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  • iCrowdNewswire

    3D Bioprinting Market is projected to reach a value of USD 5.17 billion, growing at a CAGR of 15.40% by 2030 3D Bioprinting Market Research Report Information By Technology (Microextrusion Bioprinting, Inkjet 3D Bioprinting, Laser-assisted Bioprinting, Magnetic 3D Bioprinting), By Material (Living Cells, Hydrogels, And Extracellular Matrices), By Application (Research Applications, And Clinical Ap

    • Why Japan is unlikely to legalise same-sex marriage

      Thailand has just passed a ‘landmark’ marriage equality bill, which will pave the way for the recognition of same-sex unions in the Land of Smiles. The upper house in Bangkok comfortably approved the measure on Tuesday, and as soon as King Maha Vajiralongkorn signs it off Thailand will become the first Southeast Asian jurisdiction to formally legalise gay marriage. Equality campaigners in Japan wi

        Why Japan is unlikely to legalise same-sex marriage
      • iCrowdNewswire

        Pediatric Medicine Market is projected to register a CAGR of 5.00% during the forecast period due to the increased demand for functional products. Pediatric Medicine Market Research Report: Information by Type (Respiratory Drugs, Digestive Medicine, Anti-Infective Drugs, Nutritional Supplements and Others), By Application (Hospital, Pharmacy and Clinic), By Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Paci

        • Marktgröße, Wachstum, Trends, Bericht 2030

          Marktforschungsbericht für seltene Arzneimittel: Informationen nach Arzneimitteltyp (Biologika und Nicht-Biologika), Verkauf (Generika und verschrieben), Medikament (Revlimid, Rituxan, Opdivo und andere), Therapieklasse (Onkologie, Blut, endokrine und andere), Region- Prognose bis 2027 Marktüberblick über Orphan Drugs Der Markt für Orphan Drugs wird voraussichtlich bis zum Prognosezeitraum 2027 um

          • ロシア巨大製油輸出施設の操業停止、ウクライナのドローン攻撃で火災発生か

            [21日 ロイター] - ロシア天然ガス大手企業ノバテク(NVTK.MM), opens new tabは21日、サンクトペテルブルク西方約170キロのフィンランド湾で運営している巨大製油輸出ターミナルの一部の操業停止を余儀なくされたと発表した。ウクライナのメディアによると、ドローン攻撃に伴い火災が発生したという。 このターミナルは、天然ガスコンデンセートを軽質ナフサ留分や重質ナフサ留分、灯油、軽油などに分離精製処理し、国際市場向けにタンカーへ積み込む施設。操業停止がいつまで続くかや、停泊中のタンカーの隻数、今後の市場への影響などは現段階では分かっていない。 1月21日、ロシア天然ガス大手企業ノバテクは21日、サンクトペテルブルク西方約170キロのフィンランド湾で運営している巨大製油輸出ターミナルの一部の操業停止を余儀なくされたと発表した(2024年 ロイター/Head of Admini

            • オペレーション・ワープ・スピードはコロナワクチン以外のイノベーションを加速する手本となり得るか? - himaginary’s diary

              というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Can Operation Warp Speed Serve as a Model for Accelerating Innovations Beyond COVID Vaccines?」で、著者はArielle D'Souza(Institute for Progress*1), Kendall Hoyt(ダートマス大)、Christopher M. Snyder(同)、Alec Stapp(Institute for Progress)。 以下はその要旨。 Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was a U.S. government-led program to accelerate the development, production, and administrat

                オペレーション・ワープ・スピードはコロナワクチン以外のイノベーションを加速する手本となり得るか? - himaginary’s diary
              • 【GitHub Actions】ベースブランチへのマージを自動でブロックする方法

