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  • 達人出版会

    探検! Python Flask Robert Picard, 濱野 司(訳) BareMetalで遊ぶ Raspberry Pi 西永俊文 なるほどUnixプロセス ― Rubyで学ぶUnixの基礎 Jesse Storimer, 島田浩二(翻訳), 角谷信太郎(翻訳) 知る、読む、使う! オープンソースライセンス 可知豊 きつねさんでもわかるLLVM 柏木餅子, 風薬 R/RStudioでやさしく学ぶプログラミングとデータ分析 掌田津耶乃 データサイエンティストのための特徴量エンジニアリング Soledad Galli(著), 松田晃一(訳) 実践力をアップする Pythonによるアルゴリズムの教科書 クジラ飛行机 スッキリわかるサーブレット&JSP入門 第4版 国本 大悟(著), 株式会社フレアリンク(監修) 徹底攻略 基本情報技術者教科書 令和6年度 株式会社わくわくスタディワール

    • Arxiv RAGによる論文サーベイの自動生成 | Shikoan's ML Blog

      2.3k{icon} {views} 複数のLLM(GPT/Claude3)とArxivの検索APIをRAGで統合し、論文サーベイの自動生成を作りました。検索結果の前処理や、サーベイ特有のプロンプトエンジニアリングやソートが重要で、最適化手法として古くからある巡回セールスマン問題(TSP)が有効に機能しました。また、生成部分ではGPTよりClaude3の明確な有効性を確認できました。 できたもの Arxivの検索APIを使って検索拡張生成(RAG)したらサーベイを自動生成できた やっていること Arxivの検索ワードをGPT-4-Turboで生成 ArxivのAPIを叩いてヒューリスティックでフィルタリング OpenAIのEmbedding APIを叩く Embeddingに対して巡回セールスマン問題(TSP)を解いてソートをかける 論文の要旨をGPT-3.5-Turboで要約 ソートした

        Arxiv RAGによる論文サーベイの自動生成 | Shikoan's ML Blog
      • 達人出版会

        探検! Python Flask Robert Picard, 濱野 司(訳) BareMetalで遊ぶ Raspberry Pi 西永俊文 なるほどUnixプロセス ― Rubyで学ぶUnixの基礎 Jesse Storimer, 島田浩二(翻訳), 角谷信太郎(翻訳) 知る、読む、使う! オープンソースライセンス 可知豊 きつねさんでもわかるLLVM 柏木餅子, 風薬 デザインディレクション・ブック 橋本 陽夫 現場のプロがやさしく書いたWebサイトの分析・改善の教科書【改訂3版 GA4対応】 小川 卓 解釈可能なAI Ajay Thampi(著), 松田晃一(翻訳) PowerPoint 目指せ達人 基本&活用術 Office 2021 & Microsoft 365対応 PowerPoint基本&活用術編集部 ランサムウェア対策 実践ガイド 田中啓介, 山重徹 TODによるサステナ

        • Go: A Documentary

          Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

          • 達人出版会

            探検! Python Flask Robert Picard, 濱野 司(訳) BareMetalで遊ぶ Raspberry Pi 西永俊文 なるほどUnixプロセス ― Rubyで学ぶUnixの基礎 Jesse Storimer, 島田浩二(翻訳), 角谷信太郎(翻訳) 知る、読む、使う! オープンソースライセンス 可知豊 きつねさんでもわかるLLVM 柏木餅子, 風薬 R/RStudioでやさしく学ぶプログラミングとデータ分析 掌田津耶乃 データサイエンティストのための特徴量エンジニアリング Soledad Galli(著), 松田晃一(訳) 実践力をアップする Pythonによるアルゴリズムの教科書 クジラ飛行机 スッキリわかるサーブレット&JSP入門 第4版 国本 大悟(著), 株式会社フレアリンク(監修) 徹底攻略 基本情報技術者教科書 令和6年度 株式会社わくわくスタディワール

