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    • GitHub - chrxh/alien: ALIEN is a CUDA-powered artificial life simulation program.

      Artificial LIfe ENvironment (ALIEN) is an artificial life simulation tool based on a specialized 2D particle engine in CUDA for soft bodies and fluids. Each simulated body consists of a network of particles that can be upgraded with higher-level functions, ranging from pure information processing capabilities to physical equipment (such as sensors, muscles, weapons, constructors, etc.) whose execu

        GitHub - chrxh/alien: ALIEN is a CUDA-powered artificial life simulation program.
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              • SETI@home Search for Alien Life Project Shuts Down After 21 Years

                HomeNewsSoftwareSETI@home Search for Alien Life Project Shuts Down After 21 Years SETI@home has announced that they will no longer be distributing new work to clients starting on March 31st as they have enough data and want to focus on completing their back-end analysis of the data. SETI@home is a distributed computing project where volunteers contribute their CPU resources to analyze radio data f

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                • ‘So alien! So other!’: how western TV gets Japanese culture wrong

                  After all, BBC One’s Japan With Sue Perkins, which aired last month, was only the latest in a long run of British TV programmes inviting us to boggle at the east Asian country. These shows always feature a shot of the aforementioned Shibuya Crossing, items on AI and sumo wrestling, and a concerned interview with an undersexed young man (sometimes called otaku) and/or an overexcited young woman (so

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