                はじめに GitHub Actionsを用い、ベースブランチへのマージを自動でブロックする方法をまとめました。 弊社プロダクト[1]ではリリースが行われる日を「休日の前の日を除いた平日」と定めています。 git-pr-release[2]を用い、1日あたり数十個のPull Requestを、まとまった単位でリリースしています。まとまった単位でリリースするために、ベースブランチへのマージを特定の時刻に締め切り、QAチームに動作確認を依頼しています。 この「特定の時刻でマージを締め切る」作業は、ベースブランチのブランチ保護ルールの変更によって行なっています。以前は人の手によって作業がなされていたため、特定の時刻に締め切られないことで動作確認対象のPull Requestが余計に増えてしまい、リリースが遅延していまう問題がありました。 この問題を対処すべく、ベースブランチへのマージを自動でブロッ

                  【GitHub Actions】ベースブランチへのマージを自動でブロックする方法
                • Medical Tourism Market Size Worth USD 93.9 Billion by 2030 at 23.5% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                  Medical Tourism Market Size Worth USD 93.9 Billion by 2030 at 23.5% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Medical Tourism Market Trends and Insights by Treatment Type (Orthopedic/Spine Treatments, Oncology/Cancer Treatments, Cosmetic Treatments, Cardiovascular Treatments, Dental Treatments, Fertility/IVF Treatments, others), by Regions, Competitive Market Growth, Size, Share and Forecast

                    Medical Tourism Market Size Worth USD 93.9 Billion by 2030 at 23.5% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                  • ゼレンスキー政権、反攻作戦を指揮したタルナフスキー准将などを解任か

                    TIME誌は「反攻作戦の責任を問うため反攻作戦を担当した将官をクビにしなければならないとゼレンスキー大統領の側近が述べた」と報じたが、現地メディアは「ウメロフ国防相が反攻作戦を指揮したタルナフスキー准将の解任手続きを準備中だ」と報じている。 参考:В Минобороны подумывают над увольнением трех командующих – источники 本当にタルナフスキー准将が解任されるなら「反攻作戦失敗の責任を問われた」と映るだろうTIME誌はゼレンスキー大統領の側近の話として「冬が来る前に遅々として進まない反攻作戦の説明責任を果たすため、最低でも大臣と反攻作戦を担当した将官を1人づつクビにする必要がある」と報じていたが、ウクライナメディアは「ウメロフ国防相がタブリア作戦軍司令官のタルナフスキー准将、統合軍司令官のセルヒイ・ナエフ中将、医療軍司令官のテティ

                    • US Rheumatoid arthritis Market

                      Incidence and Prevalence: As the prevalence and incidence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) increase in the United States, so does the demand for treatments for the disorder. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a persistent autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the joints, and its increasing prevalence has led to a growing need for efficacious treatments. The RA market has been profoundly affected by tec

                      • Sakana AI

                        Last update: July 5, 2024. Interested in joining us? We’re hiring! Although we are a small lab, we are always looking to bring on exceptional talent to join our team. If you are interested in applying for one of the positions in this post, please follow the below two steps: Complete this Google Form. Email careers@sakana.ai with a description about yourself. Indicate that you have completed the fo

                          Sakana AI
                        • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) Release Notes

                          Noble Numbat Release Notes Table of Contents Introduction New features in 24.04 LTS Known Issues Official flavours More information Introduction These release notes for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) provide an overview of the release and document the known issues with Ubuntu and its flavours. Support lifespan Ubuntu 24.04 LTS will be supported for 5 years until June 2029. If you need Long Term S

                          • Kanji for Pipe or Tube as a Conduit: 管 (kuda, くだ)

                            The Japanese Kanji for a pipe or tube is 管. The Kunyomi, or the Japanese, pronunciation of the Kanji 管 is (kuda,くだ), and the Onyomi (Chinese) pronunciation is kan (カン). The Kanji represents long tubular objects used as a conduit for materials like fluid or gas, but not for other tubular objects, which the Kanji 筒 represents for tube or cylinder. Pipe’s Kanji 管 is part of JLPT N2 and is taught in g

                              Kanji for Pipe or Tube as a Conduit: 管 (kuda, くだ)
                            • Enteral Feeding Devices Market Worth USD 4,426.0 Million by 2027 at 5.3% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                              Enteral Feeding Devices Market Worth USD 4,426.0 Million by 2027 at 5.3% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Enteral Feeding Devices Market Insights and Industry Analysis by Product (Enteral Feeding Tubes, Enteral Feeding Pumps, Enteral Syringes, Administration Sets, Consumables), Age Group, Indication (Cancer), & End User (Hospitals), and Region, Competitive Market Size, Share, Trends,

