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bareに関するエントリは41件あります。 serverサーバtutorial などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Shiguredo uses Tailscale to solve the issues that arise with cloud services using bare-metal servers · Tailscale』などがあります。
  • Shiguredo uses Tailscale to solve the issues that arise with cloud services using bare-metal servers · Tailscale

    Contributed by @voluntas. Shiguredo Inc. develops and provides a software package called WebRTC SFU Sora (Sora) and its cloud service. WebRTC (Real-Time Communication) is a technology for exchanging voice, video, and data in real time over P2P. Sora is a WebRTC SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit), which is different from P2P communication in that it delivers audio and video data “via server.” With Sor

      Shiguredo uses Tailscale to solve the issues that arise with cloud services using bare-metal servers · Tailscale
    • Google Cloudが「Bare Metal Solution」としてベアメタルサーバの提供を開始 - Publickey

      Google Cloudは、Oracle Databaseのようなベアメタルサーバ環境での実行が適しているアプリケーション向けの新サービス「Bare Metal Solution」の提供を発表しました。 Jumpstart the migration of applications that have been holding back your cloud adoption with Bare Metal Solution. Learn more about how we're enabling specialized workloads in Google Cloud → https://t.co/1vfjuvUoxp pic.twitter.com/Wuqj6Na6Ek — Google Cloud Platform (@GCPcloud) November 20, 2019 Bar

        Google Cloudが「Bare Metal Solution」としてベアメタルサーバの提供を開始 - Publickey
      • Comparing NGINX Performance in Bare Metal and Virtual Environments – NGINX Community Blog

        Comparing NGINX Performance in Bare Metal and Virtual Environments While there has been an explosive growth in public cloud adoption due to the COVID‑19 pandemic, enterprises are also embracing hybrid cloud, where they run workloads in both public clouds and on premises (in a private data center, say). This hybrid approach enables enterprises to deploy their workloads in environments that best sui

        • GitHub - zetzit/zz: 🍺🐙 ZetZ a zymbolic verifier and tranzpiler to bare metal C

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            GitHub - zetzit/zz: 🍺🐙 ZetZ a zymbolic verifier and tranzpiler to bare metal C
          • How a CPU works: Bare metal C on my RISC-V toy CPU

            I always wanted to understand how a CPU works, how it transitions from one instruction to the next and makes a computer work. So after reading Ken Shirrif’s blog about a bug fix in the 8086 processor I thought: Well, let’s try to write one in a hardware description language. This post is a write up of my learning experiment. I’ll walk through my steps of creating an emulator, compiling and linking

            • Bare-metal Rust in Android

              The latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet

                Bare-metal Rust in Android
              • GitHub - babbleberry/rpi4-osdev: Tutorial: Writing a "bare metal" operating system for Raspberry Pi 4

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                  GitHub - babbleberry/rpi4-osdev: Tutorial: Writing a "bare metal" operating system for Raspberry Pi 4
                • k0s | Kubernetes distribution for bare-metal, on-prem, edge, IoT

                  The Simple, Solid & Certified Kubernetes Distribution THE KUBERNETES FOR PUBLIC CLOUD, PRIVATE CLOUD, HYBRID CLOUD, ON-PREMISES, BARE METAL, EDGE, IOT Deploy and run Kubernetes workloads at any scale on any infrastructure. All batteries included. 100% open source & free. Get Started Zero Friction k0s drastically reduces the complexity of installing and running a fully conformant Kubernetes distrib

                    k0s | Kubernetes distribution for bare-metal, on-prem, edge, IoT
                  • GitHub - MightyMoud/sidekick: Bare metal to production ready in mins; your own fly server on your VPS.

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                      GitHub - MightyMoud/sidekick: Bare metal to production ready in mins; your own fly server on your VPS.
                    • GitHub - magmide/magmide: A dependently-typed proof language intended to make provably correct bare metal code possible for working software engineers.

