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41 - 80 件 / 237件

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domainの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 237件

  • novayaevropa.org - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com

    Buyer Protection Program When you buy a domain name at Dan.com, you’re automatically covered by our unique Buyer Protection Program. Read more about how we keep you safe on our Trust and Security page. Next to our secure domain ownership transfer process, we strictly monitor all transactions. If anything looks weird, we take immediate action. And if the seller doesn't deliver on their part of the

      novayaevropa.org - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com
    • Domain History Checker

      Do you want to know if certain domain name was registered before? We track nameserver changes since 2002 for all COM, NET, ORG, INFO, BIZ and US domains.

      • Do Something .new | A Domain Exclusively for Shortcuts

        .new links are shortcuts to your favorite actions on the websites you love Posting, linking, designing, recording — it’s all possible with action-based .new links. Replace menus and long URLs with easy-to-remember shortcuts. Medium is home to millions of unique voices. Use story.new to create a fresh page and write about what matters to you.

          Do Something .new | A Domain Exclusively for Shortcuts
        • NameBright - Domain Expired

          If this is your domain name you must renew it immediately before it is deleted and permanently removed from your account. To renew this domain name visit NameBright.com

            NameBright - Domain Expired
          • GitHub - Sairyss/domain-driven-hexagon: Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included

            Check out my other repositories: Backend best practices - Best practices, tools and guidelines for backend development. System Design Patterns - list of topics and resources related to distributed systems, system design, microservices, scalability and performance, etc. Full Stack starter template - template for full stack applications based on TypeScript, React, Vite, ChakraUI, tRPC, Fastify, Pris

              GitHub - Sairyss/domain-driven-hexagon: Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included
            • This domain has been registered for a customer by nicsell

              "enumerated.de" This domain is no longer available, because it was successfully registered by nicsell for a customer. It is not possible to contact the domain owner through us, as we are only the technical service provider. For information about the owner of this domain, please refer to the whois of the registry. However, if you are interested in other domains, you are welcome to register for free

                This domain has been registered for a customer by nicsell
              • GitHub - anouarbensaad/vulnx: vulnx 🕷️ an intelligent Bot, Shell can achieve automatic injection, and help researchers detect security vulnerabilities CMS system. It can perform a quick CMS security detection, information collection (including sub-domain

                vulnx 🕷️ an intelligent Bot, Shell can achieve automatic injection, and help researchers detect security vulnerabilities CMS system. It can perform a quick CMS security detection, information collection (including sub-domain name, ip address, country information, organizational information and time zone, etc.) and vulnerability scanning. License

                  GitHub - anouarbensaad/vulnx: vulnx 🕷️ an intelligent Bot, Shell can achieve automatic injection, and help researchers detect security vulnerabilities CMS system. It can perform a quick CMS security detection, information collection (including sub-domain
                • Introducing cloud.microsoft: a unified domain for Microsoft 365 apps and services

                  As Microsoft cloud services have grown over the years, the domain space they live on has grown as well – into the hundreds. Over time, this fragmentation has created increasing challenges for end user navigation, administrative simplicity, and the development of cross-app experiences. An image depicting a word cloud of dozens of different URLs on several different domains, all for existing Microso

                    Introducing cloud.microsoft: a unified domain for Microsoft 365 apps and services
                  • record4s --- Extensible Records for Scala 3, and Domain Modeling with Structural Types

                    In this talk, we learn about the basics of my library called "record4s", which provides type-safe extensible records for Scala 3. It runs on JVM, JS, and Native platforms. You will see how it is implemented efficiently by using Scala 3 macros, and how record types as structural types, which work without reflection in Scala 3, are helpful in domain modeling. record4s --- Scala 3のための拡張可能レコード、そして構造的型

                      record4s --- Extensible Records for Scala 3, and Domain Modeling with Structural Types
                    • Azure AD Domain Services の利用シナリオ

                      こんにちは、Azure AD サポートチームの高田です。 本日は、Azure AD Domain Services についてその推奨される利用方法やシナリオをご紹介したいと思います。 Azure AD Domain Services は、ユーザーが指定したドメイン名を用いて Azure の仮想ネットワーク上にドメイン コントローラーを自動構築するという機能です。Windows Server の Active Directory と完全に互換性のあるドメイン サービスが構築されることから、ドメイン参加やグループ ポリシーなど従来オンプレミス環境で使用していたテクノロジーをそのまま Azure 上で利用することが可能です。 しかし、利便性が大きい反面、サービスの位置づけが特殊なため、本来想定していない方法で Azure AD Domain Services の利用を検討しているお客様もいらっし

                        Azure AD Domain Services の利用シナリオ
                      • 「ドメイン」駆動で考える「ドメイン駆動設計」/consideration of domain-driven design via domain

                        人と「ドメイン」がいかにして関わるのか、その関わり方を前提に、いかにして「ドメイン」をソフトウェアをという形で実現するのか。 そのための方法論を記述したものとして、「ドメイン駆動設計」を改めて再解釈・再理解してみる試み。

                          「ドメイン」駆動で考える「ドメイン駆動設計」/consideration of domain-driven design via domain
                        • Chrome will disable modifying document.domain to relax the same-origin policy  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                          Updates May 30, 2023: we've announced that the deprecation of document.domain setter will be effective in Chrome 115. April 7, 2023: We've identified an issue before shipping this change in Chrome 112. document.domain setter to be removed by default is currently suspended and the new shipping milestone is not determined yet. Please check back on this blog post or subscribe to blink-dev and this th

                          • JEP 380: Unix-Domain Socket Channels

                            Summary Add Unix-domain (AF_UNIX) socket support to the socket channel and server-socket channel APIs in the java.nio.channels package. Extend the inherited channel mechanism to support Unix-domain socket channels and server socket channels. Goals Unix-domain sockets are used for inter-process communication (IPC) on the same host. They are similar to TCP/IP sockets in most respects, except that th

                            • Benchmarking the top-level domain names

                              Bunnies are going to Broadcast Asia in Singapore! 🐰 - Let's dive into your future success with bunny.net🚀

                                Benchmarking the top-level domain names
                              • 安全で柔軟なAlways-Valid Domain Modelの作り方

                                はじめに 昨今ではますます Immutable な Domain Model の有用性が認知されているように思います。 また、Domain Model が持つ制約(不変条件)を満たさないインスタンスを作れないようにする事の重要性も広く知られてきており、Always-Valid Domain Model といった名称もついているようです。 ここでは、制約を満たしたDomain Model (Always-Valid Domain Model) しか作成できないようにするファクトリメソッドについて、より柔軟で合成可能性の高いファクトリメソッドを定義する方法を紹介します。 この記事で利用する言語とライブラリのバージョンは以下の通りです。 Scala 3.1.0 cats-core 2.7.0 最初のエラーで全体を失敗とするファクトリメソッド まずは単純に Either を使ったファクトリメソッド

                                  安全で柔軟なAlways-Valid Domain Modelの作り方
                                • Domain Modeling Made Functionalの読書メモ

                                  はじめに Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F# を読んだので、気になったことをまとめます。 私の DDD の知識と経験は趣味プロダクトで素振りしてみた程度、関数型プログラミングは勉強中という感じなので、間違った解釈をしているかもしれませんがご容赦を。 本書は F#で記載されていますが、自分のメモでは TypeScript に翻訳してサンプルコードを書いています。 肝心の関数型プログラミングのテクニックを駆使してパイプラインを作っていくアプローチについては自分なりに理解できたので、この記事ではあまり触れていません。興味がある方は、ぜひ本書を読んでみてください。 Part1 Understanding the Domain ビジネス・イベント

                                    Domain Modeling Made Functionalの読書メモ
                                  • Domain Details Page

                                    • DOMAIN ERROR

                                      ドメインウェブの設定が見つかりません 考えられる原因 ドメインウェブの設定がまだ行われていない。 ドメインウェブの設定がまだ反映されていない。(反映には数時間~24時間かかることがあります) ドメインウェブ・DNSの設定が誤っている。 アカウントが存在しない、契約が終了している、削除されている。

                                      • Reasons to not use your own domain for email | Eduardo Bautista

                                        I have been using my own domain for email for over 10 years. I am grandfathered into the free version of Google Workspace and have also used Fastmail and ProtonMail. One of my concerns is that, if I were unable to renew my domain (e.g., in case of death), someone else could register it and start receiving my emails. This is a serious issue because your email account is as good as a password due to

                                        • Zerologon: instantly become domain admin by subverting Netlogon cryptography (CVE-2020-1472) | Secura - Take Control of Your Digital Security

                                          Last month, Microsoft patched a very interesting vulnerability 'zerologon' that would allow an attacker with a foothold on your internal network to essentially become Domain Admin with one click. All that is required is for a connection to the Domain Controller to be possible from the attacker’s viewpoint. Secura's security expert Tom Tervoort previously discovered a less severe Netlogon vulnerabi

                                            Zerologon: instantly become domain admin by subverting Netlogon cryptography (CVE-2020-1472) | Secura - Take Control of Your Digital Security
                                          • Public Domain Textures - 自由に使えるCC0ライセンスのPBR対応テクスチャ配布サイトが登場!

                                            Unreal Engine アセット アセット-Asset SVT Helper - スパース ボリューム テクスチャ(SVT)ベースの雲や... 2024-05-20 Thibault Lambert氏によるスパース ボリューム テクスチャ(SVT)ベースの雲や霧を扱うことの出来るプラグイン『SVT Helper』のご紹介。 続きを読む Blender アドオン プラグイン&アドオン-Plugin&Addon True-Sky v2.2 - ワンクリックでフォトリアルな空を生成出来るBle... 2024-05-20 ワンクリックでCyclesに対応したフォトリアルな空を生成出来るBlenderアドオン『True-Sky v2.2』のご紹介。2024年5月20日まで使える50%OFFクーポンも発行中です! 続きを読む Blender アドオン プラグイン&アドオン-Plugin&Addo

                                              Public Domain Textures - 自由に使えるCC0ライセンスのPBR対応テクスチャ配布サイトが登場!
                                            • Multi-Perspective Validation Improves Domain Validation Security - Let's Encrypt

                                              At Let’s Encrypt we’re always looking for ways to improve the security and integrity of the Web PKI. We’re proud to launch multi-perspective domain validation today because we believe it’s an important step forward for the domain validation process. To our knowledge we are the first CA to deploy multi-perspective validation at scale. Domain validation is a process that all CAs use to ensure that a

                                              • Home - Public Domain Textures

                                                Public Domain Textures are supported by Patreon. It really helps to maintain the server costs and supports me to create even more Materials and get exclusive bonuses. Hi, Im Frederic Hoffmann. Im a 3D Artist from germany. I work mainly as a Freelancer in the gaming industry and multi media. All  the Textures i create here are crafted by hand and you can use them without limitations. Support me on

                                                  Home - Public Domain Textures
                                                • Domain-driven design in FP. For the last couple of years, I have… | by Naveen Negi | Geek Culture | Medium

                                                  Maybe you are convinced that domain driven design is the best way to tame complexities in software applications — even when those are written in functional languages. You have searched over internet looking for way to achieve it, but felt disappointed with dearth of resources. Even when you found one, It lacked true essence of functional programming, It lacked power of composition, It stubbornly a

                                                    Domain-driven design in FP. For the last couple of years, I have… | by Naveen Negi | Geek Culture | Medium
                                                  • How To Implement Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Golang