                                Enteral Feeding Devices Market Worth USD 4,426.0 Million by 2027 at 5.3% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                              • iCrowdNewswire

                                CAR-T Cell Therapy Market Growth due to Technical Advancements Which is Expected at 14.5% till 2032 CAR T Cell Therapy Market Research Report Information By Target Antigen (CD19, CD22), By Application (Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) and Region (US, Europe, China and Rest of World) – Forecast till 2032 The CAR T Cell Therapy market is projected to reach USD 7.2 Billion

                                • Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment.

                                  Tucked among the stately Tudor-style homes in the Palmer Woods neighborhood of Detroit is a beige one with ivy snaking up its facade and a sign on the front lawn that reads, “Peace with justice in Gaza.” It is the home of the 74-year-old artist, photographer and activist Barbara Weinberg Barefield, a founding member of the left-wing Jewish Voice for Peace Action-Michigan, who told me that she is t

                                    Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment.
                                  • ReachExt

                                    Start writing your article here after clicking the "Edit" link at the top of this page. Don't insert paragraph above. Headquartered in Tokyo, ReachExt is an English and Japanese bilingual recruitment and RPO company[edit] ReachExt offers services for contingency Recruitment and RPO Services in Japan and APAC ReachExt Japan is a recruitment agency focused on matching bilingual candidates in a varie

                                    • New Relicをフルに活用するためにデータ量とコストに気を配る - TVer Tech Blog

                                      こんにちは、TVerの加我です。 こちらは TVer Advent Calendar 2023 と New Relic 使ってみた情報をシェアしよう! by New Relic Advent Calendar 2023 の8日目の記事です。 みなさまNew Relicを活用していますか?サービスの信頼性を担保していますか?オブザーバビリティの導入・実現に向けてNew Relicを使い倒していますか? New Relicは非常に高機能なオブザーバビリティプラットフォームです。TVerではフロントエンドからバックエンドまでNew Relicを活用した横断的な観測を行っています。しかしNew Relicを導入し活用していくにつれて気になってくるのがコストです。 ということで、New Relicを活用しつつコストを最適化するためのポイントについて考えていきます。 New Relicのコスト計算につ

                                        New Relicをフルに活用するためにデータ量とコストに気を配る - TVer Tech Blog
                                      • Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence | The White House

                                        Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  Purpose.  Artificial intelligence (AI) holds extraordinary potential for both promise and peril.  Responsible AI use has the potential to help sol

                                        • Healthcare OEM Market Size Worth USD 214.90 Million by 2030 at 9.80% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                                          Healthcare OEM Market Size Worth USD 214.90 Million by 2030 at 9.80% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Healthcare OEM Market Trends And Insights by type (healthcare software, Medical device and instruments), OEM solutions (Quality control and regulatory compliance, Manufacturing and fabrication, Packaging and sterilization, Product design and development, Order fulfillment & flexible

                                            Healthcare OEM Market Size Worth USD 214.90 Million by 2030 at 9.80% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                                          • Writing useful terminal TUI on Linux with dialog and jq - Fedora Magazine

                                            Why a Text User Interface? Many use the terminal on a daily basis. A Text User Interface (TUI) is a tool that will minimize user errors and allow you to become more productive with the terminal interface. Let me give you an example: I connect on a daily basis from my home computer into my Physical PC, using Linux. All remote networking is protected using a private VPN. After a while it was irritat

                                              Writing useful terminal TUI on Linux with dialog and jq - Fedora Magazine
                                            • Kanji for "To Go": 行 (i-ku / yu-ku / okona-u)

                                              The Japanese kanji meaning “go” is 行. This Kanji for “go” also means “to carry out”. The kun’yomi (Japanese reading) pronunciations of the Kanji 行 are “i-ku” (い-く), “yu-ku” (ゆ-く), and “okona-u” (おこな-う). The on’yomi (Chinese reading) pronunciations of 行 are “ko” (コウ), “gyo” (ギョウ), and “an” (アン). The Kanji 行, for “go“, appears in 1,722 Japanese names, and in that case, it is pronounced as “yuki” (ゆき

