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closureに関するエントリは47件あります。 typescripttechfeedjavascript などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, MSc, PhD, FACP, FIDSA, CIC, CTH on Twitter: "プレプリントですがやっと出ました。日本の小中高学校閉鎖はCOVID減少に寄与した結果を出さず、という解析。結果の解釈は結構難しいので注意御覧ください。Was School Closure Effective in Mitigati… https://t.co/vBm7EyZYLI"』などがあります。
  • 岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, MSc, PhD, FACP, FIDSA, CIC, CTH on Twitter: "プレプリントですがやっと出ました。日本の小中高学校閉鎖はCOVID減少に寄与した結果を出さず、という解析。結果の解釈は結構難しいので注意御覧ください。Was School Closure Effective in Mitigati… https://t.co/vBm7EyZYLI"

    プレプリントですがやっと出ました。日本の小中高学校閉鎖はCOVID減少に寄与した結果を出さず、という解析。結果の解釈は結構難しいので注意御覧ください。Was School Closure Effective in Mitigati… https://t.co/vBm7EyZYLI

      岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, MSc, PhD, FACP, FIDSA, CIC, CTH on Twitter: "プレプリントですがやっと出ました。日本の小中高学校閉鎖はCOVID減少に寄与した結果を出さず、という解析。結果の解釈は結構難しいので注意御覧ください。Was School Closure Effective in Mitigati… https://t.co/vBm7EyZYLI"
    • 大規模 Closure Tools プロジェクトに Prettier を導入するまでの道のり - Cybozu Inside Out | サイボウズエンジニアのブログ

      こんにちは、フロントエンドエキスパートチームの鈴木(@__sosukesuzuki)です。 弊社のサービスである kintone では、コードのフォーマットを ESLint のみで行っているためプロジェクト内でコーディングスタイルを統一しきれていないという問題を抱えていました。 そこで opinionated なコードフォーマッター Prettier を導入し、コードベース全体でコーディングスタイルを統一するための支援をフロントエンドエキスパートチームで行いました。 2011 年にローンチされた kintone では、フロントエンドの大部分が Closure Tools を使って開発されています。Closure Tools は型の指定方法やクラスの定義方法などに独自システムを採用しており、現在の JavaScript のエコシステムや仕様と一部乖離しています。そのため、Prettier 本

        大規模 Closure Tools プロジェクトに Prettier を導入するまでの道のり - Cybozu Inside Out | サイボウズエンジニアのブログ
      • GitHub - privatenumber/minification-benchmarks: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃 JS minification benchmarks: babel-minify, esbuild, terser, uglify-js, swc, google closure compiler, tdewolff/minify

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

          GitHub - privatenumber/minification-benchmarks: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃 JS minification benchmarks: babel-minify, esbuild, terser, uglify-js, swc, google closure compiler, tdewolff/minify
        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

            World of Tanks—Forum Closure
          • Okta October 2023 Security Incident Investigation Closure

            February 8, 2024Okta October 2023 Security Incident Investigation Closure Related Posts: Recommended Actions - Nov 29, 2023 / Root Cause Analysis [RCA] - Nov 3, 2023 / Security Incident - Oct 20, 2023 Stroz Friedberg, a leading cybersecurity forensics firm engaged by Okta, has concluded its independent investigation of the October 2023 security incident. The conclusions of Okta’s investigation hav

            • Effective TypeScript › The Saga of the Closure Compiler, and Why TypeScript Won

              Here's something that makes me feel old: in just six months, Gmail will celebrate its 20th anniversary. If you weren't actively developing web sites at the time, it's hard to capture just how revolutionary it was. This was a time when JavaScript was held in almost universally low regard. The idea that you could build a sophisticated web app using it was mind-boggling. But it clearly worked and it

                Effective TypeScript › The Saga of the Closure Compiler, and Why TypeScript Won
              • Closure LibraryからTypeScriptの型定義を生成する - Cybozu Inside Out | サイボウズエンジニアのブログ

                こんにちは、フロントエンドチームエキスパートチームの穴井(@pirosikick)です。 弊社の製品である kintone は Closure Tools (Closure Library と Closure Compiler の総称) を使って開発していますが、TypeScript を使ったモダンなスタックへの移行を検討しています。 その移行の過程で Closure Tools 側のコードを TypeScript で型安全に再利用したいケースが発生し、その解決策として Clutz というツールを試しています。 今回は、この Clutz がどういったツールなのか、その使用方法と注意点などについて紹介します。 この記事は次の条件に当てはまる方には特におすすめできる内容になっています。 Closure Tools(Closure Compiler, Closure Library)を使って開発

