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readabilityの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 623件

  • The evolution of scalable CSS

    The evolution of scalable CSSA deep dive into the problems with scaling CSS on large projects. Understand the evolution of CSS best practices. IntroductionHow we write and think about CSS has changed significantly since the web’s beginning. We’ve come a long way from table-based layouts, to responsive web design, and now into a new era of adaptive layouts powered by modern CSS features. Managing a

      The evolution of scalable CSS
    • Experimenting A New Syntax To Write SVG

      It's been a while since I introduced a new syntax to the css-doodle project to solve my own problems. While I'm not sure it would be useful elsewhere, I need to make some notes before I forget the details. Motivation I always find it a bit hard to write SVG without the help of additional tools or libraries. The main issue for me is that SVG code grows too fast to keep up. If we take a closer look

      • Moving from Next to Remix

        Moving from Next to Remix Wednesday, 23 February 2022 If you have visited this site pre February 2022 you may have noticed some slight UI tweaks here and there. The reality is I have completely rewritten the site, moving away from the well-loved Next.js to Remix. I’m not going to go into tonnes of detail here but I thought it made sense to cover some of the reason why I made the move and some of t

        • 0.8.0 Release Notes ⚡ The Zig Programming Language

          Tier 4 Support § Support for these targets is entirely experimental. If this target is provided by LLVM, LLVM may have the target as an experimental target, which means that you need to use Zig-provided binaries for the target to be available, or build LLVM from source with special configure flags. zig targets will display the target if it is available. This target may be considered deprecated by

          • A better logs experience with GitHub Actions

            ProductA better logs experience with GitHub ActionsIt’s now even easier to review logs from your GitHub Actions workflow runs. We’ve introduced several improvements to make the experience more performant, precise, and pleasing to use. Why these… It’s now even easier to review logs from your GitHub Actions workflow runs. We’ve introduced several improvements to make the experience more performant,

              A better logs experience with GitHub Actions
            • Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts | Amazon Web Services

              AWS Open Source Blog Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts Here at AWS we focus first and foremost on customer needs. In the context of access control in Amazon EKS, you asked in issue #23 of our public container roadmap for fine-grained IAM roles in EKS. To address this need, the community came up with a number of open source solutions, such as kube2iam, kiam, and Zalando’s IAM

                Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts | Amazon Web Services
              • Release v4.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer

                Breaking change: Puppeteer no longer uses Node’s EventEmitter library As part of our work to make Puppeteer agnostic of its environment we are removing the dependency on Node’s EventEmitter in favour of an event emitter that is not tied to Node. Under the hood we use Mitt, but we extend Mitt with additional functionality to match most of the methods that Node’s EventEmitter provides. The following

                  Release v4.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer
                • Phylum Discovers Dozens More PyPI Packages Attempting to Deliver W4SP Stealer in Ongoing Supply-Chain Attack

                  Phylum Discovers Dozens More PyPI Packages Attempting to Deliver W4SP Stealer in Ongoing Supply-Chain Attack Last week, our automated risk detection platform alerted us to some suspicious activity in dozens of newly published PyPI packages. It appears that these packages are a more sophisticated attempt to deliver the W4SP Stealer on to Python developer’s machines by hiding a malicious __import__

                    Phylum Discovers Dozens More PyPI Packages Attempting to Deliver W4SP Stealer in Ongoing Supply-Chain Attack
                  • Clear is better than clever | Dave Cheney

                    This article is based on my GopherCon Singapore 2019 presentation. In the presentation I referenced material from my post on declaring variables and my GolangUK 2017 presentation on SOLID design. For brevity those parts of the talk have been elided from this article. If you prefer, you can watch the recording of the talk. Readability is often cited as one of Go’s core tenets, I disagree. In this a

                    • Why I don't use Prettier

                      [[toc]] 中文 Chinese Version I have started writing this post multiple times but never ended up posting it. I wasn't able to figure out a proper way to express my position about Prettier. But this time, I think I should try harder to explain that for future reference. First of all, I am not against Prettier. Actually, I love it. I Love Prettier Prettier is a great tool, and it saved me a lot of time

                        Why I don't use Prettier
                      • Rubyで学ぶ1年目に知っておきたいプログラミング技法8選 - Qiita

                        はじめに 駆け出しプログラマだった頃の自分に教えたい、8つのプログラミング技法について纏めます。本エントリでは主にRubyを用いますが、ここで紹介する技法はあらゆる言語に適用できます。 8つの技法はリーダビリティと関心の分離の2つに分類できます。サンプルコードを添えて可能な限り具体的に解説していきます。 対象読者 コードを書くのに慣れてきた人 けどもっと良い書き方はないか?と考えている人 リーダビリティ - Readability リーダビリティとは、アーキテクチャに関係しない純粋なコーディングの綺麗さです。可読性とも呼ばれます。私達は仕事時間の相当量をコードの読解に当てています。コードの読解は短期記憶をフル活用するため、コーディング作業そのものよりも知的負担が大きくなりがちです。同僚の書いたコードは勿論、先週の自分が書いたコードでさえ記憶の奥底から掘り出すのに時間が掛かることもしばしばで

