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  • Angry Birds Walkthrough Videos, Golden Eggs, and more | AngryBirdsNest

    Angry Birds Friends Tournament T1372 is out now! Play twelve pig-packed new levels and compete with friends and find out who's the ultimate bird flinger! The gameplay mixes different elements from different...

    • ユーザーをイライラさせないIn-App Walkthrough(アプリ初回起動時の説明スライド)の作り方 - 小さなごちそう

      スマートフォン・アプリを初めて起動したときの説明スライド(In-App Walkthrough)の必要性は、いつも悩むところだ。 不要派の主張はだいたい以下の通りだ。 ユーザーは早くをアプリ操作したい どうせ読まれない AppStore上の説明パネルで事足りる 要は「作成コストがかかる割には効果がないのでは」ということだろう。いちユーザーとしては僕も確かにそう思う。ただ、提供側が期待するほどユーザーの理解力は高くない。実際にユーザーテストをしてみると、一通りアプリを操作したもらった後でも、作り手の意図が思った以上に伝っていないことがわかる。 操作画面では思った以上に伝わらない、アプリの価値 操作UIだけで「なぜこのアプリが必要か」「どんな問題をどのように解決しようとしているのか」というアプリのバリュー・プロポジションを十分に伝えるのは非常に難しい。 ユーザビリティを考慮してログイン後の操作

        ユーザーをイライラさせないIn-App Walkthrough(アプリ初回起動時の説明スライド)の作り方 - 小さなごちそう
      • User Onboarding and Product Walkthrough Library | Intro.js

        Powerful User OnboardingBuilt to Increase AdoptionIntro.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating step-by-step and powerful customer onboarding tours

          User Onboarding and Product Walkthrough Library | Intro.js
        • Go Walkthrough: io

          Go is a programming language built for working with bytes. Whether you have lists of bytes, streams of bytes, or individual bytes, Go makes it easy to process. From these simple primitives we build our abstractions and services. The io package is one of the most fundamental packages within the standard library. It provides a set of interfaces and helpers for working with streams of bytes. This pos

            Go Walkthrough: io
          • Go Modules and Proxy Walkthrough


              Go Modules and Proxy Walkthrough
            • H.264 is magic: a technical walkthrough of a remarkable technology.

              H.264 is a video compression codec standard. It is ubiquitous - internet video, Blu-ray, phones, security cameras, drones, everything. Everything uses H.264 now. H.264 is a remarkable piece of technology. It is the result of 30+ years of work with one single goal: To reduce the bandwidth required for transmission of full-motion video. Technically, it is very interesting. This post will give insigh

                H.264 is magic: a technical walkthrough of a remarkable technology.
              • Logo Design Process and Walkthrough for Vivid Ways

                This post was originally published in 2009 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. I recently finished up a project with Scott McIntyre of Vivid Ways and Jon Phillip of Spyre Studios. My part in the project was to work on a new logo design for the Vivid Ways website and brand. Here’s my design process and a walkthrough of how the final logo is created in Adobe Illustrator. Vivid Ways is

                  Logo Design Process and Walkthrough for Vivid Ways
                • GameFAQs - Video Game Cheats and Walkthrough

                  Ask our Experts for help with a game. Questions are usually answered in under an hour!

                  • A Gentle Browserify Walkthrough - Pony Foo

                    A relevant ad will be displayed here soon. These ads help pay for my hosting. Please consider disabling your ad blocker on Pony Foo. These ads help pay for my hosting. Building modules for the front-end has become an increasingly easy problem to solve. Back in the nineties we had our Java applets, our <MARQUEE> and <BLINK> tag combinations, and those beloved <CENTER> tags. Oh and we were mostly de

                      A Gentle Browserify Walkthrough - Pony Foo
                    • Logo Design Project Step by Step Walkthrough

                      This post was originally published in 2008 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. A personal project I'm currently working on with a developer friend is a website called myNiteLife. As part of the overall design process one of the first jobs of the project was to develop a logo and brand for the website, follow this step by step documentation of the whole process of the logo design fro

                        Logo Design Project Step by Step Walkthrough
                      • Webcam Hacking - Technical Walkthrough | Ryan Pickren

                        This post contains the real BugPoC links used to report the bugs to Apple. Download Safari 13.0.4 if you want to check out the live demos that Apple used to reproduce the issues. The goal of this project is to hack the iOS/macOS webcam. All other vulnerabilities uncovered during this hunt are just bonus bugs. ​ Before I jump in, I want to start with a quote from an old colleague of mine - "Bug hun

                          Webcam Hacking - Technical Walkthrough | Ryan Pickren
                        • Arcade games - BioLabs Outbreak - Walkthrough, comments and more Free Web Games at FreeGamesNews.com

                          • Unity 4.3 - 2D Game Development Walkthrough

                            Update: Watch this video for an up to date walkthrough of our 2D features: https://youtu.be/vRPW3H4X9PE We take an in-depth look at how the 2D demo project was created to show off the new tools and workflows for 2D game development in Unity 4.3. More about Unity 4.3: http://bit.ly/unity43g The 2D Demo Project is available for download here - https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/11228

                              Unity 4.3 - 2D Game Development Walkthrough
                            • Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal — 48-minute walkthrough

                              Watch 48 minutes of official 2018 gameplay from Cyberpunk 2077 and get a glimpse into the world of perils and possibilities that is Night City — the most vibrant and dangerous metropolis of the future. This video contains work-in-progress gameplay — everything you see is potentially subject to change. -------- Cyberpunk 2077 is a narrative-driven, open world RPG from the creators of The Witche

                                Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal — 48-minute walkthrough
                              • Walkthrough: Create and use your own Dynamic Link Library (C++)

                                This step-by-step walkthrough shows how to use the Visual Studio IDE to create your own dynamic link library (DLL) written in Microsoft C++ (MSVC). Then it shows how to use the DLL from another C++ app. DLLs (also known as shared libraries in UNIX-based operating systems) are one of the most useful kinds of Windows components. You can use them as a way to share code and resources, and to shrink th

                                  Walkthrough: Create and use your own Dynamic Link Library (C++)
                                • FolioのイケてるWalkthrough画面のソースを読み解く - Qiita

                                  Folioというアプリをご存知でしょうか? FOLIO(フォリオ)とは、人工知能やドローンといったテーマを選んで株式投資をすることができる資産運用サービスです。 このアプリ、iOSアプリエンジニアとして有名な方々が開発に携わっています。 そんなFolioで使用されているUIのソースがこちらで公開されているので、その中のWalkthroughを本記事では見ていきます🙂 FolioのWalkthrough画面は初回起動時に表示される⬇️のような画面です🤗 画面の構成をみてみる ストーリーボードの構成は⬇️のようになっています。 簡単な図に起こしてみるとこんな感じです。 (下記の図では画面間のマージンは無視しています。マージンが0の箇所も、見やすさのためにあえて空けています。) 3つのスクロールビューがあり、それらが肝です。 Outer Scroll View:Viewを4つ持ちます。中のV

                                    FolioのイケてるWalkthrough画面のソースを読み解く - Qiita
                                  • マザー攻略 / Mother Walkthrough

                                    エンディングまで、泣くんじゃない。 約束しよう。熱いけど、さわやかな涙が、きっと流れる。昔話や神話なんかじゃなくて、これは、キミ自身みたいなキミが生きてゆく、愛と勇気と冒険の物語なんだ。そうしてすごした数週間(数日?数ケ月?)を、キミは、オトナになっても忘れない。すでにオトナのヒトには、またちょっと別の理由もあって、いっそう泣ける。名作って、そういうものなんだ。小学生からインテリ(頭の良いオトナ)まで。 『MOTHER』って、そういうR・P・Gなんだ。 コピーライターの糸井重里がゲームデザインを手掛けるコンピュータRPG『MOTHER』シリーズの第1作目。開発はパックスソフトニカとエイプが担当し、任天堂が1989年に発売した。任天堂にとっては本作が初のコマンド選択式のRPG作品となった。 MOTHER 1 Motherシリーズ Mother関連商品 PROLOGUE キャラLIST ROU

                                      マザー攻略 / Mother Walkthrough
                                    • Concepts Walkthrough — Chainer 7.8.1 documentation

                                      © Copyright 2015, Preferred Networks, inc. and Preferred Infrastructure, inc. Revision 536cda7c.

                                      • Pharo(Smalltalk環境)においてFizzBuzzを書くためのwalkthrough - Line 1: Error: Invalid Blog('by Esehara' )

                                        概要 Smalltalkという名前を聞いたことがある人はいるけれども、実際に触ったことのある人は少ないのではないだろうか。そういう人のために、今回はPharoを利用してFizzBuzzを書くことによって、文法と環境のひとめぐりしたことをメモしようと思う。 はじめに そういえば、世間的にはゴールデンウィークだけれども、そんなこと関係無いなと思いつつ、手元にある『Squeak入門』を読んだりしていた(たぶん、数あるプログラミング入門書の中で刺激的なものの一つであろうと僕は考えている)。 個人的にはSmalltalkは、プログラミング言語というよりも「プログラミング環境」に近く、そのプログラミングで遊ぶ過程については魅力がありながらも、実際に独力で書いてみるまでには至らなかった。 だが、今回は、自分で独力ながらにFizzBuzzを書いてみることによって、そのあたりを抑えていきたいなと思ったのが、

                                          Pharo(Smalltalk環境)においてFizzBuzzを書くためのwalkthrough - Line 1: Error: Invalid Blog('by Esehara' )
                                        • Walkthrough: Create and use your own Dynamic Link Library (C++)

                                          This step-by-step walkthrough shows how to use the Visual Studio IDE to create your own dynamic link library (DLL) written in Microsoft C++ (MSVC). Then it shows how to use the DLL from another C++ app. DLLs (also known as shared libraries in UNIX-based operating systems) are one of the most useful kinds of Windows components. You can use them as a way to share code and resources, and to shrink th

                                            Walkthrough: Create and use your own Dynamic Link Library (C++)
                                          • React Tutorial: An Overview and Walkthrough

                                            I've been hearing about React since I first started learning JavaScript, but I'll admit I took one look at it and it scared me. I saw what looked like a bunch of HTML mixed with JavaScript and thought, isn't this what we've been trying to avoid? What's the big deal with React? Instead, I focused on just learning vanilla JavaScript and working with jQuery in a professional setting. After a few frus

                                              React Tutorial: An Overview and Walkthrough
                                            • Zero-downtime Deployment (and Rollback) in Tomcat; a walkthrough and a checklist - Java Code Geeks

                                                Zero-downtime Deployment (and Rollback) in Tomcat; a walkthrough and a checklist - Java Code Geeks
                                              • FINAL FANTASY XV Walkthrough October 2014

                                                  FINAL FANTASY XV Walkthrough October 2014
                                                • LinuxCon 2015 Linux Kernel Networking Walkthrough

                                                  This presentation features a walk through the Linux kernel networking stack for users and developers. It will cover insights into both, existing essential networking features and recent developments and will show how to use them properly. Our starting point is the network card driver as it feeds a packet into the stack. We will follow the packet as it traverses through various subsystems such as p

                                                    LinuxCon 2015 Linux Kernel Networking Walkthrough
                                                  • Walkthrough: Compiling a Native C++ Program on the Command Line

                                                    Visual Studio includes a command-line C and C++ compiler. You can use it to create everything from basic console apps to Universal Windows Platform apps, Desktop apps, device drivers, and .NET components. In this walkthrough, you create a basic, "Hello, World"-style C++ program by using a text editor, and then compile it on the command line. If you'd like to try the Visual Studio IDE instead of us

                                                      Walkthrough: Compiling a Native C++ Program on the Command Line
                                                    • Shift walkthrough and game @ Flashninjaclan.com, 10 new games and walkthroughs every day

                                                      Exclusive  |  High Score  |  Action  |  Racing  |  Strategy  |  Sports  |  Shooting  |  Classic  |  Dress-up  |  Dating  |  Puzzle/skill  |  Misc

                                                      • How to install Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn) in OS X using Parallels - a complete walkthrough - Simplehelp

                                                        This in depth guide will take you every step of the way through installing Ubuntu Linux on your Mac, by way of VirtualBox – a free and outstanding program. Using this method you’ll be able to run Ubuntu and macOS at the same time! Please note: although this guide was initially authored in 2015, it has been updated (2020) to be current. The following guide uses Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS “Bionic Beaver”, b

                                                          How to install Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn) in OS X using Parallels - a complete walkthrough - Simplehelp
                                                        • NES ドラゴンバスター / Dragon Buster (walkthrough)

                                                          About this movie - Walkthrough movie

                                                            NES ドラゴンバスター / Dragon Buster (walkthrough)
                                                          • NES ドラゴンボール 神龍の謎 / Dragon Ball ShenLong No Nazo(walkthrough)

                                                            About this movie - Walkthrough movie - Manipulates luck

                                                              NES ドラゴンボール 神龍の謎 / Dragon Ball ShenLong No Nazo(walkthrough)
                                                            • Walkthrough for Portable Services

                                                              Portable Services with systemd v239 systemd v239 contains a great number of new features. One of them is first class support for Portable Services. In this blog story I'd like to shed some light on what they are and why they might be interesting for your application. What are "Portable Services"? The "Portable Service" concept takes inspiration from classic chroot() environments as well as contain

                                                              • GitHub - stackgl/glsl-lighting-walkthrough: :bulb: phong shading tutorial with glslify

                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                  GitHub - stackgl/glsl-lighting-walkthrough: :bulb: phong shading tutorial with glslify
                                                                • StrategyWiki, the free strategy guide and walkthrough wiki

                                                                  From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Welcome to StrategyWiki, a collaborative and freely-licensed wiki for all your video game strategy guide and walkthrough needs! The guides here can be edited by anyone, so feel free to jump in and improve something!

