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VideoConferencingの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 164件

  • Maybe we shouldn't use Zoom after all

    Now that we’re all stuck at home thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, video calls have gone from a novelty to a necessity. Zoom, the popular videoconferencing service, seems to be doing better than most and has quickly become one of, if not the most, popular option going. But should it be? Zoom’s recent popularity has also shone a spotlight on the company’s security protections and privacy promises

      Maybe we shouldn't use Zoom after all
    • 8 must-see TED talks for IT pros

      Watch these brief, illuminating talks on everything from gesture-based computing and extreme data visualization to gaming to save the world. If you’ve been around the Web awhile, you’ve probably heard of TED conferences. They’re events organized by a small New York nonprofit called TED Conferences where audiences get to hear the ideas of illustrious thinkers and speakers from the worlds of technol

      • Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki - Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki

        Introduction Welcome to Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. This wiki was created to be a one-stop shop for great ideas and information for all types of librarians. All over the world, librarians are developing successful programs and doing innovative things with technology that no one outside of their library knows about. There are lots of great blogs out there sharing information about the p

        • そらのき. » ブラウザのカメラ起動についてちょっと調べてみた。

          最近HTML5関連でブラウザからのカメラ起動などが実現してますねー。だけど、その技術仕様は1つだけではありません。ややこしいので少し整理してみたいと思います。ちなみに調べてみたところ3つの技術仕様が存在しているぽいです。 HTML Media Capture http://www.w3.org/TR/html-media-capture まずはHTML Media Captureです。こいつはW3Cでワーキングドラフトとして策定されています。HTMLフォームのinput要素を拡張し、例えば次のようなHTMLコードを書くことでブラウザからカメラを起動することができます。 撮影した写真はFileAPIと組み合わせることで取得できます。対応しているブラウザはAndroid3.0以降の標準ブラウザ、Android Google Chrome。簡単で良いなーと思ったんですが、ブラウザベンダーはこれ

          • アップル、iPhone 3G対応ビデオ会議キット発売―オーマイガー!

            マニラ封筒のアップルが、またやってくれましたね。 正面向きカメラが見送りとなってくず折れてるみなさんのために、iPhone 3Gでも快適にビデオ会議が楽しめるアクセサリを出すようです。7月11日発売。お値段たったの29ドル。 価格切り下げで同梱は見送りになったんでしょう。 プレスリリースと使い方(図解)は以下でどうぞ。 [ プレスリリース全文 ] アップル、iPhone 3G対応ビデオ会議キット発売、ZOMG! WWDCサンフランシスコ発2008年6月11日—アップル®は世界最高の電話iPhone 3Gのために世界初のビデオ会議キット「Apple Videoconferencing Kit®」を本日公開した。他に類を見ないシリコンがベースのミラー素材で、ハンドルとベースは自然な風合いの竹細工。この「Apple Videoconferencing Kit」は最も薄いポイントで前例のない厚さ0

            • 【これは驚き】 iPhoneはビデオチャットとオサイフケータイにも対応済だった。:アート資本主義 - CNET Japan

              iPhoneを巡るサプライズは、あの基調講演の興奮が収まった今でも続いているようです・・。 なんと、噂になっていたビデオカンファレンス機能がオプション商品としてリリースされました。 アップル、iPhone 3G対応ビデオ会議キット発売、ZOMG! WWDCサンフランシスコ発2008年6月11日―アップル®は世界最高の電話iPhone 3Gのために世界初のビデオ会議キット「Apple Videoconferencing Kit®」を本日公開した。他に類を見ないシリコンがベースのミラー素材で、ハンドルとベースは自然な風合いの竹細工。 この「Apple Videoconferencing Kit」は最も薄いポイントで前例のない厚さ0.5インチを実現。厳格な人間インターフェイスの実証テストと解剖学をもとに開発されたユニークな形状かつ軽量なので、簡単にiPhone 3Gの前にかざして、世界中のユー

              • Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) transforms the communications landscape; becomes a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation and multiple Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards

                WebRTC enables rich, interactive, live voice and video communications anywhere on the Web, boosting global interconnection Read testimonials from W3C Members. https://www.w3.org/ and https://www.ietf.org/ — 26 January 2021 — The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) announced today that Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC), which powers myriad services, is

                  Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) transforms the communications landscape; becomes a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation and multiple Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards
                • Designing Calm Technology

                  Introduction Bits flowing through the wires of a computer network are ordinarily invisible. But a radically new tool shows those bits through motion, sound, and even touch. It communicates both light and heavy network traffic. Its output is so beautifully integrated with human information processing that one does not even need to be looking at it or near it to take advantage of its peripher

                  • Educational technology - Wikipedia

                    Educational technology (commonly abbreviated as edutech, or edtech) is the combined use of computer hardware, software, and educational theory and practice to facilitate learning.[1][2] When referred to with its abbreviation, "EdTech", it often refers to the industry of companies that create educational technology.[3][4][5] In EdTech Inc.: Selling, Automating and Globalizing Higher Education in th

                      Educational technology - Wikipedia
                    • How Google Works

                      With his unruly hair dipping across his forehead, Douglas Merrill walks up to the lectern set up in a ballroom of the Arizona Biltmore Resort and Spa, looking like a slightly rumpled university professor about to start a lecture. In fact, he is here on this April morning to talk about his work as director of internal technology for Google to a crowd of chief information officers gathered at a brea

                      • Why Zoom Chose Oracle

                        Kevin Xu Author and founder of Interconnected. See "About Interconnected" for more information. More posts by Kevin Xu. Zoom picked Oracle as a new cloud provider. This news caught some people by surprise. In hindsight, there are signs that this agreement was in the works, aggressively pushed forward by Oracle, and punctuated by its founder Larry Ellison’s uncharacteristic Youtube video 15 days be

                          Why Zoom Chose Oracle
                        • Merely Human? That’s So Yesterday (Published 2010)

                          MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. ON a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen. While the flesh-and-blood version of Mr. Brin sat miles away at a computer capable of remotely steering a robot, the gizmo rolling around here con

                            Merely Human? That’s So Yesterday (Published 2010)
                          • Mozilla's Vision of the Web

                            Firefox is no longer supported on macOS 10.14 and below. Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox. Mozilla’s vision for the evolution of the Web March 23, 2022 Mozilla's mission is to ensure that the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. We believe in an Internet that puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and ar

                              Mozilla's Vision of the Web
                            • フィル・シラーの本領

                              [Phil Schiller の役割は:photo] WWDC を直前に控えてビジネスウィークが Phil Schiller を取り上げている。 彼こそアップルの対外的な顔(Apple’s public face)だというのだ。 Businessweek: “Can Phil Schiller Keep Apple Cool?” by Peter Burrows and Adam Satariano: 07 June 2012 *     *     * 舞台では道化役 アップルのヒット製品発表は必ず Steve Jobs が指揮したが、それは決してワンマンショーではなかった。クールで洗練されたアップル CEO を引き立てる道化役を舞台で演じるのは、長い間製品マーケッティング担当上級副社長を務めた Phil Schiller だ。Schiller は 1999 年の新 iBook 発表では

                              • Post Internet

                                1. “Post Internet” is a term I heard Marisa Olson talk about somewhere between 2007 and 2009. The Internet, of course, was not over.  That’s wasn’t the point.  Rather, let’s say this: what we mean when we say “Internet” changed and “post Internet” served as shorthand for this change. So, what changed? What about what we mean when we say “Internet” changed so drastically that we can speak of “post

                                • Social networking service - Wikipedia

                                  This article is about the type of service. For the social science theoretical concept of relationships between people, see Social network. For a list of services, see List of social networking services. Illustrations showing various icons of some popular social networking services A social networking service or SNS (sometimes called a social networking site) is a type of online social media platfo

                                    Social networking service - Wikipedia
                                  • H.264 Advanced Video Coding

                                    What is H.264? H.264 is an industry standard for video compression, the process of converting digital video into a format that takes up less capacity when it is stored or transmitted. Video compression (or video coding) is an essential technology for applications such as digital television, DVD-Video, mobile TV, videoconferencing and internet video streaming. Standardising video compression makes