                  Closure LibraryからTypeScriptの型定義を生成する - Cybozu Inside Out | サイボウズエンジニアのブログ
                • Swift 5.2では関数・メソッドの最後の引数がデフォルト引数の場合、その1つ前のクロージャの引数をtrailing closureとして呼べるようになった - いけだや技術ノート

                  タイトルがほぼ全てです。 func foo(_ closure: () -> Void, defaultArg: Int = 0) { closure() } foo { print("foo") } このコードはSwift 5.2では動作しますが、Swift 5.1以前ではコンパイルエラーになります。 Nimbleに挙がったissueでそのことに気付きました。 Discordのswift-developers-japanで話してみたところ、apple/swiftのこのコミットが該当の変更であることを分かりました。 さらに芋づるで分かったことがあって、一時期のSwiftのDevelopment SnapshotでNimbleのビルドが通らなくなったり、そのリグレッションがきっかけでapple/swift-source-compat-suiteにNimbleが追加されたのもこの辺りに関連した

                    Swift 5.2では関数・メソッドの最後の引数がデフォルト引数の場合、その1つ前のクロージャの引数をtrailing closureとして呼べるようになった - いけだや技術ノート
                  • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                    Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                    • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                      Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                            World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                          • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                            Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                              World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                            • Was School Closure Effective in Mitigating Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Time Series Analysis Using Bayesian Inference

                              How to cite: Iwata, K.; Doi, A.; Miyakoshi, C. Was School Closure Effective in Mitigating Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Time Series Analysis Using Bayesian Inference. Preprints 2020, 2020040058. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202004.0058.v1 Iwata, K.; Doi, A.; Miyakoshi, C. Was School Closure Effective in Mitigating Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Time Series Analysis Using Bayesian

                                Was School Closure Effective in Mitigating Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Time Series Analysis Using Bayesian Inference
                              • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                  • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                    Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                    • RUST: How do you make inter-canister calls from within a thread-local variable's closure?

                                      When you store data with the thread_local way of storing things, how do you make an intercanister call from within the closure? I have code that looks like this: CANISTER_DATA.with(|canister_data| { let data_to_query_with = &canister_data.borrow().data_to_query_with; // perform intercanister call that needs to be **awaited** // this call uses the above obtained data to make the call } How do I mak

                                        RUST: How do you make inter-canister calls from within a thread-local variable's closure?
                                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                          • School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review - PubMed

                                            The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

                                              School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review - PubMed
                                            • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                              Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                              • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                    World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                  • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                    Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                    • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                      Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                          World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                          • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                            Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                              World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                            • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                              Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                              • ぶっ壊せトコロザワ!?衝撃の世界観と多彩なイベントで送る探索ADV『こちら、悪の組織Bag closure団』 – もぐらゲームス

                                                                その昔、埼玉県民は東京都民からそれはそれはひどい迫害を受けていた。 通行手形がないと東京に出入りすらできず、 手形を持っていない者は見つかると強制送還されるため、 埼玉県民は自分たちを解放してくれる救世主の出現を切に願っていた。 こんなあらすじと共に始まるのが、かの有名な埼玉県ディス漫画『翔んで埼玉』である。2018年には何を血迷ったか実写映画化されてしまった。傑作です。 そんな埼玉県をネタにしたゲームが2019年、なんてこった! BOOTHで販売されていたのである! その名も『こちら、悪の組織Bag closure団』。略して「バックロ団」。当もぐらゲームスでも紹介済みの『ヨルダケ』、『CONANNROOM』の作者じゃむさんっぽいど氏の個人サークル「バッタおいしい」制作によるアドベンチャーゲームだ。 この作品を今回、埼玉県民の筆者が紹介する!(小声) 4人の能力を駆使し、トコロザワのあち

                                                                  ぶっ壊せトコロザワ!?衝撃の世界観と多彩なイベントで送る探索ADV『こちら、悪の組織Bag closure団』 – もぐらゲームス
                                                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                  • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                    Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                    • 閉包テーブル(closure table)でツリー構造を表現する

                                                                      公開日 2022.2.26更新日 2022.2.28カテゴリ:MySQLタグ:MySQL,RDBMS

                                                                        閉包テーブル(closure table)でツリー構造を表現する
                                                                      • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                        Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                          World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                        • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                          Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                          • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                            Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                              World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                            • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                              Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                                World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                              • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                                Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-

                                                                                  World of Tanks—Forum Closure
                                                                                • World of Tanks—Forum Closure

                                                                                  Commanders! As of May 20, 2024, the World of Tanks forums have been closed permanently and threads are no longer accessible. We have transitioned our activities to more dynamic and accessible platforms that facilitate better and more immediate communication with our community. Join World of Tanks Discord Join Us on Discord We invite you to join our official Discord server to ensure you stay up-to-
