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literature reviewの検索結果561 - 600 件 / 7327件

  • Technical Writing

    Technical Writing Copyright 1988, 1999 by Ronald B. Standler Table of Contents my favorite style manuals Strunk & White disagreement about rigid rules use of numbers in sentences zero and infinity six or 6 ? use of units with numbers units of computer memory equations in text common misuse of words in English a or an ? the conjunction or use of pronouns hyphens citations and bibliography What kind

    • tx-ruby - namespace gimite

      FrontPage This is a Ruby 1.8/1.9 binding of Tx, a library for a compact trie data structure. For details of Tx, see: Tx: Succinct Trie Data structure How to install † $ sudo gem install tx Or $ wget http://gimite.net/archive/tx-ruby-0.0.5.tar.gz $ tar xvzf tx-ruby-*.tar.gz $ cd tx-ruby $ sudo ruby setup.rb If your Ruby is 1.8.x mswin32, you don't need compilers (binary is bundled). Tx library is b

      • Holacracy - Wikipedia

        Holacracy is a method of decentralized management and organizational governance, which claims to distribute authority and decision-making through a holarchy of self-organizing teams rather than being vested in a management hierarchy.[1][2] Holacracy has been adopted by for-profit and non-profit organizations in several countries.[3] This can be seen as a greater movement within organisational desi

        • 東ローマ帝国の暴露本(笑)  - akihitosuzuki's diary

          Quinn, Josephine. "Goose Girl." Review of Theodora: Actress, Empress, Saint, by David Potter. London Review of Books 39 no. 9 (2017): 38-39, https://www.lrb.co.uk/v39/n09/josephine-quinn/goose-girl. Procopius, G. A. Williamson, and Peter Sarris. The Secret History. Penguin Classics. Vol. . Penguin literature/History: Penguin, 2007. Procopius, History of the Wars. http://akihitosuzuki.hatenadiary.j

            東ローマ帝国の暴露本(笑)  - akihitosuzuki's diary
          • Writing Introductions

            Writing Introductions There are many ways to introduce an academic essay or assignment. Most academic writers, however, appear to do one or more of the following in their introductions: establish the context, background and/or importance of the topic indicate a problem, controversy or a gap in the field of study define the topic or key terms state of the purpose of the essay/writing p

            • Metaverse - Wikipedia

              Avatars socialising in the virtual world Second Life The metaverse is a loosely defined term referring to virtual worlds in which users represented by avatars interact,[1] usually in 3D and usually focused on social and economic connection.[2][3][4][5] The term metaverse originated in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash as a portmanteau of "meta" and "universe".[6][7] In Snow Crash, the meta

                Metaverse - Wikipedia
              • Digital native - Wikipedia

                This article is about people of the Digital Age. For the Yasutaka Nakata album, see Digital Native (album). For objects of the age, see Born-digital. A child using a tablet The term digital native describes a person who has grown up in the information age. The term "digital native" was coined by Marc Prensky, an American writer, speaker and technologist who wrote several articles referencing this

                  Digital native - Wikipedia
                • 「日本人の食事摂取基準(2015年版)策定検討会」報告書 II 各論

                  ─88─ 1─2 たんぱく質 1.基本的事項 1─1.定義と分類 たんぱく質(蛋白質、たん白質、タンパク質、protein)とは、20 種類の l─アミノ酸がペプチド 結合してできた化合物である。たんぱく質は、生物の重要な構成成分の一つであり、構成するアミ ノ酸の数や種類、またペプチド結合の順序によって種類が異なり、分子量 4,000 前後のものから、 数千万から億単位になるウイルスたんぱく質まで多種類が存在する。ペプチド結合したアミノ酸の 個数が少ない場合にはペプチドという。たんぱく質を構成するアミノ酸は 20 種であり、直接コド ンに暗号化されている。ヒトはその 20 種のうち、11 種を他のアミノ酸又は中間代謝物から合成す ることができる。それ以外の 9 種は食事によって摂取しなければならず、それらを不可欠アミノ酸 (必須アミノ酸)という。不可欠アミノ酸はヒスチジン、イソロイシン、ロ

                  • An Opinionated Guide to ML Research

                    ← back to blog index I originally wrote this guide in back in December 2017 for the OpenAI Fellows program In this essay, I provide some advice to up-and-coming researchers in machine learning (ML), based on my experience doing research and advising others. The advice covers how to choose problems and organize your time. I also recommend the following prior essays on similar topics: You and Your R

