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281 - 320 件 / 1391件

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consistencyの検索結果281 - 320 件 / 1391件

  • GitHub - instant-dev/instant: JavaScript API framework with ORM, migrations and vectors

    instant.dev provides a fast, reliable and battle-tested ORM and migration management system for Postgres 13+ built in JavaScript. For those familiar with Ruby on Rails, instant.dev adds functionality similar to ActiveRecord to the Node.js, Deno and Bun ecosystems. We have been using it since 2016 in production at Autocode where it has managed over 1 billion records in a 4TB AWS Aurora Postgres ins

      GitHub - instant-dev/instant: JavaScript API framework with ORM, migrations and vectors
    • Multiversion View Serializability の簡潔な定義 - Qiita

      これは自作DBMSアドベントカレンダー2020、5 日目の記事です。 こんにちは、starpoz です。DBMS を作る人が増えてきたかも!という状況を後押ししたいので、自作に必要な理論の話をしてみようと思います。 はじめに DBMS 自作したいですよね!私は元々トランザクション処理 (OLTP) に興味があり、2PL (Two Phase Locking) プロトロルにおける deadlock というものが嫌で、それをなんとかしたい、という動機から OLTP についての研究開発活動を始めました。その話はまたどこかでするとして、今日は serializability (直列化可能性) よくわかりません、という人のために、できるだけ簡潔だが正しい説明を試みます。え?DBMSの自作は???と思ったかも知れませんが、理論を知らないと作れないので遠回りですが仕方ないのです(半分くらい嘘)。 Ser

        Multiversion View Serializability の簡潔な定義 - Qiita
      • Making GitHub CI workflow 3x faster

        EngineeringMaking GitHub CI workflow 3x fasterUsing deferred compliance in GitHub’s CI process to improve developer productivity. Welcome to the first deep dive of the Building GitHub blog series, providing a look at how teams across the GitHub engineering organization identify and address opportunities to improve our internal development tooling and infrastructure. At GitHub, we use the Four Key

          Making GitHub CI workflow 3x faster
        • マイクロサービスにおけるリコンサイルの話 | メルカリエンジニアリング

          この記事はMerpay Advent Calendar 2021 の23日目の記事です。メルペイPayment Platformチームの @foghost がお送りします。 本記事は決済システム開発の観点でリコンサイルを通して防ぎたいリスクについて説明した後、メルペイでリコンサイルについての取り組みについてご紹介します。 リコンサイルとは リコンサイルで検索するとwikipediaではリスク管理の手法の1つと書かれています。人間の様々の活動においてミスが必ず発生するので、リコンサイルはそれら活動の結果が期待通りになっているかどうかを再度確認することで、誤差を検知して様々なリスクを回避することができます。 定義だけ説明してもピンと来ない方が多いかと思いますが、実は普段の生活でも広い意味でのリコンサイルが必要となる場面が多いです。例えば以下の売店で買い物するときの流れを考えてみましょう。 お客

            マイクロサービスにおけるリコンサイルの話 | メルカリエンジニアリング
          • PostgreSQL 14 Internals

            This book is for those who will not settle for a black-box approach when working with a database. Briefly touching upon the main concepts of PostgreSQL, the book then plunges into the depths of data consistency and isolation, explaining implementation details of multiversion concurrency control and snapshot isolation, buffer cache and write-ahead log, and the locking system. The rest of the book c

            • Local write forwarding with Amazon Aurora | Amazon Web Services

              AWS Database Blog Local write forwarding with Amazon Aurora Applications designed in the cloud need to be able to scale. For stateless resources like application servers, this is a straightforward task and can be achieved by simply adding additional compute resources behind a load balancer. For stateful resources such as databases, scaling can be more challenging. With the release of Amazon Aurora

                Local write forwarding with Amazon Aurora | Amazon Web Services
              • Dreamix: Video Diffusion Models are General Video Editors

                Eyal Molad*,1, Eliahu Horwitz*,1,2, Dani Valevski*,1, Alex Rav Acha1, Yossi Matias1, Yael Pritch1, Yaniv Leviathan†,1, Yedid Hoshen†,1,2 1Google Research, 2The Hebrew University of Jerusalem *Indicates Equal Contribution, †Indicates Equal Advising Given a video and a text prompt, Dreamix edits the video while maintaining fidelity to color, posture, object size and camera pose, resulting in a tempo

                • Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices

                  Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best PracticesMarch 14, 2022 • 48 minute read One of the main benefits of JavaScript is that it runs both in the browser and the server. As an engineer you need to master a single language and your skills will have a variety of applications. This is what drew me to Node in 2015 - I didn’t have to switch between languages and tech stacks. Node allows you to reus

                    Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
                  • Debian running on Rust coreutils

                    tldr: Rust/coreutils ( https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/ ) is now available in Debian, good enough to boot a Debian with GNOME, install the top 1000 packages, build Firefox, the Linux Kernel and LLVM/Clang. Even if I wrote more than 100 patches to achieve that, it will probably be a bumpy ride for many other use cases. It is also a terrific project to learn Rust. See the list of good first bugs

                    • GitHub - francoismassart/eslint-plugin-tailwindcss: ESLint plugin for Tailwind CSS usage

                      Learn more about each supported rules by reading their documentation: classnames-order: order classnames for consistency and it makes merge conflict a bit easier to resolve enforces-negative-arbitrary-values: make sure to use negative arbitrary values classname without the negative classname e.g. -top-[5px] should become top-[-5px] enforces-shorthand: merge multiple classnames into shorthand if po

                        GitHub - francoismassart/eslint-plugin-tailwindcss: ESLint plugin for Tailwind CSS usage
                      • Announcing F# 8 - .NET Blog

                        F# 8 is released as part of .NET 8. It is included with new updates of Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 8 SDK. Download the latest version of .NET 8 Install Visual Studio 2022 F# 8 brings in many features to make F# programs simpler, more uniform and more performant. Read more about language changes, new diagnostics, quality of life improvements, performance boosts for project compilation and upgrades

                          Announcing F# 8 - .NET Blog
                        • 【インターンレポート】グラフベースで、機械学習を用いないニュース記事要約文の hallucination 検出

                          LINE株式会社は、2023年10月1日にLINEヤフー株式会社になりました。LINEヤフー株式会社の新しいブログはこちらです。 LINEヤフー Tech Blog こんにちは、黒澤友哉と申します。 2022 年 8 月 15 日から 6 週間、LINE株式会社の NLP 開発チーム(現在は NLP チーム)で就業型インターンシップを行ないましたので、その内容を報告していきたいと思います。私は東京大学情報理工学系研究科コンピュータ科学専攻の修士で、自然言語処理を専門としています。所属は谷中研究室です。 0. 概要 本文に入る前に、このレポートの概要を書きます。以下の図はこのインターンレポートの背景と手法をまとめた図です。このレポートでは第 3 章で「言語モデルを用いた要約生成」、「hallucination」、「日本語のグラフ」について説明した後、第 4 章でグラフ生成手順と halluc

                            【インターンレポート】グラフベースで、機械学習を用いないニュース記事要約文の hallucination 検出
                          • 共同通信「WHOライアンが日本の外国人入国禁止措置を批判、ウイルスは国籍を選ばない」⇒一般論を述べただけ - 事実を整える

                            共同通信によるWHOのライアン氏に関する報道がミスリーディングです。 共同通信の煽動記事をそのまま利用する日本メディア|Nathan(ねーさん)|note 共同通信「WHOライアンが日本の外国人入国禁止措置を批判」 WHOの12月1日のメディアブリーフィングの動画 共同通信記者が日本の対策について否定するよう要請(!?) Dr Jaouad MahjourとMichael Ryann「ウイルスは国籍を選ばない」 外国人と同胞とで扱いを分ける政策上の妥当性は存在する 共同通信記者のマッチポンプと煽り記事の問題 共同通信「WHOライアンが日本の外国人入国禁止措置を批判」 共同通信 ウイルスは国籍見ないと批判 2021/12/2 07:45 (JST)12/2 14:38 (JST)updated 【ジュネーブ共同】世界保健機関(WHO)で緊急事態対応を統括するライアン氏は1日、新型コロナウイル

                              共同通信「WHOライアンが日本の外国人入国禁止措置を批判、ウイルスは国籍を選ばない」⇒一般論を述べただけ - 事実を整える
                            • Dissecting Performance of Production QUIC の備忘録 - neko--suki’s blog

                              twitterで見かけた、「Dissecting Performance of Production QUIC」という論文の備忘録 Nice paper on how QUIC being faster in theory doesn't always make QUIC faster in practice, due to implementation details:https://t.co/j4EbEkgPwZ BTW, this kind of thing is why I often find high-level design discussions that don't really dig into the details to be overrated. pic.twitter.com/xPkChrZVVp— Dan Luu (@danluu) 2021年8月7日 htt

