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81 - 120 件 / 356件

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walkthroughの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 356件

  • How to get meaning from text with language model BERT | AI Explained

    In this video, we give a step-by-step walkthrough of self-attention, the mechanism powering the deep learning model BERT, and other state-of-the-art transformer models for natural language processing (NLP). More on attention and BERT: https://bit.ly/38vpOyW How to solve a text classification problem with BERT with this tutorial: https://bit.ly/2Ij6tGa 0:00 Introduction of NLP 0:39 Text tokenizati

      How to get meaning from text with language model BERT | AI Explained
    • React Folder Structure in 5 Steps [2022]

      Follow on FacebookHow to structure large React applications into folders and files is a highly opinionated topic. I struggled for a while writing about this topic, because there is no right way to do it. However, every other week people ask me about how I structure my React projects -- with folder structures from small to large React projects. After implementing React applications for a few years

        React Folder Structure in 5 Steps [2022]
      • pwn.college

        Welcome to pwn.college! pwn.college is an education platform for students (and other interested parties) to learn about, and practice, core cybersecurity concepts in a hands-on fashion. In martial arts terms, it is designed to take a “white belt” in cybersecurity to becoming a “blue belt”, able to approach (simple) cybersecurity competitions (CTFs) and wargames. Our philosophy is “practice makes p

        • OSCPとは?未経験からOSCP保持者へ 私のOSCP受験記 | セキュリティブログ | 脆弱性診断(セキュリティ診断)のGMOサイバーセキュリティ byイエラエ

          はじめに 初めまして!イエラエセキュリティの教育サービス、「イエラエアカデミー」を担当している、出家(いでや)と申します。今年の1月に、ペネトレーションテストの難関資格であるOffensive Security Certified Professional(OSCP)を取得することができました。本記事では、同資格の取得を志望する方の参考になるよう、勉強・受験の軌跡や所感を共有したいと思います。私はサイバーセキュリティ分野の実務未経験で資格を取得できたので、スキルや経験に不安のある方にもぜひ読んでいただきたいです! この投稿の目的 OSCPの取得を志す方々の参考となる情報の共有 セキュリティ未経験から見たOSCPのレベル感の共有 スキルレベル等様々な理由でOSCPにチャレンジする自信がない方々の背中を押す ※本記事の内容は基本的に初心者向けの個人の見解や感想が中心です。技術的な試験対策に関す

            OSCPとは?未経験からOSCP保持者へ 私のOSCP受験記 | セキュリティブログ | 脆弱性診断(セキュリティ診断)のGMOサイバーセキュリティ byイエラエ
          • Developing Fiber Scheduler for Ruby 3

            中文版本 Ruby 3 Fiber SchedulerI wrote an article in July 2020, Ruby 3 Fiber changes preview (in Chinese), and followed up by another post in August A Walkthrough of Ruby 3 Scheduler. Ruby 3 has updated lots of versions during these months, including ruby-3.0.0-preview1 ruby-3.0.0-preview2 and ruby-3.0.0-rc1, which makes lots of improvements to the Fiber Scheduler API. But as I mentioned before, what

            • Announcing C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Blog

              Building new functionality, writing unit tests, and learning new technologies has never been easier or more fun. We are thrilled to announce the preview release of C# Dev Kit, a new Visual Studio Code extension that brings an improved editor-first C# development experience to Linux, macOS, and Windows. The C# Dev Kit is designed to enhance your C# productivity when you’re working in VS Code. It wo

                Announcing C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Blog
              • React Tutorial: An Overview and Walkthrough

                I've been hearing about React since I first started learning JavaScript, but I'll admit I took one look at it and it scared me. I saw what looked like a bunch of HTML mixed with JavaScript and thought, isn't this what we've been trying to avoid? What's the big deal with React? Instead, I focused on just learning vanilla JavaScript and working with jQuery in a professional setting. After a few frus

                  React Tutorial: An Overview and Walkthrough
                • Transformers are Graph Neural Networks

                  My engineering friends often ask me: deep learning on graphs sounds great, but are there any real applications? While Graph Neural Networks are used in recommendation systems at Pinterest, Alibaba and Twitter, a more subtle success story is the Transformer architecture, which has taken the NLP world by storm. Through this post, I want to establish a link between Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Tr

                    Transformers are Graph Neural Networks
                  • TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS protocol level for all AWS API endpoints | Amazon Web Services

                    AWS Security Blog TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS protocol level for all AWS API endpoints February 27, 2024: AWS has completed our global updates to deprecate support for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 versions on our AWS service API endpoints across each of our AWS Regions and Availability Zones. January 17, 2024: Over 96% of AWS service API endpoints have ended support for TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. Over

                      TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS protocol level for all AWS API endpoints | Amazon Web Services
                    • graphql/dataloader を読んだ話

                      graphql/dataloader のドキュメント及びソースコードを全て読んだので、その話を書く。 読むことにした第一の理由は仕事で使うからだが、以下の特徴から自分のプログラミング学習教材として適していそうだと考えたからでもある。 広く使われている OSS である GitHub の星が 11k npm trends で検索しても多くの人がダウンロードしている コードの量が少ない 実装は src/index.js に全て書かれている コメント含めて 500 行にも満たず、しかもその 1/3 くらいはコメント テストカバレッジが高い 常に 100% 初めて読むコードでテストカバレッジが高いと、テストコードを読むことで期待される挙動を確認できるので嬉しい npm trends によると、一週間で 200 万件近くダウンロードされているようだ。 目次 graphql/dataloader とは

                        graphql/dataloader を読んだ話
                      • PR-Agent×GitHub Action×Azure OpenAIで実現するAIコードレビュー - ROUTE06 Tech Blog

                        Pull requestのタイトルや説明文を書いている時、「これ絶対AIでできるよな」と感じたことがある開発者は少なくないと思います。 もちろん変更の経緯や背景など、コードの差分からは読み取れない情報もありますが、コードの差分からわかることはAIが書いてくれるといいですよね。 この願いを叶えてくれるのがCodiumAIが提供しているPR-Agentです。GitHub Actionで実行でき、OpenAIはもちろんAzure OpenAIやAmazon Bedrockも使えます。 PR-Agentはすでにいろいろなところで取り上げられています*1 *2 *3ので、このブログ記事では、これまでにあまり紹介されていないPR-AgentでLLMとしてAzure OpenAIで使う方法と、使ってみた感想を紹介します。 どうしてPR-Agentを使うのか コードレビューをできるAIエージェントはいくつ

                          PR-Agent×GitHub Action×Azure OpenAIで実現するAIコードレビュー - ROUTE06 Tech Blog
                        • Extending the EKS API: Managed Node Groups | Amazon Web Services

                          Containers Extending the EKS API: Managed Node Groups By Raghav Tripathi, Michael Hausenblas, and Nathan Taber From our first conversations with customers, our vision has always been that Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) should provide the best managed Kubernetes experience in the cloud. When we launched EKS, our first step was to provide a managed Kubernetes control plane, but we never int

                            Extending the EKS API: Managed Node Groups | Amazon Web Services
                          • AI Canon | Andreessen Horowitz

                            Research in artificial intelligence is increasing at an exponential rate. It’s difficult for AI experts to keep up with everything new being published, and even harder for beginners to know where to start. So, in this post, we’re sharing a curated list of resources we’ve relied on to get smarter about modern AI. We call it the “AI Canon” because these papers, blog posts, courses, and guides have h

                              AI Canon | Andreessen Horowitz
                            • VRChat の Avatars 3.0 の簡単な解説・表情の入れ方 - 壁ツェーン

                              (テンションがいつもと違う可能性があります) Avatars 3.0 がついに正式リリースでも使えるようになりましたね! 既存の多くのプラグインが使えなくなったりして大変ですが、ひととおり表情操作を実装できたので、 ちょっと記事にしてみようと思います。 ひょっとしたら表情以外を作る方法も書くかも。 更新履歴 Avatars 3.0 の各種要素の解説 Playable Layers Base Layer Additive Layer Gesture Layer Action Layer FX Layer 補足1: Non-humanoid Rig について 補足2: Playable Layers をカスタマイズする場合 補足3: Write Defaults について Animator Parameters Expressions Menu Button Toggle Submenu Tw

                                VRChat の Avatars 3.0 の簡単な解説・表情の入れ方 - 壁ツェーン
                              • Nearest Neighbor Indexes for Similarity Search | Pinecone

                                Vector similarity search is a game-changer in the world of search. It allows us to efficiently search a huge range of media, from GIFs to articles — with incredible accuracy in sub-second timescales for billion+ size datasets. One of the key components to efficient search is flexibility. And for that we have a wide range of search indexes available to us — there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ in simila

                                  Nearest Neighbor Indexes for Similarity Search | Pinecone
                                • Introducing Amazon S3 Storage Lens – Organization-wide Visibility Into Object Storage | Amazon Web Services

                                  AWS News Blog Introducing Amazon S3 Storage Lens – Organization-wide Visibility Into Object Storage When starting out in the cloud, a customer’s storage requirements might consist of a handful of S3 buckets, but as they grow, migrate more applications and realize the power of the cloud, things can become more complicated. A customer may have tens or even hundreds of accounts and have multiple S3 b

                                    Introducing Amazon S3 Storage Lens – Organization-wide Visibility Into Object Storage | Amazon Web Services
                                  • Compile-time type-checked truth tables

                                    With simple and easy-to-understand examples in F# and Haskell. Eve Ragins recently published an article called Why you should use truth tables in your job. It's a good article. You should read it. In it, she outlines how creating a Truth Table can help you smoke out edge cases or unclear requirements. I agree, and it also beautifully explains why I find algebraic data types so useful. With languag

                                      Compile-time type-checked truth tables
                                    • Field Notes: Use AWS Cloud9 to Power Your Visual Studio Code IDE | Amazon Web Services

                                      AWS Architecture Blog Field Notes: Use AWS Cloud9 to Power Your Visual Studio Code IDE Everyone has their favorite integrated development environment, or IDE, as it’s more commonly known. For many of us, it’s a tool that we rely on for our day-to-day activities. In some instances, it’s a tool we’ve spent years getting set up just the way we want – from the theme that looks the best to the most pro

                                        Field Notes: Use AWS Cloud9 to Power Your Visual Studio Code IDE | Amazon Web Services
                                      • Create Your Own Compiler

                                        In this tutorial, we'll be doing an instructed walkthrough of Jamie Kyle's "The Super Tiny Compiler". The Super Tiny Compiler is a simple compiler written in Javascript and we'll write it step by step from scratch.

                                          Create Your Own Compiler
                                        • Precursor

                                          Made For a Lab. Fits in a Pocket. Verifiable by Design.Precursor is an open hardware development platform for secure, mobile computation and communication. This pocket-sized device accommodates a built-in display, a physical keyboard, and an internal battery while remaining smaller and lighter than the average smartphone. Precursor was built for use on the road, but it compromises nothing as a dev

                                          • What Every Software Engineer Should Know about Apache Kafka: Events, Streams, Tables, Storage, Processing, And More

                                            To help fellow engineers wrap their head around Apache Kafka and event streaming, I wrote a 4-part series on the Confluent blog on Kafka’s core fundamentals. In the series, we explore Kafka’s storage and processing layers and how they interrelate, featuring Kafka Streams and ksqlDB. In the first part, I begin with an overview of events, streams, tables, and the stream-table duality to set the stag

                                              What Every Software Engineer Should Know about Apache Kafka: Events, Streams, Tables, Storage, Processing, And More
                                            • Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate For Mac - alliancebond

                                              Visiteurs depuis le 25/01/2019 : 1610 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 91 Keynote has Apple's traditional elegance and ease-of-use, with intuitive controls and beautiful graphics. Keynote 1.0 has been positively reviewed by the press. Though Apple has not yet released any sales figures, it is clear that the software is gaining rapid adoption. Pdf absolute beginners guide to keynote for mac. Jul

                                                Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate For Mac - alliancebond
                                              • Welcome to LangChain — 🦜🔗 LangChain 0.0.161

                                                Getting Started Quickstart Guide Modules Models LLMs Getting Started Generic Functionality How to use the async API for LLMs How to write a custom LLM wrapper How (and why) to use the fake LLM How (and why) to use the the human input LLM How to cache LLM calls How to serialize LLM classes How to stream LLM and Chat Model responses How to track token usage Integrations AI21 Aleph Alpha Azure OpenAI

                                                • Abon Touch Driver For Mac

                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 3568 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 20 POS Touch Driver Installation Guide Version: V3.3.1.30. Update: 20090922 Trademarks Some of the product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes. Click to start the setup program of POS touch driver version Select and click. Abon Touch Screen Driver Abon Touch Screen Driver Installation 1. Cli

                                                    Abon Touch Driver For Mac
                                                  • Style For Style, Fun For Fun, Iris For Mac

                                                    Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 4451 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 26 Rated 5 out of 5 by mrm2006 from New Assistant to Editor-In-Chief - Here I Am! Storyline: You are going to the most infamous magazine of fashion there is. Trendy, with-it, City Style Magazine, to interview for the job of Assistant to the Editor-in Chief. But will you EVER get to the actual interview? Hah - play and find o

                                                      Style For Style, Fun For Fun, Iris For Mac
                                                    • Office Space Planning Software. Office Furniture Space Planning

                                                      Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 4344 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 16 ” You don’t need to spend countless hours on technical software to produce the results you’re looking for. RoomSketcher is easy to use and cost-effective. ” Scott Allan Kress, Office Designer, USA Easy-to-use Office Design Software The RoomSketcher App is an easy-to-use floor plan and home design software that you can use

                                                        Office Space Planning Software. Office Furniture Space Planning
                                                      • SQL Murder Mystery

                                                        There's been a Murder in SQL City! The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime. New to SQL? This exercise is meant more as a way to practice SQL skills than a full tutorial. If you've never used SQL at all, try the walkthrough. If you really want to learn a lot about SQ

                                                          SQL Murder Mystery
                                                        • Open sourcing Ezno's checker and trying out / previewing the JavaScript type checker today · kaleidawave/ezno · Discussion #21

                                                          Firstly, to not waste anyone's time, do not bother running this currently on any existing projects. It does not currently support import, loops, async and loads of other JavaScript features. This is an early release to showcase functions, object, events and basic typing. More of those features coming shortly, once the architecture has been initially tried out. I have created a quick start guide fo

                                                            Open sourcing Ezno's checker and trying out / previewing the JavaScript type checker today · kaleidawave/ezno · Discussion #21
                                                          • Accessing an Amazon RDS instance remotely using AWS Client VPN | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS Database Blog Accessing an Amazon RDS instance remotely using AWS Client VPN November 2022: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. Developers and database administrators, often login remotely to an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance on a public subnet and access the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instance. For increased productivity and ease of use, i

                                                              Accessing an Amazon RDS instance remotely using AWS Client VPN | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • Announcing AWS App Runner Private Services | Amazon Web Services

                                                              Containers Announcing AWS App Runner Private Services Earlier this year we announced the general availability of App Runner VPC support. This feature enabled your services to communicate with databases and other applications hosted in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Today, we released App Runner private services, and now customers can strengthen the security posture of their applicat

                                                                Announcing AWS App Runner Private Services | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • Best Kvm Switch For Mac

                                                                Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 3568 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 20 Best Kvm Switch For MacHI there, did you ever find a good KVM that works from a mac to pc? I'm also trying to find the same thing. A lot of folks have KVM switch recommendations but none that testify it works from mac to pc (they do all seem to work from mac to mac or PC to PC type thing). A KVM switch makes me think of t

                                                                  Best Kvm Switch For Mac
                                                                • Introducing Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D) | Amazon Web Services

                                                                  AWS Open Source Blog Introducing Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D) This post was contributed by Allan Naim, Chandler Hoisington, Raja Jadeja, Micah Hausler, and Michael Hausenblas. Today we announced Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D), a Kubernetes distribution based on and used by Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to create reliable and secure Kubernetes clusters. With EKS-D, you can rely on the same

                                                                    Introducing Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D) | Amazon Web Services
                                                                  • Visual Studio Code August 2021

                                                                    Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. August 2021 (version 1.60) Update 1.60.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.60.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the August 2021 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version

