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non-blockingの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 1880件

  • OpenResty® - Open source

    OpenResty® is a full-fledged web platform that integrates our enhanced version of the Nginx core, our enhanced version of LuaJIT, many carefully written Lua libraries, lots of high quality 3rd-party Nginx modules, and most of their external dependencies. It is designed to help developers easily build scalable web applications, web services, and dynamic web gateways. By taking advantage of various

    • Introducing data center fabric, the next-generation Facebook data center network

      Introducing data center fabric, the next-generation Facebook data center network The more than 1.35 billion people who use Facebook on an ongoing basis rely on a seamless, “always on” site performance. On the back end, we have many advanced sub-systems and infrastructures in place that make such a real-time experience possible, and our scalable, high-performance network is one of them. Facebook’s

        Introducing data center fabric, the next-generation Facebook data center network
      • Announcing HAProxy 1.6

        13th of October 2015, Willy Terrau announced the release of HAProxy 1.6.0, after 16 months of development. A total of 1156 commits from 59 people were committed since the release of 1.5.0. You can find the official announcement here. In his mail, Willy detailed all the features that have been added to this release. The purpose of this blog is to highlight a few of them, providing the benefits and

        • Testing MySQL 5.6.3 network performance improvements

          I'm excited to see the new features in MySQL 5.6.3. Replication enhancements such as parallel SQL threads, crash safe slave and binlog checksum have been desired for years. I really appreciate that MySQL development team has released 5.6.3 in timely manner. In this blog entry, I'd like to pick up one of my most favorite performance enhancements in MySQL 5.6.3: "network performance improvements". T

            Testing MySQL 5.6.3 network performance improvements
          • 大幅にパワーアップした「ESP32」で mruby を動かす : DSAS開発者の部屋

            ESP-WROOM-32 では、プロセッサがシングルコアの Xtensa L106 からデュアルコアの LX6 に強化され、SRAM の容量が大幅に拡大されています。新たに Bluetooth も搭載されています。 データシートを細かく見てみると、ESP-WROOM-32 では利用可能なペリフェラルの多さにも目を惹かれます。 ESP-WROOM-02 製品ページ http://www.espressif.com/en/products/hardware/esp-wroom-02/overview データシート http://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/0c-esp-wroom-02_datasheet_en.pdf ESP-WROOM-32 製品ページ http://www.espressif.com/en/pro

              大幅にパワーアップした「ESP32」で mruby を動かす : DSAS開発者の部屋
            • steps to phantasien

              August 2022 Moved March 2022 Moving WSL2 「ハイブリッド勤務」にむけて Too Obvious To Innovate January 2022 Off Notes December 2021 2021 Outside Work November 2021 Restarting Extra Curricular Book: The Second Shift Webcam 横書き日記 - 完了 Publishing Blog Draft Behind oauth2-proxy on Cloud Run 横書き日記 Revisiting Writing Office HP C1030 Chromebook Alder Lake and The End Of Linux Laptop October 2021 Cycle Laptops Parties A

              • POE - multitasking and networking framework for perl - perldoc.jp

                名前¶ POE - multitasking and networking framework for perl POE - マルチタスク及びネットワークのperl用フレームワーク 概要¶ #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # POEを使う! use POE; sub handler_start { my ($kernel, $heap, $session) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION]; print "Session ", $session->ID, " has started.\n"; $heap->{count} = 0; $kernel->yield('increment'); } sub handler_increment { my ($kernel, $heap, $session) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, S

                • Toastr by CodeSeven

                  toastr toastr is a Javascript library for Gnome / Growl type non-blocking notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended. Demo Demo can be found at http://codeseven.github.io/toastr/demo.html CDNjs Toastr is hosted at CDN JS Debug //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/toastr.js/latest/js/toastr.js //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/toast

                  • Java libraries you can't miss in 2017 · Blog by Sergej Jevsejev

                    Hello, This blog post is heavily inspired by this presentation by Andres Almiray. This was so good, that I needed to groom it as the reference list. Sharing it with short feature lists and examples. Enjoy! Guice Guice (pronounced ‘juice’) is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above, brought to you by Google. # Typical dependency injection public class DatabaseTransactionLo

                      Java libraries you can't miss in 2017 · Blog by Sergej Jevsejev
                    • Reactive Programming in the Netflix API with RxJava

                      by Ben Christensen and Jafar Husain Our recent post on optimizing the Netflix API introduced how our web service endpoints are implemented using a reactive programming model for composition of asynchronous callbacks from our service layer. This post takes a closer look at how and why we use the reactive model and introduces our open source project RxJava — a Java implementation of Rx (Reactive Ext

                      • eC Programming Language

                        import "EDA" import "genericEditor" enum MediaType { unknown, tape, dvd, bluRay }; dbtable "Borrowers" Borrower { Borrower id "ID"; String name "Name"; String phoneNumber "Phone Number"; }; dbtable "Movies" Movie { Movie id "ID"; String name "Name"; MediaType mediaType "Media Type"; Date dateAdded "Date Added"; Borrower borrower "Borrower"; Date dateBorrowed "Date Borrowed"; }; DataSource ds; Data

                        • The Basics of Web Workers  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                          The Basics of Web Workers Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The problem: JavaScript concurrency There are a number of bottlenecks preventing interesting applications from being ported (say, from server-heavy implementations) to client-side JavaScript. Some of these include browser compatibility, static typing, accessibility, and performance. For

                            The Basics of Web Workers  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                          • Java Concurrency and Multithreading Tutorial

                            Java Concurrency is a term that covers multithreading, concurrency and parallelism on the Java platform. That includes the Java concurrency tools, problems and solutions. This Java concurrency tutorial series covers the core concepts of multithreading, concurrency constructs, concurrency problems, costs, benefits related to multithreading in Java. The concurrency and multithreading features in Jav

                              Java Concurrency and Multithreading Tutorial
                            • Java7はしょぼくなりそう - ひがやすを技術ブログ

                              Chief Engineer for Java SEの人から、Java7に入る機能、入らない機能が発表されてますね。まだ、finalじゃないと思うけど、ほぼこれで確定なんだろうなぁ。 Java 7 Roadmap Updated: Reactions 入る機能は以下のとおり Modularization - 294 and project Jigsaw 292 - JVM Support for dynamic languages JSR 203 - More New I/O APIs which are nearly finished, includes true asynchronous I/O (not just non blocking I/O) and finally a real file system API JSR TBD: Small language changes (

                                Java7はしょぼくなりそう - ひがやすを技術ブログ
                              • A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services - Part 1

                                A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services - Part 1 Josh Padnick Josh Padnick helps software teams scale with Amazon Web Services & DevOps. He has launched major apps on AWS serving 100,000+ users, hosted 150+ websites on AWS, and worked with AWS for 5+ years. It seems like everyone today wants to build the next great scalable web app. And, at least according to Ga

                                  A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services - Part 1
                                • Thinking Async | CSS-Tricks

                                  Here’s the rub: when you load JavaScript from a third party you should do it asynchronously. You might want to load your own scripts asynchronously too, but for this article let’s focus on third parties. There are two reasons for this: If the third-party goes down or is slow, your page won’t be held up trying to load that resource. It can speed up page loads. At Wufoo, we just switched over to an

                                    Thinking Async | CSS-Tricks
                                  • node.jsとsocket.ioでリアルタイムチャットシステムを作る 〜インストール編〜 - 世界中の羊をかき集めて

                                    node.js + express + jade + Stylus + socket.io + Bootstrap でリアルタイムチャットシステムを作ってみたのでそのメモ。 ※間違っていたらすみませんがご指摘お願いしますm(__)m まず使ったフレームワークの紹介。 node.js JavaScriptをサーバーサイドアプリケーションの実装言語として使うための技術。 いわゆるサーバーサイドJavaScript。 特徴として、以下があげられる。 ・グーグルが開発したV8エンジン上で動作する(そのため高速) ・Apacheのようにマルチスレッドで動作するのではなく、シングルスレッドでかつNon-blocking I/Oで動作する そのため、同時接続数が多くなってもパフォーマンスが良い(いわゆるC10K問題の解決) socket.io クライアントサーバ間で非同期双方向通信が行えるWebSock

