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  • Async Rust Is A Bad Language

    But to get at whatever the hell I mean by that, we need to talk about why async Rust exists in the first place. Let’s talk about: Modern Concurrency: They’re Green, They’re Mean, & They Ate My Machine Suppose we want our code to go fast. We have two big problems to solve: We want to use the whole computer. Code runs on CPUs, and in 2023, even my phone has eight of the damn things. If I want to use

      Async Rust Is A Bad Language
    • Live types in a TypeScript monorepo

      EDIT: A previous version of this post recommended publishConfig, operating under the mistaken belief that it could be used to override "exports" during npm publish. As it turns out, npm only uses "publishConfig" to override certain .npmrc fields like registry and tag, whereas pnpm has expanded its use to override package metadata like "main", "types", and "exports". There are a number of reasons y

        Live types in a TypeScript monorepo
      • Why stdout is faster than stderr? - Orhun's Blog

        I recently realized stdout is much faster than stderr for Rust. Here are my findings after diving deep into this rabbit hole. I have been using the terminal (i.e. command-line) for most of my day-to-day things for a while now. I was always fascinated by the fact that how quick and convenient the command-line might be and that's why I'm a proponent of using CLI (command-line) or TUI (terminal user

          Why stdout is faster than stderr? - Orhun's Blog
        • Announcing Vite 5

          Vite 5.0 is out! ​November 16, 2023 Vite 4 was released almost a year ago, and it served as a solid base for the ecosystem. npm downloads per week jumped from 2.5 million to 7.5 million, as projects keep building on a shared infrastructure. Frameworks continued to innovate, and on top of Astro, Nuxt, SvelteKit, Solid Start, Qwik City, between others, we saw new frameworks joining and making the ec

            Announcing Vite 5
          • The Development of the C Language

            The Development of the C Language* Dennis M. Ritchie Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA dmr@bell-labs.com ABSTRACT The C programming language was devised in the early 1970s as a system implementation language for the nascent Unix operating system. Derived from the typeless language BCPL, it evolved a type structure; created on a tiny machine as a tool to improve a meager progr

            • oss-security - backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise

              Follow @Openwall on Twitter for new release announcements and other news [<prev] [next>] [thread-next>] [day] [month] [year] [list] Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 08:51:26 -0700 From: Andres Freund <andres@...razel.de> To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com Subject: backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise Hi, After observing a few odd symptoms around liblzma (part of the xz package)

              • AWS Lambda Under the Hood

                Transcript Danilov: We'll talk about AWS Lambda, how it's built, how it works, and why it's so cool. My name is Mike Danilov. I'm a Senior Principal Engineer at AWS Serverless. A decade ago, I joined EC2 networking team, and it was a fantastic ride. Then, five years back, I heard about Lambda. I really liked the simplicity of the idea. We run your code in the cloud, no servers needed, so I joined

                  AWS Lambda Under the Hood
                • 行方不明の「宇宙産トマト」が国際宇宙ステーションで発見され宇宙飛行士のトマト盗み食い疑惑が8カ月越しに晴れる

                  by NASA Johnson 国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)で収穫されて行方不明になっていた「宇宙産トマト」が8カ月に越しに発見されました。トマトを収穫した宇宙飛行士はトマト盗み食いの疑惑をかけられていたのですが、トマト発見により盗み食いをしていなかったことが証明されています。 Space station astronauts solve the mystery of a missing tomato : NPR https://www.npr.org/2023/12/10/1218418262/missing-tomato-international-space-station ISSでは宇宙ミッション中の食料供給補助や火星での生鮮食品供給を可能にするために野菜の栽培実験が実施されています。今回発見された宇宙産トマトは栽培実験プロジェクト「Veg-05」で栽培されたもので、実験結果は宇

                  • Welcome - 100 Exercises To Learn Rust

                    Welcome Welcome to "100 Exercises To Learn Rust"! This course will teach you Rust's core concepts, one exercise at a time. You'll learn about Rust's syntax, its type system, its standard library, and its ecosystem. We don't assume any prior knowledge of Rust, but we assume you know at least another programming language. We also don't assume any prior knowledge of systems programming or memory mana

                    • Modern Emacs Typescript Web (React) Config with lsp-mode, treesitter, tailwind, TSX & more - Ovi Stoica

                      Table of Contents Introduction Part 1: Treesitter for Typescript & TSX LSP Support Completion setup Linter setup LSP Setup Eslint (Optional) Tailwind LSP Server LSP Performance Emacs LSP Booster Structural editing Formatting buffers with Prettier Other resources Conclusion Introduction I've worked within the JS ecosystem for the past 8 years using editors like Webstorm and VSCode, I started using

                      • HTML attributes vs DOM properties

                        Attributes and properties are fundamentally different things. You can have an attribute and property of the same name set to different values. For example: <div foo="bar">…</div> <script> const div = document.querySelector('div[foo=bar]'); console.log(div.getAttribute('foo')); // 'bar' console.log(div.foo); // undefined div.foo = 'hello world'; console.log(div.getAttribute('foo')); // 'bar' consol

                          HTML attributes vs DOM properties
                        • LogLog Games

                          The article is also available in Chinese. Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and multiple finished games. This isn't meant to brag or indicate su

                          • Relay-style GraphQL

                            🇰🇷 한국인 (Korean) translation available (courtesy of Yujin Lim) “The future Relay-style GraphQL is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.” – William Gibson, probably ”Relay-style GraphQL” is an opinionated way of consuming GraphQL in a React application, and probably better than whatever you’re currently doing. It follows the ideas pioneered by Meta’s open-source GraphQL library, Relay.

                              Relay-style GraphQL
                            • htmz - a low power tool for html

                              =>htmz> a low power tool for html htmz is a minimalist HTML microframework for creating interactive and modular web user interfaces with the familiar simplicity of plain HTML. [GitHub] plain🍦 Use straight up HTML. No supersets. No hz- ng- hx- v- w- x-; no special attributes. No DSLs. No <custom-elements>. Just vanilla HTML. lightweight🪶 166 bytes in total. Zero dependencies. Zero JS bundles to l

                              • CVE-2024-4367 - Arbitrary JavaScript execution in PDF.js — Codean Labs

                                This post details CVE-2024-4367, a vulnerability in PDF.js found by Codean Labs. PDF.js is a JavaScript-based PDF viewer maintained by Mozilla. This bug allows an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code as soon as a malicious PDF file is opened. This affects all Firefox users (<126) because PDF.js is used by Firefox to show PDF files, but also seriously impacts many web- and Electron-based a

                                  CVE-2024-4367 - Arbitrary JavaScript execution in PDF.js — Codean Labs
                                • Thorium Browser

                                  Chromium fork for Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi named after radioactive element No. 90. Highlights Compiler optimizations include SSE4.2, AVX, AES, and modifications to CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, thinLTO flags, import_instr_limit flags, and PGO, as well as other compiler flags. LLVM LOOP optimizations as -mllvm flags Learn more about these compiler optimizations and how they work Here. UI

                                  • Llama 2の性能がGPT-3.5並みだというのが本当かテストしてみた|IT navi

                                    1.Llama 2の日本語能力最初に、Llama 2に日本語で話しかけてみました。 入力 こんにちは。日本語は話せますか? LLama 2 Konnichiwa! Yes, I can speak Japanese. How may I assist you today? (こんにちは。はい、日本語が話せます。今日はどのようなご用件でしょうか?) 入力 富士山はどんな山ですか? Llama 2 Fuji-san is a very famous mountain in Japan, known for its beautiful and iconic shape. It is a stratovolcano, which means it is a type of volcano that is characterized by its steep, conical shape and i

                                      Llama 2の性能がGPT-3.5並みだというのが本当かテストしてみた|IT navi
                                    • ReactにおけるRef:DOMへのアクセスから命令的APIまで | POSTD