                                                Kanji for "To Go": 行 (i-ku / yu-ku / okona-u)
                                              • Is Kim Jong Un Preparing for War? - 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

                                                Source: Rodong Sinmun The situation on the Korean Peninsula is more dangerous than it has been at any time since early June 1950. That may sound overly dramatic, but we believe that, like his grandfather in 1950, Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war. We do not know when or how Kim plans to pull the trigger, but the danger is already far beyond the routine warnings in Washington,

                                                  Is Kim Jong Un Preparing for War? - 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
                                                • ‘Gas-Station Heroin’ Sold as Dietary Supplement Alarms Health Officials

                                                  The young father headed across the parking lot to join the other parents meeting their children’s new preschool teachers. After a few steps, he began sweating and twitching. As the sky reeled, he staggered back to the car, desperate to lie down in the back seat and breathe, hidden by tinted windows. “Did you take something?” his wife, Anne, shouted at him while dialing 911. Eric, 26, had completed

                                                    ‘Gas-Station Heroin’ Sold as Dietary Supplement Alarms Health Officials
                                                  • A skeptic's first contact with Kubernetes

                                                    I've been working on systems administration / engineering / infrastructure development for many years and somehow I've managed to avoid any interaction with Kubernetes. This avoidance wasn't accidental; my work required very tight control of workload placement in physical locations. Over time, I developed a skeptical view of Kubernetes without really having a solid basis for it, other than a vague

                                                    • iCrowdNewswire

                                                      Preclinical CRO Market Study Report Based on Size, Shares, Opportunities, Industry Trends and Forecast to 2032 Preclinical CRO Market Research Report Information By Service (Toxicology Testing, Bioanalysis and Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) Studies), Application (Oncology, Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorders, Cardiovascular Diseases, Immunological Disorders, Respiratory Diseases, I

                                                      • Opinion | J.D. Vance: The Math on Ukraine Doesn’t Add Up

                                                        In Scranton, Pa., 155-millimeter artillery shells are being manufactured.Credit...Brendan McDermid/Reuters President Biden wants the world to believe that the biggest obstacle facing Ukraine is Republicans and our lack of commitment to the global community. This is wrong. Ukraine’s challenge is not the G.O.P.; it’s math. Ukraine needs more soldiers than it can field, even with draconian conscripti

                                                          Opinion | J.D. Vance: The Math on Ukraine Doesn’t Add Up
                                                        • Mitski - I’m Your Man (a @blogotheque Filmed Performance) - YouTube

                                                          Mitski's performance of “I’m Your Man” filmed by @blogotheque New album 'The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We' is out now. Listen + order: https://mitski.lnk.to/TLIIASAW Order on Black, Pink Aster or Gold Metallic Vinyl: https://mitski.lnk.to/TLIIASAW-Physical https://mitski.com/ https://www.twitter.com/mitskileaks https://www.instagram.com/mitskileaks/ https://tiktok.com/@mitskileaks Find

                                                            Mitski - I’m Your Man (a @blogotheque Filmed Performance) - YouTube
                                                          • GitHub Copilotについて学べる無料学習教材が公開

                                                            GitHubは3月4日(現地時間)、GitHub Copilotについて学べる無料の学習教材として「GitHub Copilot Learning Pathway」を公開した。この教材を利用することで、AIアシスタントであるGitHub Copilotのメリットやデータパイプラインの仕組み、基本的な使い方などを学習できる。詳細は公式ブログ事「GitHub Copilot Learning Pathway: Accelerate your business with AI」にまとめられている。 GitHub Copilot Learning Pathway: Accelerate your business with AI - The GitHub Blog 「GitHub Learning Pathway」とは GitHub Learning Pathwayは、GitHubの各種サービスに

                                                              GitHub Copilotについて学べる無料学習教材が公開
                                                            • Apple Watchの心房細動履歴が米国の「医療機器開発ツール」承認!何が変わる? - iPhone Mania

