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infrastructure as a serviceの検索結果601 - 640 件 / 5421件

  • Amazon Bedrock now provides access to Meta’s Llama 2 Chat 13B model | Amazon Web Services

    AWS News Blog Amazon Bedrock now provides access to Meta’s Llama 2 Chat 13B model Today, we’re announcing the availability of Meta’s Llama 2 Chat 13B large language model (LLM) on Amazon Bedrock. With this launch, Amazon Bedrock becomes the first public cloud service to offer a fully managed API for Llama 2, Meta’s next-generation LLM. Now, organizations of all sizes can access Llama 2 Chat models

      Amazon Bedrock now provides access to Meta’s Llama 2 Chat 13B model | Amazon Web Services
    • GitHub - opentofu/opentofu: OpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure.

      Manifesto About the OpenTofu fork How to install Join our Slack community! Weekly OpenTofu Status Updates OpenTofu is an OSS tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. OpenTofu can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. The key features of OpenTofu are: Infrastructure as Code: Infrastructure is described using a h

        GitHub - opentofu/opentofu: OpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure.
      • New Workers pricing — never pay to wait on I/O again

        New Workers pricing — never pay to wait on I/O again2023-09-28 Today we are announcing new pricing for Cloudflare Workers and Pages Functions, where you are billed based on CPU time, and never for the idle time that your Worker spends waiting on network requests and other I/O. Unlike other platforms, when you build applications on Workers, you only pay for the compute resources you actually use. W

          New Workers pricing — never pay to wait on I/O again
        • Lightweight Javascript Framework Review (For Django Developers)

          Lightweight Javascript Framework Review (For Django Developers) Introduction Many developers are confused when they try to find a Lightweight Javascript Framework for the Django project because there are so many options. In this post, I will talk and compare lightweight javascript frameworks, and help you decide which one is the best for your Django project. If you want to: Render HTML in Django,

            Lightweight Javascript Framework Review (For Django Developers)
          • “クラウド破産”はなぜ起こるのか? 利用料金が想定外に高くなる理由

            関連キーワード IaaS | IBM(アイ・ビー・エム) | クラウド運用管理 | クラウドコンピューティング | 導入・運用のコスト感 仮想マシンやストレージなどのハードウェアをサービスとして利用できる「IaaS」(Infrastructure as a Service)、データベース管理システム(DBMS)やWebアプリケーションサーバなどのミドルウェアをサービスとして利用できる「PaaS」(Platform as a Service)などのクラウドサービスを導入するときに、検討すべき事項の一つが利用料金だ。想定していたよりも高額な利用料金が発生するといった「失敗」は、なぜ起こるのか。 併せて読みたいお薦め記事 クラウドコストの比較の仕方 ハイブリッドクラウドで無駄な料金を払わずに済む“賢いデータの置き方” クラウドのコスト管理に必要な新しいアプローチ 予想外の高額請求が多発している?

              “クラウド破産”はなぜ起こるのか? 利用料金が想定外に高くなる理由
            • Anatomy of an Exploit: RCE with CVE-2020-1350 SIGRed - Blog | Grapl

              By: Valentina Palmiotti (@chompie1337), Lead Security Researcher At Grapl, we believe that in order to build the best defensive system we need to deeply understand attacker behaviors. As part of that goal we're investing in offensive security research. Keep up with our blog for new research on high risk vulnerabilities, exploitation, and advanced threat tactics. RCE PoC for CVE-2020-1350 SIGRed ca

                Anatomy of an Exploit: RCE with CVE-2020-1350 SIGRed - Blog | Grapl
              • Choosing between messaging services for serverless applications | Amazon Web Services

                AWS Compute Blog Choosing between messaging services for serverless applications Most serverless application architectures use a combination of different AWS services, microservices, and AWS Lambda functions. Messaging services are important in allowing distributed applications to communicate with each other, and are fundamental to most production serverless workloads. Messaging services can impro

                  Choosing between messaging services for serverless applications | Amazon Web Services
                • Server Outages and Increased API Errors

                  All times are PDT. Summary Discord was unavailable for most users for a period of an hour. The root cause is well understood and fixed. The bug was in our service discovery system, which is used by services within our infrastructure to discover one another. In this instance, service discovery is used by our real time chat services services in order to discover the RPC endpoint that they use to loa

                  • CPU limits and aggressive throttling in Kubernetes

                    Have you seen your application get stuck or fail to respond to health check requests, and you can’t find any explanation? It might be because of the CPU quota limit. We will explain more here. TL;DR: We would highly recommend removing CPU Limits in Kubernetes (or Disable CFS quota in Kublet) if you are using a kernel version with CFS quota bug unpatched. There is a serious, known CFS bug in the ke

                      CPU limits and aggressive throttling in Kubernetes
                    • AWS Fault Isolation Boundaries - AWS Fault Isolation Boundaries

                      Publication date: November 16, 2022 (Document revisions) Abstract Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides different isolation boundaries, such as Availability Zones (AZ), Regions, control planes, and data planes. This paper details how AWS uses these boundaries to create zonal, Regional, and global services. It also includes prescriptive guidance on how to consider dependencies on these different servi

                      • Growing AWS internet peering with 400 GbE | Amazon Web Services

                        Networking & Content Delivery Growing AWS internet peering with 400 GbE Performance is a key driver of the design of the AWS global infrastructure. AWS has the largest global network infrastructure footprint of any cloud provider, and this footprint is expanding continuously to help our customers deliver better end-user experiences, rapidly expand operations to virtually any region or country, and

                          Growing AWS internet peering with 400 GbE | Amazon Web Services
                        • Slack Architecture

                          The target audience for this article falls into the following roles: Tech workers Students Engineering managers The prerequisite to reading this article is fundamental knowledge of system design components. This article does not cover an in-depth guide on individual system design components. Disclaimer: The system design questions are subjective. This article is written based on the research I hav

                            Slack Architecture
                          • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20191210後編)Ruby 2.7の変更点記事、mrubyで動くmitamae、画像系コラボレーションツールほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                            2019.12.10 週刊Railsウォッチ(20191210後編)Ruby 2.7の変更点記事、mrubyで動くmitamae、画像系コラボレーションツールほか こんにちは、hachi8833です。もういくつ寝るとRuby 2.7が出るんでしょうか。 各記事冒頭には⚓でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 毎月第一木曜日に「公開つっつき会」を開催しています: お気軽にご応募ください 今回も週刊Railsウォッチ第17回公開つっつき会を元にお送りいたします。お集まりいただいた多くの皆さま、ありがとうございました!😂🙇 ⚓Ruby ⚓Ruby 2.7の変更点などなど Link: Ruby 2.7 の変更点 - 復活したものや入りそうで入ら

                              週刊Railsウォッチ(20191210後編)Ruby 2.7の変更点記事、mrubyで動くmitamae、画像系コラボレーションツールほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                            • Dark's new backend will be in F#

                              Welcome HN! Dark is a programming language, structured editor, and infrastructure—all in one—whose goal is to make it 100x easier to build backend services. Check out the website, our What is Dark post, and How Dark deploys in 50ms for more. Thanks for checking us out! Part of a set with Leaving OCaml and Why Dark didn't choose Rust. Nothing in my life so far would have prepared me for the fact th

                                Dark's new backend will be in F#
                              • Setting SLOs for services -- SRE | Google Cloud Blog

                                If you’ve embarked on your site reliability engineering (SRE) journey, you’ve likely started using service-level objectives (SLOs) to bring customer-focused metrics into your monitoring, perhaps even utilizing Service Monitoring as discussed in “Setting SLOs: a step-by-step guide.” Once you're able to decrease your alert volume, your oncallers are experiencing less operational overhead and are foc

                                  Setting SLOs for services -- SRE | Google Cloud Blog
                                • Announcing TypeScript 5.5 RC - TypeScript

                                  Today we are excited to announce the availability of the release candidate of TypeScript 5.5. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or through npm with the following command: npm install -D typescript@rc Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.5! Inferred Type Predicates Control Flow Narrowing for Constant Indexed Accesses Type Imports in JSDoc Regular Expression Syn

                                    Announcing TypeScript 5.5 RC - TypeScript
                                  • Why Authorization is Hard

                                    Feb 2023 Update: Since writing this post in 2021, we've built, released, and GA-ed Oso Cloud: our opinionated solution for authorization. Two years ago, my cofounder and I started building security tools for infrastructure. We kept hearing that application developers were building their own homegrown authorization tools. At first we were a little skeptical. People have been building authorization

                                      Why Authorization is Hard
                                    • Deno Deploy Beta 1

                                      Deno Deploy is a multi-tenant JavaScript engine running in 25 data centers across the world. The service deeply integrates cloud infrastructure with the V8 virtual machine, allowing users to quickly script distributed HTTPS servers. This novel “serverless” system is designed from the ground up for modern JavaScript programming. Today we are releasing Deploy Beta 1. This is the first in a series of

                                        Deno Deploy Beta 1
                                      • Uncovering a 24-year-old bug in the Linux Kernel

                                        As part of our standard toolkit, we provide each developer at Skroutz with a writable database snapshot against which she can develop. These snapshots are updated daily through a pipeline that involves taking an LVM snapshot of production data, anonymizing the dataset by stripping all personal data, and transferring it via rsync to the development database servers. The development servers in turn

                                          Uncovering a 24-year-old bug in the Linux Kernel
                                        • The Web3 Fraud

                                          By now effectively all ;login:’s readers have heard the term “web3” and “dapps” bandied about as if they are some great revolution.  They are not.  The technical underpinnings are so terrible that it is clear they exist only to hype the underlying cryptocurrencies.  The actual utility of these “decentralized” systems is already available in modern distributed systems in ways that are several order

                                            The Web3 Fraud
                                          • Modern Approaches to Network Access Security

                                            This document is distributed as TLP:CLEAR. Disclosure is not limited. Sources may use TLP:CLEAR when information carries minimal or no foreseeable risk of misuse, in accordance with applicable rules and procedures for public release. Subject to standard copyright rules. TLP:CLEAR information may be distributed without restrictions. For more information on the Traffic Light Protocol, see cisa.gov/t

                                            • Nix is a better Docker image builder than Docker's image builder

                                              $50 of Fly.io CreditsCoupon code go-fly-nix. Only valid for new accounts that have not used a DevRel coupon code before. The Talk The title slide of the talk. It features a hot air balloon breaking into a shipping container with a crowbar. Art by Annie Rugyt. Hi, I'm Xe Iaso and today I'm gonna get to talk with you about one of my favourite tools: Nix. Nix is many things, but my super hot take is

                                                Nix is a better Docker image builder than Docker's image builder
                                              • IaC Maturity Model と学習ステップ #srefm - ツナワタリマイライフ

                                                はじめに 先日、ノリと勢いで企画した SRE.fm を行い、ゆるふわに Terraform や IaC の話をしました。 sre-fm.connpass.com 実際にやってみて、質問への回答を行う中で、IaC に関わるひとたちのマジョリティと自分たちには大きな隔たりがあるような感覚を持ちました。そういった中で、質問の1点1点に答えるというよりも、大局的な理解であったり、その本質的な要素であったり、段階に分けた学習ステップ等を言語化することが必要なのではないか、と(その後の二次会で)たどり着きました。 「IaC は当たり前になった」というのは Infra Study Meetup #1「Infrastructure as Code」 での Mizzy さんの言葉で、これに関しては大きく同意するものの、この「当たり前」は「誰でもしている状態になった」「できていないのはありえない」というもので

                                                  IaC Maturity Model と学習ステップ #srefm - ツナワタリマイライフ
                                                • So You Want To Build A Browser Engine

                                                  Eyes Above The Waves Robert O'Callahan. Christian. Repatriate Kiwi. Hacker. Archive 2024 June Waihohonu Hut 2024 So You Want To Build A Browser Engine Real-Time Settlers Of Catan April Auckland Waterfront Half Marathon 2024 Whanganui River Journey 2024 2023 December Rees-Dart Track 2023 Caples/Routeburn Track 2023 Abel Tasman Kayaking November Mount Pirongia 2023 Blog Migrated April Why I Signed T

                                                  • Bringing eBPF and Cilium to Google Kubernetes Engine | Google Cloud Blog

                                                    New GKE Dataplane V2 increases security and visibility for containers Editor’s note: As of May 10, 2021, GKE Dataplane V2 is generally available starting with GKE version 1.20.6-gke.700. We’re also using Dataplane V2 to make Kubernetes Network Policy logging generally available on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). One of Kubernetes’ true superpowers is its developer-first networking model. It provid

                                                      Bringing eBPF and Cilium to Google Kubernetes Engine | Google Cloud Blog
                                                    • How I operated as a Staff engineer at Heroku

                                                      Mistakes as a Service Provider | I type for a living at GitHub 🐙 | ex-Heroku 💜 | ex-Getty Images 📸 | she & her I was incredibly lucky to spend 5 amazing years at Heroku. By the end of my time, I was operating in a Staff capacity, although I’m honestly completely unclear which titles at Salesforce actually map to Staff. Because titles are unclear and because my role was a little amorphous, I cho

                                                      • 詰まるところ、「クラウドネイティブ」で何をすればいいのか

                                                        詰まるところ、「クラウドネイティブ」で何をすればいいのか:草間一人×青山真也 クラウドネイティブ対談(3)(1/2 ページ) 青山真也氏と草間一人氏に、クラウドネイティブに関してじっくり語ってもらった対談の内容を、4回に分けて掲載している本連載。今回は第3回として、「結局、クラウドネイティブで何をすればいいのか」をテーマとした部分をお届けする。 本連載では、2019年7月の「Cloud Native Days Tokyo 2019」でCo-chairを務めた草間一人氏と青山真也氏に、クラウドネイティブに関してじっくり語ってもらった対談の内容を、4回に分けて掲載している。第1回は「クラウドネイティブは、どう誤解されているか」、第2回は「CNCFのCloud Native Trail Mapを、クラウドネイティブ活動の指針としてどう考えるか」についてお届けした。今回は第3回として、「結局、クラ

                                                        • Personas

                                                          Roles vs personas Personas describe the ideal target for GitLab. They help us define our messaging and marketing delivery. They are theoretical people to target. By defining their concerns and where they go for information, we can best spend our marketing dollars and sales efforts by focusing on this ideal target. Roles are distinct job titles. These are the real people you will encounter while se

                                                          • ML Education at Uber: Frameworks Inspired by Engineering Principles

                                                            You’re seeing information for Poland . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more Introduction At Uber, millions of machine learning (ML) predictions are made every second, and hundreds of applied scientists, engineers, product managers, and researchers work on ML solutions daily. Uber wins by scaling machine learning. We recognize org-wide that a p

                                                              ML Education at Uber: Frameworks Inspired by Engineering Principles
                                                            • Unit Testing is Overrated • Oleksii Holub

                                                              As Russia wages a genocidal war against my country, I'm grateful to everyone who continues to stand with Ukraine in our fight for freedom. The importance of testing in modern software development is really hard to overstate. Delivering a successful product is not something you do once and forget about, but is rather a continuous and recurring process. With every line of code that changes, software

                                                                Unit Testing is Overrated • Oleksii Holub
                                                              • Knative-based Cloud Run services are GA | Google Cloud Blog

                                                                Oren TeichDirector of Product Management, Google Cloud We want to empower developers no matter where their businesses are in their cloud journey, whether that's on-prem, operating in a managed Kubernetes environment, or running on a fully managed serverless computing platform. Today, we're announcing that Cloud Run is generally available, helping developers focus on writing high-value code, regard

                                                                  Knative-based Cloud Run services are GA | Google Cloud Blog
                                                                • A Design Analysis of Cloud-based Microservices Architecture at Netflix

                                                                  1. IntroductionNetflix has been among the best online subscription-based video streaming services in the world ([12]) for many years, accounting for over 15% of the world’s Internet bandwidth capacity. In 2019, Netflix already acquired over 167 million subscribers, with more than 5 million new subscribers added every quarter, and operates in more than 200 countries. More specifically, Netflix’s su

                                                                    A Design Analysis of Cloud-based Microservices Architecture at Netflix
                                                                  • Awesome AWS Workshops - Build On!