            • 達人出版会

              探検! Python Flask Robert Picard, 濱野 司(訳) BareMetalで遊ぶ Raspberry Pi 西永俊文 なるほどUnixプロセス ― Rubyで学ぶUnixの基礎 Jesse Storimer, 島田浩二(翻訳), 角谷信太郎(翻訳) 知る、読む、使う! オープンソースライセンス 可知豊 きつねさんでもわかるLLVM 柏木餅子, 風薬 R/RStudioでやさしく学ぶプログラミングとデータ分析 掌田津耶乃 データサイエンティストのための特徴量エンジニアリング Soledad Galli(著), 松田晃一(訳) 実践力をアップする Pythonによるアルゴリズムの教科書 クジラ飛行机 スッキリわかるサーブレット&JSP入門 第4版 国本 大悟(著), 株式会社フレアリンク(監修) 徹底攻略 基本情報技術者教科書 令和6年度 株式会社わくわくスタディワール

              • User-Agent Client Hints

                This specification was published by the Web Platform Incubator Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA) there is a limited opt-out and other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups. 1. Introduction This section is non-normative. Today, user agents general

                • CISSP 勉強ノート

                  目次の表示 1. 情報セキュリティ環境 1-1. 職業倫理の理解、遵守、推進 職業倫理 (ISC)2 倫理規約 組織の倫理規約 エンロン事件とSOX法の策定 SOC (System and Organization Controls) レポート 1-2. セキュリティ概念の理解と適用 機密性、完全性、可用性 真正性、否認防止、プライバシー、安全性 デューケアとデューデリジェンス 1-3. セキュリティガバナンス原則の評価と適用 セキュリティ機能のビジネス戦略、目標、使命、目的との連携 組織のガバナンスプロセス 組織の役割と責任 1-4. 法的環境 法的環境 契約上の要件、法的要素、業界標準および規制要件 プライバシー保護 プライバシーシールド 忘れられる権利 データポータビリティ データのローカリゼーション 国と地域の例 米国の法律 [追加] サイバー犯罪とデータ侵害 知的財産保護 輸入と

                    CISSP 勉強ノート
                  • Japan’s Shift to the Right: Computational Propaganda, Abe Shinzō’s LDP, and Internet Right-Wingers (Netto Uyo) - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

                    Abstract: In recent years, academic research and investigative reports have brought to light several cases of computational propaganda (i.e. orchestrated attempts to manipulate public opinion or the outcome of elections via social media), as well as proof that filter algorithms amplify right-wing conservative content on Japanese social media. Piecing together the scattered pieces of a puzzle, this

                      Japan’s Shift to the Right: Computational Propaganda, Abe Shinzō’s LDP, and Internet Right-Wingers (Netto Uyo) - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
                    • Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

                      Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare02/08/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文 and 繁體中文. The Fediverse has been a hot topic of discussion lately, with thousands, if not millions, of new users creating accounts on platforms like Mastodon to either move entirely to "the other side" or experiment and learn about this new social network. Today we're introducing Wildebeest, an open-so

                        Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare
                      • Stailerの開発を支える取り組み 2023春 - 10X Product Blog

                        はじめに こんにちは!お会計チームの yamakazu (@yamarkz) です。 10Xでは4月から新しい期が始まるため、最近はバタバタしています。新しい組織や取り組みが始まってきていて、今年度はこれまでとはまた違った大きな変化が生まれそうで楽しみです。 さてそんな今回は期の変わり目ということもあり、 節目として「Stailerの開発を支える取り組み」を紹介します。 取り組みはプロダクトの規模や性質、組織構造、願望によって変わる唯一無二の存在で、各社様々な工夫を凝らして、より良い開発体験を追求していると思います。 自分たちもその時々の状況に合わせて、最適なやり方に変えて開発してきました。 今後も取り組み自体は変わっていくと思いますが、2023春時点での取り組み状況 (仕組み / ルール / 文化 / ツール) をスナップショットとして取り上げみようと思います。 はじめに 前提 取り組み