                                      H.264 Advanced Video Coding
                                    • iPhone 4 を通信方式から考える

                                      [iPhone 4 の内蔵アンテナ] アップルサイトでは iPhone 4 で利用できる通信方式についてつぎのようにリストアップしている。 携帯電話/ワイヤレス通信方式 ・UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850、900、1900、2100 MHz) ・GSM/EDGE (850、900、1800、1900 MHz) ・Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n (802.11nは2.4GHzのみ) ・Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Carl Howe が新 iPhone 4 の通信方式について注目している。 Yankee Group Blog: “First thoughts about iPhone 4” by Carl Howe: 08 June 2010 *     *     * 真の意味での5周波帯域(pentaband)対応 iPhone 4 発表について最も大事なことは、

                                        iPhone 4 を通信方式から考える
                                      • How to Save the World : When NOT To Use E-Mail

                                        Dave Pollard's environmental philosophy, creative works, business papers and essays. In search of a better way to live and make a living, and a better understanding of how the world really works. A while ago I published a workplace communication and collaboration tool decision tree. At that time I outlined five reasons (habit, personality, office layout, ignorance and unavailability) that cause

                                        • iPhone 3G Sでテレビ電話を可能にするマル秘アイテムが!

                                          iPhone 3G Sにテレビ電話機能がなくってがっかりしているあなたに朗報です! the iPhone 3G Videoconferencing Kitが3G S用に生まれ変わって新登場! その名もThe iPhone 3G S Videoconferencing Kit。 とっても便利だっちゃ! 絶対ほしいっちゃ! 使い方は以下のように。 (期待の機能がなくってがっかりしている心をなんとか励まそうとする米GIZMODOのちゃめっけが好きです。) Jesus Diaz(原文/そうこ) 【関連記事】 ・iPhone 3G Sの機能紹介ムービー(動画) ・iPhone 3G Sは6月26日に発売! ・iPhoneのテザリング、月額6000円台でPCから無制限データ通信OKか? ・iPhone 3GS機能完全ガイド ・iPhone 3GとiPhone 3GSを比較してみる

                                            iPhone 3G Sでテレビ電話を可能にするマル秘アイテムが!
                                          • How CircleCI Processes 4.5 Million Builds Per Month - CircleCI Tech Stack

                                            By Rob Zuber, CTO at CircleCI. Background CircleCI is a platform for continuous integration and delivery. Thousands of engineers trust us to run tests and deploy their code, so they can focus on building great software. That trust rests on a solid stack of software that we use to keep people shipping and delivering value to their users. As CTO of Engineering at CircleCI, I help make the big techni

                                              How CircleCI Processes 4.5 Million Builds Per Month - CircleCI Tech Stack
                                            • In Japan, barely a ripple

                                              TOKYO —  Tomoaki Kurita presides over racks of cellphones lined up outside his shop on a busy sidewalk in Harajuku, Tokyo’s catwalk of youth street culture where people attracted by the riot of phone options can stop to flip open and fondle the latest models of what the Japanese call keitai. From behind his busy counter, Kurita giggles when asked about the excitement in America over the arrival of

                                                In Japan, barely a ripple
                                              • It’s Official. Google Wave to Get Its Own App Store (with potentially more than just apps)

                                                Apps It’s Official. Google Wave to Get Its Own App Store (with potentially more than just apps) My fellow writer James Glick attended the Google Wave GTUG (Google Technology User Group) meeting in London yesterday and came away with a few interesting nuggets of information regarding the future of Google Wave. Aside from news on extra functionality and awareness of its current slowness, one particu

                                                  It’s Official. Google Wave to Get Its Own App Store (with potentially more than just apps)
                                                • You’re muted — or are you? Videoconferencing apps may listen even when mic is off

                                                  You’re muted — or are you? Videoconferencing apps may listen even when mic is off UW–Madison engineering professor Kassem Favaz (left) and graduate student Yucheng Yang analyzed the way popular video conferencing apps collect data, finding that at least one appears to collect all the audio from a user’s microphone even when “muted.” Contributed photo Kassem Fawaz’s brother was on a videoconference