                                Dissecting Performance of Production QUIC の備忘録 - neko--suki’s blog
                              • Rust developers can now generate consistent type schema with Typeshare | 1Password

                                Today, 1Password is making Typeshare publicly available as an open-source project to help Rust developers generate consistent type schema across multiple languages. With Typeshare, developers can now create FFI (foreign function interfaces) with confidence. What problem does Typeshare solve? We often write code in another language and have Rust call that code. For example, 1Password is powered by

                                  Rust developers can now generate consistent type schema with Typeshare | 1Password
                                • “We are giddy”—interviewing Apple about its Mac silicon revolution

                                  The graphic representing the Apple M1 chip, as presented by Apple at an event earlier this month. Some time ago, in an Apple campus building, a group of engineers got together. Isolated from others in the company, they took the guts of old MacBook Air laptops and connected them to their own prototype boards with the goal of building the very first machines that would run macOS on Apple's own, cust

                                    “We are giddy”—interviewing Apple about its Mac silicon revolution
                                  • [UPDATE] Amazon S3で強い書き込み後の読み込み整合性がサポートされました! #reinvent | DevelopersIO

                                    はじめに 清水です。はじまっていますre:Invent 2020!すでにたくさんの新サービス登場やアップデート情報が発表されていますが、本エントリでお届けするのはこちら、オブジェクトストレージサービスであるAmazon S3で強い書き込み後の読み込み整合性(strong read-after-write consistency)がサポートされました!すでにすべてのリージョンで利用可能になっています。 Amazon S3 now delivers strong read-after-write consistency automatically for all applications Amazon S3 Update – Strong Read-After-Write Consistency | AWS News Blog Amazon S3 | Strong Consistency |

                                      [UPDATE] Amazon S3で強い書き込み後の読み込み整合性がサポートされました! #reinvent | DevelopersIO
                                    • AudioCraft: A simple one-stop shop for audio modeling

                                      AudioCraft consists of three models: MusicGen, AudioGen, and EnCodec. MusicGen, which was trained with Meta-owned and specifically licensed music, generates music from text-based user inputs, while AudioGen, which was trained on public sound effects, generates audio from text-based user inputs. Today, we’re excited to release an improved version of our EnCodec decoder, which allows for higher qual

                                        AudioCraft: A simple one-stop shop for audio modeling
                                      • AI Art Generator - Create Art, Images & More | Leonardo AI

                                        Unleash your Creativity with the power of Leonardo Ai Create production-quality visual assets for your projects with unprecedented quality, speed, and style-consistency.

                                          AI Art Generator - Create Art, Images & More | Leonardo AI
                                        • OpenAI Dev Day 2023 まとめ - 吉田の備忘録

                                          今朝、サンフランシスコで開催された OpenAI Dev Day 2023 での発表内容をまとめました。 発表された6つのテーマ 今回のアナウンスメントは主に6つのテーマで発表されていました。 コンテキストの長さの拡張(Context length)より多くのコントロール(More Control)より多くの知識(Better Knowledge)新しいモダリティ(New modalities)カスタマイズ性(Customization)より実行上限(Higher rate limits)+価格改定 GPT-4 Turboの導入 より高い能力を持ち、2023年4月までの世界の出来事に関する知識を有しています。128kのコンテキストウィンドウをサポートし、一度のプロンプトで300ページ以上のテキストに相当する情報を処理することができます。さらに、パフォーマンスが最適化されており、入力トークン

                                            OpenAI Dev Day 2023 まとめ - 吉田の備忘録
                                          • Introducing Amazon Aurora MySQL enhanced binary log (binlog) | Amazon Web Services

                                            AWS Database Blog Introducing Amazon Aurora MySQL enhanced binary log (binlog) Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud. Aurora combines the performance and availability of traditional enterprise databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases. Aurora has a history of innovating around database engines and the underlyi

                                              Introducing Amazon Aurora MySQL enhanced binary log (binlog) | Amazon Web Services
                                            • Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

                                              Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless09/28/2020 We launched Cloudflare Workers® in 2017 with a radical vision: code running at the network edge could not only improve performance, but also be easier to deploy and cheaper to run than code running in a single datacenter. That vision means Workers is about more than just edge compute -- we're rethinking how applications

                                              • ESLint v7.0.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter

                                                Published 08 May, 2020 under Release Notes ESLint v7.0.0 released We just pushed ESLint v7.0.0, which is a major release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release. This release also has some breaking changes, so please read the following closely. Highlights There are several breaking changes in 7.0.0. We’ve created a migration guide

                                                  ESLint v7.0.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter
                                                • Let's make a contract: the art of designing a Java API

                                                  Let's make a contract: the art of designing a Java API 1. Let's make a contract: the art of designing a Java API by Mario Fusco mario.fusco@gmail.com @mariofusco 2. What is an API? 3. What is an API? 4. An API is what a developer uses to achieve some task What is an API? 5. What is an API? An API is a contract between its implementors and its users 6. And why should I care? We are all API designer

                                                    Let's make a contract: the art of designing a Java API
                                                  • Partitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scale

                                                    EngineeringPartitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scaleIn 2019, to meet GitHub's growth and availability challenges, we set a plan in motion to improve our tooling and ability to partition relational databases. More than 10 years ago, GitHub.com started out like many other web applications of that time—built on Ruby on Rails, with a single MySQL database to store most of its data. Ov

                                                      Partitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scale
                                                    • npm Blog Archive: npm CLI Roadmap - Summer 2019

                                                      The npm blog has been discontinued. Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog. Motion on the npm CLI project has been accelerating, and we’re now moving forward with a clear direction and vision. This document outlines what’s in store for the remainder of the npm v6 line, and what to expect in v7 and v8. Remaining npm v6 Releases npm v6 is officially i

                                                        npm Blog Archive: npm CLI Roadmap - Summer 2019
                                                      • Prompt Engineering

                                                        Date: March 15, 2023 | Estimated Reading Time: 21 min | Author: Lilian Weng Prompt Engineering, also known as In-Context Prompting, refers to methods for how to communicate with LLM to steer its behavior for desired outcomes without updating the model weights. It is an empirical science and the effect of prompt engineering methods can vary a lot among models, thus requiring heavy experimentation a

                                                        • Prompt Flowでプロンプト評価の管理を行う | フューチャー技術ブログ

                                                          今回はこのような表を自動で得られるようにすることを目標とします。 LLMには、追加学習による精度の改善だけでなく、入力するプロンプトの改善による精度向上の余地があります。 今回は、通常の機械学習の実験管理とは異なり、LLM, プロンプトの2変数のうち、LLMを固定します。仮に精度が向上した場合、それが「LLMを改善したから」なのか「プロンプトを改善したから」なのかが分からなくなってしまうからです。 プロンプトの評価プロンプトの評価に必要なもの以下の4つが全て揃えば大体どんな評価もできます。 最低限*印の項目があればそれなりの評価ができます。 質問文* LLMの回答* 理想の回答 コンテキスト プロンプトの評価指標例プロンプトの評価指標は、原則「プロジェクト・タスクによりけり」です。 ここでは評価指標を定めるための参考として、いくつか事例を集めたので以下にご紹介します。 事例①: Promp

                                                            Prompt Flowでプロンプト評価の管理を行う | フューチャー技術ブログ
                                                          • From Ruby to Node: Overhauling Shopify’s CLI for a Better Developer Experience

                                                            Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window The Shopify CLI (command line interface) is an essential tool for developers when building and deploying Themes, Apps, Hydrogen storefronts on the Shopify platform. It provides workflows to create new projects that follow best practices, integrate with the platform during development, and distribute the production ar

                                                              From Ruby to Node: Overhauling Shopify’s CLI for a Better Developer Experience
                                                            • Announcing Deno KV

                                                              We’re thrilled to introduce Deno KV, a strongly consistent key-value database, globally replicated for low-latency reads across 35 worldwide regions. Deno Deploy aims to provide the simplest and fastest way to deploy and run JavaScript, TypeScript, and Wasm at the edge. However, creating stateful apps on Deno Deploy previously required connecting to external cloud databases, which involved additio

                                                                Announcing Deno KV
                                                              • ラベルなしデータを用いた Dense Tracking の研究事例 / Learning Dense Tracking from Unlabeled Videos

                                                                社内勉強会での発表資料です。 ラベルなし動画を用いて画素レベルでのトラッキング(dense tracking)を学習する研究事例を紹介します。 近年では、応用先である Video Object Segmentation において教師あり手法に匹敵する性能を持った教師なし手法が提案されつつあります。 紹介論文: - Tracking Emerges by Colorizing Videos, ECCV'18 https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.09594 - Learning Correspondence from the Cycle-consistency of Time, CVPR’19 https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.07593 - Unsupervised deep tracking, CVPR’19 https://arxiv.org/abs

                                                                  ラベルなしデータを用いた Dense Tracking の研究事例 / Learning Dense Tracking from Unlabeled Videos
                                                                • PowerPoint Presentation

                                                                  Executive Perspectives The Future of Sales and Marketing Is Here February 2022 Executive Perspectives 1. Metaverse market proxied by 'extended reality' - a term referring to all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables. Note: Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartph

                                                                  • 一貫性の原理とは?基本&営業での応用例をまとめて解説!【0から分かる】

                                                                    ショウ こんにちは! あなたの営業をブログで応援、ショウ(プロフィール)です! 「一貫性の原理って何?」 「営業で使える、心理学の知識を深めたい」 そんな方向けです。 『影響力の武器』などで有名な「一貫性の原理」。 一度は聞いたことがあるかもしれません。 しかし、詳しい意味やメカニズム・活用法までバッチリ!という方はそれほど多くないのではないでしょうか。 詳しく理解をしておくと、実際にテクニックとして使う時に自信が持てますよね。 そこで今回は、実際の営業トークなどを意識しつつ、以下のことを解説します。 一貫性の原理とは?なぜ一貫性の原理が働くのか?コミットメントと具体例トーク上でのポイント実践テク(フットインザドア)とは? では、さっそく見ていきましょう! 一貫性の原理とは? 一貫性の原理とは、心理学用語の1つです。 「一貫した態度を取り、発言・行動をしたい」と無意識に思ってしまう、私達の

                                                                    • Design for spatial user interfaces - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer

                                                                      Streaming is available in most browsers, and in the WWDC app. Learn how to design great interfaces for spatial computing apps. We'll share how your existing screen-based knowledge easily translates into creating great experiences for visionOS. Explore guidelines for UI components, materials, and typography and find out how you can design experiences that are familiar, legible, and easy to use. Cha

                                                                        Design for spatial user interfaces - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer
                                                                      • Encapsulating Ruby on Rails views

                                                                        EngineeringEncapsulating Ruby on Rails viewsLearn more about how we are bringing encapsulation to our views as we scale to over 4,500 templates in our Ruby on Rails monolith. With the recent release of version 6.1, Ruby on Rails now supports the rendering of objects that respond to render_in, a change we introduced to the framework. It may be small (the two pull requests were less than a dozen lin

                                                                          Encapsulating Ruby on Rails views
                                                                        • CoDeF

                                                                          Consistent Video Translation with the learned canonical image and deformation. Slide for comparison. For all the demos, the inputs are provided on the left. We present the content deformation field (CoDeF) as a new type of video representation, which consists of a canonical content field aggregating the static contents in the entire video and a temporal deformation field recording the transformati

                                                                          • Visual Studio Code February 2021

                                                                            Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. February 2021 (version 1.54) Update 1.54.1: The update addresses an issue with an extension dependency. Update 1.54.2: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.54.3: The update addresses this issue. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the Februar

                                                                              Visual Studio Code February 2021
                                                                            • The Plan for the Rust 2021 Edition | Rust Blog

                                                                              We are happy to announce that the third edition of the Rust language, Rust 2021, is scheduled for release in October. Rust 2021 contains a number of small changes that are nonetheless expected to make a significant improvement to how Rust feels in practice. What is an Edition? The release of Rust 1.0 established "stability without stagnation" as a core Rust deliverable. Ever since the 1.0 release,

                                                                                The Plan for the Rust 2021 Edition | Rust Blog
                                                                              • Shopify Embraces Rust for Systems Programming

                                                                                Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window Shopify builds internet infrastructure for commerce to serve the needs of millions of merchants. Doing that requires building both flexible business logic and robust, high-performance systems. In addition to our commitment to Ruby for its flexibility and expressiveness, we have recently adopted Rust as our official s

                                                                                  Shopify Embraces Rust for Systems Programming
                                                                                • A lighter V8 · V8

                                                                                  In late 2018 we started a project called V8 Lite, aimed at dramatically reducing V8’s memory usage. Initially this project was envisioned as a separate Lite mode of V8 specifically aimed at low-memory mobile devices or embedder use-cases that care more about reduced memory usage than throughput execution speed. However, in the process of this work, we realized that many of the memory optimizations