                          Stailerの開発を支える取り組み 2023春 - 10X Product Blog
                        • How Amazon DynamoDB supported ZOZOTOWN’s shopping cart migration project | Amazon Web Services

                          AWS Database Blog How Amazon DynamoDB supported ZOZOTOWN’s shopping cart migration project In this post, we show you a case study of an e-commerce site that had relational database management system (RDBMS) performance problems and how Amazon DynamoDB contributed to their solution. ZOZO has large-scale sale events requiring engineers to monitor and respond in real time to ensure that the service r

                            How Amazon DynamoDB supported ZOZOTOWN’s shopping cart migration project | Amazon Web Services
                          • LLM Powered Autonomous Agents

                            Date: June 23, 2023 | Estimated Reading Time: 31 min | Author: Lilian Weng Building agents with LLM (large language model) as its core controller is a cool concept. Several proof-of-concepts demos, such as AutoGPT, GPT-Engineer and BabyAGI, serve as inspiring examples. The potentiality of LLM extends beyond generating well-written copies, stories, essays and programs; it can be framed as a powerfu

                            • Practical Approach to Automate the Discovery and Eradication of Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities at Scale

                              Practical Approach to Automate the Discovery and Eradication of Open- Source Software Vulnerabilities at Scale Aladdin Almubayed Senior Application Security Engineer @ Netflix @0xshellrider @ @ Outline • The problem of open source security (5 minutes) • Attacks on open source dependencies (10 minutes) • Our approach (25 minutes) • Challenges & Future work (5 minutes) @ @0xshellrider Aladdin Almuba

                              • Road to gRPC

                                Cloudflare launched support for gRPC® during our 2020 Birthday Week. We’ve been humbled by the immense interest in the beta, and we’d like to thank everyone that has applied and tried out gRPC! In this post we’ll do a deep-dive into the technical details on how we implemented support. What is gRPC?gRPC is an open source RPC framework running over HTTP/2. RPC (remote procedure call) is a way for on

                                  Road to gRPC
                                • Towards MLOps: Technical capabilities of a Machine Learning platform

                                  Table of contentsIntroduction 1.1 The workflows of data science and software development are different 1.2 The ML pipeline has to include Continuous Training 1.3 Model driftFeature Store 2.1 Centralised data access 2.2 Data Versioning 2.3 Data pipelines 2.4 Data labeling 2.5 Feature repository and data discoveryTraining pipeline 3.1 Model and experiment management 3.2 Pipeline orchestration 3.3 Au

                                    Towards MLOps: Technical capabilities of a Machine Learning platform
                                  • Modern Web Development on the JAMstack: Modern Techniques for Ultra Fast Sites and Web Applications

                                    Really pause and think about how much time and effort web teams around the world have spent building and managing infrastructure. For many years, launching a site or web application has been as much about deploying complex server environments as it’s been about building actual application code. The cloud made provision- ing all these resources faster but no less complicated. The JAMstack was born

                                    • DevAx::Academy - Monoliths To Microservices

                                      Monoliths To Microservices 0. Getting Started 1. Remote environment 1.1 AWS Console Login and EC2 Windows instance remote connection 1.2 Configure the AWS CLI Option A Provided account Option B Own account 1. Migrating the Monolith 1. Download Project Files 2. Explore the environment 2.1 Explore Amazon VPC 2.2 Explore Amazon EC2 2.3 Explore Amazon RDS 3. Database setup 4. Test locally 4.1 Use Ecli

