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201 - 240 件 / 621件

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readabilityの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 621件

  • Git scraping: track changes over time by scraping to a Git repository

    Git scraping: track changes over time by scraping to a Git repository 9th October 2020 Git scraping is the name I’ve given a scraping technique that I’ve been experimenting with for a few years now. It’s really effective, and more people should use it. Update 5th March 2021: I presented a version of this post as a five minute lightning talk at NICAR 2021, which includes a live coding demo of build

      Git scraping: track changes over time by scraping to a Git repository
    • Why the dot (when calling anonymous functions)? - Dashbit Blog

      In this article, I will explain why Elixir has a dot when calling anonymous functions. I have explained this elsewhere in forums and mailing lists but I guess an article makes it more official. In other words, Elixir has this: some_fun = fn x, y -> x + y end some_fun.(1, 2) #=> 3 Note the dot between the variable and the arguments. The main reason for this choice is because functions in Elixir hav

      • 読みやすさチェッカー【文章校正ウェブアプリ】

        読みやすさチェッカーは、文章中の「読みにくそうな部分」にハイライトをつける文章校正ツールです。 ※採点はエンタメ要素です。真に受けすぎないでください。 赤:ほぼ必要ない・・・「という」「こと」など。 (抽象的で読みにくくなる表現です。) 黄:見直すべき・・・「~が、」など。(多用すると読みにくくなる表現です。) 緑:注意するべき・・・「あれ」「それ」などの指示語(示す内容は明らかですか?) 水色:1文が60文字以上・・・もう少し短くできないか考えましょう。 青:1文が100文字以上・・・1文が長すぎます。文を分けましょう。 紫:特定のカタカナ英語・・・(「思いつき」は「ジャストアイデア」と書く必要がありますか?) 茶:ひらくと読みやすい漢字・・・ひらがなで書いた方が読みやすいでしょう。 赤:ほぼ必要ない 黄:見直すべき 緑:注意するべき(指示語) 水色:1文が60文字以上 青:1文が100

        • Picture perfect images with the modern <img> element - Stack Overflow

          [Ed. note: While we take some time to rest up over the holidays and prepare for next year, we are re-publishing our top ten posts for the year. Please enjoy our favorite work this year and we’ll see you in 2023.] Images are one of the most pervasive parts of the web. This isn’t a huge surprise as we humans are quite visual and the <img> tag has been around for almost 30 years. Images are so promin

            Picture perfect images with the modern <img> element - Stack Overflow
          • curl 8 is faster | daniel.haxx.se

            First: performance is tricky and bechmarking even more so. I will talk some numbers in this post but of course they are what I have measured for my specific tests on my machine. Your numbers for your test cases will be different. Over the last six months or so, curl has undergone a number of refactors and architectural cleanups. The primary motivations for this have been to improve the HTTP/3 supp

            • First-class TypeScript support in modular AWS SDK for JavaScript | Amazon Web Services

              AWS Developer Tools Blog First-class TypeScript support in modular AWS SDK for JavaScript As of December 15th, 2020, the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3 (v3) is generally available. On October 19th, 2020, we published the Release Candidate (RC) of the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3 (v3). One of the major changes in v3 is first-class TypeScript support. In this blog post we will discuss why we

                First-class TypeScript support in modular AWS SDK for JavaScript | Amazon Web Services
              • Overlay Fact Sheet

                What is a web accessibility overlay?Overlays are a broad term for technologies that aim to improve the accessibility of a website. They apply third-party source code (typically JavaScript) to make improvements to the front-end code of the website. Website add-on products claiming to improve accessibility go back to the late 1990s with products like Readspeaker and Browsealoud. They added text-to-s

                • PowerShell: the object-oriented shell you didn’t know you needed

                  PowerShell is an interactive shell and scripting language from Microsoft. It’s object-oriented — and that’s not just a buzzword, that’s a big difference to how the standard Unix shells work. And it is actually usable as an interactive shell. Getting Started PowerShell is so nice, Microsoft made it twice. Specifically, there concurrently exist two products named PowerShell: Windows PowerShell (5.1)

                  • Time to upgrade your monitor

                    Time to upgrade your monitor Illustration by Julia Litvin Translations: Chinese Russian I am a programmer. I do not deal with digital painting, photo processing, video editing. I don’t really care for wide gamut or even proper color reproduction. I spend most of my days in a text browser, text editor and text terminal, looking at barely moving letters. So I optimize my setup to showing really, rea

                      Time to upgrade your monitor
                    • 0.10.0 Release Notes ⚡ The Zig Programming Language

                      Tier 4 Support § Support for these targets is entirely experimental. If this target is provided by LLVM, LLVM may have the target as an experimental target, which means that you need to use Zig-provided binaries for the target to be available, or build LLVM from source with special configure flags. zig targets will display the target if it is available. This target may be considered deprecated by

                      • Things You Can Do With CSS Today — Smashing Magazine

                        The present and future of CSS are very bright indeed and if you take a pragmatic, progressive approach to your CSS, then things will continue to get better and better on your projects, too. In this article, we’ll look into masonry layout, :is selector, clamp(), ch and ex units, updated text decoration, and a few other useful CSS properties. CSS is great and getting better all the time. Over recent

                          Things You Can Do With CSS Today — Smashing Magazine
                        • The KDL Document Language

                          KDL is a small, pleasing document language with xml-like semantics that looks like you're invoking a bunch of CLI commands! It's meant to be used both as a serialization format and a configuration language, much like JSON, YAML, or XML. It looks like this: package { name "my-pkg" version "1.2.3" dependencies { // Nodes can have standalone values as well as // key/value pairs. lodash "^3.2.1" optio

                          • ブログ記事の読みやすさ 改行や行間、文字サイズ、文字数を考える - Random Life Blog

                            ブログ記事の読みやすさを考える みなさん、こんばんは。 いつもブログを読んで頂きありがとうございます。ふと思ったんですけど、自分のブログ、内容はともかくとして、読みやすいでしょうか? ブログを一言一句漏らさず読む方は少ないと思います。それは、私のアナリティクスでのセッション継続率や離脱率で明らかですが、それも別にして、文字の集合体として読み易い文章群になっているのか疑問に思いました。 今日は、ブログ記事の行間や改行、文字サイズ、文字数など文字の集合体としての読みやすさについて考えてみたいと思います。 自分はいつもどんな書き方をしているか ブログ記事を書く時、まずはMacのテキストエディットで下書きしてそれをコピーします。はてなブログの記事編集画面にコピーしたら、文字サイズを標準にして、見出しを付けたり、目次をつくったり・・・。 そんな感じでいつも記事を作成しているのですが、記事編集画面の「

                              ブログ記事の読みやすさ 改行や行間、文字サイズ、文字数を考える - Random Life Blog
                            • webpack 5 release plan · Issue #11406 · webpack/webpack

                              TL;DR: release planned for 2020-10-10 After nearly 1 year of beta testing and about 2 years of development we feel that it's time to release webpack 5 soon. As promised we do announce the release at least one month earlier to allow the ecosystem to catch up. To support that we will release have released a Release Candidate (RC) soon-ish in about 1-2 weeks. Once the RC has been released we try to a

                                webpack 5 release plan · Issue #11406 · webpack/webpack
                              • The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI

                                Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we build, debug, and optimize code, and it’s happening at an unprecedented pace. As a long-time Ruby and Rails developer, I’m participating in these developments with excitement via my startup and my new book and open-source projects. The good news I want to share is: not only will Ruby and Rails survive this AI revolution, Rubyists will pioneer

                                  The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI
                                • Useful VS Code Extensions For Front-End Developers — Smashing Magazine

                                  Meet useful Visual Studio Code extensions for web developers: little helpers to minimize slow-downs and frustrations, and boost developer’s workflow along the way. Recently, we’ve also covered CSS auditing tools, CSS generators and accessible front-end components — you might find them useful, too. We spend so much time in our text editors, and every now and again we encounter those little frustrat

                                    Useful VS Code Extensions For Front-End Developers — Smashing Magazine
                                  • Accelerate Python code 100x by import taichi as ti | Taichi Docs

                                    Python has become the most popular language in many rapidly evolving sectors, such as deep learning and data sciences. Yet its easy readability comes at the cost of performance. Of course, we all complain about program performance from time to time, and Python should certainly not take all the blame. Still, it's fair to say that Python's nature as an interpreted language does not help, especially

                                    • Writing GNOME Apps with Swift

                                      David is a student interested in Swift and the GNOME Project. Swift is well-suited for creating user interfaces thanks to the clean syntax, static typing, and special features making code easier to write. Result builders, combined with Swift’s closure expression syntax, can significantly enhance code readability. Adwaita for Swift leverages these Swift features to provide an intuitive interface fo

                                        Writing GNOME Apps with Swift
                                      • Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?

                                        Summary: In people with normal vision (or corrected-to-normal vision), visual performance tends to be better with light mode, whereas some people with cataract and related disorders may perform better with dark mode. On the flip side, long-term reading in light mode may be associated with myopia. Introduction Recently, spurred by the introduction of dark mode in IOS 13, a reporter asked me to comm

                                          Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?
                                        • Abstracting database/sql boilerplate with Go generics

                                          An abstract vision of abstracting database/sql boilerplateIntroductionThis post is part of the Eureka Advent Calendar 2022. database/sql provides everything needed to work with SQL in Go, yet there’s an ever-growing list of query builders, ORMs and database utilities being developed by the community. Is database/sql really so bad? In this post we’ll explore what can be achieved using Go generics w

                                            Abstracting database/sql boilerplate with Go generics
                                          • Chrome 118 beta  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                            Scoped styles for CSS, additional media features, keyboard-focusable scroll containers, and more. Unless otherwise noted, changes described apply to the newest Chrome beta channel release for Android, ChromeOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Learn more about the features listed here through the provided links or from the list on ChromeStatus.com. Chrome 118 is beta as of September 13, 2023. You can do

                                            • All C++20 core language features with examples

                                              Introduction The story behind this article is very simple, I wanted to learn about new C++20 language features and to have a brief summary for all of them on a single page. So, I decided to read all proposals and create this “cheat sheet” that explains and demonstrates each feature. This is not a “best practices” kind of article, it serves only demonstrational purpose. Most examples were inspired

                                              • The Technology Behind BLOOM Training

                                                Please note that both Megatron-LM and DeepSpeed have Pipeline Parallelism and BF16 Optimizer implementations, but we used the ones from DeepSpeed as they are integrated with ZeRO. Megatron-DeepSpeed implements 3D Parallelism to allow huge models to train in a very efficient way. Let’s briefly discuss the 3D components. DataParallel (DP) - the same setup is replicated multiple times, and each being

                                                  The Technology Behind BLOOM Training
                                                • Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases

                                                  A large majority of computer systems have some state and are likely to depend on a storage system. My knowledge on databases accumulated over time, but along the way our design mistakes caused data loss and outages. In data-heavy systems, databases are at the core of system design goals and tradeoffs. Even though it is impossible to ignore how databases work, the problems that application develope

                                                    Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases
                                                  • React with TypeScript: Best Practices — SitePoint

                                                    React and TypeScript are two awesome technologies used by a lot of developers these days. Knowing how to do things can get tricky, and sometimes it’s hard to find the right answer. Not to worry. We’ve put together the best practices along with examples to clarify any doubts you may have. Let’s dive in! How React and TypeScript Work Together Before we begin, let’s revisit how React and TypeScript w

                                                      React with TypeScript: Best Practices — SitePoint
                                                    • Visual Studio Code January 2020

                                                      Version 1.89 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from April. January 2020 (version 1.42) Update 1.42.1: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 | Mac: Intel | Linux: deb rpm tarball snap Welcome to the January 2020 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: Renam

                                                        Visual Studio Code January 2020
                                                      • What is Zig's Comptime?

                                                        Let's take a quick look at what compile-time execution looks like in Zig. If you've only experienced compile-time execution in the form of macros, generics or codegen, be ready to be surprised by what Zig can do. Zig is a new general-purpose programming language developed by Andrew Kelley. While still under heavy development, I think the language is already showing great promise. Zig aims to be a

                                                          What is Zig's Comptime?
                                                        • 【Kaggle Advent Calendar day19】NLP初手はどれ?〜Kaggle Notebookの人気ランキングと簡単な精度比較〜 - 統計応用合格君’s diary

                                                          Kaggle Advent Calendar 19日目の記事です。Kaggle Advent Calendar初参加ということで、お手柔らかにお願いします。 qiita.com 前日の記事は sinchir0 さん 日本は他の国のKagglerよりTwitterが活発なのか - sinchir0のブログ 翌日は upura さん 【Weekly Kaggle News 2周年】クリック記事ランキング2021 - u++の備忘録 です。 いきなり余談かつ私事で申し訳ないですが、日頃から大変お世話になっているお二人に挟まれて嬉しさと恐縮さがないまぜになっております。 申し遅れました、Kaggle Competitons Expertの増田と申します、よろしくお願いします。お笑い鑑賞が好きで、本日のM-1グランプリ決勝もとても楽しみです。 この記事は何? 一言で言うと、 NLPコンペにおける「初

                                                            【Kaggle Advent Calendar day19】NLP初手はどれ?〜Kaggle Notebookの人気ランキングと簡単な精度比較〜 - 統計応用合格君’s diary
                                                          • Links of Code readability presentation

                                                            code-readability-links.md Code readability presentation links English version Session 1: Introduction and Principles - https://speakerdeck.com/munetoshi/code-readability-session-1-ver-2-en Session 2: Naming - https://speakerdeck.com/munetoshi/code-readability-session-2-ver-2-en Session 3: Comments - https://speakerdeck.com/munetoshi/code-readability-session-3-ver-2-en Session 4: State - https://sp

                                                              Links of Code readability presentation
                                                            • Refreshing our Icon System: the why and how behind the changes

                                                              It’s a new year and we have a new look! In case you haven’t seen them yet, we’re in the process of rolling out a refreshed, bolder look for our icons, starting with the mobile and desktop apps. Our current suite of icons has been with us since the last redesign in 2016 - and while they’ve served us well, recently, we identified a need to update them, bringing them in line with the evolution of our

                                                                Refreshing our Icon System: the why and how behind the changes
                                                              • Announcing LAMBDA: Turn Excel formulas into custom functions

                                                                Today we are releasing to our Beta customers a new capability that will revolutionize how you build formulas in Excel. Excel formulas are the world’s most widely used programming language, yet one of the more basic principles in programming has been missing, and that is the ability to use the formula language to define your own re-usable functions. =LAMBDA Simply put, LAMBDA allows you to define y

                                                                  Announcing LAMBDA: Turn Excel formulas into custom functions
                                                                • Version 1.0 released

                                                                  Version 1.0 released 23 September 2019 The Nim Team Today is the day. The Nim Team is very proud and happy to announce the much-anticipated version 1.0 of the language. Nim has always been focused on providing a compiled statically typed language focusing on efficiency, readability and flexibility. Version 1.0 marks the beginning of a stable base which can be used in the coming years, knowing that

                                                                    Version 1.0 released
                                                                  • Improvements to static analysis in the GCC 14 compiler | Red Hat Developer

                                                                    I work at Red Hat on GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. For the last five releases of GCC, I've been working on -fanalyzer, a static analysis pass that tries to identify various problems at compile-time, rather than at runtime. It performs "symbolic execution" of C source code—effectively simulating the behavior of the code along the various possible paths of execution through it. This article summ

                                                                      Improvements to static analysis in the GCC 14 compiler | Red Hat Developer
                                                                    • Reverse Engineering Tiktok's VM Obfuscation (Part 1)

                                                                      TikTok has a reputation for its aggressive data collection. In fact, an article published on 22 December 2022 uncovered how ByteDance spied on multiple Forbes journalists using TikTok. While some of the data they collect may seem benign, it can be used to build a detailed profile of each user. Information such as user location, device type, and various hardware metrics are combined to create a uni

                                                                      • Everything you ever wanted to know about terminals

                                                                        so here's a short tutorial on ansi escape codes and terminal control, because you philistines won't stop using ncurses and oh my god WHY ARE WE STILL USING NCURSES IT IS THE TWENTY FIRST FUCKING CENTURY the way terminal emulators handle fancy things like color and cursor shape aren't some mysterious opaque black box you can only access through a library. accessing most of these capabilities is act

                                                                        • Boring Python: code quality

                                                                          Boring Python: code quality December 19, 2022 Django, Python This is the second in a series of posts I intend to write about how to build, deploy, and manage Python applications in as boring a way as possible. In the first post in the series I gave a definition of what I mean by “boring”, and it’s worth revisiting: I don’t mean “reliable” or “bug-free” or “no incidents”. While there is some overla

                                                                            Boring Python: code quality
                                                                          • Building a knowledge graph with topic networks in Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services

                                                                            AWS Database Blog Building a knowledge graph with topic networks in Amazon Neptune This is a guest blog post by By Edward Brown, Head of AI Projects, Eduardo Piairo, Architect, Marcia Oliveira, Lead Data Scientist, and Jack Hampson, CEO at Deeper Insights. We originally developed our Amazon Neptune-based knowledge graph to extract knowledge from a large textual dataset using high-level semantic qu

                                                                              Building a knowledge graph with topic networks in Amazon Neptune | Amazon Web Services
                                                                            • Hacker News folk wisdom on visual programming

                                                                              I’m a fairly frequent Hacker News lurker, especially when I have some other important task that I’m avoiding. I normally head to the Active page (lots of comments, good for procrastination) and pick a nice long discussion thread to browse. So over time I’ve ended up with a good sense of what topics come up a lot. “The Bay Area is too expensive.” “There are too many JavaScript frameworks.” “Bootcam

                                                                                Hacker News folk wisdom on visual programming
                                                                              • Cedric Charly's Blog

                                                                                Read the discussion on Hacker News, Reddit, and Lobste.rs Don’t be a YAML Engineer Imagine that you are a new software engineer entering the industry. You thought you were ready after studying your theory and the weekend side projects. Now, you get hit with a wave of new tools and concepts out of nowhere. Microservices? REST? Cloud Computing? RPC (What’s an IDL)? Docker (What’s a container)? Kuber

                                                                                • Amazon Linux 2023 のRC版(RC0) が公開されました | DevelopersIO

                                                                                  Amazon Linux 2 後継OS、Amazon Linux 2022 改め Amazon Linux 2023 の RC版 (RC0)が公開されました。 2023年2月22日付で、Amazon Linux 2022 改め Amazon Linux 2023 の RC版 (RC0)が公開されました。 Amazon Linux 2023 release notes update 2023-02-22 今回、2月24日に公開された Amazon Linux 2023 (RC0) の AMI を試す機会がありましたので、紹介させていただきます。 AMI AWS東京リージョンで 公開されている Amazon Linux 2023 のAMI (al2023-ami-2023.0.20230222.1-kernel-6.1-x86_64) を利用しました。 Amazon マシンイメージ (AMI)

                                                                                    Amazon Linux 2023 のRC版(RC0) が公開されました | DevelopersIO