                                                                      Visual Studio Code August 2021
                                                                    • CS388

                                                                      CS388: Natural Language Processing (online MS version) These are the course materials for an online masters course in NLP. All lectures are videos available on YouTube. Note on enrollment for on-campus students: This course is listed in the course catalog as "Natural Language Processing-WB". It is a partially asynchronous course taught for certain online masters programs at UT ("Option III" progra

                                                                      • EC2 スポットインスタンスの price-capacity-optimized 戦略のご紹介 | Amazon Web Services

                                                                        Amazon Web Services ブログ EC2 スポットインスタンスの price-capacity-optimized 戦略のご紹介 この記事は、2022年11月15日にJagdeep Phoolkumar、Peter Manastyrnyによって投稿された「 Introducing the price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy for EC2 Spot Instances 」を翻訳したものです。 Amazon EC2 スポットインスタンスは、AWSクラウド内で使用されていない Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ( Amazon EC2 ) のキャパシティを、オンデマンド価格と比較して最大90%割引で利用できるものです。EC2 スポットインスタンスを利用する際のベストプラクティスの1つは、幅広いインスタン

                                                                          EC2 スポットインスタンスの price-capacity-optimized 戦略のご紹介 | Amazon Web Services
                                                                        • New book published: Serverless ETL and Analytics with AWS Glue

                                                                          Want to learn how to integrate different data sources and build data platform on AWS? Here’s a new book for you! Serverless ETL and Analytics with AWS GlueWe are happy to publish the new book today! Fortunately I had an opportunity to co-author a book about AWS Glue with five talented engineers; Vishal, Subramanya, Tom, Albert, and Ishan, and publish this book with Packt. This book is the only one

                                                                            New book published: Serverless ETL and Analytics with AWS Glue
                                                                          • Hacker Oneの無料のペンテスト基礎講座 まとめ ペンテスト・バグバウンティについて勉強していきたい人におすすめ - Security Index

                                                                            HackerOneが公開しているペンテストの基礎講座の動画 PENTESTING BASICS VIDEO SERIES LAUNCHED ON HACKER101 のPart1~4を見たのでまとめました。 Hacker Oneの無料のペンテスト基礎講座 part1 OWASP Top 10 part2 ペンテストvsバグバウンティ part3 ペンテスト関連資料 part4 レポート作成とベストプラクティス Pentesting basics video series launched on Hacker101 https://t.co/TA3jjN0nJl— si🌤️ (@security_index) 2020年7月24日 PENTESTING BASICS VIDEO SERIES LAUNCHED ON HACKER101 Part1 A Starters Guide to P

                                                                              Hacker Oneの無料のペンテスト基礎講座 まとめ ペンテスト・バグバウンティについて勉強していきたい人におすすめ - Security Index
                                                                            • Introduction to Facebook AI Similarity Search (Faiss) | Pinecone

                                                                              Fortunately, it’s a brilliantly simple process to get started with. And in this article, we’ll explore some of the options FAISS provides, how they work, and — most importantly — how Faiss can make our search faster. Check out the video walkthrough here: What is Faiss?Before we get started with any code, many of you will be asking — what is Faiss? Faiss is a library — developed by Facebook AI — th

                                                                                Introduction to Facebook AI Similarity Search (Faiss) | Pinecone
                                                                              • Amazon Forecast – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                AWS News Blog Amazon Forecast – Now Generally Available Getting accurate time series forecasts from historical data is not an easy task. Last year at re:Invent we introduced Amazon Forecast, a fully managed service that requires no experience in machine learning to deliver highly accurate forecasts. I’m excited to share that Amazon Forecast is generally available today! With Amazon Forecast, there

                                                                                  Amazon Forecast – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
                                                                                • How To Use Fetch Ftp For Mac

                                                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4355 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 20 Overview Fetch is a Mac OS X application used to connect to a server using FTP or SFTP. The first thing you need to do is download and install Fetch at. The following tutorial is provided as a courtesy to our customers to help you configure your FTP software to work with (mt) Media Temple's hosting solutions. Third-party

                                                                                    How To Use Fetch Ftp For Mac