                      This repo is still very early and rough, it's mostly just notes, speculative writing, and exploratory theorem proving. Most of the files in this repo are just "mad scribblings" that I haven't refined enough to actually stand by! If you prefer video, this presentation talks about the core ideas that make formal verification and Magmide possible, and the design goals and intentions of the project: I

                        GitHub - magmide/magmide: A dependently-typed proof language intended to make provably correct bare metal code possible for working software engineers.
                      • Opening windows in linux with sockets, bare hands and 200 lines of C | Hereket

                        Opening windows in linux with sockets, bare hands and 200 lines of C Intro In this post I want to create a single file C file program to open a windows inside Linux without using xlib or any similar libraries. The idea is to explore X11 protocol and see how it is used to interact with X server to create windows. Before I had strong association that X11 was some magic thing to manipulate windows an

                        • mizchi on Twitter: "週末ちょっと調べた git server (daemon) 立てるメモ置いときます $ git init --bare --shared ./sandbox.git $ git daemon --reuseaddr --exp… https://t.co/WXIVGUUKOc"

                          週末ちょっと調べた git server (daemon) 立てるメモ置いときます $ git init --bare --shared ./sandbox.git $ git daemon --reuseaddr --exp… https://t.co/WXIVGUUKOc

                            mizchi on Twitter: "週末ちょっと調べた git server (daemon) 立てるメモ置いときます $ git init --bare --shared ./sandbox.git $ git daemon --reuseaddr --exp… https://t.co/WXIVGUUKOc"
                          • From Zero to main(): Bare metal Rust

                            Webinar: How New IoT Security Regulations Will Shape the Industry’s Future - Tuesday, Sept. 17th @ 9AM PT | 12PM ET | 6PM CET | RSVP Now For the past thirty years or so, the choice of languages for embedded systems developers has been relatively slim. Languages like C++ and Ada have found a home in some niche areas, such as telecommunications and safety critical fields, while higher level language

                              From Zero to main(): Bare metal Rust
                            • GitHub - usbarmory/tamago: TamaGo - ARM/RISC-V bare metal Go

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                                GitHub - usbarmory/tamago: TamaGo - ARM/RISC-V bare metal Go
                              • Bare Metal Solution: 世界各地の Google Cloud データセンターから提供開始 | Google Cloud 公式ブログ

                                ※この投稿は米国時間 2020 年 6 月 29 日に、Google Cloud blog に投稿されたものの抄訳です。 Google は昨年 11 月、Bare Metal Solution を発表しました。このソリューションを使えば、クラウドへの移行に伴うリスクを低減し、全体的な費用を下げながら、Oracle データベースなどの専門的なワークロードを Google Cloud の近くで実行できます。発表以来、Google では全世界での同ソリューション提供を目指して取り組んでまいりました。本日、バージニア州アッシュバーン、フランクフルト、ロンドン、カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス、シドニーの 5 つの地域で、Bare Metal Solution の提供を開始することを発表いたします。また、今年の年末までに、アムステルダム、サンパウロ、シンガポール、東京でも同ソリューションの提供を開始する

                                  Bare Metal Solution: 世界各地の Google Cloud データセンターから提供開始 | Google Cloud 公式ブログ
                                • GitHub - jhhoward/Faux86: A portable, open-source 8086 PC emulator for bare metal Raspberry Pi

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                                    GitHub - jhhoward/Faux86: A portable, open-source 8086 PC emulator for bare metal Raspberry Pi
                                  • Alyssa Rosenzweig on Twitter: "Debian GNU/Linux running bare metal on the Apple M1 with a mainline kernel. https://t.co/GWAtwGjqFx"

                                    Debian GNU/Linux running bare metal on the Apple M1 with a mainline kernel. https://t.co/GWAtwGjqFx

                                      Alyssa Rosenzweig on Twitter: "Debian GNU/Linux running bare metal on the Apple M1 with a mainline kernel. https://t.co/GWAtwGjqFx"
                                    • Expo SDK37のBare WorkflowでNotificationsを使ってみる - Qiita

                                      はじめに 4月1日にExpoのSDK37がリリースされました。詳しい変更内容は下記のURLから見ることができます。 https://dev.to/expo/expo-sdk-37-is-now-available-69g https://github.com/expo/expo/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#3700 大きな変化として、まずはEject後の選択肢がExpoKitからBare Workflowへ完全に移行した点が挙げられます。 そして単にリプレイスされただけという訳ではなく、これまでManaged Workflowのみ対応していたNotifications APIがBare Workflowでも使用できるようになり、APIの内容も変化しています。 この記事ではSDK37のNotifications APIをBare Workflowで使用するための導入方法

