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  • Netflix Jobs

    Netflix Culture MemoWork Life PhilosophyInclusion & DiversityVideoPodcastBlog At Netflix, we aspire to entertain the world, thrilling audiences everywhere. To do that, we’ve developed an unusual company culture focused on excellence, and creating an environment where talented people can thrive — lifting ourselves, each other and our audiences higher and higher. This document is about that culture,

      Netflix Jobs
    • DAO:分散自立型組織の革命とその全貌に迫る|Go

      DAOに限らず、様々なテック企業や業界の分析をしているメディアですので、ぜひ原文やThe Generalistを購読することをおすすめします。 著者のMario GabrieleさんのTwitter ↓ DAOs are absorbing the internet. This is true across dimensions: • Talent. Home for the internet's most gifted • Capital. Controlling billions in digital assets • Social capital. Where bright minds meet & collab • Culture. Defining cyber culture Gm, and let's begin 🧵 pic.twitter.com/5etEk4S5Y9 —

      • The Engineer/Manager Pendulum

        charity.wtf charity wtf's about technology, databases, startups, engineering management, and whiskey. Lately I’ve been doing some career counseling for people off Twitter (long story). The central drama for many people goes something like this: “I’m a senior engineer, but I’m thinking about being a manager. I really like engineering, but I feel like I’m just solving the same problems over and over

          The Engineer/Manager Pendulum
        • Hi, I'm Jay and this is my website

          My name is Jay and I build things, mostly using computers, sometimes using legos or power tools. I have four amazing kids and an awesome wife. When not doing work-like things, I've backpacked Europe (twice), hiked the Appalachian trail, and biked the Camino de Santiago. I originally wrote this memo to add to the onboarding flow of a previous company. This is a draft of the unspoken assumptions we

          • A Message from Co-Founder and CEO Brian Chesky

            Earlier today, Airbnb Co-Founder and CEO Brian Chesky sent the following note to Airbnb employees. This is my seventh time talking to you from my house. Each time we’ve talked, I’ve shared good news and bad news, but today I have to share some very sad news. When you’ve asked me about layoffs, I’ve said that nothing is off the table. Today, I must confirm that we are reducing the size of the Airbn

              A Message from Co-Founder and CEO Brian Chesky
            • haha.nu - interesting findings over the net » Blog Archive » Seamless pictures

              NotNSFW, haha.nu's newest sister Discover haha.nu. See The Best of haha.nu for year 2006 Show us your love and join our Facebook Seamless pictures Wednesday, May 17th, 2006. And it is _amazing, _beautiful, artwork By Rob Gonsalves. Seamless pictures series. Besides having great wedding pictures taken at your wedding, you might want to think about what kind of wedding cameras you are using. Wi

              • Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: December 2016 - Festive Christmas Edition — Smashing Magazine

                In this post, Vitaly Friedman features desktop artwork for December 2016. Each Christmas wallpaper comes in versions with and without a calendar and can be downloaded for free. Now you only need to decide on your favorite! This monthly wallpapers mission has been going on for eight years now, so we added a little Christmas wallpaper best-of at the bottom of this post with some of the most cheerful

                  Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: December 2016 - Festive Christmas Edition — Smashing Magazine
                • 安価な NFC タグで秘密情報を安全に携行する試み : DSAS開発者の部屋

                  はじめに 最近 NFC まわりの調査と実験を行っています。切り口が多く奥の深い技術ですが、NFC タグ製品について調べている過程で現在もっとも広く出回っている NXP Semiconductors 製の「NTAG21x」シリーズ (ISO/IEC 14443 Type A: MIFARE Ultralight) に実装されている興味深いアクセス制御機構を知りました。 NTAG213_215_216: NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant IC with 144/504/888 bytes user memory - www.nxp.com データシート (PDF) NFC タグの一般的な「手軽さ」とは裏腹に、扱いを誤るとタグがあっさり使用不能になるリスクと背中合わせであるためか今のところこの機構に言及した記事やアプリケーションはあまり見かけません。しかし、仕様を理解

                    安価な NFC タグで秘密情報を安全に携行する試み : DSAS開発者の部屋
                  • Optimising the front end for the browser | HackerNoon

                    Too Long; Didn't ReadIf you looked up optimisation (or optimization for our American readers) in the dictionary it would say something along the lines of <em>Making the most of what we’ve got</em>. If you looked up optimisation (or optimization for our American readers) in the dictionary it would say something along the lines of Making the most of what we’ve got. A worthy endeavour and challenge a

                      Optimising the front end for the browser | HackerNoon
                    • Hi, I'm Jay and this is my website

                      My name is Jay and I build things, mostly using computers, sometimes using legos or power tools. I have four amazing kids and an awesome wife. When not doing work-like things, I've backpacked Europe (twice), hiked the Appalachian trail, and biked the Camino de Santiago. I originally wrote this memo to add to the onboarding flow of a previous company. This is a draft of the unspoken assumptions we

                      • Tagaholic - Boson - Command Your Ruby Universe

                        Introducing Boson, a command/task framework that could change how you collect and execute your ruby code. Sure, there’s rake, thor and a dozen other gems. But how many will let you create a universe of ruby commands you can run from the commandline and irb? Spinning On Feel free to follow Boson on the Hub and to install it: $ gem install boson boson-more $ echo "require 'boson/more'" >> ~/.bosonrc

                        • 英語で名言を:私は不可能にあこがれる人が大好きだ。(ゲーテ) - tsuputon's blog

                          Piet Mondrian: De Molen May.28.2018 ここ一週間ほど,自分の中で, 体力は十分だし気力もあるのだけれど, 何かが足りない,何かが足りない… という内なる声が聞こえ, 柄にもなく鬱々と過ごしていました 昨日そのボリュームがマックスとなり, いったいこれはなんだろう? と思っていましたら… 今朝目覚めとともに答えが出ました ゲーテです! 小生にとりまして, 学生時代から,ピカソと岡本太郎氏に並び, 時折触れずには精神バランスが保てない存在, それがゲーテです 常に太陽のごとく発光していて, 決してこちらのエネルギーを吸い取ることもなく, 与える一方のことばの数々… 全くもって個人的趣味ではありますが, 本日はゲーテでエネルギーチャージすべき日だ と確信しましたので, 彼の名言のいくつかをご紹介したいと思います (和文拙訳) tsuputon7.hatenabl

                            英語で名言を:私は不可能にあこがれる人が大好きだ。(ゲーテ) - tsuputon's blog
                          • home - My Blog

                            Win링크성형외과 ter season can ruin your skin’s health and wellness! Locate the very best pointers righ리쥬란힐러 t here. The winter season is the most awful time for our skin, especially if you struggle with dry skin. Througho리쥬란힐러 ut this time around of the year, the cool air takes dampness from your skin, creating it to become completely dry, itchy, as well 리쥬란 as irritable. Under such conditions, the maj

                              home - My Blog
                            • Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war | Yuval Noah Harari

                              Less than a week into the war, it seems increasingly likely that Vladimir Putin is heading towards a historic defeat. He may win all the battles but still lose the war. Putin’s dream of rebuilding the Russian empire has always rested on the lie that Ukraine isn’t a real nation, that Ukrainians aren’t a real people, and that the inhabitants of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv yearn for Moscow’s rule. That’s

                                Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war | Yuval Noah Harari
                              • Listen To Your Body: What Food Cravings Are Telling You

                                Learning to Listen To Your Body: What Food Cravings Are Really Trying to Tell You Posted by admin on August 27, 2013 in Health, Herbs, Higher Consciousness, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Self Improvement · 12 Comments HJ: While you might not know the specific nutrient makeup of the foods you eat, your body absolutely does.  Beyond speaking to the incredible, innate intelligence of our cel

                                  Listen To Your Body: What Food Cravings Are Telling You
                                • Gold and silver ira company

                                  Finding Your Best Portable Hot Tub In the realm of relaxation and also rejuvenation, few luxuries match the blissful penetrate a hot tub. And when it pertains to comfort as well as flexibility, portable hot tub become the ultimate answer. However amidst the myriad of choices, finding the best portable hot tub adapted to your necessities can be a daunting job. Fear not, for in this particular thoro

                                    Gold and silver ira company
                                  • Nokia 8800 ringtones [in honor of Ryuichi Sakamoto]

                                    RIP Ryuichi Sakamoto 1952-2023 Here is a video compilation consisting of all of the ringtones and alerts on or related to the Nokia 8800, released in 2005. These included preloaded tones, as well as ones exclusive to the bundled software CD, WAP site, and website. All of these were composed by Ryuichi Sakamoto, except for the three unused CD-exclusive MIDI ringtones that are leftovers from the N

                                      Nokia 8800 ringtones [in honor of Ryuichi Sakamoto]
                                    • Thoughts on Israel and Gaza

                                      It’s been 17 days since Hamas launched its horrific attack against Israel, killing over 1,400 Israeli citizens, including defenseless women, children and the elderly. In the aftermath of such unspeakable brutality, the U.S. government and the American people have shared in the grief of families, prayed for the return of loved ones, and rightly declared solidarity with the Israeli people. As I stat

                                        Thoughts on Israel and Gaza
                                      • ものづくり、の本質:An Agile Way:オルタナティブ・ブログ

                                        いくつかブログやらメールやらを見ていて、今年の思いを固めている。「つくる」ことの本質は何だろう、それは、「おもう」ことと関係しているのではないか、というのが今年のテーマです。 本日のGrady Booch のブログのクオートより; If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea. -- Saint-Exupery 船を作ろうと思ったら、人々に材料を集め、作業を分割し、指示を与えようとしてはならない。最初にすべきことは、果て無き広大な海への憧れを語ることだ。 -- サンテクジュペリ 昨日のAlistair Cockburn の

                                          ものづくり、の本質:An Agile Way:オルタナティブ・ブログ
                                        • wordpressで非公開コミュニティサイトを作る(6) bbpress1.0αのテーマカスタマイズ - atl*weblog

                                          無事導入できたbbpresws、次はこれを通常のwordpress同様にカスタムしていく方法を見ていく。 wordpressとbbpressの完全な統合 前回やった連携・統合というのは、ログインとユーザー情報を共有させる基本的なものだった。 けどwordpress及びbbpressを利用してあれこれ作りたい人にとって本来欲しい統合とは、テンプレートタグやAPIの統合だったんじゃないだろうか。 wordpressで作ったサイト内の1コンテンツとして、bbpressを利用したforumsがあり、それら全てのコンテンツで共通したヘッダーやフッダーが表示される、そこにはグローバルメニューがあり、メニューはwordpressのテンプレートタグからカテゴリーリストを取得している…みたいな。 俺も以前いじった時はそれがやりたくて、あれこれ調べた結果、以下の記事に載っている方法でそれを再現する事が出来た。

                                          • GeoGuessr- The Top Tips, Tricks and Techniques

                                            This article is regularly updated with new tips, tricks and techniques. GeoGuessr Modes Fundamental Techniques Highway Numbering Systems General Clues Meta License Plates Languages How To Identify Every Country In North America How To Identify Every Country In Europe How To Identify Every Country In Oceania How To Identify Every Country In Africa How To Identify Every Country In Asia How To Identi

                                              GeoGuessr- The Top Tips, Tricks and Techniques
                                            • Steve Jobs at Macworld: "We come from different worlds"

                                              Steve Jobs gave one of his best Macworld keynotes Tuesday in San Francisco in spite of a very minor technical glitch — a clicker problem that he recovered from well — and a seven-minute snoozefest by one of his honorable guest speakers. I've broken my comments on Steve's latest keynote into at least two post. I will not comment on the content of the presentation except to say that Steve was smart

                                              • Series 01 Episode 01 – Pilot Episode

                                                Scene: A corridor at a sperm bank. Sheldon: So if a photon is directed through a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed it will not go through both slits. If it’s unobserved it will, however, if it’s observed after it’s left the plane but before it hits its target, it will not have gone through both slits. Leonard: Agreed, what’s your point? Sheldon: There’s no point, I just think

                                                  Series 01 Episode 01 – Pilot Episode
                                                • React Server Side Rendering With Node And Express — Smashing Magazine

                                                  Web applications are highly interactive, dynamic and performant, while websites are informational and less transient. This very rough categorization provides us with a starting point, from which to apply development and design patterns. In this article, Dmitry Nutels will show you examples that will get you to the point of being able to be a better judge of how, in your particular application, a s

                                                    React Server Side Rendering With Node And Express — Smashing Magazine
                                                  • Why is English so weirdly different from other languages? | Aeon Essays

                                                    English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with learning it non-natively. The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a nightmare. In countries where English isn’t spoken, there is no such thing as a ‘spelling bee’ competition. For a normal language, spelling at least pretends a basic correspondence to the way people pronounce the words

                                                      Why is English so weirdly different from other languages? | Aeon Essays
                                                    • Python Threads and the Global Interpreter Lock — jesse noller

                                                      There are a plethora of mechanisms and technologies surrounding concurrent programming -- Python has support for many of them. In this article we will explain, examine, and benchmark Python's threading support, and discuss the much maligned Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). This is a reprint of a featured article I wrote for Python Magazine that was published in the December 2007 issue. This article

                                                      • [:ja]日本はインスピレーションが得られる国|過去記事[:en]Japan - an Inspirational Nation | Past Articles[:] | Hiragana Times

                                                        [:ja] [2015年7月号掲載記事] まんが家 オーサ・イェークストロムさん 「まんが家にとって日本はインスピレーションが得られる国です」とスウェーデン人のオーサ・イェークストロムさんは言います。オーサさんは日本での生活を4コマまんがに描いてブログで発信しました。ブログは人気が出て本になりました。続編の出版も決まっています。 オーサさんは13歳のときスウェーデンで日本のアニメ番組「美少女戦士セーラームーン」を見てファンになりました。「女性がヒロインで、かっこよく戦うところにひかれました。主人公が精神的に成長していく点も、深みがあっていいと思いました」と言います。日本のまんが「ベルサイユのばら」もフランス語版を入手して辞書を引きながら読みました。 オーサさんはまんが家を志して勉強を始め、2007年に来日して9ヵ月滞在しました。「日本語学校に通ったのですが、日本語を話せるようにはなりません

                                                        • Seamless pictures | haha.nu - a lifestyle blogzine

                                                          NotNSFW, haha.nu's newest sister Discover haha.nu. See The Best of haha.nu for year 2006 Show us your love and join our Facebook Seamless pictures Wednesday, May 17th, 2006. And it is _amazing, _beautiful, artwork By Rob Gonsalves. Seamless pictures series. Besides having great wedding pictures taken at your wedding, you might want to think about what kind of wedding cameras you are using. Wi

                                                          • The 41 Places to Go in 2011 (Published 2011)

                                                            From the beaches of Mexico to the wilds of Kurdistan, the places on this year’s list take you to the end of the world and back. 1. Santiago, Chile Undaunted by an earthquake, a city embraces modern culture. Less than a year after an 8.8-magnitude earthquake wreaked havoc in Chile, its capital, Santiago, has largely recovered, the economy continues to grow, and tourism is in an upswing. Though the

                                                              The 41 Places to Go in 2011 (Published 2011)
                                                            • WordPressの.htaccessを編集する場合の注意

                                                              WordPressでパーマリンクの設定などを行うと、WordPressのルートディレクトリに存在する.htaccessを、WordPressが自動的に書き換えてくれます。 利用している側は.htaccessを意識せずともURLの改変が行えるので非常に便利なのですが、別途mod_rewriteなどの設定を追加で記載したい場合、WordPressが勝手に上書きしてしまったりするため、気付いたら追加していた部分が消えてしまう場合があります。 WordPressを利用している場合は、下記のように #BEGIN WordPress ~ #END WordPress に囲まれている部分以外に記載することで、自動的な上書きを防ぐことができます。 Before feedのURLをindex.rdfとしてリダイレクトさせている場合、以下だと自動的に上書きされる危険があります。 # BEGIN WordPre

                                                              • Why Mathematicians Are Hoarding This Special Type of Japanese Chalk

                                                                This spring, an 80-year-old Japanese chalk company went out of business. Nobody, perhaps, was as sad to see the company go as mathematicians who had become obsessed with Hagoromo Fulltouch Chalk, the so-called “Rolls Royce of chalk.” With whiteboards and now computers taking over classrooms, the company’s demise seemed to mark the end of an era. Being neither a mathematician nor a chalk artist, I

                                                                  Why Mathematicians Are Hoarding This Special Type of Japanese Chalk
                                                                • Why paper is the real 'killer app'

                                                                  A return to traditional techniques by the digitally savvy has helped boost sales of stationery (Credit: Getty Images) With apps taking over our lives, there’s a movement afoot as people yearn for simpler, technology-free times. Every January, Angela Ceberano sets goals for the 12 months ahead. And on Sunday nights, she plans and organises the coming week. But instead of spreadsheets and fancy smar

                                                                    Why paper is the real 'killer app'
                                                                  • Vantage Studios Inc. - Winnipeg, Manitoba Based Graphic Design and Video Production Studio

                                                                    Harness collective intelligence through collaboration and experience transformative change together. As we grow older, something changes inside of us. We realize we aren't fulfilled doing this for awards or even for ourselves. We are only truly fulfilled when we are contributing to others. We yearn to soak up wisdom and gain insights only time can reveal. We want to keep the creativity, freedom, a

                                                                    • Grab By | Simple. Screenshot. Sharing Software Blog

                                                                      How to Choose the Best GPS Smart Watch for Your Children in 2018 Strapping among the current pieces of clever technology to your child ‘s wrist makes more sense compared to you could assume nowadays. In an age brimming with possible hazards as well as factors to stress over your youngsters, the best GPS tracking smartwatch could allow you to monitor your youngster ‘s place in genuine time, as well

                                                                      • Netflix Culture Deck

                                                                        Netflix Culture Deck 1. Reference Guide on our Freedom & Responsibility Culture These slides are meant for reading, rather than presen<ng 1 2. Freedom & Responsibility Applies to our Salaried Employees Our hourly employees are important, but have more structured job roles 2 3. Culture: what gives NeGlix the best chance of con<nuous success for many genera<ons of technology and people? 3 4. Seven A

                                                                          Netflix Culture Deck
                                                                        • Implementing smart pointers for the C programming language

                                                                          I am a big fan of C, but some part of me always yearn to have just enough higher level constructs. The impracticality of memory allocation in C is one of my pet peeves. Being very easily distracted, I tend to forget to free my memory, or close my resources, so you might guess that when I learned about smart pointers in C++, I was immediately hooked. As a freshman in my IT engineering school, our f

                                                                          • Home

                                                                            When it comes to embarking on a captivating journey into the rich and diverse tapestry of Japanese culture, the possibilities can seem overwhelming. However, thanks to a multitude of dedicated organizations across every state, you have a direct gateway to the cultural experiences that resonate with you the most. These organizations are committed to providing invaluable resources, connections, and

                                                                            • 陰謀理論/『刀狩り』 - Living, Loving, Thinking, Again

                                                                              Polly Toynbee "A growing state of mind that needs a firm rebuttal" は、「陰謀理論(conspiracy theory)」について、 Conspiracies are profoundly satisfying. They solve every problem, explain everything difficult and give form and shape to things that are otherwise untidily complicated. They provide the easy answer. Why did something bad happen? Because bad people conspired against the good who would otherwise have

                                                                                陰謀理論/『刀狩り』 - Living, Loving, Thinking, Again
                                                                              • Google Glass Is Dead; Long Live Smart Glasses

                                                                                Even though Google’s head-worn computer is going nowhere, the technology is sure to march on. Two and a half years after ­Sergey Brin unveiled Google Glass with a group of skydivers jumping from a zeppelin above San Francisco, the computer you wear on your face is falling to its death. It’s still not a finished consumer product. It’s not even close to being something people yearn for, at least not

                                                                                  Google Glass Is Dead; Long Live Smart Glasses
                                                                                • http://www.tomakomai-ct.ac.jp/department/gene/ono/basicwords.txt

                                                                                  # 公開されている既存英語語彙表の統合一覧表(15806語掲載) # -は未掲載、BNC語彙表収録語で初出のものは表内に記し、それ以外の同綴異品詞語は( )内に収めた。 # BNC語彙表収録語の品詞情報は次のように表している。(j:形容詞, r:副詞, c:接続詞, d:決定詞, i:不定詞, t:間投詞, m:助動詞, n:名詞, p:前置詞, o:代名詞, v:動詞) # 左から北大語彙表, JACET8000, COCET2200, BNC語彙表, ALC-SVL12000, 杉浦リスト英語I, 杉浦リスト英語II, 英単語綴りの順に掲載. # HUEVL, JACET, COCET, BNC, SVL, SUGI1, SUGI2, WORD. - - - -- -- - 6 AAR - - - -- -- 5 4 AB - - - -- -- 5 - ABCs - - - -- -