flagship suite of generative AI models, apps and services. So what is Gemini? How can you use it? And how does it stack up to the competition? To m

                                          • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                            After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

                                              TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                            • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                              AI-powered summaries of webpages are a feature that you will find in many AI-centric tools these days. The next step for some of these tools is to prepare detailed and…

                                                TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                              • TechCrunch

                                                Hyde Park Venture Partners is known for having visibility into more than 90% of mid-continent startups and being early backers of companies like ShipBob, FourKites, G2, LogicGate and Dentologie. When Joanna Strober was around 47, she stopped sleeping. While losing sleep is a common symptom of perimenopause, she first had to go to multiple providers, including driving 45 minutes out of San Fra

                                                • TechCrunch

                                                  "Number Go Up: Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall" by investigative reporter Zeke Faux has several chapters on FTX's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, but it's also about crypto more broadly.

                                                  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                    Meta will soon officially permit users as young as 10 to use its Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR headsets — if their parents say it’s okay, anyway. In a blog post, the tech giant says that there’s Nikola Corp. is laying off 270 employees, or about 23% of its workforce, and restricting its electric truck efforts to North America as it seeks to preserve cash. The company said Friday it will lay o

                                                      TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                    • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                      Scale AI, a company that provides data-labeling services for training machine learning models, has raised a $1 billion Series F round from a slew of big-name institutional and corporate investors…

                                                        TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                      • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                        The FBI along with a coalition of international law enforcement agencies seized the notorious cybercrime forum BreachForums on Wednesday.  For years, BreachForums has been a popular English-language forum for hackers…

                                                          TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                        • tcコマンドでNetworkの帯域と遅延を制御してみてみた - Qiita

                                                          ■ 目的 tcコマンド(Traffic Control)は、Networkの遅延(Latency)と帯域(Throughput)を制御することができます。 コンピューターの距離により遅延、帯域が変わり、データ転送などの時間がかわることがあります。コンピューターを遠隔に離した場合、既存の処理に影響が出るかtcコマンドを使用して事前に検証することができます。 ということで、tcコマンドで、遅延、帯域が制御できるか確認してみてみます。 ■ 構成 Oracle Cloud上にComputeインスタンスを2台設置して、その間のNetworkパフォーマンスをTCコマンドで制御してみてみます ■ 現環境確認 Client --> Server へのレイテンシ、スループット、TPSを確認 ● 遅延(RTT)確認 pingを実行してRTT確認 今回は、平均0.166msであることを確認 [opc@clien

                                                            tcコマンドでNetworkの帯域と遅延を制御してみてみた - Qiita
                                                          • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                            After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the…

                                                              TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                            • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                              Stack AI’s co-founders, Antoni Rosinol and Bernardo Aceituno, were PhD students at MIT wrapping up their degrees in 2022 just as large language models were becoming more mainstream. ChatGPT would…

                                                                TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                              • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                Flock Safety is a multi-billion dollar startup that’s got eyes everywhere. As of Wednesday, with the company’s new Solar Condor cameras, those eyes are solar-powered and using wireless 5G networks…

                                                                  TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                • TechCrunch

                                                                  Hiya, folks, and welcome to Week in Review (WiR), TechCrunch’s digest of the past week in tech news. It’s TC’s column that highlights the major stories over the past few days, and &#

                                                                  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                    India’s Adani Group is plotting a move into e-commerce and digital payments, according to a Financial Times report, as the conglomerate seeks to diversify its portfolio and compete with Mukesh…

                                                                      TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                    • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                      A Texas-based company that provides health insurances and benefit plans disclosed a data breach affecting almost 2.5 million people, some of whom had their Social Security number stolen. WebTPA said…

                                                                        TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                      • Maybe we shouldn't use Zoom after all

                                                                        Now that we’re all stuck at home thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, video calls have gone from a novelty to a necessity. Zoom, the popular videoconferencing service, seems to be doing better than most and has quickly become one of, if not the most, popular option going. But should it be? Zoom’s recent popularity has also shone a spotlight on the company’s security protections and privacy promises

                                                                          Maybe we shouldn't use Zoom after all
                                                                        • TechCrunch

                                                                          Lamini, a new startup with funding from Andrew Ng, has emerged from stealth with a generative AI platform aimed at enterprises.

                                                                          • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                            Seedstars Capital and Swiss philanthropic foundation Fondation Botnar have launched Seedstars Youth Wellbeing Ventures, a $20 million investment mandate targeting early-stage startups in Africa that a

                                                                              TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                            • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                              The prospects for troubled banking-as-a-service startup Synapse have gone from bad to worse this week after a United States Trustee filed an emergency motion on Wednesday.  The trustee is asking…

                                                                                TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                              • TechCrunch

                                                                                "Number Go Up: Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall" by investigative reporter Zeke Faux has several chapters on FTX's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, but it's also about crypto more broadly.

                                                                                • tcコマンドの使い方 - hana_shinのLinux技術ブログ

                                                                                  ランキング参加中Linux 1 tcコマンドとは? 2 検証環境 2.1 ネットワーク構成 2.2 版数 3 qdiscの種類 4 クラスレスqdiscの設定、削除 4.1 設定、削除の書式 4.2 pfifoの設定、削除の方法 4.3 sfqの設定、削除の方法 4.4 tbfの設定、削除の方法 4.5 netemの設定、削除の方法 4.5.1 一定の遅延を設定する方法(delay) 4.5.2 遅延にばらつきを設定する方法(delay) 4.5.3 廃棄の設定方法(loss) 5 クラスフルqdiscの設定、削除 5.1 prioの設定、削除の方法 5.1.1 設定方法 5.2.2 削除方法 5.2 htbの設定、削除の方法 5.2.1 設定方法 5.2.2 削除方法 6 統計情報を確認する方法 7 実験 7.1 遅延 7.2 廃棄 8 その他 Z 参考情報 1 tcコマンドとは? カー

                                                                                    tcコマンドの使い方 - hana_shinのLinux技術ブログ