                                        Expo SDK37のBare WorkflowでNotificationsを使ってみる - Qiita
                                      • GitHub - icexin/eggos: A Go unikernel running on x86 bare metal

                                        中文说明 A Go unikernel running on x86 bare metal Run Go applications on x86 bare metal, written entirely in Go (only a small amount of C and some assembly), support most features of Go (like GC, goroutine) and standard libraries, also come with a network stack that can run most net based libraries. The entire kernel is a go application running on ring0. There are no processes and process synchronizat

                                          GitHub - icexin/eggos: A Go unikernel running on x86 bare metal
                                        • Rust on bare-metal Raspberry Pi Vol.1+2+3:肉と鍋

                                          RustでRaspberry Pi3/4をOSなしで制御する本です。 ※過去のシリーズ3冊をあわせて1冊にして、Raspberry Pi3と4両方に対応したバージョンです。内容はほぼ同じです。 Raspberry PiをOSやライブラリを用いずに起動し制御する、いわゆるベアメタルをRustにより実装する解説書です。 Rustは独特なリソース管理の仕組みを持ち、組み込みのような限られたリソース環境に向いています。また、ネイティブコードにコンパイルが可能でインラインアセンブリがあるため低レイヤの制御も可能という特性があり、Rust EmbeddedというプロジェクトでRaspberry Piの制御が試みられています。このソースコードの解説をベースに組み込み特有のRustコードとArmおよび関連HWの制御を解説していきます。 また、内蔵されているハードウェアのドライバの実装について解説し、さらに

                                            Rust on bare-metal Raspberry Pi Vol.1+2+3:肉と鍋
                                          • 英英辞典読み 88~89ページ目:bareからbassoonまで - 英語で世界を広げたい!~英語学習&見聞録~

                                            今日も楽しく英英辞典読み! やはり細く長く続けようと思うと適度に手を抜くのも大事。 最近ブログにだいぶ時間をとられていたので、今日はあえてこれだけで! <語彙力UPクイズ> 【脚注に答えがあります】 bash*1 bashful*2 bask*3 <復習クイズ> 英語の勉強は復習も大事。 今日は過去の語彙力UPクイズから以下出題です。 figuratively flinch put a crimp in charade acquienscent pigheadedness wryly the words leapt from his month allegiance valor Discretion is the better part of valor jubilation hitherto もしわからない表現がありましたら、答えは以下記事で! someoneinthisworld.ha

                                              英英辞典読み 88~89ページ目:bareからbassoonまで - 英語で世界を広げたい!~英語学習&見聞録~
                                            • Kong Yiji: The memes that lay bare China's youth disillusionment

                                              A short story from 1919 becomes a code word for discontent among jobless graduates.

                                                Kong Yiji: The memes that lay bare China's youth disillusionment
                                              • Scaling SQLite to 4M QPS on a Single Server (EC2 vs Bare Metal)

                                                Expensify has an unusual technology stack in many ways.  For example, we don't use DNS internally -- just configuration-managed /etc/hosts files -- and it works great.  Similarly, we only make limited use of AWS -- instead hosting our own hardware for the web and database layer -- and it works great.  But most surprising of all is that we don't use MySQL or Postgres -- instead using none other tha

                                                  Scaling SQLite to 4M QPS on a Single Server (EC2 vs Bare Metal)
                                                • GitHub - Gabriella439/simple-twitter: A bare-bones Twitter clone implemented in a single file

                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                    GitHub - Gabriella439/simple-twitter: A bare-bones Twitter clone implemented in a single file
                                                  • How Does vSphere 7 with Kubernetes Deliver 8% Better Performance Than Bare Metal?

                                                    Virtualization Kubernetes Performance How Does vSphere 7 with Kubernetes Deliver 8% Better Performance Than Bare Metal? By Karthik Ganesan and Jared Rosoff At VMworld US 2019, VMware announced vSphere 7 with Kubernetes (Project Pacific), an evolution of vSphere into a Kubernetes-native platform. vSphere 7 with Kubernetes (among other things) introduces a vSphere Supervisor Cluster, which lets you

                                                      How Does vSphere 7 with Kubernetes Deliver 8% Better Performance Than Bare Metal?
                                                    • Workarounds to Git worktree using bare repository and cannot fetch remote branches