                                      node.jsとsocket.ioでリアルタイムチャットシステムを作る 〜インストール編〜 - 世界中の羊をかき集めて
                                    • Go 1.10 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language

                                      Introduction to Go 1.10 The latest Go release, version 1.10, arrives six months after Go 1.9. Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. This release improves caching of built packages, adds caching of successful

                                        Go 1.10 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language
                                      • プロになるためのJavaScript入門――node.js,Backbone.js,HTML5,jQueryMobile

                                        書籍案内 » 書籍ジャンル » プログラミング・システム開発 » JavaScript » プロになるためのJavaScript入門――node.js、Backbone.js、HTML5、jQueryMobile Software Design plusシリーズプロになるためのJavaScript入門 ――node.js、Backbone.js、HTML5、jQueryMobile 2012年12月7日紙版発売 河村嘉之,川尻剛 著 B5変形判/480ページ 定価3,278円(本体2,980円+税10%) ISBN 978-4-7741-5438-1 ただいま弊社在庫はございません。 Amazon 楽天ブックス 丸善ジュンク堂書店 ヨドバシ.com 本書のサポートページサンプルファイルのダウンロードや正誤表など この本の概要 本物のオブジェクト指向をJavaScriptで実践する方法を解説

                                        • Introducing Solid Queue

                                          We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about 1/3 of our roughly 18 million jobs per day. We’ll be moving more jobs in the coming days until we run HEY exclusively using Solid Queue. Besides regular job enqueuing and processing, Solid Queue supports delayed jobs, concurrency controls, pausing queues, numeric priorities per job, and priorities by

                                            Introducing Solid Queue
                                          • Mojolicious 6.0 released: Perl real-time web... - Sebastian Riedel about Perl and the Web

                                            It fills me with great joy to announce the release of Mojolicious 6.0 (Clinking Beer Mugs). This has been the first major release for the newest member of our core team, please welcome Jan Henning Thorsen. It would appear that 2015 will be remembered as the year of the 6.0 releases, but the year is still young and there’s a lot more for us to look forward to. The IETF has just approved HTTP/2, whi

                                              Mojolicious 6.0 released: Perl real-time web... - Sebastian Riedel about Perl and the Web
                                            • Plack 0.99* (and 1.0) milestones

                                              bulknews.typepad.com Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog to discuss mostly tech and nerdy stuff. I am pleased to announce that i've just shipped Plack 0.99_01 to CPAN, the first dev release towards Plack 1.0. What's New? There's been lots of refactorings, renames and changes but first of all, this 1.0 release should be 99.9% transparent to the end users, and they don't need to change anything wrt how to use

                                              • PHP 7.3 + Swoole で非同期処理の Coroutine を使ってもごもごする - Qiita

                                                はじめに 以前 pthreads で非同期処理(厳密には並列処理)をする話を書きました。 PHPで超簡単に並列処理をするPromiseを作ってPackagistに公開した話 PHP Promiseで複数のソケットを同時に捌く PHPのpthreads(マルチスレッディング)でソケットを捌く と、記事を書かせていただいたのですが、実は非同期処理の拡張の有名所で、 Swoole があります。 Swooleは公式サイトにも書かれていますが、イベントドリブンな非同期処理をすることを専門に扱っている拡張機能です。 Swoole is an high-performance network framework using an event-driven, asynchronous, non-blocking I/O model which makes it scalable and efficient

                                                  PHP 7.3 + Swoole で非同期処理の Coroutine を使ってもごもごする - Qiita
                                                • awesome-mysql

                                                  awesome-mysql A curated list of awesome MySQL free and opensource software, libraries and resources. This list accepts and encourages pull requests. See CONTRIBUTING Contents Awesome MySQL Analysis Backup Benchmarking Binlog Replication ChatOps Configuration Connectors Deployment Development GUI HA Proxy Replication Schema Security Server Sharding Toolkits Resources E-Books Media Newsletters Analy

                                                  • React Native: Bringing modern web techniques to mobile - Facebook Code

                                                    If you’re new to React, you can read more about it on the React website. You can also get started with React Native for iOS, which was released at F8 2015 on the React Native website. It started with React We introduced React to the world two years ago, and since then it’s seen impressive growth, both inside and outside of Facebook. Today, even though no one is forced to use it, new web projects a

                                                      React Native: Bringing modern web techniques to mobile - Facebook Code
                                                    • Typesafe Changes Name to Lightbend | @lightbend

                                                      I am excited to announce that we’ve concluded with the Typesafe rebranding process and now have a new name to share with you: Lightbend. When we were founded in 2011, the name Typesafe was in alignment with our developer community and our Scala go-to-market approach. Over the past five years, the market has changed dramatically, and so has our company, with more than half of our customers represen

                                                        Typesafe Changes Name to Lightbend | @lightbend
                                                      • 6 Reasons Why JavaScript Async/Await Blows Promises Away (Tutorial) | HackerNoon

                                                        Too Long; Didn't Read Async/await is just syntax sugar built on top of promises. NodeJS supports it out of the box since version 7.6.6. It has been the single greatest addition to JS since 2017. Here are a bunch of reasons with examples why you should adopt it immediately and never look back. It makes asynchronous code look and behave a little more like synchronous code. The advantages add up quic

                                                          6 Reasons Why JavaScript Async/Await Blows Promises Away (Tutorial) | HackerNoon
                                                        • Ruby 1.9 And Rails 3.0

                                                          The document discusses new features in Ruby 1.9 and Rails 3, including installation instructions for Ruby 1.9.1 and an overview of changes in Rails 3 such as a new plugin API, non-blocking code, and custom responders that provide a public API compatible with Rails 2.3. Key areas covered are Ruby 1.9, Rails 3, middleware, controllers, routing, and JavaScript support.Read less

                                                            Ruby 1.9 And Rails 3.0
                                                          • NEWS for Ruby 2.3.0 (Ruby 2.3.0)

                                                            このドキュメントは前回リリース以降のバグ修正を除くユーザーに影響のある機能の変更のリストです。 それぞれのエントリーは参照情報があるため短いです。 十分な情報と共に書かれた全ての変更のリストは ChangeLog ファイルか bugs.ruby-lang.org の issue を参照してください。 2.2.0 以降の変更 言語仕様の変更 frozen-string-literal プラグマ: 実験的な機能として fronzen-string-literal というプラグマが導入されました。 https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/8976 さらに --enable/--disable=frozen-string-literal というコマンドラインオプションも導入されました https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/8976 コマンド

                                                            • Interactive map of Linux kernel

                                                              image/svg+xml Linux kernel map Constantine Shulyupin © 2007–2022 Constantine Shulyupin www.MakeLinux.net/kernel/map virtual logical electronics I/O memory CPU HI char devices HI subsystems address families sockets access protocols network interfaces networking Virtual File System block devices storage virtual memory memory access logical memory Page Allocator memory threads processes Scheduler int

                                                              • Toward Go 1.3

                                                                Toward Go 1.3 (and beyond) Andrew Gerrand Gopher Go 1.3 Code freeze is March 1, 2014. Release is June 1, 2014. (Six months after Go 1.2, released December 1, 2013.) 2 A to-do list After Go 1.2 the Go contributors compiled a to-do list: go.dev/s/go13todo The list is aspirational; not all of it will get done. This talk is based on that list. 3 100% precise GC Finally! 4 Copying stacks (1/2) go.dev/s

                                                                • Non-blocking ActiveRecord & Rails - igvita.com

                                                                  By Ilya Grigorik on April 15, 2010 Rails and MySQL go hand in hand. ActiveRecord is perfectly capable of using a number of different databases but MySQL is by far the most popular choice for production deployments. And therein lies a dirty secret: when it comes to performance and 'scalability' of the framework, the Ruby MySQL gem is a serious offender. The presence of the GIL means that concurrenc

                                                                  • Object::PerlDesignPatterns

                                                                    The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending. NAME Object::PerlDesignPatterns - Perl architecture for structuring and refactoring large programs SYNOPSIS lynx perldesignpatterns.html perldoc Object::PerlDesignPatterns ABSTRACT Documentation: Ideas for keeping programs fun to hack on even after they grow

                                                                    • OnMyCommand

                                                                      OnMyCommand is a UNIX shell script and AppleScript executor. You can build your own Contextual Menu Item or GUI application. For more information on building command descriptions see Command Description Manual. Sources are included with Contextual Menu Workshop. Newest sources are available on request. Subscribe to OMC mailing list to receive OMC-related announcements, seek support, suggest featur

                                                                      • c10k problem memo

                                                                        C10K とか, Web サーバ (あるいは Node.js みたいなフレームワーク) とか, Web システムのパフォーマンスとかを議論するときには, いかに並列処理するか (スレッドとか) と いかに IO をうまくハンドリングするか (multiplexing とかノンブロッキング・非同期とか) の知識が共通で必要になる気がするのでここを抑えておきたい. ここからイベントドリブン (libev とか) -> 実際のサーバやフレームワーク・ライブラリの実装 という風に進んでいけばいい気がする 結論 これを読むのが一番近道感がある. UNIXネットワークプログラミング〈Vol.1〉ネットワークAPI:ソケットとXTI - W.Richard Stevens Process & Thread どちらも処理の並行実施の単位 プロセスを復習すると 処理の実行単位 メモリを個別に持つ 1 つ以上

                                                                          c10k problem memo
                                                                        • Mitigating DDoS Attacks with NGINX and NGINX Plus – NGINX Community Blog

                                                                          A Distributed Denial‑of‑Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make a service, usually a website, unavailable by bombarding it with so much traffic from multiple machines that the server providing the service is no longer able to function correctly because of resource exhaustion. Typically, the attacker tries to saturate a system with so many connections and requests that it is no longer able to a

                                                                          • 14 Minimal Web Frameworks for Python

                                                                            Hello World in Python You might have forgotten how to do it, here is a reminder. print "Hello World!"; I also enjoy this one, while True: for i in ["/","*","|","\\","|"]: print "%s\r" % i, It’s easier to work on something when you’ve got the basic stuff covered for you, this is why frameworks have become so popular within the developer communities around all of the programming languages, you can’t

                                                                              14 Minimal Web Frameworks for Python
                                                                            • C++WG 2013-03-pre-Bristol mailingの簡易レビュー

                                                                              ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 2013-03-pre-Bristolが公開された。 ちなみに、今回から標準C++財団のWebサイトであるisocpp.orgの方でも、論文が公開されている。従来、C++標準化委員会の論文は、死んだ木時代(dead-tree era)からの伝統であるISOとANSI/INCITSの規則に基づき、基本的に会議前と会議後に、ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C++ Standards Committeeで公開されていた。幸い、JSTORや政府のような情報特権を維持し、文字通り百年も前に書かれた論文すらいまだに閲覧だけで何十万ドルもの購読料を要求するようなくだらない勢力とは違い、今までの論文は1992年からすべて公開されている。過去のMLのアーカイブなども公開する議論があるが、まだなかなか進んでいない。 しかし、納期を定めて論

                                                                              • What Are Tokio and Async IO All About? - In Pursuit of Laziness

                                                                                The Rust community lately has been focusing a lot on “async I/O” through the tokio project. This is pretty great! But for many in the community who haven’t worked with web servers and related things it’s pretty confusing as to what we’re trying to achieve there. When this stuff was being discussed around 1.0, I was pretty lost as well, having never worked with this stuff before. What’s all this As

                                                                                  What Are Tokio and Async IO All About? - In Pursuit of Laziness
                                                                                • Technology Radar January 2011 | www.thoughtworks.com

                                                                                  Prepared by the ThoughtWorks Technology Advisory Board - January 2011 Since the last publication of the Technology Radar, these technology trends have become more prominent: Focus on continuous delivery of software and methods to enable it. Diversity of and depth in cloud offerings. Using basic web technologies in more effective and efficient ways TechniquesToolsLanguagesPlatformsReferencesAbout T