                    • Base rate fallacy - Wikipedia

                      1000 Now consider the same test applied to population B, of which only 2% are infected. The expected outcome of 1000 tests on population B would be: Infected and test indicates disease (true positive) 1000 × 2/100 = 20 people would receive a true positive Uninfected and test indicates disease (false positive) 1000 × 100 – 2/100 × 0.05 = 49 people would receive a false positive The remaining 931 te

                        Base rate fallacy - Wikipedia
                      • 脇坂先生 注射剤製造における異物低減方法及び改善事例

                        注射剤製造における異物低減方法及び改善事例 2021年2月19日 脇坂盛雄 1 注射剤の異物低減方法 評価系を確立する ・目視で見える異物だけでなく小さな異物も ・客観性を高める 製造工程を評価する ・サンプリングで汚染させない ・異物混入のポイントを理解する 不溶性異物と不溶性微粒子に関する正しい理解 ・マネイジメント層が理解していない ・担当者に任せず、マネイジメント層の責任 2 1.注射剤の異物対策の難しさ 1) 欧米の異物検査と日本薬局方の異物検査の違い 2) たやすく/明らかに検出できる異物の大きさとは (17局の改訂) 3) 官能検査の観点から検査員のバラツキと評価 4) なぜ、海外の製造所では 注射剤の異物が問題にならないか 5) 異物検出の確率と母不良率との関係 6) 自動異物検査機検出力と目視検出力との関係 7) 自動異物検査機検出力と目視検出力との関係 8) 不溶性異物

                        • ELISABETH ARKHIPOFF

                          CONTACT LIMITED EDITIONS Born in Ivory Coast to a Russian father and an Armenian mother, raised in Paris and now living in the U.S, Elisabeth Arkhipoff creates art by melding connections between classic european tradition and pop culture, offering voyeuristic social commentary and bringing to the surface the irony behind many of our choices in life. She explores modern media, daily taboo and nasce

                          • 巽孝之 - Wikipedia

                            この項目では、英米文学研究者、SF評論家について記述しています。九州朝日放送のアナウンサーの同名の人物については「巽孝之 (アナウンサー)」をご覧ください。 巽 孝之(たつみ たかゆき、1955年5月15日 - )は、日本のアメリカ文学者。慶應義塾大学名誉教授、慶應義塾ニューヨーク学院 学院長[1]。SF評論家でもある。 日本英文学会監事、日本アメリカ文学会会長、アメリカ学会編集委員長、The Journal of Transnational American Studies編集委員を歴任。日本ペンクラブ、日本SF作家クラブ、MLA、ASA、PAMLA、SFRA各会員。日本学術会議会員。慶應義塾大学SF研究会会長。血液型A型。妻はSFおよびファンタジー評論家で明治大学客員教授の小谷真理。 来歴[編集] 上智大学英文科教授巽豊彦の長男として東京都に生まれる。父同様に敬虔なカトリック信徒として

                            • Two States. Eight Textbooks. Two American Stories. (Published 2020)

                              The textbooks cover the same sweeping story, from the brutality of slavery to the struggle for civil rights. The self-evident truths of the founding documents to the waves of immigration that reshaped the nation. The books have the same publisher. They credit the same authors. But they are customized for students in different states, and their contents sometimes diverge in ways that reflect the na

                                Two States. Eight Textbooks. Two American Stories. (Published 2020)
                              • Barack Obama - Wikipedia

                                Barack Hussein Obama II[a] (born August 4, 1961) is an American politician who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the first African-American president in United States history. Obama previously served as a U.S. senator representing Illinois from 2005 to 2008, as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004, and as a communit

                                  Barack Obama - Wikipedia
                                • My Biased Coin

                                  My take on computer science -- algorithms, networking, information theory -- and related items. As a member of FODSI (Foundations of Data Science Institute -- an NSF funded institute with the aim of advancing theoretical foundations for data science), I'm self-interestedly posting the call for postdocs for this year.  Two of the areas are  a) Sketching, Sampling, and Sublinear-Time Algorithms   an

                                  • GraphiObject

                                    When you decide that you want to open your own Delaware Limited Liability Company, you have the opportunity to make your business the way that you would like it. The rules and regulations governing your LLC are laid out by the state, and you will have to follow them for your business. If you are unsure about how to do this, you may want to consult with an attorney who specializes in Delaware corpo

                                    • Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Overview, Definition, and Architecture

                                      The final goal of all industrial machine learning (ML) projects is to develop ML products and rapidly bring them into production. However, it is highly challenging to automate and operationalize ML products and thus many ML endeavors fail to deliver on their expectations. The paradigm of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) addresses this issue. MLOps includes several aspects, such as best practice

                                      • AMD Ryzen 9 7900X / Ryzen 9 7950X Benchmarks Show Impressive Zen 4 Linux Performance Review - Phoronix

                                        Show Your Support: Did you know that you can get Phoronix Premium for under $4 per month? Try it today to view our site ad-free, multi-page articles on a single page, and more while the proceeds allow us to write more Linux hardware reviews. At the very least, please disable your ad-blocker. AMD Ryzen 9 7900X / Ryzen 9 7950X Benchmarks Show Impressive Zen 4 Linux Performance Written by Michael Lar

                                          AMD Ryzen 9 7900X / Ryzen 9 7950X Benchmarks Show Impressive Zen 4 Linux Performance Review - Phoronix
                                        • いまだに残るアクティブ運用とパッシブ運用への誤解 | レポート | スパークス・アセット・マネジメント

                                          2023.04.05スペシャルレポート いまだに残るアクティブ運用とパッシブ運用への誤解 レポートのダウンロード(1.8 MB) 良いアクティブ運用に関する学術的議論 2016年に"良いアクティブ運用とは?-対ベンチマーク運用の衰退とハイリーアクティブ運用の再起-"*1というレポートを書きました。このレポートでは学術研究で明らかになっていることをもとに、良いアクティブ運用とはどういうものかを論じました。その後2018年にかけて、続きとなるレポートを2本書きました*2。 それから5年以上の時間が経ちましたので、その後学術的にはどのような議論があったのかを調べました。しかし、結論から言うと大きな進展はありませんでした。むしろ、アクティブ運用にもパッシブ運用にも、いまだに多くの誤解があることが分かりました。そこでここでは、学術論文をまとめた最近の2つのレビュー論文(特定分野の論文を整理して紹介す

                                            いまだに残るアクティブ運用とパッシブ運用への誤解 | レポート | スパークス・アセット・マネジメント
                                          • The Philosophy of Music (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

                                            First published Mon Oct 22, 2007; substantive revision Mon Oct 30, 2023 Philosophy of music is the study of fundamental questions about the nature and value of music and our experience of it. Like any “philosophy of X,” it presupposes knowledge of its target. However, unlike philosophy of science, say, the target of philosophy of music is a practice most people have a significant background in, me

                                            • Efficient BackProp

                                              E�cient BackProp Yann LeCun1 , Leon Bottou1 , Genevieve B. Orr2 , and Klaus-Robert M� uller3 1 Image Processing Research Department AT& T Labs - Research, 100 Schulz Drive, Red Bank, NJ 07701-7033, USA 2 Willamette University, 900 State Street, Salem, OR 97301, USA 3 GMD FIRST, Rudower Chaussee 5, 12489 Berlin, Germany fyann,leonbg@research.att.com, gorr@willamette.edu, klaus@ rst.gmd.de originall

                                              • 英国カイロプラクティック協会が、"Trick or Treatment"のSimon Singhを訴える

                                                2008年4月19日に英国The GuardianがSimon Singh執筆の以下の記事を掲載した(現在は削除されている)。Beware the spinal trap Some practitioners claim it is a cure-all but research suggests chiropractic therapy can be lethal 一部の治療者はあらゆるものを治療すると主張するが、調査はカイロプラクティックは致命的となりうる。 Simon Singh The Guardian, Saturday April 19 2008 This is Chiropractic Awareness Week. So let's be aware. How about some awareness that may prevent harm and help you m

                                                  英国カイロプラクティック協会が、"Trick or Treatment"のSimon Singhを訴える
                                                • 溶けない氷河――世代効果の展望

                                                  � � � � � � Internal Labor Markets in Japan Journal of Political Eco- nomy Quarterly Journal of Economics Journal of Political Economy Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis Journal of Labor Economics American Economic Review Review of Economic Studies Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Bell Journal of Economics Journal of Human Resources Journal of Economic Literatur

                                                  • ダロン・アセモグル「人的資本政策と所得分配:分析のフレームワークと先行研究の検討」【アブストラクト】 - left over junk

                                                    コメント欄で稲葉先生が挙げておられる文献を探してみました*1.これでしょうか: Daron Acemoglu, "Human Capital Policies and the Distribution of Income: A Framework for Analysis and Literature Review," New Zealand Treasury Working Paper 01/03 概要を訳すとこんなふうに書いてあります: Abstract OECD諸国の多くで所得と賃金の格差が急速に大きくなっている.本レポートでは,賃金・所得の格差の決定要因に関する研究をサーベイし,政策分析のフレームワークを提示する.焦点をおくのは人的資本政策だが,所得格差を減少させるこれ以外の政策も考察する. 本レポートの結論は,OECD諸国で拡大した所得格差はより大きな賃金格差とより高度な技能プレ

                                                      ダロン・アセモグル「人的資本政策と所得分配:分析のフレームワークと先行研究の検討」【アブストラクト】 - left over junk
                                                    • Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?

                                                      Summary: In people with normal vision (or corrected-to-normal vision), visual performance tends to be better with light mode, whereas some people with cataract and related disorders may perform better with dark mode. On the flip side, long-term reading in light mode may be associated with myopia. Introduction Recently, spurred by the introduction of dark mode in IOS 13, a reporter asked me to comm

                                                        Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?
                                                      • Is the staggeringly profitable business of scientific publishing bad for science?

                                                        In 2011, Claudio Aspesi, a senior investment analyst at Bernstein Research in London, made a bet that the dominant firm in one of the most lucrative industries in the world was headed for a crash. Reed-Elsevier, a multinational publishing giant with annual revenues exceeding £6bn, was an investor’s darling. It was one of the few publishers that had successfully managed the transition to the intern

                                                          Is the staggeringly profitable business of scientific publishing bad for science?
                                                        • llegal Tramadol @ Preço de Tramadol 0 5 – Qubel

                                                          Este debate contiene 0 respuestas, tiene 1 mensaje y lo actualizó  Bailey hace 1 semana. Farmácia europeia llegal Tramadol – Produtos 100% legais.<p> – Qualidade e dosagem farmacêutica.<p> – Entrega rápida garantida.<p> – Vários métodos de pagamento: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin!<p> Preço de Tramadol 0 5 Pressure present to responsibility type as de monoaminergic with devoted only s

                                                            llegal Tramadol @ Preço de Tramadol 0 5 – Qubel
                                                          • 10 ESSENTIAL BOOKS ABOUT GAMBLING

                                                            Casino: Love and Horror in Las Vegas The book Casino: Love and Horror by Nicholas Pileggi reviewed by Lee is an engaging true story about love, hate in the real world as well as monsters that lurk around us. The main plot revolves around Frank’ Lefty’ Rosenthal’s dealings with Anthony Spilotro, who are both portrayed very realistically, which makes this one of those books you won’t be able to put

                                                            • The Next 7000 Programming Languages

                                                              In 1966 the ACM published Peter Landin’s landmark paper “The next 700 programming languages” [22]. Seven years later, Springer’s “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” (LNCS) was born with Wilfred Brauer as editor of the first volume [5]. Impressively, the contributed chapters of this first volume covered almost every topic of what we now see as core computer science—from computer hardware and operat

                                                                The Next 7000 Programming Languages
                                                              • Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia

                                                                Seung-Hui Cho (Korean: 조승희, Korean name ordering Cho Seung-hui;[a] January 18, 1984 – April 16, 2007) was a South Korean mass murderer responsible for the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007. Cho killed 32 people and wounded 17 others with two semi-automatic pistols on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. This killing is the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history,[4] and was at

                                                                  Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia
                                                                • 村中璃子氏の講演会主催担当者への手紙

                                                                  最新の文献の追加: Letter to the Editor:大阪大学 上田豊、木村正 神経治療34: 471, 2017 大阪大学産婦人科の上田豊先生が鹿児島大学の髙嶋博先生あてにLetter to the Editorを投稿した。HPVワクチンについて興味を持つ全ての方に必読の内容です。特に次に紹介する髙嶋先生のReply内容が素晴らしい。 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsnt/34/4/34_471/_pdf/-char/ja Letter to the Editor: Reply 鹿児島大学 髙嶋博 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsnt/34/4/34_472/_pdf/-char/ja 村中璃子氏について 彼女はHPVワクチン推進の立場で様々な媒体や講演会で、ワクチンの安全性を強調し、副反

                                                                  • 論文の読み方の論文 "How to Read a Paper" 和訳まとめ - Qiita

                                                                    はじめに SOTAが次々と達成されるこのご時世、論文に触れて情報を収集することが重要になっています。 機械学習マッチョになりたいので毎日論文を読むことを決めたのですが、そもそも論文の読み方がわかりません。 そういうわけで論文の読み方について書かれた論文を読んだので、それを簡単にまとめます。 ABSTRACT 研究者の人たちは論文を読むのに膨大な時間を費やしているが、その読み方についてなかなか教わる機会がなく、多くの時間を無駄にしている。そこで、この論文では効率的かつ実用的な "three-pass method" という論文の読み方を紹介する。また、その手法をliterature survey(文献調査)に活用する方法も紹介する。 1. INTRODUCTION 研究者は様々な理由で論文を読む必要があり、毎年数百時間も費やしている。 論文の効率的な読み方は重要であるが、教わることは滅多にな

                                                                      論文の読み方の論文 "How to Read a Paper" 和訳まとめ - Qiita
                                                                    • 第8回「多義性」を縮減するのに適切なメディアとは何か | WIRED VISION

                                                                      第8回「多義性」を縮減するのに適切なメディアとは何か 2007年7月19日 メディア コメント: トラックバック (0) (濱野智史の「情報環境研究ノート」」第7回より続く) 前回の「機能主義的分析」 [*1]をさらに補強するために、主に経営学(組織論)の世界で古典的な学説として知られている、「メディア・リッチネス理論」を参照してみたいと思います(Daft, R.L. + Lengel, R. H. (1986) "Organizational Information Requirements, Media Richness and Structural Design," Management Science Vol. 32, No. 5.)。この理論は、組織が対処すべき問題を「不確実性(uncertainty)」と「多義性(equivocality)」という2つのタイプに区別した上で、そ

                                                                      • Richard Feynman - Wikipedia

                                                                        Richard Phillips Feynman (/ˈfaɪnmən/; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as his work in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For his contributions to the deve

                                                                          Richard Feynman - Wikipedia
                                                                        • Meritocracy - Wikipedia

                                                                          Meritocracy (merit, from Latin mereō, and -cracy, from Ancient Greek κράτος kratos 'strength, power') is the notion of a political system in which economic goods or political power are vested in individual people based on ability and talent, rather than wealth or social class.[1] Advancement in such a system is based on performance, as measured through examination or demonstrated achievement. Alth

                                                                          • サーベイ調査ベースの主観的予想が有意義で重要な理由 - himaginary’s diary

                                                                            というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Why Survey-Based Subjective Expectations are Meaningful and Important」で、著者はFrancesco D’Acunto(ジョージタウン大)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。 以下はその要旨。 For decades, households' subjective expectations elicited via surveys have been considered meaningless because they often differ substantially from the forecasts of professionals and ex-post realizations. In sharp contrast, the literat

                                                                              サーベイ調査ベースの主観的予想が有意義で重要な理由 - himaginary’s diary
                                                                            • 開始されたフクシマの情報戦争:Global Research誌「フクシマ、真実を目指す戦い」(全訳)

                                                                              フクシマからの警告 目次に戻る ==================サイト管理者よりお願い===================== ※ このページにあるリンク先をクリックすると、いまの画面と同じウインドウにリンク先のページが現れてくるため、両方を効率よく見比べることができなくなると思います。そこで、リンクの部分にカーソルを当て、手のマークが出たら右クリックから「リンクアドレスをコピー」を選択していただき、別の新たなウインドウを開いてナビゲーションツールバー(上の方にあるアドレスを書く欄)にリンクアドレスを貼り付けて「Enter」を押して、新たなウインドウで開いていただいたほうが便利かもしれません。ご面倒ですがよろしくお願いします。 ================================================= Global Research誌「フクシマ、真実を

                                                                              • Aesthetic Judgment (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

                                                                                First published Fri Feb 28, 2003; substantive revision Thu Feb 16, 2023 Beauty is an important part of our lives. Ugliness too. It is no surprise then that philosophers since antiquity have been interested in our experiences of and judgments about beauty and ugliness. They have tried to understand the nature of these experiences and judgments, and they have also wanted to know whether these experi

                                                                                • Hacked E-Mail Is New Fodder for Climate Dispute (Published 2009)

                                                                                  Hundreds of private e-mail messages and documents hacked from a computer server at a British university are causing a stir among global warming skeptics, who say they show that climate scientists conspired to overstate the case for a human influence on climate change. The e-mail messages, attributed to prominent American and British climate researchers, include discussions of scientific data and w

                                                                                    Hacked E-Mail Is New Fodder for Climate Dispute (Published 2009)