                                                    You’re muted — or are you? Videoconferencing apps may listen even when mic is off
                                                  • [D] backspace.fm #006「@nomaさんVAIO事業売却について語る」を公開しました。

                                                    今週は通常のニュース&ガジェットニュースの他に、ゲストに@nomaさんをお迎えしてVAIO事業売却の話題を中心にソニーについてかなり語って頂きました。ということでいつもよりかなり長めの収録になっています。 また、機材トラブルがあって、特に前半がお聞き苦しいところがありますがご了承ください。 今週お話ししたネタに関するリンクを↓に載せておきます。 先週のおさらい さようなら、カメラたち - 写真あれこれ - Yahoo!ブログ drikin さんのオヌヌメするカメラアプリ + ノイズ修正アプリを組み合わせたら、iPhone5で当社比三倍の驚きの写真が撮れた件 - Nyadgets ! 今週のニュース IBMの短縮URL特許が強力すぎる件(そしてその強力な武器はtwitter社の手に!) | 栗原潔のIT弁理士日記 - ONETOPI ガンホー、プラットフォーム別売上高も開示 対アップルが前年

                                                    • Denphone | Denphone

                                                      ENTERPRISE CLOUD IP-PBXMove your PBX to the cloud and save time and money. BILINGUAL REMOTE HANDSCommunicate with our field engineers in English or Japanese. Japan's Expert IP Telephone and Video System IntegratorsOur services are wide ranging, including cloud IP-PBX systems, videoconferencing systems, Japan call termination, help desk outsourcing, CMS integration, and more. We work closely with b

                                                      • How CircleCI Processes 4.5 Million Builds Per Month - CircleCI Tech Stack

                                                        CircleCI’s continuous integration and delivery platform helps software teams rapidly release code with confidence by automating the build, test, and deploy process. CircleCI offers a modern software development platform that lets teams ramp quickly, scale easily, and build confidently every day. By Rob Zuber, CTO at CircleCI. Background CircleCI is a platform for continuous integration and deliver

                                                          How CircleCI Processes 4.5 Million Builds Per Month - CircleCI Tech Stack
                                                        • ZunTzu - The Online Boardgaming Platform

                                                          Welcome last updated 2011-04-22 ZunTzu is a tool that allows you to play boardgames and wargames live with your friends over the Internet. See the FAQ for more info. Download ZunTzu from the files section. Features Real time play over the Internet. Built-in voice communication. Built-in videoconferencing for webcam owners. Intuitive user interface close to the game table experience. High quality D

                                                          • Knowledge transfer - Wikipedia

                                                            This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Knowledge transfer" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Knowledge transfer refers to transferring an awareness of facts or practical ski

                                                              Knowledge transfer - Wikipedia
                                                            • Web conferencing - Wikipedia

                                                              Example of a web conferencing computer screen Web conferencing is used as an umbrella term for various types of online conferencing and collaborative services including webinars (web seminars), webcasts, and web meetings. Sometimes it may be used also in the more narrow sense of the peer-level web meeting context, in an attempt to disambiguate it from the other types known as collaborative session

                                                                Web conferencing - Wikipedia
                                                              • Why I gave up on Second Life

                                                                As you probably guessed, since returning from our Worst Vacation Ever, I've been swamped working on my new company and crazy hobby (along with my Real Job), which explains the posting famine. But I have now been flushed out by a flurry of controversy over our story on the failure of Second Life as an advertising vehicle, which is something I personally commissioned. Why did I turn on Second Life,

                                                                • Sprout: Stochastic Forecasts Achieve High Throughput and Low Delay over Cellular Networks

                                                                  The source code to Sprout (evaluated in the research paper) is available on GitHub. Source code to Sprout Tunnel (allows TCP to be tunneled within Sprout) available on GitHub Our "explicit-state" MPEG-2 implementation includes an encoder API (based on mpeg2enc) and a decoder API (built around libmpeg2). Our code for saturating wireless networks and then replaying those traces on a hardware gateway

                                                                  • Virtual communication curbs creative idea generation - Nature

                                                                    COVID-19 accelerated a decade-long shift to remote work by normalizing working from home on a large scale. Indeed, 75% of US employees in a 2021 survey reported a personal preference for working remotely at least one day per week1, and studies estimate that 20% of US workdays will take place at home after the pandemic ends2. Here we examine how this shift away from in-person interaction affects in

                                                                      Virtual communication curbs creative idea generation - Nature
                                                                    • 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連する対応について 東京大学の学生・教職員のみなさまへ | 東京大学

                                                                      東大の活動制限指針をレベル3(制限-大)に引き上げ 東京大学の学生・教職員のみなさまへ 4月6日(月)に発表された政府の緊急事態宣言予告、および東京都の緊急事態措置案を受け、東京大学も新型コロナウイルス感染者の急速な増加傾向に歯止めをかけるべく、キャンパスにおける活動制限をさらに厳格化いたします。 具体的には、「新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のための東京大学の活動制限指針*」(2020年4月3日発表)を4月8日(水)からレベル3(制限-大)に引き上げます。 レベル3では、みなさまに以下の制限のご協力をお願いします。 研究活動については、以下の研究スタッフ(事情によっては大学院生・研究員も可)の研究室立ち入りのみを許可します。研究室内で1人だけの実験・作業は禁止します。 (1)中止することにより大きな研究の損失を被ることになる、長期間にわたって継続している実験を遂行中の研究スタッフ (2)進

                                                                        新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連する対応について 東京大学の学生・教職員のみなさまへ | 東京大学
                                                                      • Deep Video Portraits

                                                                        Abstract: We present a novel approach that enables photo-realistic re-animation of portrait videos using only an input video. In contrast to existing approaches that are restricted to manipulations of facial expressions only, we are the first to transfer the full 3D head position, head rotation, face expression, eye gaze, and eye blinking from a source actor to a portrait video of a target actor.

                                                                        • Sprint | News Release: Sprint and Clearwire to Combine WiMAX Businesses, Creating a New Mobile Broadband Company

                                                                          Intel, Google, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks to Invest $3.2 Billion in Combined Company, at Target Price of $20.00 per Share Formation of New Company Brings Together the Nation's Leaders in Communications, Technology Innovation and Entertainment New Company to Speed Deployment of First Nationwide Next-Generation Mobile WiMAX Network Transaction Designed to Unlock the

                                                                          • XMeeting - Powerful Videoconferencing Solutions for Mac OS X

                                                                            XMeeting – Powerful Mac OS X video conferencing solutions Welcome to the website of the XMeeting project, the developers of XMeeting and ohphoneX! XMeeting is the first H.323 compatible video conferencing client for Mac OS X. In addition, XMeeting also supports the popular SIP protocol used by many VoIP applications. The client is highly compatible and has many additional features, so that it can

                                                                            • FAST '10 Technical Sessions

                                                                              Just Up! Videos of the presentations are now available. Access is currently restricted to USENIX members and FAST '10 conference attendees. Not a member? Join today! Conference papers are available to conference registrants immediately and to everyone beginning February 24, 2010. Everyone can view the proceedings front matter immediately. All sessions will take place in the Imperial Ballroom (Wedn

                                                                              • Video Road Hogs Stir Fear of Internet Traffic Jam (Published 2008)

                                                                                Caution: Heavy Internet traffic ahead. Delays possible. For months there has been a rising chorus of alarm about the surging growth in the amount of data flying across the Internet. The threat, according to some industry groups, analysts and researchers, stems mainly from the increasing visual richness of online communications and entertainment � video clips and movies, social networks and multipl

                                                                                  Video Road Hogs Stir Fear of Internet Traffic Jam (Published 2008)
                                                                                • Encode/AV1 – FFmpeg

                                                                                  ​AV1 is an open source & royalty-free video codec developed by the ​Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia), a non-profit industry consortium. Depending on the use case, AV1 can achieve about 30% higher compression efficiency than VP9, and about 50% higher efficiency than H.264. There are currently three AV1 encoders supported by FFmpeg: libaom (invoked with libaom-av1 in FFmpeg), SVT-AV1 (libsvtav1), a