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321 - 360 件 / 545件

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testingの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 545件

  • Coronavirus New York: health officials provide limits on testing patients for COVID-19

    Coronavirus New York: health officials provide limits on testing patients for COVID-19 NEW YORK -- New York City health officials have directed medical providers to stop testing patients for the coronavirus, except for those sick enough to require hospitalization, saying wider testing is exhausting supplies of protective equipment. In an advisory issued Friday, the health department said outpatien

      Coronavirus New York: health officials provide limits on testing patients for COVID-19
    • 治安維持のためにCI/CDサービスを活用しておこなったこと - DeNA Testing Blog

      SWETグループの平田(@tarappo)です。 10/21(木)にiOS Test TeaTime #3を開催しました。 その時の私の登壇資料は次のとおりです。 資料では不足しているであろう情報もあるので、本稿ではその点も補いつつ説明していきたいと思います。 はじめに SWETメンバーとして、プロジェクトに関わるときは「CI/CDサービス」が問題なく動いているかどうかを確認することはよくあります。 CI/CDサービスが文字通り継続的に動いているのであれば「プロジェクトのコードが手元でも動かせる」「コードの状態がある程度わかる」という状態ともいえます。 そのため、これはプロジェクトの状況を把握してなにをするべきかを判断するためには重要な指標の1つともいえます。 その中で最初にチェックする箇所の例としては、次のようなものがあります。 どのようなことを実行しているか 自動テストがあって実行され

        治安維持のためにCI/CDサービスを活用しておこなったこと - DeNA Testing Blog
      • Hermit: Deterministic Linux for Controlled Testing and Software Bug-finding

        Hermit: Deterministic Linux for Controlled Testing and Software Bug-finding If you've used emulators for older platforms, you probably experienced a level of precise control over software execution that we lack on contemporary platforms. For example, if you play 8-bit video games emulated on your modern console, you are able to suspend and rewind gameplay, and when you resume, that incoming creatu

        • Integration Testing を改善!Testing Trophy を整形してCI実行速度を5倍に - READYFOR Tech Blog

          この記事は「READYFOR Advent Calendar 2021」4日目の記事です。 Calendar for READYFOR Advent Calendar 2021 | Advent Calendar 2021 - Qiita フロントエンドエンジニアの吉井(@Takepepe)です。業務委託で READYFOR さんのお手伝いさせていただくようになってから、早いもので1年半が過ぎました。この期間中、3つの Next.js Application 立ち上げ・リリースに携わらせていただきました。 Cypress x BDD 現在携わらせていただいているのが「フロントエンド基盤SQD」という、READYFORプロダクト全般のフロントエンド課題をシューティングするスクワッドです。このスクワッドでの活動において、私が9月〜11月に取り組んだ課題が「テスト方針の見直し」です。 3つの N

            Integration Testing を改善!Testing Trophy を整形してCI実行速度を5倍に - READYFOR Tech Blog
          • Weekly Frontend News 2022年4月3週目/react-testing-libraryにrenderHookが追加、など

            Weekly Frontend News 2022年4月3週目/react-testing-libraryにrenderHookが追加、など 寒くなったり暑くなったりして大変ですね。体調にお気をつけて。 自分が今週見たフロントエンド記事のまとめ。 react-testing-libraryにrenderHookの追加、react-hooks-testing-libraryが非推奨へ react-testing-library v13.1でrenderHookが追加された。 これにより、react-hooks-testing-libraryの大部分の機能がカバーされるので、react-hooks-testing-libraryを非推奨としてアーカイブする予定とのこと。 RFC: New Bundler in Gatsby Gatsbyがwebpack以外のバンドラーを模索中とのこと。 さまざ

              Weekly Frontend News 2022年4月3週目/react-testing-libraryにrenderHookが追加、など
            • Vue, Vitest, Testing Library, MSWを使ってテスト駆動開発するチュートリアル - Qiita

              Vue, Vitest, Testing Library, MSWを使ってテスト駆動開発するチュートリアルテストVue.jsテスト駆動開発TestingLibraryVitest 今回は以下のライブラリを中心にVueにおけるテスト駆動開発(TDD)の進め方を説明します。 Vue3 Vitest Testing Library Mock Service Worker Options APIで書きますが、テストコードはComposition APIでも動くので、 Composition APIの実装に多少慣れてる人はぜひとも挑戦してください。 今回の記事の中で作ったコードは以下のリポジトリに収めました。 テスト駆動開発(TDD)ってなに? TDDとはTest Driven Development(テスト駆動開発)の略であり、その文字通り、 テストを先に書いてその後にそのテストを満たすコードを書

                Vue, Vitest, Testing Library, MSWを使ってテスト駆動開発するチュートリアル - Qiita
              • Introducing Microsoft Playwright Testing service private preview

                [Update Oct 4th, 2023] We are excited to announce that the Microsoft Playwright Testing service is now available in Preview! Explore the numerous features and enhancements by reading the announcement. No more waitlists! You can dive straight in and start using the service directly here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  Introducing Microsoft Playwright Testing service private preview
                • Rust 2021 public testing period | Rust Blog

                  We are happy to announce that the Rust 2021 edition is entering its public testing period. All of the planned features for the edition are now available on nightly builds along with migrations that should move your code from Rust 2018 to Rust 2021. If you'd like to learn more about the changes that are part of Rust 2021, check out the nightly version of the Edition Guide. Public testing period As

                    Rust 2021 public testing period | Rust Blog
                  • Testing UI - Next JS, Typescript, Jest and React Testing Library

                    Testing UI - Next JS, Typescript, Jest and React Testing Library Intro As you know, React is just JavaScript. That means it can be tested just like any other JS application. There are lots of testing libraries and test runners out there, but I find that the best setup is Jest + React Testing Library. I use it on a daily basis at work and on my side projects. Worth mentioning that this is also a st

                      Testing UI - Next JS, Typescript, Jest and React Testing Library
                    • Developing, testing, and deploying custom connectors for your data stores with AWS Glue | Amazon Web Services

                      AWS Big Data Blog Developing, testing, and deploying custom connectors for your data stores with AWS Glue AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development. AWS Glue already integrates with various popular data stores such as the Amazon Redshift, RDS, MongoDB, and Amazon S3. Organ

                        Developing, testing, and deploying custom connectors for your data stores with AWS Glue | Amazon Web Services
                      • Microsoft Playwright Testingを発表!内容と特徴を解説

                        「Microsoft Playwright Testing」は、Microsoft Azureでウェブアプリのテストと自動化を可能にします

                          Microsoft Playwright Testingを発表!内容と特徴を解説
                        • Common mistakes with React Testing Library の和訳 - Qiita

                          本記事は Kent C. Dodds氏による Common mistakes with React Testing Library の和訳です。 React Testing Library のよくある間違い こんにちは👋 私がReact Testing Libraryを作ったのは、当時のテストの状況に満足していなかったからです。 それが DOM Testing Library に発展し、今ではすべての人気のある JavaScript フレームワークと DOM を対象とした(そうでないものも含めて)テストツールのための実装(ラッパー)があります。 時間の経過とともに、私たちは API にいくつかの小さな変更を加え、最適ではないパターンを発見してきました。 私たちが提供するユーティリティを使用する「より良い方法」を文書化しようと努力しているにもかかわらず、私はいまだにこのような最適ではないパ

                            Common mistakes with React Testing Library の和訳 - Qiita
                          • GitHub - edublancas/ml-testing: 🐍 Material for PyData Global 2021 Presentation: Effective Testing for Machine Learning Projects

                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                              GitHub - edublancas/ml-testing: 🐍 Material for PyData Global 2021 Presentation: Effective Testing for Machine Learning Projects
                            • React Testing Library Tutorial

                              Follow on FacebookReact Testing Library (RTL) by Kent C. Dodds got released as alternative to Airbnb's Enzyme. While Enzyme gives React developers utilities to test internals of React components, React Testing Library takes a step back and questions us "how to test React components to get full confidence in our React components": Rather than testing a component's implementation details, React Test

                                React Testing Library Tutorial
                              • 2021年3月26日号 Collabora Online + Netcloud on Raspberry Pi、Ubuntu Testing Week、hirsuteの壁紙 | gihyo.jp

                                Ubuntu Weekly Topics 2021年3月26日号Collabora Online + Netcloud on Raspberry Pi、Ubuntu Testing Week、hirsuteの壁紙 Collabora Online + Netcloud on Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Weekly Recipeの読者の方にはおなじみのNextcloudが、Ubuntu ApplianceとしてRaspberry Pi上で利用できるようになりました(Intel NUC向けは以前から存在します⁠)⁠。 手順に従ってセットアップするだけで、Raspberry Pi 3(もしくは4)を、Nextcloudアプライアンスサーバーとして利用できます。もちろんハードウェア性能からくる規模の限界や耐久性の面で、本格的なデプロイにそのまま利用することはできませんが、家庭内でのち

                                  2021年3月26日号 Collabora Online + Netcloud on Raspberry Pi、Ubuntu Testing Week、hirsuteの壁紙 | gihyo.jp
                                • Crucial research testing efficacy against COVID-19 of most widely used vaccine in the world | Abundance Foundation

                                  We are living through unprecedented and uncertain times, with a tsunami of COVID-19 cases approaching the United States and countries throughout the world. Now is the time for collective action and collaboration to address this challenge confronting humanity. In the midst of this crisis, Abundance Foundation finds itself in a unique position. We are able to rapidly mobilize partners and resources,

                                  • Testing with Jest and TypeScript, the tricky parts

                                    Lea Rosema (she/her) for Studio M - Song Posted on Feb 17, 2020 • Updated on Nov 26, 2020 Recently, I started with a side project that uses TypeScript in the frontend and in the backend. I wanted to do things test-driven and chose the Jest framework as it is a very popular choice. When using Jest with TypeScript, I encountered some struggles and pitfalls I ran into. I would like to share the learn

                                      Testing with Jest and TypeScript, the tricky parts
                                    • A new standard of testing for GOV.UK – Technology in government

                                      https://technology.blog.gov.uk/2021/10/08/a-new-standard-of-testing-for-gov-uk/ GOV.UK has a strong culture of testing the changes we make to our apps. We often write tests before we make a change (as in test-driven development), and all the existing tests need to pass before a change can be deployed (as in regression testing). Screenshot of continuous integration tests passing for a change to a G

                                        A new standard of testing for GOV.UK – Technology in government
                                      • 2022-04-18のJS: Lexical、React Testing Library v13.1.0、Dialog componentの作成

                                        JSer.info #588 - Lexicalというテキストエディタを作るためのJavaScriptフレームワークが公開されました。 facebook/lexical: Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance. エディタの状態をdouble-bufferingで管理して、状態の変更をdiff/patchで表示に反映させる仕組みを持っている。 またcontentEditableを使っているが、外部からの変更をMutationObserverで監視し、エディタの状態を更新している。 Lexicalは同じくFacebookが作成しているDraft.jsの後継となるライブラリで、APIの互換性はありませんが、今

                                          2022-04-18のJS: Lexical、React Testing Library v13.1.0、Dialog componentの作成
                                        • Testing Non-Exported Functions in JavaScript | SamanthaMing.com

                                          # Testing Non-Exported Functions in JavaScript Recently, I finally integrated unit testing into my startup project. I've settled with Jest , I'll speak more about this in a separate journal entry. While writing my test, I ran into a bit of a dilemma of trying to write unit tests for non-exported functions 😖

                                            Testing Non-Exported Functions in JavaScript | SamanthaMing.com
                                          • Testing Apollo Server with Typescript

                                            May 26, 2020 Testing Apollo Server with Typescript In this article, I will demonstrate a way to test GraphQL endpoints of an Apollo Server with a RESTDataSource in Typescript. Background At the beginning of the month, I joined a new project that is using Apollo Server as a back end for a front end. Some months before I joined, a RESTDataSource was introduced but the implemented code didn’t get tes

                                              Testing Apollo Server with Typescript
                                            • Testing web applications hosted in a private network using AWS Device Farm | Amazon Web Services

                                              Front-End Web & Mobile Testing web applications hosted in a private network using AWS Device Farm AWS Device Farm offers an elastic Selenium Grid in the cloud that provides instant access to different versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge browsers running on Windows servers. Today, thousands of web developers are leveraging Device Farm’s Grid to verify that their appli

                                                Testing web applications hosted in a private network using AWS Device Farm | Amazon Web Services
                                              • AWSのテスト技法とPolicy as Code / aws-testing-techniques-and-policy-as-a-code

                                                AWSのテスト技法とPolicy as Code / aws-testing-techniques-and-policy-as-a-code

                                                  AWSのテスト技法とPolicy as Code / aws-testing-techniques-and-policy-as-a-code
                                                • Coronavirus: Africa will not be testing ground for vaccine, says WHO

                                                  Two doctors sparked outrage after suggesting a vaccine for coronavirus could be tested in Africa.

                                                    Coronavirus: Africa will not be testing ground for vaccine, says WHO
                                                  • Open-source load testing tool for developers | k6 OSS

                                                    Easy to use APIs and CLIFor modern engineering teams. The k6 API and CLI are designed to be intuitive, flexible, and powerful. Write tests in JavascriptBuild realistic load tests using a familiar scripting language. Reuse modules and Javascript libraries to better build and maintain your test suite.

                                                      Open-source load testing tool for developers | k6 OSS
                                                    • GitHub - doyensec/inql: InQL is a robust, open-source Burp Suite extension for advanced GraphQL testing, offering intuitive vulnerability detection, customizable scans, and seamless Burp integration.

                                                      We've strategically revised certain aspects of InQL v5.0, leading to the deprecation of some features from v4. Notably, standalone and CLI modes, the embedded GraphiQL server, and the Timer tab are no longer available. This streamlining allows us to focus on refining InQL's core functionality, though we recognize it may affect your established workflows. This is especially pertinent as some of the

                                                        GitHub - doyensec/inql: InQL is a robust, open-source Burp Suite extension for advanced GraphQL testing, offering intuitive vulnerability detection, customizable scans, and seamless Burp integration.
                                                      • A list of Haskell articles on good design, good testing | William Yao

                                                        A list of Haskell articles on good design, good testing November 24, 2019 « Previous post Next post » For a language that's beloved for its ability to guide the structure of programs into being easier to understand, easier to maintain, and easier to get correct, there's not a lot of resources on how to best use the tools that Haskell provides. Lots of terms and buzzwords, not a lot of in-depth pra

                                                        • Smoke-testing Rust HTTP clients

                                                          Back in 2014 I was fetching frontpages of the top million websites to scan them for a particular vulnerability. Not only have I found 99,9% websites to be vulnerable to a trivial attack, I’ve also found that curl command was randomly crashing with a segmentation fault, indicating a likely vulnerability in libcurl — the HTTP client library that the whole world seems to depend on. By that time I was

                                                          • StoreKit Testing in Xcode 12: Getting Started

                                                            While building iOS apps is a fun process, testing in-app purchases, or IAPs, can be finicky and prone to errors. You used to first create sandbox testers, then log into your testing devices to test purchases in the sandbox environment. A tedious process that often caused unnecessary frustrations. With Xcode 12, Apple introduced local StoreKit testing in Xcode. Now you can test different IAP scenar

                                                              StoreKit Testing in Xcode 12: Getting Started
                                                            • DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems <a rel="nofol...

                                                              DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.06640 DNNのテストのために、複数のDNNで予測結果が異なる、もしくは各ニューロンが活性化したかどうかで定義されるニューロンカバレッジを増やすようなテストケースの生成を行うというもの。 「あるDNNだけ予測結果が異なる」ことと「まだ活性化したことのないニューロンが活性化する」ことの2つを組み合わせた目的関数で勾配法で最適化する(ただし、それだとあり得ない入力を生成してしまうので、勾配をそのまま適用する代わりにドメインの制約を反映した形に変更したうえで適用してる)。 DNNの振る舞いのコーナーケースを突くような入力の生成という意味では、敵対的サンプル(adversarial example)を生成などもあっ

                                                              • GitHub - ohbarye/pbt: Property-Based Testing tool for Ruby, supporting multiple concurrency methods (Ractor, multiprocesses, multithreads).