                                                    Back How To Implement Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Golang The easy way of learning how to use DDD in a Go application by Percy Bolmér, September 1, 2021 Image by Percy Bolmér. Gopher by Takuya Ueda, Original Go Gopher by Renée French (CC BY 3.0) Microservices have become a very popular approach to build software in recent years. Microservices are used to build scalable and flexible software. Howe

                                                      How To Implement Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Golang
                                                    • The Spamhaus Project - The Top 10 Abused Domain Registrars

                                                      The World's Most Abused Domain Registrars Among the reasons spam, malware and other threats continue to plague the internet is that abusers find it easy to obtain an endless supply of domain names. Some gTLD and ccTLD resellers (called registrars) sell large volumes of domains to professional spammers and other miscreants for profit. Some registrars have been directly owned and operated by abusers

                                                      • Azure Active Directory Domain Services ( Azure AD Domain Services ) を試してみた | DevelopersIO

                                                        しばたです。 ちょっとお仕事に関連してAzure Active Directory Domain Servicesを試す必要があったのでブログにまとめてみました。 Azure Active Directory Domain Services とは? Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD Domain Servicesとも記される。本記事ではさらに略して以後AAD DSと表記)はその説明に マネージド ドメイン サービスを Azure で使用する Azure Active Directory Domain Services を使うと、ドメイン コントローラーをデプロイせずに、Azure 仮想マシンをドメインに参加させることができます。会社の Azure Active Directory 資格情報を使用してこれらの仮想マシンにサインイ

                                                          Azure Active Directory Domain Services ( Azure AD Domain Services ) を試してみた | DevelopersIO
                                                        • MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims | CopeNLU

                                                          MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims Abstract We contribute the largest publicly available dataset of naturally occurring factual claims for the purpose of automatic claim verification. It is collected from 26 fact checking websites in English, paired with textual sources and rich metadata, and labelled for veracity by human expert journalists. We p

                                                            MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims | CopeNLU
                                                          • Amazon Route 53 supports Domain Name Transfer between AWS accounts

                                                            Amazon Route 53 Domains now lets you transfer domain registrations between AWS accounts using the Route 53 API. Previously, this operation required you to open a support ticket. Now, you can transfer your domains from one AWS account to another as a self-service operation. This operation is free of charge and does not affect either the renewal date or the contact details of your domain name regist

                                                              Amazon Route 53 supports Domain Name Transfer between AWS accounts
                                                            • SIGRed - Resolving Your Way into Domain Admin: Exploiting a 17 Year-old Bug in Windows DNS Servers - Check Point Research

                                                              SIGRed – Resolving Your Way into Domain Admin: Exploiting a 17 Year-old Bug in Windows DNS Servers Research by: Sagi Tzadik Introduction DNS, which is often described as the “phonebook of the internet”, is a network protocol for translating human-friendly computer hostnames into IP addresses. Because it is such a core component of the internet, there are many solutions and implementations of DNS s

                                                                SIGRed - Resolving Your Way into Domain Admin: Exploiting a 17 Year-old Bug in Windows DNS Servers - Check Point Research
                                                              • Towards a Human-like Open-Domain Chatbot

                                                                We present Meena, a multi-turn open-domain chatbot trained end-to-end on data mined and filtered from public domain social media conversations. This 2.6B parameter neural network is simply trained to minimize perplexity of the next token. We also propose a human evaluation metric called Sensibleness and Specificity Average (SSA), which captures key elements of a human-like multi-turn conversation.