                                      • 達人出版会

                                        探検! Python Flask Robert Picard, 濱野 司(訳) BareMetalで遊ぶ Raspberry Pi 西永俊文 なるほどUnixプロセス ― Rubyで学ぶUnixの基礎 Jesse Storimer, 島田浩二(翻訳), 角谷信太郎(翻訳) 知る、読む、使う! オープンソースライセンス 可知豊 きつねさんでもわかるLLVM 柏木餅子, 風薬 実践力をアップする Pythonによるアルゴリズムの教科書 クジラ飛行机 スッキリわかるサーブレット&JSP入門 第4版 国本 大悟(著), 株式会社フレアリンク(監修) 徹底攻略 基本情報技術者教科書 令和6年度 株式会社わくわくスタディワールド 瀬戸美月 徹底攻略 情報セキュリティマネジメント予想問題集 令和6年度 五十嵐 聡 詳説 ユーザビリティのための産業共通様式 福住 伸一, 平沢 尚毅 DX時代の観光と社会

                                        • DLRM: An advanced, open source deep learning recommendation model

                                          DLRM: An advanced, open source deep learning recommendation model With the advent of deep learning, neural network-based personalization and recommendation models have emerged as an important tool for building recommendation systems in production environments, including here at Facebook. However, these models differ significantly from other deep learning models because they must be able to work wi

                                            DLRM: An advanced, open source deep learning recommendation model
                                          • Factorio Is The Best Technical Interview We Have

                                            There’s been a lot of hand-wringing over The Technical Interview lately. Many people realize that inverting a binary tree on a whiteboard has basically zero correlation to whether or not someone is actually a good software developer. The most effective programming test anyone’s come up with is still Fizzbuzz. One consequence of this has been an increased emphasis on Open Source Contributions, but

                                              Factorio Is The Best Technical Interview We Have
                                            • So you want to build your own open source ChatGPT-style chatbot… – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                              (Expanded from a talk given at DWeb Camp 2023.) Artificial intelligence may well prove one of the most impactful and disruptive technologies to come along in years. This impact isn’t theoretical: AI is already affecting real people in substantial ways, and it’s already changing the Web that we know and love. Acknowledging the potential for both benefit and harm, Mozilla has committed itself to the

                                                So you want to build your own open source ChatGPT-style chatbot… – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                              • Applied-ML Papers

                                                Curated papers, articles, and blogs on machine learning in production. Designing your ML system? Learn how other organizations did it. Star Table of Contents Data QualityData EngineeringData DiscoveryFeature StoresClassificationRegressionForecastingRecommendationSearch & RankingEmbeddingsNatural Language ProcessingSequence ModellingComputer VisionReinforcement LearningAnomaly DetectionGraphOptimiz

                                                  Applied-ML Papers
                                                • GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles

                                                  -1- 3 Ways Extract Password Hashes from NTDS.dit: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-extract-password-hashes-from-ntds-dit -2- 3 ways to Capture HTTP Password in Network PC: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-to-capture-http-password-in-network-pc/ -3- 3 Ways to Crack Wifi using Pyrit,oclHashcat and Cowpatty: www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-crack-wifi-using-pyrit-oclhashcat-cowpatty/ -4-BugBou

                                                    GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles
                                                  • GPT-3, explained: This new language AI is uncanny, funny — and a big deal

                                                    OpenAI co-founder and chair Greg Brockman, OpenAI co-founder and CEO Sam Altman, and TechCrunch news editor Frederic Lardinois during TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2019. Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch Kelsey Piper is a senior writer at Future Perfect, Vox’s effective altruism-inspired section on the world’s biggest challenges. She explores wide-ranging topics like climate change, ar

                                                      GPT-3, explained: This new language AI is uncanny, funny — and a big deal
                                                    • Plan 9 Desktop Guide

                                                      PLAN 9 DESKTOP GUIDE INDEX What is Plan 9? Limitations and Workarounds Connecting to Other Systems VNC RDP SSH 9P Other methods Porting Applications Emulating other Operating Systems Virtualizing other Operating Systems Basics Window Management Copy Pasting Essential Programs Manipulating Text in the Terminal Acme - The Do It All Application Multiple Workspaces Tiling Windows Plumbing System Admin

                                                      • Smoke-testing Rust HTTP clients

                                                        Back in 2014 I was fetching frontpages of the top million websites to scan them for a particular vulnerability. Not only have I found 99,9% websites to be vulnerable to a trivial attack, I’ve also found that curl command was randomly crashing with a segmentation fault, indicating a likely vulnerability in libcurl — the HTTP client library that the whole world seems to depend on. By that time I was

                                                        • Sansan iOSアプリ開発チームの未来について、Backcastingで考えてみた - Sansan Tech Blog

                                                          Sansan事業部で "法人向け名刺管理サービス Sansan" のiOSアプリの開発を担当している栗山です。SBBは 去年のiOSDC 2018のレポート 以来となります(余談ですが今年もiOSDC 2019にCfP応募しました)。 さて、今回は Backcasting (逆算思考) というキーワードを切り口に、我々iOS開発チームの改善活動のこれまでとこれからについて考えてみたいと思います。 未来逆算思考 未来逆算思考 は、2016年4月に展示がスタートした日本科学未来館の展示の一つです。展示とは言うものの、大雑把に言うと 障害物を避けてゴールまで到達できる進路を予想する一発勝負のゲーム になっています 1。 www.miraikan.jst.go.jp 展示がスタートして既に3年以上経過していますが、お恥ずかしながら先日初めて体験してきました。環境問題という重要かつ重たいテーマを扱う

                                                            Sansan iOSアプリ開発チームの未来について、Backcastingで考えてみた - Sansan Tech Blog
                                                          • Book of News - Ignite 2019

                                                            B O O K O F N E W S Microsoft Ignite 2019 Orlando, November 4 – 8, 2019 | Foreword by Frank Shaw 9 Section 1 Azure 10 Chapter 1 Azure Infrastructure 11 Item 1.1.1 Azure Arc: Extended Azure management and security to any infrastructure Item 1.1.2 Azure Data Services Preview: Run Azure data services anywhere Item 1.1.3 Azure Da v4 and Das v4 series virtual machines Item 1.1.4 Serial Console for Azur

                                                            • Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components And Variables — Smashing Magazine

                                                              How can we get better at naming? This post is dedicated to naming conventions, tips, and real-world examples that help you name things in a robust and flexible way. Naming is hard. As designers and developers, we often struggle finding the right name — for a design token, colors, UI components, HTML classes, and variables. Sometimes, the names we choose are too generic, so it’s difficult to unders

                                                                Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components And Variables — Smashing Magazine
                                                              • 10X Product Blog

                                                                データ基盤チームに所属しているデータエンジニアの吉田(id:syou6162)です。10X社内のデータマネジメントの仕事をしています。 10X社内では2022年10月にデータマネジメント成熟度アセスメントを実施していましたが、それから約一年半が経過し、データマネジメント上の課題が進捗 / 変化した箇所が出てきました。そこで、最近の成果を振り返りつつ今後のデータマネジメントの方針を改めて見直すため、データマネジメント成熟度アセスメントを再度行なうことにしました。本エントリではその内容についてまとめます。 前回のデータマネジメント成熟度アセスメントへの取り組み 今回のデータマネジメント成熟度アセスメントのやり方 成熟度アセスメントの実際の結果 前回実施時との差分が大きかった項目 データセキュリティ データ品質 メタデータ 優先度が高かったにも関わらずあまり進まなかった項目 まとめ 前回のデータ

                                                                  10X Product Blog
                                                                • Designing a Production-Ready Kappa Architecture for Timely Data Stream Processing

                                                                  Designing a Production-Ready Kappa Architecture for Timely Data Stream Processing At Uber, we use robust data processing systems such as Apache Flink and Apache Spark to power the streaming applications that helps us calculate up-to-date pricing, enhance driver dispatching, and fight fraud on our platform. Such solutions can process data at a massive scale in real time with exactly-once semantics,