                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                  GitHub - ohbarye/pbt: Property-Based Testing tool for Ruby, supporting multiple concurrency methods (Ractor, multiprocesses, multithreads).
                                                                • シフトレフトテスト (Shift Left Testing) で高品質なシステムを迅速にリリース - Qiita

                                                                  シフトレフトテスト (Shift Left Testing) とは 開発ライフサイクルの早い段階で「テスト活動」を行うことを、シフトレフトテスト (Shift Left Testing) と言います。これは、「ソフトウェアテストの7原則について経験と照らし合わせて考えてみる」の「3. 初期テストが重要」を実現するものでもあります。 なぜシフトレフトテスト (Shift Left Testing) ? 例えば、ウォーターフォールモデルだと以下のようなV字モデルで開発ライフサイクルの最後に「テスト活動」を行います。 ※以下はhttps://www.itmedia.co.jp/im/articles/1111/07/news155.html より抜粋 この場合のデメリットとしては、テストの段階で初めて「要件が不明瞭」「仕様バグ」「設計バグ」といった手戻りコストが高い事象が発生しがちです。また、リ

                                                                    シフトレフトテスト (Shift Left Testing) で高品質なシステムを迅速にリリース - Qiita
                                                                  • Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How?

                                                                    WorldJapanJapan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How? Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How? Japan’s state of emergency is set to end with new cases of the coronavirus dwindling to mere dozens. It got there despite largely ignoring the default playbook. No restrictions were placed on residents’ movements, and businesses from

                                                                      Japan May Have Beaten Coronavirus Without Lockdowns or Mass Testing. But How?
                                                                    • Support for React Server Components · Issue #1209 · testing-library/react-testing-library

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        Support for React Server Components · Issue #1209 · testing-library/react-testing-library
                                                                      • Mold Testing Florida – Just another WordPress site

                                                                        Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

                                                                          Mold Testing Florida – Just another WordPress site
                                                                        • Microsoft Playwright Testing | Microsoft Azure

                                                                          Explore Azure Get to know Azure Discover secure, future-ready cloud solutions—on-premises, hybrid, multicloud, or at the edge Global infrastructure Learn about sustainable, trusted cloud infrastructure with more regions than any other provider Cloud economics Build your business case for the cloud with key financial and technical guidance from Azure Customer enablement Plan a clear path forward fo

                                                                          • A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps Japanese Edition

                                                                            A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps Japanese EditionDevOpsにおけるテストについて事例を交えて紹介した一冊

                                                                              A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps Japanese Edition
                                                                            • Introducing Threatest, a CLI and Go framework for end-to-end testing of threat detection rules | Datadog Security Labs

                                                                              Reliably detecting threats in an environment is critical for securing applications and infrastructure. But the increasing complexity of modern data pipelines makes it difficult to verify that detection rules are consistently able to spot the threats they are designed to look for. Today, we are happy to announce the release of a new open source project: Threatest, a CLI and Go framework for end-to-

                                                                                Introducing Threatest, a CLI and Go framework for end-to-end testing of threat detection rules | Datadog Security Labs
                                                                              • New – Local Mocking and Testing with the Amplify CLI | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                AWS News Blog New – Local Mocking and Testing with the Amplify CLI The open source Amplify Framework provides a set of libraries, user interface (UI) components, and a command line interface (CLI) that make it easier to add sophisticated cloud features to your web or mobile apps by provisioning backend resources using AWS CloudFormation. A comment I often get when talking with our customers, is th

                                                                                  New – Local Mocking and Testing with the Amplify CLI | Amazon Web Services
                                                                                • Goによるロードテスト - DeNA Testing Blog

                                                                                  はじめに SWETグループGoチームの金子 (@theoden9014) です。 弊社が運営するライブコミュニケーションアプリであるPococha(ポコチャ)においてロードテストを実施する際、Go言語を利用して独自のロードテストツール開発しました。今回は、その知見を共有したいと思います。 この記事はDeNA Advent Calendar 2020の4日目の記事です。 本記事ではシステムをWebシステムと前提としていますのでご注意ください。 ロードテストとは (Load Testing) JSTQBやISTQBにおいては性能テスト (Performance Testing) の1つと定義されています。 性能テストとはシステムテストにおける非機能テストの1つです。 ロードテスト、耐久性テスト、ストレステスト等があり、それぞれ目的に応じて実施します。 ロードテストは、システムがユーザ負荷のピー

                                                                                    Goによるロードテスト - DeNA Testing Blog