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    Check out my new Patreon community, The Hotwire Club! Welcome to Better StimulusJS 🎉 An Opinionated Collection of StimulusJS Best Practices StimulusJS, the modest JavaScript framework by Basecamp is gaining widespread traction. It powers Basecamp and HEY, among others, and is a natural choice for Rails developers. That said, it fits any codebase that embraces server-side generated HTML and lightw

    • 5 Ways Apple Is Securing Your Device Right Now

      Apple devices are known for their high levels of security. If you’re worried about tracking, hacking, or malware, buying an Apple product is supposed to keep you safe from these threats. But what is it that makes Apple products different? Are they actually better designed? Or is just a side effect of better marketing? Here are five things about Apple devices that make them more secure. 1. A Closed

        5 Ways Apple Is Securing Your Device Right Now
      • Anti-vaccine rabbit hole leads to political representation: the case of Twitter in Japan - Journal of Computational Social Science

        The global spread of COVID-19 has highlighted the challenge posed by anti-vaccine attitudes. Despite scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of vaccines in reducing the severity and mortality rates of COVID-19 infections, a significant segment of the population remains hesitant about or completely resistant to vaccination. This vocal minority presents a significant obstacle to public h

          Anti-vaccine rabbit hole leads to political representation: the case of Twitter in Japan - Journal of Computational Social Science
        • Version 100 in Chrome and Firefox – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

          Chrome and Firefox will reach version 100 in a couple of months. This has the potential to cause breakage on sites that rely on identifying the browser version to perform business logic.  This post covers the timeline of events, the strategies that Chrome and Firefox are taking to mitigate the impact, and how you can help. User-Agent string User-Agent (UA) is a string that browsers send in HTTP he

            Version 100 in Chrome and Firefox – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
          • NotGitBleed - TL;DR

            NotGitBleed - TL;DR Due to configuration errors or human error, significant numbers of people may have accidentally checked GitHub credentials into GitHub commits as metadata, most commonly a username as the author name and a password in the email address field. We estimate in the region of 50,000 to 100,0001 user credentials may have been affected covering a wide range of organisations including

            • Could an AI experiment called project Q* be the reason for the OpenAI meltdown?

              In the past week, a chaotic battle has played out at one of Silicon Valley's foremost tech companies over the future of artificial intelligence. On one side were the men who hold the keys to some of the most advanced generative AI in the world, backed by multi-billion-dollar investors. On the other were a handful of entrepreneurs who fear these systems could bring an end to humanity if the industr

                Could an AI experiment called project Q* be the reason for the OpenAI meltdown?
              • Dario Amodei — Machines of Loving Grace

                Machines of Loving Grace1 How AI Could Transform the World for the Better October 2024 I think and talk a lot about the risks of powerful AI. The company I’m the CEO of, Anthropic, does a lot of research on how to reduce these risks. Because of this, people sometimes draw the conclusion that I’m a pessimist or “doomer” who thinks AI will be mostly bad or dangerous. I don’t think that at all. In fa

                  Dario Amodei — Machines of Loving Grace
                • M2 Pro搭載Mac miniでパケロスが大量発生するという問題が報告される、症状を改善するには?

                  2023年1月に突如発表されたAppleの新型SoCである「M2 Pro」を搭載した新型Mac miniが、2023年2月3日に発売されました。このM2 Pro搭載Mac miniでパケットロスが大量発生するという問題を、ユーザーが報告しています。 M2 Pro Ethernet issues? | MacRumors Forums https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/m2-pro-ethernet-issues.2378455/ Widespread ethernet issues reported on new M2 Pro Mac mini | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34874276 2023年1月17日、Appleは発表イベントなどは行わずに次世代SoCの「M2 Pro

                    M2 Pro搭載Mac miniでパケロスが大量発生するという問題が報告される、症状を改善するには?
                  • 【和訳あり】VOAの「News Words: Infodemic」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                    VOAの「News Words: Infodemic」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル3(★★★☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 英語でニュースを聞けるようになりたい! 英字新聞をすらすら読めるようになりたい! などなど。 憧れますよね。 でも実際に挑戦してみると、 ニュースを見たけどまったく聞き取れない。 英字新聞が呪文にしか見えない。 どうしたら聞き取れるようになるの? ほんとにこんな英語ばかりの新聞読めるの? などそのハードルの高さに圧倒されるかもしれません。 私は英語ニュース、英字新聞を聞くと眠たくなります。 そんな私でも、英語ニュース、英字新聞を読むために取り組むことができる方法がいくつかあります。 この記事では、その方法のひとつとして、VOAを活用した学習方法をご紹介します

                      【和訳あり】VOAの「News Words: Infodemic」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                    • fltech - 富士通研究所の技術ブログ

                      こんにちは、人工知能研究所のLei Liuです。今日はFujitsu Kozuchi に搭載されているFujitsu Auto Data Wranglingについてご紹介します。 続きを読む Hello, I'm Lei Liu from our Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Today, I would like to introduce an exciting new AI core engine - Fujitsu Auto Data Wrangling – which is now available from Fujitsu Kozuchi. 続きを読む Hello. I am Fukuda from the Fujitsu AI laboratory. Fujitsu provides advanced AI technology th

                        fltech - 富士通研究所の技術ブログ
                      • Shortening the Let's Encrypt Chain of Trust

                        When Let’s Encrypt first launched, we needed to ensure that our certificates were widely trusted. To that end, we arranged to have our intermediate certificates cross-signed by IdenTrust’s DST Root CA X3. This meant that all certificates issued by those intermediates would be trusted, even while our own ISRG Root X1 wasn’t yet. During subsequent years, our Root X1 became widely trusted on its own.

                          Shortening the Let's Encrypt Chain of Trust
                        • Nobel Peace Prize: Japanese atomic bomb survivors Nihon Hidankyo win

                          Co-chair Toshiyuki Mimaki, who survived the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, was tearful after it was announced Nihon Hidankyo had won Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese group of atomic bomb survivors, has won the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. Known as hibakusha, the survivors of the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been recognised by the Norwegian Nobel Committee for efforts to rid the world of nu

                            Nobel Peace Prize: Japanese atomic bomb survivors Nihon Hidankyo win
                          • ES Modules are terrible, actually

                            es-modules-are-terrible-actually.md ES Modules are terrible, actually This post was adapted from an earlier Twitter thread. It's incredible how many collective developer hours have been wasted on pushing through the turd that is ES Modules (often mistakenly called "ES6 Modules"). Causing a big ecosystem divide and massive tooling support issues, for... well, no reason, really. There are no actual

                              ES Modules are terrible, actually
                            • 町山智浩『コレクティブ』を語る

                              町山智浩さんが2021年4月13日放送のTBSラジオ『たまむすび』の中でアカデミー賞にノミネートされたルーマニアのドキュメンタリー映画『コレクティブ』を紹介していました。 Catalin Tolontan, whose investigative work provides the spine of the Oscar-nominated documentary #Collective, initially turned down director Alexander Nanau’s offer to capture him at work as he sought to expose widespread fraud and corruption. https://t.co/UpvDbU7eP6 pic.twitter.com/d9r6lybJIc — Variety (@Variety

                              • The faces from China’s Uyghur detention camps

                                Thousands of photographs from the heart of China’s highly secretive system of mass incarceration in Xinjiang, as well as a shoot-to-kill policy for those who try to escape, are among a huge cache of data hacked from police computer servers in the region. The Xinjiang Police Files, as they’re being called, were passed to the BBC earlier this year. After a months-long effort to investigate and authe

                                  The faces from China’s Uyghur detention camps
                                • Ridge Alkonis: The sailor who stoked Japanese resentment against the US

                                  A photo of a smiling Ridge Alkonis sitting with his family in a car after his release When the story of Ridge Alkonis first broke on 29 May 2021, it did not initially attract much attention in Japan. The US Navy officer had killed two Japanese citizens in a car accident during a trip to Mount Fuji - the victims were an 85-year-old woman and her son-in-law, aged 54. After pleading guilty to neglige

                                    Ridge Alkonis: The sailor who stoked Japanese resentment against the US
                                  • GIMP - Development release GIMP 2.99.2 is out

                                    The new unstable version of GIMP, 2.99.2, marks the first step towards GIMP 3 based on the GTK3 user interface toolkit. Release highlights: GTK3-based user interface, with native support for Wayland and HiDPI displays. Major refactoring and cleanup Multiple layers selection More (color) space invasion Render caching available for better performance New plug-in API Plugins now possible with Python

                                      GIMP - Development release GIMP 2.99.2 is out
                                    • Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024

                                      Cloudflare incident on June 27, 20242024-07-04 On June 27, 2024, a small number of users globally may have noticed that was unreachable or degraded. The root cause was a mix of BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) hijacking and a route leak. Cloudflare was an early adopter of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for route origin validation (ROV). With RPKI, IP prefix owners can store

                                        Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024
                                      • Un-remembering the Massacre: How Japan’s “History Wars” are Challenging Research Integrity Domestically and Abroad - Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

                                        Title: Un-remembering the Massacre: How Japan’s “History Wars” are Challenging Research Integrity Domestically and Abroad Current controversies surrounding the memory of a 1923 massacre of Koreans in and around Tokyo provide a starting point for examining the rise of historical denialism in Japan. The past two decades have witnessed the growing influence of small Japanese lobby groups who use tech

                                          Un-remembering the Massacre: How Japan’s “History Wars” are Challenging Research Integrity Domestically and Abroad - Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
                                        • The 2020 Developer Survey results are here! - Stack Overflow

                                          Depending on how you count it, this is the 10th year Stack Overflow has been conducting its annual developer survey. The software industry has changed substantially over the last decade, but it’s also true that no single technology has been quite as disruptive, at least in the short term, as the public health crisis the entire world is experiencing right now. The results of this survey reflect the

                                            The 2020 Developer Survey results are here! - Stack Overflow
                                          • How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog

                                            No trial. No credit card required. Just your GitHub account. Several weeks ago, the .NET Blog featured a post What is .NET, and why should you choose it?. It provided a high-level overview of the platform, summarizing various components and design decisions, and promising more in-depth posts on the covered areas. This post is the first such follow-up, deep-diving into the history leading to, the d

                                              How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog
                                            • 【和訳あり】VOAの「News Words: Plague」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                              VOAの「News Words: Plague」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル3(★★★☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 英語でニュースを聞けるようになりたい! 英字新聞をすらすら読めるようになりたい! などなど。 憧れますよね。 でも実際に挑戦してみると、 ニュースを見たけどまったく聞き取れない。 英字新聞が呪文にしか見えない。 どうしたら聞き取れるようになるの? ほんとにこんな英語ばかりの新聞読めるの? などそのハードルの高さに圧倒されるかもしれません。 私は英語ニュース、英字新聞を聞くと眠たくなります。 そんな私でも、英語ニュース、英字新聞を読むために取り組むことができる方法がいくつかあります。 この記事では、その方法のひとつとして、VOAを活用した学習方法をご紹介します。 実

                                                【和訳あり】VOAの「News Words: Plague」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                              • The OpenSSL punycode vulnerability (CVE-2022-3602): Overview, detection, exploitation, and remediation | Datadog Security Labs

                                                emerging vulnerabilities The OpenSSL punycode vulnerability (CVE-2022-3602): Overview, detection, exploitation, and remediation November 1, 2022 emerging vulnerability On November 1, 2022, the OpenSSL Project released a security advisory detailing a high-severity vulnerability in the OpenSSL library. Deployments of OpenSSL from 3.0.0 to 3.0.6 (included) are vulnerable and are fixed in version 3.0.

                                                  The OpenSSL punycode vulnerability (CVE-2022-3602): Overview, detection, exploitation, and remediation | Datadog Security Labs
                                                • 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大に伴う「雑誌記事索引データベース ざっさくプラス」無償公開のご案内 | 皓星社(こうせいしゃ) 図書出版とデータベース

                                                  いつも当社ウェブサイトをご覧くださり、有難うございます。 この度当社は、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で、休館等により図書館を利用できない学生・研究者・文筆業の皆様の学習と研究を支援するため、「雑誌記事索引データベース ざっさくプラス」を無償公開することといたしました。当データベースと連携する「20世紀メディア情報データベース」につきましても、運営のNPOインテリジェンス研究所・山本武利代表のご厚意を賜り連携機能を開放します。 本データベースは、通常、契約図書館様を通じて利用するものです。今回の無償公開は、あくまで期間限定の例外的措置となりますが、どうぞご自宅のパソコン、スマートフォン等でご活用ください。 ご契約図書館様におかれましては、ご契約期間に無償公開期間が重なってしまいますが、不自由な状況下で地道な研究活動を続けておられる皆様に、多少なりとも便宜を図らせて頂きたく、無償公開を決断し

                                                  • IPv6アドレスにおける「インターフェース識別子」という名称の謎とModified EUI-64によるIPv6アドレス生成:Geekなぺーじ

                                                    TOP > ブログ > IPv6アドレスにおける「インターフェース識別子」という名称の謎とModified EUI-64によるIPv6アドレス生成 ユニキャストおよびエニーキャストのIPv6アドレスの下位ビットには「インターフェース識別子」という名称がついています。さて、このインターフェース識別子ですが、なんで、インターフェース識別子という名前なのでしょうか? インターフェースを識別するという名前です。 問題は、どの範囲で、どう識別するのか、です。 これ、実はインターネット全体です。 インターフェース識別子は、本来はサブネット内で一意であれば良いはずのものですが、IPv6の仕様として、インターフェース識別子をインターネット全体で一意にするといった要素も含まれていました。 このことから、インターフェース識別子という名前は、インターネット全体を範囲としてインターフェースを識別することも視野に入

                                                    • Small Mailserver Best Current Practices

                                                      (This post was originally written as a reply on the mailop mailing-list, but a friend asked me to turn it into a blog post. I’ve edited it, mostly adding more links to elsewhere, but there are some additions here.) Context: someone with a mail-server hosted in a German facility with a poor reputation for handling abuse reports was asking for help on sending email to their Gmail-using friends; they

                                                      • Podman vs Docker: Comparing the Two Containerization Tools

                                                        Estamos traduciendo nuestros guías y tutoriales al Español. Es posible que usted esté viendo una traducción generada automáticamente. Estamos trabajando con traductores profesionales para verificar las traducciones de nuestro sitio web. Este proyecto es un trabajo en curso. Containers offer you powerful tools for developing and deploying applications. They give you distinct and portable virtual en

                                                          Podman vs Docker: Comparing the Two Containerization Tools
                                                        • PostgreSQL reconsiders its process-based model [LWN.net]

                                                          In the fast-moving open-source world, programs can come and go quickly; a tool that has many users today can easily be eclipsed by something better next week. Even in this environment, though, some programs endure for a long time. As an example, consider the PostgreSQL database system, which traces its history back to 1986. Making fundamental changes to a large code base with that much history is

                                                          • 人々のインフレ理解 - himaginary’s diary

                                                            というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「People's Understanding of Inflation」で、著者はAlberto Binetti(ボッコーニ大)、Francesco Nuzzi(ハーバード大)、Stefanie Stantcheva(同)。 以下はその要旨。 This paper studies people's understanding of inflation—their perceived causes, consequences, trade-offs—and the policies supported to mitigate its effects. We design a new, detailed online survey based on the rich existing literature in economics

                                                              人々のインフレ理解 - himaginary’s diary
                                                            • Resurgence of covid-19 in Japan

                                                              News & Views Resurgence of covid-19... Resurgence of covid-19 in Japan Editorials Resurgence of covid-19 in Japan BMJ 2020; 370 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3221 (Published 18 August 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3221 Kazuki Shimizu, researcher1 2, George Wharton, senior lecturer in practice1, Haruka Sakamoto, project researcher3, Elias Mossialos, Brian Abel-Smith professor of health poli

                                                                Resurgence of covid-19 in Japan
                                                              • SSID Confusion Attack WiFi Vulnerability (CVE-2023-52424)

                                                                Simon Migliano is a recognized world expert in VPNs. He's tested hundreds of VPN services and his research has featured on the BBC, The New York Times and more. Read full bio A new vulnerability arising from a design flaw in the WiFi standard allows attackers to trick victims into connecting to less secure networks and intercept their traffic. Additionally, the attack can exploit the auto-disconne

                                                                  SSID Confusion Attack WiFi Vulnerability (CVE-2023-52424)
                                                                • Encoding data for POST requests

                                                                  Right now, when you go to copilot.github.com you're greeted with this example: async function isPositive(text) { const response = await fetch(`http://text-processing.com/api/sentiment/`, { method: 'POST', body: `text=${text}`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, }); const json = await response.json(); return json.label === 'pos'; } This is bad and might result in sec

                                                                    Encoding data for POST requests
                                                                  • 「パンデミックは18カ月以上続き何度も波がある」可能性をアメリカ政府が予測していたことが判明

                                                                    トランプ大統領は2020年3月14日に国家非常事態を宣言しましたが、同日付の文書で「パンデミックが18カ月以上続く」と警告を行っていたことが、ニューヨーク・タイムズが公開した文書から明らかになりました。文書ではパンデミックにおける医薬品の供給不足やインフラへの影響について言及されています。 PanCAP Adapted U . S. Government COVID - 19 Response Plan (PDFファイル)https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6819-covid-19-response-plan/d367f758bec47cad361f/optimized/full.pdf U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread Shortages - The Ne

                                                                    • 2024-02-25 a history of the tty

                                                                      >>> 2024-02-25 a history of the tty (PDF) It's one of those anachronisms that is deeply embedded in modern technology. From cloud operator servers to embedded controllers in appliances, there must be uncountable devices that think they are connected to a TTY. I will omit the many interesting details of the Linux terminal infrastructure here, as it could easily fill its own article. But most Linux

                                                                        2024-02-25 a history of the tty
                                                                      • Special Report: Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars

                                                                        Private camera recordings, captured by cars, were shared in chat rooms: ex-workersCirculated clips included one of child being hit by car: ex-employeesTesla says recordings made by vehicle cameras ‘remain anonymous’One video showed submersible vehicle from James Bond film, owned by Elon Musk LONDON/SAN FRANCISCO, April 6 (Reuters) - Tesla Inc assures its millions of electric car owners that their

                                                                          Special Report: Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars
                                                                        • 出席番号が遅いほど成績が低くなる現象が報告される

                                                                          採点者が連続して課題を採点すると、後になるほど低い点数を付ける傾向にあることがわかりました。大抵はアルファベット順で採点されるため、結果としてアルファベット順で後ろに並ぶ人ほど点数が低くなり、平均0.6点ほどの差が生まれてしまうそうです。 30 Million Canvas Grading Records Reveal Widespread Sequential Bias and System-Induced Surname Initial Disparity by Zhihan (Helen) Wang, Jiaxin Pei, Jun Li :: SSRN https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4603146 Study: Alphabetical order of surnames may affect grading

                                                                          • WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

                                                                            Today, we are excited to announce the release of Safari 16.0 for iOS 16, macOS Monterey and macOS Big Sur. This release contains quite a few new web technologies that web developers can use to make their sites and web apps even better. To update to Safari 16.0 on macOS Monterey and macOS Big Sur, go to System Preferences → Software Update → More info. To update to Safari 16.0 on iOS, install iOS 1

                                                                              WebKit Features in Safari 16.0
                                                                            • 18-956 Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. (04/05/2021)

                                                                              1 (Slip Opinion) OCTOBER TERM, 2020 Syllabus NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued. The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S

                                                                              • Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 | Science

                                                                                Respiratory infections occur through the transmission of virus-containing droplets (>5 to 10 µm) and aerosols (≤5 µm) exhaled from infected individuals during breathing, speaking, coughing, and sneezing. Traditional respiratory disease control measures are designed to reduce transmission by droplets produced in the sneezes and coughs of infected individuals. However, a large proportion of the spre

                                                                                  Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 | Science
                                                                                • Announcing Rust 1.60.0 | Rust Blog

                                                                                  The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.60.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.60.0 with: $ rustup update stable If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes

                                                                                    Announcing Rust 1.60.0 | Rust Blog