                                                              Apple Watchの心房細動履歴が、米食品医薬品局(FDA:Food and Drug Administration)において「医療機器開発ツール(MDDT:Medical Device Development Tools)」の承認を取得しました。 Apple Watchの心房細動検出データへの信頼性高まる これまでに認可されていたApple Watchの心房細動履歴は、同じ仕組みの光学式センサーを用いたパルスオキシメーターにおいて同機能が有用であることが確認されていたことによる「同等品」としてのもので、認可取得のハードルは低いものでした。 今回、Apple Watchの心房細動履歴が新たにMDTTとしての承認をFDAから取得したことで、例えば医療機関での臨床評価(各種スタディ)にApple Watchの心房細動履歴を用いた場合の信頼性にFDAがお墨付きを与えたことになります。 FDA

                                                                Apple Watchの心房細動履歴が米国の「医療機器開発ツール」承認!何が変わる? - iPhone Mania
                                                              • ウクライナメディアがザルジニー解任を報道、大統領府や参謀本部は否定

                                                                Interfax-Ukraine、Kyiv Independent、Ukrainska Pravda、Censor.NETなど複数のウクライナメディアは29日「ザルジニー総司令官が解任された可能性がある」と報じており、大統領府や参謀本部は「ザルジニー解任は事実ではない」と否定している。 参考:Zaluzhny may be dismissed from his post – source 参考:Contradicting reports point at dismissal of Zaluzhnyi as top commander; Zelensky’s office denies it 参考:ОП рассматривает отставку Залужного. Но указа еще нет – источники 参考:Zelenskyy signs decree on Zal

                                                                • 1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries – Dr Mark Trozzi

                                                                  Here is an organized library of more than one thousand peer reviewed articles which show that Covid-19 "vaccines" are harmful. Here is an ultimate and organized library to empower research, back up law suits, support criminal charges, or effect political change. It’s also abundant proof for anyone who is still buying the “safe and effective” claim, but is willing to look at the evidence. Please bo

                                                                    1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries – Dr Mark Trozzi
                                                                  • Enteral Feeding Devices Market Size, Share, Forecast 2032

                                                                    Enteral Feeding Devices Market Research Report: Information By Product (Enteral Feeding Tubes, Enteral Feeding Pumps, Enteral Syringes, Administration Sets, Consumables), By Age Group (Pediatrics And Adults), By End-User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Home Care Settings), By Indication (Diabetes, Cancer, Gastrointestinal diseases, Hypermetabolism), And By Region (North America, Europe, As

                                                                    • Veterinary Medicine Market Size Worth USD 44.89 Billion by 2030 at 5.57% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                                                                      Veterinary Medicine Market Size Worth USD 44.89 Billion by 2030 at 5.57% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Veterinary Medicine Market Trends and Insights By Animal Type (Domesticated and Companion), Product (Drugs and Vaccines), Route of Administration (Oral, Parental), Distribution Channel (Veterinary Hospitals & Clinics, Retail Stores, Online Pharmacies), And By Region (North Americ

                                                                        Veterinary Medicine Market Size Worth USD 44.89 Billion by 2030 at 5.57% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                                                                      • Acne Treatment Market Size Worth USD 13.1 Billion by 2030 at 4.63% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                                                                        Acne Treatment Market Size Worth USD 13.1 Billion by 2030 at 4.63% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Acne Treatment Market Trends and Insights by Acne Type (Moderate, Mild, Moderate to Severe), Treatment (Medication, Therapeutic Devices), Drug Type (OTC, Prescription), Route of Administration (Topical, Oral, Injectable), End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Specialty Centers) and Region (Am

                                                                          Acne Treatment Market Size Worth USD 13.1 Billion by 2030 at 4.63% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                                                                        • Panic! at the Tech Job Market

                                                                          Panic! at the Job Market “I have the two qualities you require to see absolute truth: I am brilliant and unloved.” ready for another too-long article about personal failure while blaming the world for our faults? let’s see where we end up with 7,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 words this time1. this post is sponsored by me. funding appreciated: https://github.com/sponsors/mattsta TOC: Job Openings vs. Int