                                      この記事では、ReactにおいてDOMへのアクセスが必要な理由と、その際にRefがどう役立つのかを見ていきます。また、useRef、forwardRef、useImperativeHandleという3つのフックについて説明し、これらを適切に使用する方法を紹介したいと思います。 この記事と同じ内容を扱ったYouTube動画も公開していますので、活字媒体よりも動画視聴を好まれる方はそちらをご覧ください。文字ではなく、アニメーションと音声で同じ概念を解説しています。 この記事は動画形式でも公開しています。 目次 useRefを使用してReactでDOMにアクセスする 親から子にRefをpropとして渡す forwardRefを使用して親から子にRefを渡す useImperativeHandleを使用した命令型API useImperativeHandleを使用しない命令型API Reactには

                                        ReactにおけるRef:DOMへのアクセスから命令的APIまで | POSTD
                                      • WinterJS 1.0 · Blog · Wasmer

                                        Back to articlesWinterJS 1.0Announcing WinterJS 1.0, the fastest Javascript web server now also supporting Cloudflare applications and React Server Components WinterJS 1.0 is finally here. WinterJS is an incredibly fast WinterCG-compatible Javascript runtime written in Rust using the SpiderMonkey engine to execute JavaScript, and Tokio to handle the underlying HTTP requests and JS event loop. Wint

                                          WinterJS 1.0 · Blog · Wasmer
                                        • research!rsc: Timeline of the xz open source attack

                                          Posted on Monday, April 1, 2024. Updated Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Over a period of over two years, an attacker using the name “Jia Tan” worked as a diligent, effective contributor to the xz compression library, eventually being granted commit access and maintainership. Using that access, they installed a very subtle, carefully hidden backdoor into liblzma, a part of xz that also happens to be a d

                                          • How we built JSR

                                            We recently launched the JavaScript Registry - JSR. It’s a new registry for JavaScript and TypeScript designed to offer a significantly better experience than npm for both package authors and users: It natively supports publishing TypeScript source code, which is used to auto-generate documentation for your package It’s secure-by-default, supporting token-less publishing from GitHub Actions and pa

                                              How we built JSR
                                            • Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker

                                              Dockerfiles are fundamental tools for developers working with Docker, serving as a blueprint for creating Docker images. These text documents contain all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Understanding and effectively utilizing Dockerfiles can significantly streamline the development process, allowing for the automation of image creation and ensuring consiste

                                                Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker
                                              • ノーベル経済学賞を受賞したゴルディン博士の論文|ゆきと

                                                2023年のノーベル経済学賞は、ハーバード大学のクラウディア・ゴルディン博士に授与されました。 ノーベル経済学賞に男女間の格差是正など研究のゴールディン氏 「男女の賃金格差」という男女論ど真ん中の研究だったということで、ツイッター男女論界隈は大いに沸き立ったようです。 しかしながらその解釈は個々に異なっており、ツイッターではフェミニスト・反フェミニスト双方が「ノーベル賞受賞者がフェミニズム or アンチフェミニズムを支持した!」とでもいうように色めき立つという大混乱の様相を呈しております。(スクショ引用しようと思いましたが角が立ちそうなのでやめておきます。) しかし、何名かの識者が指摘しているように「テキスト」を読まずに物事を判断したり、批判したりするのは適切ではないでしょう。そこで今回は、このノーベル賞の対象となった研究がどのようなものであったか、またそこからどのようなことが考えられるか

                                                • The problem with using a UUID primary key in MySQL — PlanetScale

                                                  Universally Unique Identifiers, also known as UUIDs, are designed to allow developers to generate unique IDs in a way that guarantees uniqueness without knowledge of other systems. These are especially useful in a distributed architecture, where you have a number of systems and databases responsible for creating records. You might think that using UUIDs as a primary key in a database is a great id