                                                                    StrategyWiki, the free strategy guide and walkthrough wiki
                                                                  • Walkthrough: Introducing Elm to a JS Web App

                                                                    When we introduced Elm to our production front-end at [NoRedInk](https://www.noredink.com/jobs), we knew what to expect: the productivity benefits of an incredibly well-built language, and the intrinsic risk of integrating a cutting-edge technology for the first time. Knowing these risks, we came up with a minimally invasive way to introduce Elm to our stack, which let us get a sense of its benefi

                                                                      Walkthrough: Introducing Elm to a JS Web App
                                                                    • Async IO in Python: A Complete Walkthrough – Real Python

                                                                      Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Hands-On Python 3 Concurrency With the asyncio Module Async IO is a concurrent programming design that has received dedicated support in Python, evolving rapidly from Python 3.4 through 3.7, and probably beyond. You may be thinking with dread

                                                                        Async IO in Python: A Complete Walkthrough – Real Python
                                                                      • Overcast 3: Design walkthrough – Marco.org

                                                                        I’m Marco Arment: a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast. February 20, 2017 ∞https://marco.org/2017/02/20/overcast3 Overcast 3 is now available, and it’s a huge update, mostly in the design and flow of the interface. I’ve been working on it since last summer, informed by over two years of testing, usage, and customer feedback. I designed Overcast 1.0 in 2014 for iOS 7, and it

                                                                          Overcast 3: Design walkthrough – Marco.org
                                                                        • Walkthrough: Deploying a Web Application Project Using a Web Deployment Package (Part 1 of 4)

                                                                          This is the first in a series of walkthroughs that illustrate how to deploy a Web application project by using a Web deployment package. In this series you will create a file system Web application project. You will first deploy it to your local computer for local IIS testing, and then deploy it to a staging server. The deployment package that you use to deploy to the staging server will be config

                                                                            Walkthrough: Deploying a Web Application Project Using a Web Deployment Package (Part 1 of 4)
                                                                          • NES Championship Lode Runner Stage01-10 (walkthrough)

                                                                            About this movie - Walkthrough movie

                                                                              NES Championship Lode Runner Stage01-10 (walkthrough)
                                                                            • Ruby 2.0 Walkthrough: The Best Bits

                                                                              A quick overview of a few of the best bits in Ruby 2.0.

                                                                                Ruby 2.0 Walkthrough: The Best Bits
                                                                              • 【DARQ】DLC第1弾 The Tower 初見で一気に攻略!無事に全クリ!神DLCでした。プレイした感想をご紹介!Horror Gameplay Walkthrough【ダーク/謎解きアクションアドベンチャー/ホラー】 - じゃがいもゲームブログ

                                                                                皆様こんにちは! 如何お過ごしでしょうか。 今回は、DARQのDLCを、全クリ目指して初見で一気に攻略しました! DARQのDLC第1弾 The Towerが、3月7日(土)の9:00に配信されました。今現在配信中です!なんとこのDLC、無料です! DLCは何回かに分けて配信されるそうですが、全て無料だそうです。凄すぎる。しかもクオリティがめちゃくちゃ高いんですよ。 今回無事に全クリ達成しましたので、DARQのDLC第1弾 The Towerをプレイした感想について、語ってみたいと思います。よろしくお願いします。 DARQ本編クリア時の感想はこちら↓ www.jagaimogameblog.com DARQのDLC第1弾はどうだった? どのくらいでクリアできるの? 難易度はどうなの?難しい? 日本語字幕はある? コントローラーが動作しないんだけど 総括 DARQのDLC第1弾はどうだった?

                                                                                  【DARQ】DLC第1弾 The Tower 初見で一気に攻略!無事に全クリ!神DLCでした。プレイした感想をご紹介!Horror Gameplay Walkthrough【ダーク/謎解きアクションアドベンチャー/ホラー】 - じゃがいもゲームブログ
                                                                                • Walkthrough: Creating Windows Desktop Applications (C++)

                                                                                  The latest version of this topic can be found at Walkthrough: Creating Windows Desktop Applications (C++). This walkthrough shows how to create a traditional Windows desktop application using the C language API that has been in existence since the 1990s. This is not the modern way to create Windows programs but it is still supported and there are many applications today that still use this API. Th

                                                                                    Walkthrough: Creating Windows Desktop Applications (C++)