                                                      Workarounds to Git worktree using bare repository and cannot fetch remote branches Posted on January 14, 2022 Gittag Command linetag Troubleshootingtag Context This post echoes to an inefficiency I faced after adding Git worktrees to my workflow in the manner described in How to use git worktree and in a clean way. The issue After a while using git worktrees and willing to add a worktree based upo

                                                        Workarounds to Git worktree using bare repository and cannot fetch remote branches
                                                      • MinIO: A Bare Metal Drop-In for AWS S3

                                                        I have 15 years of consulting & hands-on build experience with clients in the UK, USA, Sweden, Ireland & Germany. Past clients include Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Blackberry, Bloomberg, British Telecom, Ford, Google, ITV, LeoVegas, News UK, Pizza Hut, Royal Mail, T-Mobile, Williams Formula 1, Wise & UBS. I hold both a Canadian and a British passport. My CV, Twitter & LinkedIn. In 2006, AWS laun

                                                        • Building a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi

                                                          Building a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry PiMay 19, 2021@anthonynsimon In this post I’ll be walking you step by step on how I built a bare-metal, 3-node Kubernetes cluster running on Raspberry Pis. I'll also share some tips and tricks I learned along the way, and towards the end I'll honor the classic "I run my blog on Kubernetes" meme by deploying a basic Ghost server. The already ass

                                                            Building a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi
                                                          • GitHub - rsta2/circle: A C++ bare metal environment for Raspberry Pi with USB (32 and 64 bit)

                                                            Circle is a C++ bare metal programming environment for the Raspberry Pi. It should be usable on all existing models (tested on model A+, B, B+, on Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4, 400, 5 and on Raspberry Pi Zero), except on the Raspberry Pi Pico, which is not supported. Circle provides several ready-tested C++ classes and add-on libraries, which can be used to control different hardware features of the Raspb

                                                              GitHub - rsta2/circle: A C++ bare metal environment for Raspberry Pi with USB (32 and 64 bit)
                                                            • GitHub - lastmjs/wasm-metal: A bare metal physical implementation of WebAssembly. That's right, a WebAssembly CPU.

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                                                                GitHub - lastmjs/wasm-metal: A bare metal physical implementation of WebAssembly. That's right, a WebAssembly CPU.
                                                              • Virus lays bare the frailty of the social contract | Financial Times

                                                                Global news & analysisExpert opinionFT App on Android & iOSFT Edit appFirstFT: the day's biggest stories20+ curated newslettersFollow topics & set alerts with myFTFT Videos & Podcasts20 monthly gift articles to shareLex: FT's flagship investment column15+ Premium newsletters by leading expertsFT Digital Edition: our digitised print editionWeekday Print EditionFT WeekendFT Digital EditionGlobal new

                                                                • Flexible automation for bare metal

                                                                  Provision and manage bare metal, anywhere Standardize infrastructure management using the same API-centric, declarative configuration and automation approach pioneered by the Kubernetes community. Get Started What is Tinkerbell? Tinkerbell is a bare metal provisioning engine, built and maintained by the Tinkerbell Community. The core Tinkerbell stack is comprised of the following services: Smee, H

                                                                    Flexible automation for bare metal
                                                                  • 鬼はみんなの心の中にいる(英英辞典読み 86~87ページ目:bareからbarricadeまで) - 英語で世界を広げたい!~英語学習&見聞録~

                                                                    今週のお題「鬼」 鬼って、不思議な存在ですよね。 何が不思議って、現実には存在しないのに、現代社会においてもあたかも存在するかのように人々の口の端にのぼり、想像され、例えに使われ、生活に息づいているところ。 よく考えてみれば、鬼なんていないとわかっているのに、節分の豆まきを当たり前のようにするっていうのも、「文化だから」「風習だから」と片付けてしまえば簡単ですが、人間の面白いところだなと感じます。 「目に見えないもの」「手で触れられないもの」を、あたかも実在するかのように扱えること(能力)が、人間を人間たらしめている所以。 概念としての「お金」とか「国」とか「時間」とか「法律」とか「社会」とか、これらすべてのベースとなっている「言葉」とか、私たちは当たり前のように存在するかのように扱ってますが、実はどれも人間の想像の産物で、本質的には「鬼」と同じようなものではないかと思います(いずれも、も

                                                                      鬼はみんなの心の中にいる(英英辞典読み 86~87ページ目:bareからbarricadeまで) - 英語で世界を広げたい!~英語学習&見聞録~
                                                                    • GitHub - cpq/bare-metal-programming-guide: A bare metal programming guide (ARM microcontrollers)

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                                                                        GitHub - cpq/bare-metal-programming-guide: A bare metal programming guide (ARM microcontrollers)
                                                                      • Understanding Anthos on bare metal | Google Cloud Blog

                                                                        We recently shared how organizations are modernizing their applications with Anthos, driving business agility and efficiency in exciting new ways. But while some of you want to run Anthos on your existing virtualized infrastructure, others want to eliminate the dependency on a hypervisor layer, to modernize your applications while reducing costs. A new option to run Anthos on bare metal later this

                                                                          Understanding Anthos on bare metal | Google Cloud Blog
                                                                        • 大阪茨木産メロコアバンド!【bare legs】 - 広げる世界

                                                                          疾走感あるサウンドが魅力 大阪は茨木を拠点に活動している2ピースメロコアバンド bare legs その疾走感あるメロディーは一度聴いたら何度もリピートしたくなること間違いなし! 1stシングル『Under the Same Sky』3曲入りのシングルとなっているが、どれも勢いあるサウンドを響かせてくれる。 朝から聴いて元気を出すもよし、テンションを上げるのにもよしと、とにかくパワフルな3曲に仕上がっている。 リード曲でもある「Under the Same Sky」はMVも上がっているのでこちらも是非チェックしてもらいたい。 そんなbare legsの2ndシングル『Distance』が先日9月7日にデジタル配信されました。 独特なギターサウンドが印象的だが、サビではbare legsらしく疾走感溢れる仕上がりとなっている。こちらもぜひ併せてチェックしてもらいたい。 今後もbare leg

                                                                            大阪茨木産メロコアバンド!【bare legs】 - 広げる世界
                                                                          • GitHub - trevorjay/Jerrica: Jerrica is a small, bare bones, 100% scheduled, web audio native, MOD player designed to be embedded in Javascript games

                                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                              GitHub - trevorjay/Jerrica: Jerrica is a small, bare bones, 100% scheduled, web audio native, MOD player designed to be embedded in Javascript games
                                                                            • OS in Rust: An executable that runs on bare metal: Part-1

                                                                              This is the very first blog of the series that pertains to create a basic Operating System using Rust Programming Language. The aim of this series is to learn and understand the basics of Operating System. Through this series, you will get some ideas about the internal components of Operating System and how they interact with each other. In this article, we will create a freestanding binary (an ex

                                                                                OS in Rust: An executable that runs on bare metal: Part-1
                                                                              • SAP ワークロード向け Bare Metal Solution のご紹介 | Google Cloud 公式ブログ

                                                                                ※この投稿は米国時間 2021 年 2 月 10 日に、Google Cloud blog に投稿されたものの抄訳です。 Google Cloud で SAP ワークロードを実行するお客様にとって、主な懸念事項はスケーラビリティでしょう。そこで、Google Cloud での SAP では、S/4HANA OLTP ワークロード向けに最適化された単一ノードの 6 TB および 12 TB VM など、業界最高水準の性能を備えた SAP 認定インフラストラクチャ オプションをいくつかご提供しています。 しかし、一部のお客様は、この大規模で堅牢な VM をはるかに上回る規模のオンプレミス SAP 実行環境にあります。ご推察のとおり、それほど圧倒的な規模での SAP ワークロードの実行は、費用がかさみ複雑であるだけでなく、一般的に手間のかかる作業です。こうした非常に規模の大きい SAP ワークロ

                                                                                  SAP ワークロード向け Bare Metal Solution のご紹介 | Google Cloud 公式ブログ
                                                                                • GitHub - kparc/ksimple: k/simple is a bare minimum k interpreter for learning purposes by arthur whitney

                                                                                  in early january 2024, a group of motivated individuals asked arthur whitney to demonstrate the fundamentals of the design, organization and style of his method of writing interpreters in c in the most succinct and approachable way. about a day later, arthur offered a tiny interpreter of a toy vector language, implemented in about 25 lines of c with a small header file. his code is published in th

                                                                                    GitHub - kparc/ksimple: k/simple is a bare minimum k interpreter for learning purposes by arthur whitney