                                                                • centos.rip - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com

                                                                  Buyer Protection Program When you buy a domain name at Dan.com, you’re automatically covered by our unique Buyer Protection Program. Read more about how we keep you safe on our Trust and Security page. Next to our secure domain ownership transfer process, we strictly monitor all transactions. If anything looks weird, we take immediate action. And if the seller doesn't deliver on their part of the

                                                                    centos.rip - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com
                                                                  • Yamada.club - Yamada Domain Name

                                                                    ACCEPTING OFFERS Domain owner will consider reasonable offers

                                                                      Yamada.club - Yamada Domain Name
                                                                    • Always-Valid Domain Model

                                                                      UPDATE 5/13/2021: the course has been published, check it now here: Validation and DDD. I’m working on a new Pluralsight course on the topic of validation and DDD, with the help of the FluentValidation library and .NET data annotations (attributes). So expect a couple of posts about validation in the near future. In the preparation for the course, I was re-reading some old articles about always-va

                                                                        Always-Valid Domain Model
                                                                      • cvl-linne.com - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com

                                                                        Buyer Protection Program When you buy a domain name at Dan.com, you’re automatically covered by our unique Buyer Protection Program. Read more about how we keep you safe on our Trust and Security page. Next to our secure domain ownership transfer process, we strictly monitor all transactions. If anything looks weird, we take immediate action. And if the seller doesn't deliver on their part of the

                                                                          cvl-linne.com - Domain Name For Sale | Dan.com
                                                                        • PythonによるDomain Adaptation Learnerの実装

                                                                          はじめに Domain Adaptation Learner(以下、DA-Learner)について、Pythonによる実装を交えてまとめました。内容について誤り等ございましたら、コメントにてご指摘いただけますと幸いです。 機械学習を用いた因果推論 機械学習を用いた因果推論手法は大きく分けて下記の2通りが存在します。 Meta-Learner系 Causal-Tree系 今回はMeta-Learner系の手法の1つであるDA-Learnerについて紹介します。 Meta-Leanrerとは Meta-Learnerとは、機械学習と因果推論の考え方を掛け合わせて条件付き平均処置効果(CATE: Conditional Average Treatment Effect)を推定する手法の総称です。 条件付き平均処置効果(CATE)とは、平均処置効果(ATE: Average Treatment E

                                                                            PythonによるDomain Adaptation Learnerの実装
                                                                          • DMARC Domain Checker - dmarcian

                                                                            Use our DMARC Domain Checker to find out if an email domain is protected against phishing, spoofing or fraud. Our domain checker offers you quick insights by inspecting DMARC, SPF and DKIM records and shows you if there are any actions you need to take. NOTE: The Yahoo and Google DMARC requirement came into force February 1, 2024. We’ve written a guide to help you with the new sender requirements

                                                                            • Enhance SMS-delivered code security with domain-bound codes - Discover - Apple Developer

                                                                              Many websites and apps offer additional login security in the form of SMS-delivered codes. On iPhone, Security Code AutoFill makes it easy for people to quickly supply these codes by offering them in the QuickType bar. On a Mac running macOS Big Sur, Mac Catalyst and AppKit apps can take advantage of this feature as well. Additionally, starting with iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur, we’re adding an extra

                                                                                Enhance SMS-delivered code security with domain-bound codes - Discover - Apple Developer
                                                                              • Title: Findire.com Announces Strategic Acquisition of GoQnA.com Domain - FindIRE – Real Estate News and Resources

                                                                                Home2024January8Title: Findire.com Announces Strategic Acquisition of GoQnA.com Domain We are thrilled to announce that Findire.com, a leading global real estate marketplace, has acquired GoQnA.com, a dynamic platform dedicated to fostering community-driven knowledge and discussions. This acquisition marks a significant step forward in our mission to not only connect property buyers and sellers wo

                                                                                  Title: Findire.com Announces Strategic Acquisition of GoQnA.com Domain - FindIRE – Real Estate News and Resources
                                                                                • RAFT: Adapting Language Model to Domain Specific RAG

                                                                                  Pretraining Large Language Models (LLMs) on large corpora of textual data is now a standard paradigm. When using these LLMs for many downstream applications, it is common to additionally bake in new knowledge (e.g., time-critical news, or private domain knowledge) into the pretrained model either through RAG-based-prompting, or fine-tuning. However, the optimal methodology for the model to gain su