                                                                    Awesome AWS Workshops¶ (Unofficial) Curated list of awesome workshops found around in the internet. As we all have been there, finding that workshop that you have just attended shouldn't be hard. The idea is to provide an easy central repository, in a collaborative way. Contributing¶ Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first. We will keep pull r

                                                                      Awesome AWS Workshops - Build On!
                                                                    • CDK Pipelines を導入した複数人開発のススメ - Qiita

                                                                      みなさん、こんにちは。horsewinです。 AWS CDK Advent Calendar 2021 9日目の記事となります。 CDKのCI/CD化を手助けしてくれるConstructの1つである、CDK Pipelines(@aws-cdk/pipelines module)に触れていきます。 複数人でCDKを利用したCI/CDを導入する上でぜひ検討の1つにしてみてください。 今回触れること、触れないこと 本記事では次の内容について触れていきます。 CDK開発にCI/CDを組み込むモチベーション CDK Pipelinesとはなにか CDK Pipelinesを利用する上でのTips 次の内容には触れません。ただしAWS公式のドキュメントやリンクをリファーはしますので適宜参考にしてください。 CDK Pipelinesの作成の流れ(ハンズオンなど) CDK/CFnで悩むリソース参照方式

                                                                        CDK Pipelines を導入した複数人開発のススメ - Qiita
                                                                      • The Grug Brained Developer

                                                                        The Grug Brained Developer A layman's guide to thinking like the self-aware smol brained Introduction this collection of thoughts on software development gathered by grug brain developer grug brain developer not so smart, but grug brain developer program many long year and learn some things although mostly still confused grug brain developer try collect learns into small, easily digestible and fun

                                                                        • Bucket full of secrets – Terraform exfiltration | Mercari Engineering

                                                                          Background At Mercari, we utilize many microservices developed across multiple different teams. Each team has ownership over not only their code, but also the infrastructure necessary to run their services. To allow developers to take ownership of their infrastructure we use HashiCorp Terraform to define the infrastructure as code. Developers can use Terraform native resources or custom modules pr

                                                                          • Extending the EKS API: Managed Node Groups | Amazon Web Services

                                                                            Containers Extending the EKS API: Managed Node Groups By Raghav Tripathi, Michael Hausenblas, and Nathan Taber From our first conversations with customers, our vision has always been that Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) should provide the best managed Kubernetes experience in the cloud. When we launched EKS, our first step was to provide a managed Kubernetes control plane, but we never int

                                                                              Extending the EKS API: Managed Node Groups | Amazon Web Services
                                                                            • GitHub - microsoft/reverse-proxy: A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications.

                                                                              YARP (which stands for "Yet Another Reverse Proxy") is a project to create a reverse proxy server. We found a bunch of internal teams at Microsoft who were either building a reverse proxy for their service or had been asking about APIs and tech for building one, so we decided to get them all together to work on a common solution, this project. YARP is a reverse proxy toolkit for building fast prox

                                                                                GitHub - microsoft/reverse-proxy: A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications.
                                                                              • Step by Step Introduction to Basic Concept of Kubernetes

                                                                                Photo by Stanley Dai on UnsplashHave you heard Kubernetes? You must be interested in that topic. That’s why you open this article. This article is about the basic concept of Kubernetes and how to use it. In the end, we will run docker containers using Kubernetes that run on Minikube. It doesn’t require any cloud paid account. What is Kubernetes?Kubernetes is an open-source platform/tool created by

                                                                                  Step by Step Introduction to Basic Concept of Kubernetes
                                                                                • Encrypted traffic interception on Hetzner and Linode targeting the largest Russian XMPP (Jabber) messaging service —

                                                                                  TL;DR: we have discovered XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging protocol encrypted TLS connection wiretapping (Man-in-the-Middle attack) of jabber.ru (aka xmpp.ru) service’s servers on Hetzner and Linode hosting providers in Germany. The attacker has issued several new TLS certificates using Let’s Encrypt service which were used to hijack encrypted STARTTLS connections on port 5222 using transparent MiT