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161 - 200 件 / 766件

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internalsの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 766件

  • PHP 8: Observability Baked Right In

    VM execute hookThe PHP virtual machine (VM) is responsible for handling the PHP runtime. There is a function pointer that extensions can override within the VM called zend_execute_ex. If an extension uses this hook, all calls to functions or methods that are defined in PHP run through this hook. Although this was one of the most popular function-call-interception hooks prior to PHP 8, it had a num

      PHP 8: Observability Baked Right In
    • Lint Night #1 に登壇した - koicの日記

      Lint Night #1 に登壇した。 lintnight.connpass.com 当日のスライドは以下です。 今回は Kuniwak さんの方でそもそも「Lint とは?」といった前段の話をしていただけるというのと、"Lint" を冠したイベントを考えて、ここなら事前に求める前提知識をいくつか端折って話して良いだろうと RuboCop の内部構造に踏み込んだ話にしてみました。 今回内部のしくみに踏み込もうと思った時に思い出したのが『Ruby のしくみ』で、表紙はこのパロディになっています。 Rubyのしくみ -Ruby Under a Microscope- 作者:Pat Shaughnessyオーム社Amazon 私の発表の構文解析パートで出てきた書籍はこちら。Yacc の Ruby 版である Racc については『Ruby 256 本 無道編』が構文解析のしくみもろもろと一緒に紹

        Lint Night #1 に登壇した - koicの日記
      • research!rsc: Storing Data in Control Flow

        A decision that arises over and over when designing concurrent programs is whether to represent program state in control flow or as data. This post is about what that decision means and how to approach it. Done well, taking program state stored in data and storing it instead in control flow can make programs much clearer and more maintainable than they otherwise would be. Before saying much more,

        • Chromium’s DNS Cache

          text/plain ericlaw talks about security, the web, and software in general From the mailbag: Q: How long does Chromium cache hostnames? I know a user can clear the hostname cache using the Clear host cache button on about://net-internals/#dns, but how long it will take for the cache to be removed if no manual action is taken? After changing DNS records on my server, nslookup from a client reflects

            Chromium’s DNS Cache
          • GCC for New Contributors — GCC Contributors Guide 0.1 documentation

            GCC for New Contributors¶ This is an unofficial guide to GCC’s internals, aimed at new developers, and at plugin authors. Source: https://github.com/davidmalcolm/gcc-newbies-guide I’m a relative newcomer to GCC, so I thought it was worth documenting some of the hurdles I ran into when I started working on GCC, to try to make it easier for others to start hacking on GCC. Hence this guide. Other sou

            • モニタリングツールを作り、OSSにコミットする ー グリーの大規模ゲームインフラを支えるエンジニアたちはとんでもないレベルだった

              テックカンパニーをテックカンパニーたらしめているものはなにか?技術か、人か、それともチームなのか。 連載「Technology Company Internals」では、テックカンパニーの内側で働くエンジニアに、技術に精通したエキスパートが対面で話を聞き、テックカンパニーとは何か?を探るだけでなく、テックカンパニーを目指す企業の指針となることを目指します。 ゲーム・アニメ事業、メタバース事業、コマース事業、DX事業、マンガ事業、投資・インキュベーション事業などを展開するグリーには、それぞれの専門分野に長けた凄腕エキスパートが数多く在籍しています。今回はそんな超スペシャリストの中から、グリーの大規模インフラを支えるモニタリングを担当する2人のエキスパート - インフラチーム マネージャー 黒木誠士氏とモニタリングユニット リードエンジニア 反田光洋氏に、大規模ゲームインフラにおけるモニタリン

                モニタリングツールを作り、OSSにコミットする ー グリーの大規模ゲームインフラを支えるエンジニアたちはとんでもないレベルだった
              • You Want Modules, Not Microservices

                Blog Home Archive Sections Some of my Favorites (Collections) Management Tips Speaker Tips Developer Relations Thoughts Interop Briefs Some of my Favorites (Individual posts) O/R-M is the Vietnam of Computer Science The Fallacies of Enterprise Computing SSCLI 2.0 Internals Recommended reading list Functional Java On Finding learning The Value of Failure Programming Promises; a Programmer's Hippocr

                • CRDT: Text Buffer - Made by Evan

                  Collaboratively editing strings of text is a common desire in peer-to-peer applications. For example, a note-taking app might represent each document as a single collaboratively-edited string of text. The algorithm presented here is one way to do this. It comes from a family of algorithms called CRDTs, which I will not describe here. It's similar to the approaches taken by popular collaborative te

                  • HashiCorp Nomad で作るコンテナ実行基盤 - Qiita

                    2019年3月から、さくらインターネットで働いている、自称「構成管理おじさん」です。 チームでの役割としては下記のようなことをやっています。 コンテナ実行基盤の構築 メトリクス管理、監視基盤の構築 ログ管理、監視基盤の構築 今回は、コンテナ実行基盤の構築について少しだけお話しさせていただきます。 内容 世の流れは Kubernetes だけど、 Docker + Nomad + Consul + Traefik を組み合わせるとこんなことができ、この構成に至るまでにどのように思考していったのかについて書いています。 Nomad + Consul を利用したコンテナオーケストレーションを行っている国内の企業がここにもいますよということをアピールしておきます。(いつか対面でお話できる日がくるとよいなと思っています。) LINEの金融系サービスを支えるサーバーエンジニアの仕事 Consul・No

                      HashiCorp Nomad で作るコンテナ実行基盤 - Qiita
                    • Release v3.0.0 · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint

                      This major release has been a long time coming! We've been saving up breaking changes for a while now, waiting for the ESLint v7 release which we knew would deprecate support for node version 8. Due to our weekly release cadence, this major release mostly contains breaking changes! Breaking Changes Dropped support for Node version 8 (#1420) In line with ESLint v7 - we've also dropped explicit supp

                        Release v3.0.0 · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint
                      • Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud, 2nd Edition

                        Recent posts: 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » Te

                        • How to Bypass Cloudflare in 2023: The 8 Best Methods - ZenRows

                          About 1/5 of websites you need to scrape use Cloudflare, a hardcore anti-bot protection system that gets you blocked easily. So what can you do? 😥 We spent a million dollars figuring out how to bypass Cloudflare in 2023 so that you don't have to and wrote the most complete guide (you're reading it!). These are some of the techniques you'll get home today: Method 1: Get around Cloudflare CDN. Meth

                            How to Bypass Cloudflare in 2023: The 8 Best Methods - ZenRows
                          • TweetDeck Preview, Better TweetDeck and the future · Issue #848 · eramdam/BetterTweetDeck

                            EDIT: As of February 2023, it is clear Twitter's new management doesn't give a shit about 3rd party developers so I am NOT going to invest any energy about building on top of Twitter's platform anymore. If you want to find me, I'll still be on Twitter but I'm also (more) active on Mastodon and Cohost these days. I might build something for Mastodon ;) Old issue body below: I'm opening another issu

                              TweetDeck Preview, Better TweetDeck and the future · Issue #848 · eramdam/BetterTweetDeck
                            • jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho

                              What if we actually could replace Git? Jujutsu might give us a real shot. Assumed audience: People who have worked with Git or other modern version control systems like Mercurial, Darcs, Pijul, Bazaar, etc., and have at least a basic idea of how they work. Jujutsu is a new version control system from a software engineer at Google, where it is on track to replace Google’s existing version control s

                                jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
                              • Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!

                                Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!Published July 12, 2024 First, a few announcements: Yesterday, py-free-threading.github.io launched! It's both a resource with documentation around adding support for free-threaded Python, and a status tracker for the rollout across open source projects in the Python ecosystem. We hope and expect both of these to be very useful, with the status tra

                                  Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!
                                • Node.js — Node v12.10.0 (Current)

                                  Notable changes deps: Update npm to 6.10.3 (isaacs) #29023 fs: Add recursive option to rmdir() (cjihrig) #29168 Allow passing true to emitClose option (Giorgos Ntemiris) #29212 Add *timeNs properties to BigInt Stats objects (Joyee Cheung) #21387 net: Allow reading data into a static buffer (Brian White) #25436 Commits [293c9f0d75] - bootstrap: run preload prior to frozen-intrinsics (Bradley Farias

                                    Node.js — Node v12.10.0 (Current)
                                  • Declarative Shadow DOM  |  CSS and UI  |  Chrome for Developers

                                    Declarative Shadow DOM is a web platform feature, currently in the standardization process. It is enabled by default in Chrome version 111. Shadow DOM is one of the three Web Components standards, rounded out by HTML templates and Custom Elements. Shadow DOM provides a way to scope CSS styles to a specific DOM subtree and isolate that subtree from the rest of the document. The <slot> element gives

                                    • Next.js 13.5

                                      Back to BlogTuesday, September 19th 2023 Next.js 13.5Posted by Next.js 13.5 improves local dev performance and reliability with: 22% faster local server startup: Iterate faster with the App & Pages Router 29% faster HMR (Fast Refresh): For faster iterations when saving changes 40% less memory usage: Measured when running next start Optimized Package Imports: Faster updates when using popular icon

                                        Next.js 13.5
                                      • Under Deconstruction: The State of Shopify’s Monolith

                                        Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window Ruby on Rails is a great framework for rapidly building beautiful web applications that users and developers love. But if an application is successful, there’s usually continued investment, resulting in additional features and increased overall system complexity. Shopify’s core monolith has over 2.8 million lines of

                                          Under Deconstruction: The State of Shopify’s Monolith
                                        • How does Sidekiq really work?

                                          Sidekiq is one of the most ubiquitous1 Ruby background job processors out there. To anybody who has worked with Ruby on and off Rails, it needs no introduction. Sidekiq has a 10+ year track record of being an efficient, battle-tested and simple-to-use solution for offloading the execution of application logic into the background. It utilizes a threaded model for job processing, uses Redis as a bac

                                          • Node.js — Node v16.0.0 (Current)

                                            Notable Changes Deprecations and Removals (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: remove permissive rmdir recursive (Antoine du Hamel) #37216 (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: runtime deprecate rmdir recursive option (Antoine du Hamel) #37302 (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: runtime deprecate access to process.binding('http_parser') (James M Snell) #37813 (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: runtime deprecate access to process.binding('url') (James M Snell) #377

                                              Node.js — Node v16.0.0 (Current)
                                            • Windows 11 22H2のシステム要件に追加されたTPM 2.0とセキュアブートをサポートしたmacOS/iOS対応の仮想化ソフトウェア「UTM v4.3.4」がリリース。

                                              Windows 11 22H2のシステム要件に追加されたTPM 2.0とセキュアブートをサポートしたmacOS/iOS対応の仮想化ソフトウェア「UTM v4.3.4」がリリースされています。詳細は以下から。 QEMUとAppleのVirtualizationフレームワークを利用し、Intel/Apple Silicon MacやiPhone/iPad上に仮想マシンを作成できるUTMシリーズを開発するUTM Projectは現地時間2023年08月02日、UTM v4.3の初のリリース版となる「UTM v4.3.4」を新たに公開したと発表しています。 UTM v4.3.4では、新たにQEMUバックエンドがQEMU v8.0.2へ更新され、UTM Projectが新たに開発を進めていたQEMUゲスト用のSwiftインターフェース「QEMUKit」を採用し、QEMUの実装が刷新された他、 Win

                                                Windows 11 22H2のシステム要件に追加されたTPM 2.0とセキュアブートをサポートしたmacOS/iOS対応の仮想化ソフトウェア「UTM v4.3.4」がリリース。
                                              • Node v12.13.0 (LTS) | Node.js

                                                العربية Catalan Deutsch English Español زبان فارسی Français Galego Italiano 日本語 ქართული 한국어 Nederlands Português do Brasil limba română Русский Türkçe Українська 简体中文 繁體中文 This release marks the transition of Node.js 12.x into Long Term Support (LTS) with the codename 'Erbium'. The 12.x release line now moves into "Active LTS" and will remain so until October 2020. After that time, it will move in

                                                  Node v12.13.0 (LTS) | Node.js
                                                • CSS Houdini - Vincent De Oliveira

                                                  Before we dive in, let me provide some background. In 2013, a bunch of people signed the extensible web manifesto, in favor of an Extensible Web Platform. The goal is pretty obvious: elaborate new kind of standards, that provides authors freedom and flexibility to build their own features. The aim is to define low-level APIs, an access to the core of the browsers, and so, involve authors into the

                                                    CSS Houdini - Vincent De Oliveira
                                                  • Announcing Vite 2.0

                                                    Create React App vs Vite React on @replit. Vite ran before the container could even boot CRA files. If you've never heard of Vite before and would love to learn more about it, check out the rationale behind the project. If you are interested in how Vite differs from other similar tools, check out the comparisons. What's New in 2.0 Since we decided to completely refactor the internals before 1.0 go

                                                      Announcing Vite 2.0
                                                    • What Are the React Team Principles? — overreacted

                                                      What Are the React Team Principles?December 25, 2019 During my time on the React team, I’ve been lucky to see how Jordan, Sebastian, Sophie and other tenured team members approach problems. In this post, I’m distilling what I learned from them into a few high-level technical principles. These principles aren’t meant to be exhaustive. This is my personal attempt to formalize observations about how

                                                      • Jetpack Compose v1.3.0に気になったAPIのまとめ - Goodpatch Tech Blog

                                                        こんにちは!Jetpack Compose と KMM が好きなエンジニアのスージです。 今年開催された Android Developers Summit では素晴らしいセッションが盛り沢山でしたね。 developer.android.com 同じタイミングでJetpack Compose v1.3.0も stable になりました。今回もたくさんのAPIの追加や更新がありますし、その中で個人的に気になった API を紹介しようと思います。 Compose BoM LookaheadLayout Variable フォントサポート Staggered Grid サポート Canvas.drawText() Hyphens API LineBreak API で改行サポート Pull-to-refresh Modifier.Node の大リファクタリング Kotlin 1.7.20 サポ

                                                          Jetpack Compose v1.3.0に気になったAPIのまとめ - Goodpatch Tech Blog
                                                        • Go, Clojure, マイクロサービス…コロナを技術で乗り越えろ!飲食スタートアップの挑戦

                                                          テックカンパニーをテックカンパニーたらしめているものはなにか?技術か、人か、それともチームなのか。 連載「Technology Company Internals」では、テックカンパニーの内側で働くエンジニアに、技術に精通したエキスパートが対面で話を聞き、テックカンパニーとは何か?を探るだけでなく、テックカンパニーを目指す企業の指針となることを目指します。 コロナ禍は飲食業界のDXを促進する 白石: 本日はよろしくお願いします。自己紹介からお願いします。 鄧: 鄧 皓亢(デン ハオカン)と申します。CTOを務めています。普段の仕事は、一言でいうと「なんでも屋」ですね。アーキテクト的な役割を担うこともあれば、お客様に価値を少しでも早くお届けするためにソリューションをチームに提案したり、場合によっては自分でもコードを書いたりします。 北川: 北川 真理(キタガワ マコト)です。フロントエンドエ

                                                            Go, Clojure, マイクロサービス…コロナを技術で乗り越えろ!飲食スタートアップの挑戦
                                                          • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20210209後編)Rubyでミニ言語処理系を作る、Kernel#getsの意外な機能、CSSのcontent-visibilityほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                            週刊Railsウォッチについて 各記事冒頭には🔗でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙇 TechRachoではRubyやRailsの最新情報などの記事を平日に公開しています。TechRacho記事をいち早くお読みになりたい方はTwitterにて@techrachoのフォローをお願いします。また、タグやカテゴリごとにRSSフィードを購読することもできます(例:週刊Railsウォッチタグ) 🔗Ruby 🔗 Rubyでミニ言語処理系を作る 元記事: RubyでオレオレVMとアセンブラとコード生成器を2週間で作ってライフゲームを動かした話 -

                                                              週刊Railsウォッチ(20210209後編)Rubyでミニ言語処理系を作る、Kernel#getsの意外な機能、CSSのcontent-visibilityほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                            • How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog

                                                              Several weeks ago, the .NET Blog featured a post What is .NET, and why should you choose it?. It provided a high-level overview of the platform, summarizing various components and design decisions, and promising more in-depth posts on the covered areas. This post is the first such follow-up, deep-diving into the history leading to, the design decisions behind, and implementation details of async/a

                                                                How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog
                                                              • php.internals: Changes to Git commit workflow

                                                                Hi everyone, Yesterday (2021-03-28) two malicious commits were pushed to the php-src repo [1] from the names of Rasmus Lerdorf and myself. We don't yet know how exactly this happened, but everything points towards a compromise of the git.php.net server (rather than a compromise of an individual git account). While investigation is still underway, we have decided that maintaining our own git infras

                                                                • The Story of the PS2’s Backwards Compatibility From the Engineer Who Built It

                                                                  As the PlayStation 2 turns 20 in Japan on March 4, followed by Europe and North America later in the year, game outlets of all stripes will undoubtedly be trotting out lists and retrospectives commemorating one of the most culturally significant and successful consoles to ever be produced. Although much of that attention will likely be focused on the many unique and diverse games that helped make

                                                                    The Story of the PS2’s Backwards Compatibility From the Engineer Who Built It
                                                                  • We Made Puma Faster With Sleep Sort

                                                                    Puma 5 (codename Spoony Bard1(When Puma gets a new ‘supercontributor’ that submits lots of important work to the project, we let them name the next release. This release features a lot of code from Will Jordan, who named this release ‘Spoony Bard’. Will said: ‘Final Fantasy IV is especially nostalgic for me, the first big open-source project I ever worked on was a fan re-translation of the game ba

                                                                      We Made Puma Faster With Sleep Sort
                                                                    • Git Internals part 1: The git object model

                                                                      This is the first of several posts exploring how git works under the hood. While lots of programmers are familiar with using git, I wanted to do a deep dive into how git is implemented. git employs many clever ideas to optimize common version control operations. I'm a big fan of trying to understand software by playing around with it rather than reading lots of documentation. To that end, I've wri

                                                                        Git Internals part 1: The git object model
                                                                      • WebRTC 入門|npaka

                                                                        以下の記事を参考に書いてます。 ・Getting Started with WebRTC 1. プラグインなしのリアルタイム通信電話、テレビ、コンピュータが共通のプラットフォームで通信できる世界を想像してみてください。ビデオチャット、P2PをWebアプリに簡単に追加できることを想像してみてください。それが「WebRTC」のビジョンです。 「WebRTC」は、デスクトップとモバイルの「Google Chrome」「Safari」「Firefox」「Opera」で利用できるようになりました。はじめに試してみるべきは、シンプルなビデオチャット「appr.tc」です。 (1) ブラウザで「appr.tc」を開く。 (2) 「Joinボタン」をクリックしてチャットルームに参加。 (3) Webカメラを有効化。 (3) ページ下部に表示されているURLを別のタブまたはPCで開く。 2. クイックスター

                                                                          WebRTC 入門|npaka
                                                                        • Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany

                                                                          I was browsing social media this morning, and I saw a claim I’ve seen go past a few times now – that there’s a maximum size for a PDF document: Terrible Maps @TerribleMaps Maximum size of a PDF, version 7: 381 km × 381 km. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Seit… 5:14 PM - 30 Jun 2023 Some version of this has been floating around the Internet since 2007, probably earlier. This tweet is pret

                                                                            Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany
                                                                          • Year in Review 2022: Tenderlove's Ruby and Rails Reflections and Predictions

                                                                            Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window Hi everyone! How are you doing? It's me, Aaron (some people know me on the internet as Tenderlove)! I hope you're doing well. ❤️ Since we're coming up on the end of the year, I thought it might be a good idea to take a moment to reflect on cool stuff that's happened or is happening in the Ruby community right now. Ac

                                                                              Year in Review 2022: Tenderlove's Ruby and Rails Reflections and Predictions
                                                                            • Remix Vite is Now Stable

                                                                              Today we’re excited to announce that support for Vite is now stable in Remix v2.7.0! After the initial unstable release of Remix Vite, we’ve been hard at work refining and extending it over the past few months with help from all of our early adopters and community contributors. Here’s what we’ve been up to: Closed 75 issues and merged 136 pull requests related to Vite. Migrated the website you’re

                                                                                Remix Vite is Now Stable
                                                                              • Rootless Containers: The Next Trend in Container Security

                                                                                This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese) Executive Summary As cloud computing evolves, containers continue to become more and more popular. New solutions and ideas to the way we implement containers are being introduced. One of these new ideas is rootless containers. Rootless containers is a new concept of containers that don’t require root privileges in order to formulate. Many solutions ha

                                                                                  Rootless Containers: The Next Trend in Container Security
                                                                                • Flutter - Flutter internals

                                                                                  IntroductionWhen I started up my journey into the fabulous world of Flutter beginning 2018, very little documentation could be found on Internet compared to what exists today. Despite the number of articles that have been written, very few talk about how Flutter actually works. What are finally the Widgets, the Elements, the BuildContext ? Why is Flutter fast and why does it sometimes work differe

                                                                                    Flutter - Flutter internals