                                                                    Designing a Production-Ready Kappa Architecture for Timely Data Stream Processing
                                                                  • GitHub - taishi-i/awesome-ChatGPT-repositories: A curated list of resources dedicated to open source GitHub repositories related to ChatGPT

                                                                    CLIs zap-gpt - Este projeto explora a integração do ChatGPT com o WhatsApp, transformando o chatbot em um assistente virtual capaz de realizar tarefas como falar com amigos, responder a perguntas de clientes, e muito mais, com um toque de humanização nas conversas. Tutorials langchain-kr - LangChain 공식 Document, Cookbook, 그 밖의 실용 예제를 바탕으로 작성한 한국어 튜토리얼입니다. 본 튜토리얼을 통해 LangChain을 더 쉽고 효과적으로 사용하는 방법을

                                                                      GitHub - taishi-i/awesome-ChatGPT-repositories: A curated list of resources dedicated to open source GitHub repositories related to ChatGPT
                                                                    • Scaling Static Analyses at Facebook – Communications of the ACM

                                                                      Static analysis tools are programs that examine, and attempt to draw conclusions about, the source of other programs without running them. At Facebook, we have been investing in advanced static analysis tools that employ reasoning techniques similar to those from program verification. The tools we describe in this article (Infer and Zoncolan) target issues related to crashes and to the security of

                                                                      • Log Explorer: monitor security events without third-party storage

                                                                        Log Explorer: monitor security events without third-party storage03/08/2024 This post is also available in Français, Español, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어 and Deutsch. Today, we are excited to announce beta availability of Log Explorer, which allows you to investigate your HTTP and Security Event logs directly from the Cloudflare Dashboard. Log Explorer is an extension of Security Analytics, giving you th

                                                                          Log Explorer: monitor security events without third-party storage
                                                                        • MMD-0066-2020 - Linux/Mirai-Fbot - A re-emerged IoT threat

                                                                          Chapters: [TelnetLoader] [EchoLoader] [Propagation] [NewActor] [Epilogue] Prologue A month ago I wrote about IoT malware for Linux operating system, a Mirai botnet's client variant dubbed as FBOT. The writing [link] was about reverse engineering Linux ELF ARM 32bit to dissect the new encryption that has been used by their January's bot binaries, The threat had been on vacuum state for almost one m

                                                                            MMD-0066-2020 - Linux/Mirai-Fbot - A re-emerged IoT threat
                                                                          • How Capgemini Simplifies Pandemic Management with AWS Machine Learning Services | Amazon Web Services

                                                                            AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog How Capgemini Simplifies Pandemic Management with AWS Machine Learning Services By Vikas D. Nambiar, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect at AWS By Charudath Doddanakatte, Director, Digital Customer Experience at Capgemini By Arockia Raj D, Sr. Consultant, Digital Customer Experience at Capgemini By Braham Pal Singh, Sr. Consultant, Digital Customer Experience at Capgemin

                                                                              How Capgemini Simplifies Pandemic Management with AWS Machine Learning Services | Amazon Web Services
                                                                            • 達人出版会

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                                                                              • Programmer's critique of missing structure of operating systems

                                                                                Bystroushaak's blog / English section / Programming / Programmer's critique of missing structure of operating systems Some time ago, I've come across a contemplation on the topic of the necessity of operating systems. I've been doing sort of "research" about this for almost two years, so I've decided to write up central thoughts along with links to some relevant sources of information on this topi

                                                                                  Programmer's critique of missing structure of operating systems
                                                                                • Enterprise Application Patterns Using .NET MAUI - .NET

                                                                                  DOWNLOAD available at: https://aka.ms/maui-ebook EDITION v1.0 PUBLISHED BY Microsoft Developer Division, .NET, and Visual Studio product teams A division of Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 Copyright © 2022 by Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the

                                                                                    Enterprise Application Patterns Using .NET MAUI - .NET