                          Rubyで学ぶ1年目に知っておきたいプログラミング技法8選 - Qiita
                        • Ruby on Rails Model Patterns and Anti-patterns | AppSignal Blog

                          This post was updated on 4 August 2023 to reference the latest version of ActiveRecord. Welcome back to the second post in the Ruby on Rails Patterns and Anti-patterns series. In the last blog post, we went over what patterns and anti-patterns are in general. We also mentioned some of the most famous patterns and anti-patterns in the Rails world. In this blog post, we'll go through a couple of Rai

                            Ruby on Rails Model Patterns and Anti-patterns | AppSignal Blog
                          • オーバーレイ ファクトシート

                            Webアクセシビリティ オーバーレイとは何ですか?オーバーレイは、Webサイトのアクセシビリティを向上させることを目的とした技術の総称です。サードパーティのソースコード(多くはJavaScript)を読み込み、フロントエンドコードを改善します。 アクセシビリティの向上を謳うWebサイトのアドオン製品は、1990年代後半に登場したReadspeakerやBrowsealoudに遡ります。これらは、インストールされたWebサイトにテキストの読み上げ機能を追加するものでした。 その後、そのようなソフトウェアに機能を追加した類似製品が、市場に出回るようになりました。それらは、読みやすさを向上させるために、ユーザーのニーズに基づき文字サイズや色などをコントロールするものです。 最近のオーバーレイ製品のなかには、支援技術からのアクセスのしやすさを妨げる問題を修正することを目的としているものがあります。

                            • New for AWS Lambda – 1ms Billing Granularity Adds Cost Savings | Amazon Web Services

                              AWS News Blog New for AWS Lambda – 1ms Billing Granularity Adds Cost Savings What I like about AWS Lambda is that it lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, and you pay only for what you use. Since we launched Lambda in 2014, you have been charged for the number of times your code is triggered (requests) and for the time your code executes, rounded up to the nearest 100ms (dura

                                New for AWS Lambda – 1ms Billing Granularity Adds Cost Savings | Amazon Web Services
                              • Ruby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects

                                BlogRuby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects Ruby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects. Value objects are a powerful tool for improving the quality of code. They are easy to understand and use and can help improve the readability and maintainability of code by making it more concise, consistent, and easier to reason about. Value objects ar

                                  Ruby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects
                                • Screaming Architecture - Evolution of a React folder structure

                                  Johannes Kettmann for Profy.dev Posted on Feb 25, 2022 • Updated on Mar 13, 2022 • Originally published at profy.dev React folder structures... a topic that has been around for ages. But still React’s unopinionated approach frequently raises questions: “Where should I put my files? How should I organize my code?” Honestly, even with years of experience, I found myself asking the same questions. So

                                    Screaming Architecture - Evolution of a React folder structure
                                  • Announcing TypeScript 4.2 RC - TypeScript

                                    Today we’re excited to announce our Release Candidate of TypeScript 4.2! Between now and the stable release of TypeScript 4.2, we expect no further changes apart from critical bug fixes. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Visual Studio C

                                      Announcing TypeScript 4.2 RC - TypeScript
                                    • Pythonの設計思想は「Pythonの禅」と呼ばれるアフォリズムめいた字句によって表される – しごとスイッチ

                                      この記事では、Pythonの設計思想を紹介します。 設計思想はコーディングスタイルに表れます。ライブラリは全てその設計思想に従っているのですから、ライブラリを使用してコーディングするアプリケーションのコードもその影響を受けます。そしてPythonの設計思想には従うべきです。 Pythonの文法は、その設計思想をよりよく反映するために設計されているのですから。 Pythonの設計思想は、「Pythonの禅」と呼ばれるアフォリズムめいた字句によって表されます。 「禅」ですから、そこから何を汲み取ろうが自由です。ただ本質というものはあります。Pythonでのプログラミングが上達するにつれて、「ああ、この禅はこういう意味だったのか」とより本質に迫れるようになります。 以下では、Pythonの禅の一部を取り上げて、それに筆者なりの解釈を書き加えていきます。 醜悪より美しい方が良い Beautiful

                                        Pythonの設計思想は「Pythonの禅」と呼ばれるアフォリズムめいた字句によって表される – しごとスイッチ
                                      • 101 Tips For Being A Great Programmer (& Human)

                                        1. Get good at Googling Being a programmer is all about learning how to search for the answers to your questions. By learning to Google things effectively, you'll save a lot of development time. 2. Under promise and over deliver It's better to let your team know a task will take three weeks and deliver in two than the other way around. By under promising and over delivering, you'll build trust. 3.

                                          101 Tips For Being A Great Programmer (& Human)
                                        • Recursive Sans & Mono

                                          ## Maximum utility. Maximum fun. Built to maximize versatility, control, and performance, Recursive is a five-axis variable font. This enables you to choose from a wide range of predefined styles, or dial in exactly what you want for each of its axes: *Monospace, Casual, Weight, Slant, and Cursive*. Taking full advantage of variable font technology, Recursive offers an unprecedented level of flexi

                                            Recursive Sans & Mono
                                          • Hobson's Browser - Infrequently Noted

                                            Update: This post was turned into a talk for State of The Browser in October 2021; you can watch the recording here. Update, The Second: Welp, I was wrong. I assumed that Facebook PMs and engineers were smart. Of course they were going to get found out modifying content via In-App Browsers, just as this post warned they could. It's long past time for Google and Apple to act to curb this abuse via

                                              Hobson's Browser - Infrequently Noted
                                            • Overhead of Returning Optional Values in Java and Rust | Piotr Kołaczkowski

                                              Some programming languages like Java or Scala offer more than one way to express a concept of “lack of value”. Traditionally, a special null value is used to denote references that don’t reference any value at all. However, over time we have learned that using nulls can be very error-prone and can cause many troubles like NullPointerException errors crashing a program in the most unexpected moment

                                              • GitHub - jgm/djot: A light markup language

                                                Djot is a light markup syntax. It derives most of its features from commonmark, but it fixes a few things that make commonmark's syntax complex and difficult to parse efficiently. It is also much fuller-featured than commonmark, with support for definition lists, footnotes, tables, several new kinds of inline formatting (insert, delete, highlight, superscript, subscript), math, smart punctuation,

                                                  GitHub - jgm/djot: A light markup language
                                                • Tips on Adding JSON Output to Your CLI App - Brazil's Blog

                                                  Brazil's Blog Musings on automation, scripting, programing, DevOps, and cybersecurity A couple of years ago I wrote a somewhat controversial article on the topic of Bringing the Unix Philosophy to the 21st Century by adding a JSON output option to CLI tools. This allows easier parsing in scripts by using JSON parsing tools like jq, jello, jp, etc. without arcane awk, sed, cut, tr, reverse, etc. in

                                                    Tips on Adding JSON Output to Your CLI App - Brazil's Blog
                                                  • New Flow Language Features for React

                                                    We have thousands of engineers committing React code every day to Meta’s largest codebases. Part of our responsibility on the Flow team is to make it as easy as possible for anyone to contribute, from design system React experts to C++ engineers making one-off internal pages to support their backend services. Over the last year, we’ve built several new language features to make it easier than ever

                                                      New Flow Language Features for React
                                                    • Prettier 2.3. In which assignments are consistent, short keys non-breaking, and Handlebars official · Prettier

                                                      This release focuses on fixing long-standing issues in the JavaScript printer. Be warned that, unfortunately, reformatting a project with the new version might result in quite a big diff. If you don’t use ignoreRevsFile to hide such wholesale changes from git blame, it might be about time. A remarkable milestone is the long-awaited release of the Ember / Handlebars formatter. It’s supposed to be t

                                                        Prettier 2.3. In which assignments are consistent, short keys non-breaking, and Handlebars official · Prettier
                                                      • Working From Orbit. VR Productivity in (or Above) a WFA… | by Paul Tomlinson | Sep, 2021 | Immersed

                                                        Play Working From Orbit - by Paul Tomlinson, via SoundCloud I float in space, surrounded on all sides by a grand view of the Milky Way Galaxy. A movie-theater-sized screen hangs before me, gently curved, everything at the perfect viewing distance. Eight different panes glitter with code, facets of a technological jewel granting views into the brain of a system responsible for moving tens of millio

                                                          Working From Orbit. VR Productivity in (or Above) a WFA… | by Paul Tomlinson | Sep, 2021 | Immersed
                                                        • Lucide Icons

                                                          Lightweight & ScalableIcons are lightweight, highly optimized scalable vector graphics (SVG). Clean & consistentDesigned with a strict set of design rules for consistency in style and readability.

                                                            Lucide Icons
                                                          • Why Zig When There is Already C++, D, and Rust? ⚡ Zig Programming Language

                                                            No hidden control flowIf Zig code doesn’t look like it’s jumping away to call a function, then it isn’t. This means you can be sure that the following code calls only foo() and then bar(), and this is guaranteed without needing to know the types of anything: Examples of hidden control flow: D has @property functions, which are methods that you call with what looks like field access, so in the abov

                                                            • Kowainik - Foo to Bar: Naming Conventions in Haskell

                                                              Developers spend most of their time reading code, understanding it and exploring other ways to use existing solutions. Frankly, in our profession, there is very little time on actually writing new libraries and creating new interfaces in real-life development. So it is quite important to have some help in the most common activities. Naming conventions is one such thing that improves readability an

                                                                Kowainik - Foo to Bar: Naming Conventions in Haskell
                                                              • GitHub - tw-in-js/twind: The smallest, fastest, most feature complete Tailwind-in-JS solution in existence.

                                                                Twind is a small compiler that converts utility classes into CSS at runtime. The goal of this project is to unify the flexibility of CSS-in-JS with the carefully considered constraints of the Tailwind API. Utility-first CSS without any build step right in the browser or any other environment like Node.js, deno, workers, ... 📖 Study the documentation 🤖 Try the playground 🧭 Explore the examples

                                                                  GitHub - tw-in-js/twind: The smallest, fastest, most feature complete Tailwind-in-JS solution in existence.
                                                                • Firefox 75: Ambitions for April – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                                                  Even in these times of isolation, our engineering teams have adapted, kept focused, and worked hard to bring you another exciting new edition of Firefox. On the developer tools side, you’ll find instant evaluation in the console, event breakpoints for WebSockets, and many other things besides. On the web platform side, new additions include HTML lazy loading for images, the CSS min(), max(), and c

                                                                    Firefox 75: Ambitions for April – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                                                  • What I learned working with a senior engineer as a new grad: TK's website

                                                                    A summary of what I learned about software development working with a senior software engineer with far more experience than me. Over the past few months, I've been working on a new project with Chet Corcos, the first engineering hire at Notion. Chet has been a professional engineer for 6 years and helped build Notion from the ground up. For contrast, I graduated from school in May 2021. I've been

                                                                    • Rust after the honeymoon – The Observation Deck

                                                                      Two years ago, I had a blog entry describing falling in love with Rust. Of course, a relationship with a technology is like any other relationship: as novelty and infatuation wears off, it can get on a longer term (and often more realistic and subdued) footing — or it can begin to fray. So well one might ask: how is Rust after the honeymoon? By way of answering that, I should note that about a yea

                                                                      • Announcing Swift Algorithms

                                                                        I’m excited to announce Swift Algorithms, a new open-source package of sequence and collection algorithms, along with their related types. Algorithms are powerful tools for thought because they encapsulate difficult-to-read and error-prone raw loops. The Algorithms package includes a host of powerful, generic algorithms frequently found in other popular programming languages. We hope this new pack

                                                                          Announcing Swift Algorithms
                                                                        • The Zen of Go

                                                                          Ten engineering values for writing simple, readable, maintainable Go code. Presented at GopherCon Israel 2020. Each package fulfils a single purpose A well designed Go package provides a single idea, a set of related behaviours. A good Go package starts by choosing a good name. Think of your package’s name as an elevator pitch to describe what it provides, using just one word. Handle errors explic

                                                                          • Opening windows in linux with sockets, bare hands and 200 lines of C | Hereket

                                                                            Opening windows in linux with sockets, bare hands and 200 lines of C Intro In this post I want to create a single file C file program to open a windows inside Linux without using xlib or any similar libraries. The idea is to explore X11 protocol and see how it is used to interact with X server to create windows. Before I had strong association that X11 was some magic thing to manipulate windows an

                                                                            • Writing a Game Boy Emulator in OCaml

                                                                              IntroductionFor the past few months, I have been working on a project called CAMLBOY, a Game Boy emulator written in OCaml that runs in the browser. You can try it out on the following demo page: Demo Page I included several homebrew ROMs in the demo, so please try them out (I recommend Bouncing ball and Rocket Man Demo). You can also play with it in your mobile browser as it runs at 60 FPS on rec

                                                                                Writing a Game Boy Emulator in OCaml
                                                                              • What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong

                                                                                This is my closing talk (video) from the GopherConAU conference in Sydney, given November 10, 2023, the 14th anniversary of Go being launched as an open source project. The text is interspersed with the slides used in the presentation. What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong INTRODUCTION Hello. Let me start by thanking Katie and Chewy for the giving me the honor of presenting the closing talk for the

                                                                                  What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong
                                                                                • Modern Image Formats For The Web | DebugBear

                                                                                  Choosing the right image format is the first and most important step when it comes to image performance. We want our websites to load fast, but we also want our images to look good. Balancing these two concerns is the core of image performance. Image formats are file types for digital graphics that have evolved over time to make use of new software and hardware technologies and faster networks. Th

                                                                                    Modern Image Formats For The Web | DebugBear