                                                    The problem with using a UUID primary key in MySQL — PlanetScale
                                                  • How Turborepo is porting from Go to Rust – Vercel

                                                    How Turborepo is porting from Go to RustOur strategy for making updates and maintaining stability while we migrate languages. In a previous blog post, we talked about why we are porting Turborepo, the high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript, from Go to Rust. Now, let's talk about how. Today, our porting effort is in full swing, moving more and more code to Rust. But when we wer

                                                      How Turborepo is porting from Go to Rust – Vercel
                                                    • The Anatomy of Slow Code Reviews

                                                      Almost every software developer complains about slow code reviews, but sometimes, it can be hard to understand what’s causing them. It could sometimes be because the right owners were not identified, but many times, it could be due to a lack of communication. In this post, we will explore what can cause code reviews to slow down and learn about techniques for improving them. Code Review Time Total

                                                        The Anatomy of Slow Code Reviews
                                                      • Nue: The content-first web framework

                                                        A content-first Web framework Nue is a closer-to-metal framework embracing minimalism and web standards. It's structurally clean and stupidly fast. Get started Product roadmap Content-first: Build entire sites without ever leaving your content Vision The ultimate goal of Nue is to build a perfect web framework, which is ridiculously fast and easy to use. Nue JS Server-side templating and reactive

                                                          Nue: The content-first web framework
                                                        • ザ・ビートルズ | シン・赤盤青盤の衝撃。|MiHo O'Hara / Mihowell

                                                          ビートルズの新曲 “Now And Then” 発表の1週間後にリリースされたのが、ビートルズの公式曲のうち53曲を収録し、長く「ビートルズ入門編」とか「ベスト盤」とか言われてきた "The Beatles 1962-1966(通称「赤盤)" と、" The Beatles 1967-1970(通称「青盤」) " の新装盤【2023 Edition】です。 物理フォーマットは各2枚組のCDと各3枚組のLP、そしてストリーミングやDLでも聞くことが出来ます。 The BEATLES - Red & Blue - 2023 Edition収録数はオリジナル盤の54曲から75曲に拡充され、特に赤盤では今回ほとんどの楽曲で新たに『2023 Mix』が施されています。 シン・赤青収録曲・結局どの楽曲が新たに追加されたの? ・2023 Mixなのはどの曲? ・それぞれの盤には何曲ずつ入っているの? …

                                                            ザ・ビートルズ | シン・赤盤青盤の衝撃。|MiHo O'Hara / Mihowell
                                                          • Backward Compatibility, Go 1.21, and Go 2 - The Go Programming Language

                                                            Russ Cox 14 August 2023 Go 1.21 includes new features to improve compatibility. Before you stop reading, I know that sounds boring. But boring can be good. Back in the early days of Go 1, Go was exciting and full of surprises. Each week we cut a new snapshot release and everyone got to roll the dice to see what we’d changed and how their programs would break. We released Go 1 and its compatibility

                                                              Backward Compatibility, Go 1.21, and Go 2 - The Go Programming Language
                                                            • Announcing Docker Compose Watch GA Release | Docker

                                                              Docker Compose Watch, a tool to improve the inner loop of application development, is now generally available. Hot reload is one of those engineering workflow features that’s seemingly minor and simple but has cumulative benefits. If you can trust your app will update seamlessly as you code, without losing state, it’s one less thing pulling your focus from the work at hand. You can see your fronte

                                                                Announcing Docker Compose Watch GA Release | Docker
                                                              • Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5! - Raspberry Pi

                                                                Today, we’re delighted to announce the launch of Raspberry Pi 5, coming at the end of October. Priced at $60 for the 4GB variant, and $80 for its 8GB sibling (plus your local taxes), virtually every aspect of the platform has been upgraded, delivering a no-compromises user experience. Raspberry Pi 5 comes with new features, it’s over twice as fast as its predecessor, and it’s the first Raspberry P

                                                                  Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5! - Raspberry Pi
                                                                • 23 New Japanese Words Added to Oxford English Dictionary

                                                                  Kuge, meaning court noble, was the first Japanese loanword to appear in the English Dictionary in 1577. The list has been steadily growing since and today there are hundreds of them, such as anime, emoji, hikikomori and karoshi. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is updated on a quarterly basis to include revised versions of existing words, as well as new words and senses. Here we look at the 23

                                                                    23 New Japanese Words Added to Oxford English Dictionary
                                                                  • The Future of AlmaLinux is Bright

                                                                    benny VasquezChair of the Board, AlmaLinux OS Foundation It’s been a whirlwind few weeks here at AlmaLinux, and I’m elated to be able to finally share this update. The future of AlmaLinux OSIn case you missed it, Red Hat announced they will no longer be providing the means for downstream clones to continue to be 1:1 binary copies of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Very quickly, both Jack and I sh

                                                                      The Future of AlmaLinux is Bright
                                                                    • Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers

                                                                      I've found that one of the best ways to understand a new concept is to start from the very beginning. Start from a place where it doesn't exist yet and recreate it yourself, learning in the process not just how it works, but why it was designed the way it was. This isn't a practical guide to async, but hopefully some of the background knowledge it covers will help you think about asynchronous prob

                                                                        Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers
                                                                      • Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone

                                                                        Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone09/29/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語 and 한국어. For years, we’ve written that CAPTCHAs drive us crazy. Humans give up on CAPTCHA puzzles approximately 15% of the time and, maddeningly, CAPTCHAs are significantly easier for bots to solve than they are for humans. We’ve spent the past three and a half years working to b

                                                                          Cloudflare is free of CAPTCHAs; Turnstile is free for everyone
                                                                        • gRPC Over HTTP/3

                                                                          Introduction At the time of writing, HTTP/3 is supported by 30.4% of the top 10 million websites. This market penetration is astounding, but it seems like all of this progress has been possible almost exclusively by work on browsers, load balancers and CDN providers. What about the backend? How’s HTTP/3 doing there? The answer, sadly, is not as incredible. Because of this, I have been very interes

                                                                            gRPC Over HTTP/3
                                                                          • Write your own Zod

                                                                            8/29/2023 Write your own Zod Write your own Zod from scratch Table of Contents Introduction Primitive types Complex types: ZodArray<T> Complex types: ZodObject<T> Building schemas Validating schemas Next steps Footnotes Introductionλ Zod is a Typescript library where defining a schema gives you both runtime validation and type safety. As an exercise in type-level gymnastics, lets make our own Zod

                                                                            • 【Groq】一秒で500トークン、GPT-4の25倍のスピードで出力できるAIを使ってみた | WEEL

                                                                              WEELメディア事業部LLMリサーチャーの中田です。 ここ数日で、言語生成AIの「Groq」が話題になりました。 これにより、GPTよりも高速でテキストを生成できるんです、、、! "GPT-3.5 class LLMs are too slow." Sure, that was true last week. Here is Groq (not the same as Musk's Grok) running Llama 2. Watch for the moment I click send. If you want to try: https://t.co/aZKkWVsamS pic.twitter.com/gOlB4cL5MC — Ethan Mollick (@emollick) February 19, 2024 XでのGroq関連の投稿のいいね数は、すで1100を超えており、

                                                                              • Optimizing your LLM in production

                                                                                Note: This blog post is also available as a documentation page on Transformers. Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT3/4, Falcon, and LLama are rapidly advancing in their ability to tackle human-centric tasks, establishing themselves as essential tools in modern knowledge-based industries. Deploying these models in real-world tasks remains challenging, however: To exhibit near-human text unders

                                                                                  Optimizing your LLM in production
                                                                                • HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack

                                                                                  HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack10/10/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. Starting on Aug 25, 2023, we started to notice some unusually big HTTP attacks hitting many of our customers. These attacks were detected and mitigated by our automated DDoS system. It was not long however, before they started to reach record b

                                                                                    HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack