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  • 技術を食い物にした話 | Natural Days

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    • GitHub - openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin: The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.

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        GitHub - openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin: The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.
      • AIに手足ができる!Zapier Natural Language Actions + LangChainがすごいので試してみた【LangChain・Zapier NLA・OpenAI】 | DevelopersIO

        AIに手足ができる!Zapier Natural Language Actions + LangChainがすごいので試してみた【LangChain・Zapier NLA・OpenAI】 はじめに 新規事業統括部Passregiチームの山本です。 3/16にLangChainのサイトで、Zapier Natural Language Actions(以下Zapier NLA)との連携についての記事がありました。 https://blog.langchain.dev/langchain-zapier-nla/ 今回は、このページを参考に、簡単な解説や考えたこと、実際に動かしてみた様子について記載しようと思います。 (補足) Zapierについて Zapierは世の中の多数あるサービス(GmailやSlackなど)の操作を自動化できるサービス(SaaS自動化サービス)です。設定はWeb画面でノ

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        • GitHub - OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter: A natural language interface for computers

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            GitHub - OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter: A natural language interface for computers
          • GCPの「Natural Language API」を試してみた | DevelopersIO

            概要 GCPにおける自然言語系機械学習サービスである、Natural Languageについて調べました。 また、日本語の対応状況を調べ、「日本語対応しているサービス(コンテンツ分類以外)」については、実際に操作してみました。 GCPにおける自然言語サービスの日本語対応状況について調べてみたい、という方の参考になれば幸いです。 目次 「Natural Language」について 「Natural Language API」について 「感情分析」をやってみた 「エンティティ分析」をやってみた 「エンティティ感情分析」をやってみた 「構文解析」をやってみた まとめ 「Natural Language」について 「Natural Language」は「AutoML Natural Language」、「Natural Language API」の2つのサービスからなり、それぞれ特徴があります。

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                  Logistics Lectures: are on Tuesday/Thursday 4:30 PM - 5:50 PM Pacific Time in NVIDIA Auditorium. The lectures will also be livestreamed on Canvas via Panopto. Lecture videos for enrolled students: are posted on Canvas (requires login) shortly after each lecture ends. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make these videos viewable by non-enrolled students. Publicly available lecture videos and vers

                  • GitHub - nlp-with-transformers/notebooks: Jupyter notebooks for the Natural Language Processing with Transformers book

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                    • Trends in Natural Language Processing at NeurIPS 2019.

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                      • GitHub - microsoft/TypeChat: TypeChat is a library that makes it easy to build natural language interfaces using types.

                        TypeChat is a library that makes it easy to build natural language interfaces using types. Building natural language interfaces has traditionally been difficult. These apps often relied on complex decision trees to determine intent and collect the required inputs to take action. Large language models (LLMs) have made this easier by enabling us to take natural language input from a user and match t

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                          • Hixie's Natural Log: Reflecting on 18 years at Google

                            2023-11-22 04:29 UTC Reflecting on 18 years at Google I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last week at Google. I feel very lucky to have experienced the early post-IPO Google; unlike most companies, and contrary to the popular narrative, Googlers, from the junior engineer all the way to the C-suite, were genuinely good people who cared ver

                            • LangChain + Zapier Natural Language Actions (NLA)

                              We are super excited to team up with Zapier and integrate their new Zapier NLA API into LangChain, which you can now use with your agents and chains. With this integration, you have access to the 5k+ apps and 20k+ actions on Zapier's platform through a natural language API interface. This is extremely powerful and gives your LangChain agents seemingly limitless possibilities. Big shoutout to Mike

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                                                はじめに こんにちは、筧( @TakaakiKakei )です。 本ブログは下記ブログの続きです。 Zapier Natural Language Actions (NLA) API と LangChain の統合が発表されました。 これによって、Zapier プラットフォーム上の5,000以上のアプリと20,000以上のアクションを、自然言語で組み込めるようになります。 実際にやってみて理解を深めていきましょう。 なお、2023/03/17時点では、Zapier Natural Language Actions API は beta なので予めご了承ください。 やってみた Zapier NLA API の準備 Zapier NLA API の利用には申請が必要です。 下記フォームから必要情報を入力して申請します。 申し込み後、承認されると下記ページの User の Information

                                                  Zapier Natural Language Actions API(beta)とLangChainの統合をやってみた | DevelopersIO
                                                • Social media photos have proven to be an invaluable resource for natural exploration.

                                                  Social media photos have proven to be an invaluable resource for natural exploration. The use of materials from social media, in particular from Instagram, Flickr and Panoramio, has enabled researchers at the University of North Carolina to collect a wealth of valuable information to form models in the field of land use, environmental planning and other equally important areas. According to one of

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                                                    • Fine-tuning GPT-3.5-Turbo for Natural Language to SQL

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                                                                  • (PDF) Natural Language Processing with Python

                                                                    Background Preventatives measures to combat the spread of COVID− 19 have introduced social isolation, loneliness and financial stress. This study aims to identify whether the COVID-19 pandemic is related to changes in suicide-related problems for help seekers on a suicide prevention helpline. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted using chat data from a suicide prevention helpline in t

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                                                                    • Trends in Natural Language Processing: ACL 2019 In Review - Mihail Eric

                                                                      This week I had the great fortune to attend the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2019 held in wonderful Florence in an old Medici family fortress. Conferences are some of my favorite events to attend because in a very short amount of time you are able to tap into the stream-of-consciousness of a community, to learn what people are thinking and where the field i

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                                                                          Query your structured data in natural language. | | Docs | Homepage Dataherald is a natural language-to-SQL engine built for enterprise-level question answering over structured data. It allows you to set up an API from your database that can answer questions in plain English. You can use Dataherald to: Allow business users to get insights from the data warehouse without going through a data analys

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                                                                                • GitHub - OpenBMB/ChatDev: Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration)

                                                                                  ChatDev stands as a virtual software company that operates through various intelligent agents holding different roles, including Chief Executive Officer , Chief Product Officer , Chief Technology Officer , programmer , reviewer , tester , art designer . These agents form a multi-agent organizational structure and are united by a mission to "revolutionize the digital world through programming." The

                                                                                    GitHub - OpenBMB/ChatDev: Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration)