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  • いざという時に使える13のHTML&CSS Tips集 | BUILD Journal

    いざという時に使える13のHTML&CSS Tips集Update2023.05.12Release2023.04.13Coding HatenaにシェアするTwitterにツイートするPocketにストックするFeedlyに登録する いざという時のために覚えておくと便利なHTML&CSSのTipsを13個紹介します。何かで困った時に読み返してみてください。何かでお役にたてると思います。 テキストの円形回り込み See the Pen shape-outside by Kobayashi (@Pulp_Kobayashi) on CodePen. 円形の画像の縁に沿ってテキストを回り込ませるCSS Tips。実際には画像の縁を判定して回り込んでいるのではなく、shape-outsideプロパティを使用し、circle(50%)を指定することで、要素の回り込みの形状を円形にしています。 CS

      いざという時に使える13のHTML&CSS Tips集 | BUILD Journal
    • 【第4弾】少しのコードで実装可能な10のCSS小技集

      2021年3月4日 CSS CSS小技集シリーズの第4弾!「【第3弾】少しのコードで実装可能な15のCSS小技集」から約2年。またまた便利でサクッと使えるコードが続々登場しています!初心者さんからベテランさんまで要チェック! ↑私が10年以上利用している会計ソフト! 目次 要素の上下左右中央配置 画面幅いっぱいに画像を配置 リストマーカーの色を変える 言語にあわせて引用符を変更 クリックで文字列を選択 背景画像を見切れないよう繰り返し表示 入力時の縦線の色を変更 ドラッグで要素のサイズを変更できるようにする floatは flow-root で解除 文章をカラム分けしてラインを入れる HTML・CSSの全コードは各サンプルの「HTML」や「CSS」タブを、別タブでのサンプル表示は右上の「EDIT ON CODEPEN」をクリックしてご覧ください! 1. 要素の上下左右中央配置 ボックスを要

      • 全モダンブラウザ対応のCSS機能が爆増。Chromium版Edgeのもたらす次世代CSS表現 - ICS MEDIA

        2020年初め、Chromium版のMicrosoft Edge(以下新Edge)がリリースされました。新Edgeは「Microsoft Edge Legacy」(以下Edge Legacy)と比べて多くの機能が使えるようになっており、Chrome・Firefox・Safariのモダンブラウザと遜色ないレベルになっています。 先日5月29日にリリースされた「Windows 10 May 2020 Update」では、Edge Legacyの開発が終了することもアナウンスされており(参考記事「Windows 10 features we’re no longer developing - Windows Deployment」)、今後のWindows標準ブラウザは新Edgeとなっていくでしょう。 ウェブ制作の面で嬉しいことは、多くのCSSやJavaScriptの機能が使えるようになったことで

          全モダンブラウザ対応のCSS機能が爆増。Chromium版Edgeのもたらす次世代CSS表現 - ICS MEDIA
        • もう誤魔化さない! CSS Transform完全入門(2D編) - ICS MEDIA

          CSS Transformの仕様は意外にも複雑です。思った通りの場所に表示できず、その場凌ぎにmarginやpaddingの目分量で位置合わせをしてしまった……。そんな経験をもつ方もいるのではないでしょうか? この記事では、CSS Transformの基礎をおさらいした上で、陥りやすいミスの回避方法や最新の機能を紹介します。 CSS Transformとは? CSS Transformはwebページで高度な表示やアニメーションを高速に描画するための仕様として生まれました。 往年のwebユーザーの方であれば、Google検索のイースターエッグのひとつ『do a barrel roll』をご存知かもしれません。このイースターエッグは当時(2010年代初頭)最先端であったCSS Transformをデモする意味もありました。 2021年現在では、発展系の3D変形も含め、ほぼすべての機能がIE(I

            もう誤魔化さない! CSS Transform完全入門(2D編) - ICS MEDIA
          • プロと読み解くRuby 3.3 NEWS - STORES Product Blog

            テクノロジー部門CTO室の笹田(ko1)と遠藤(mame)です。今年の 9 月から STORES 株式会社で Ruby (MRI: Matz Ruby Implementation、いわゆる ruby コマンド) の開発をしています(Rubyのこれからを STORES で作る。Rubyコミッター笹田さん、遠藤さんにCTOがきく「Fun」|STORES People )。お金をもらって Ruby を開発しているのでプロの Ruby コミッタです。 本日 12/25 に、恒例のクリスマスリリースとして、Ruby 3.3.0 がリリースされました(Ruby 3.3.0 リリース)。クックパッド開発者ブログで連載していたように、今年も STORES Product Blog にて Ruby 3.3 の NEWS.md ファイルの解説をします(ちなみに、STORES Advent Calendar

              プロと読み解くRuby 3.3 NEWS - STORES Product Blog
            • Why Generics? - The Go Programming Language

              This article is about what it would mean to add generics to Go, and why I think we should do it. I’ll also touch on an update to a possible design for adding generics to Go. Go was released on November 10, 2009. Less than 24 hours later we saw the first comment about generics. (That comment also mentions exceptions, which we added to the language, in the form of panic and recover, in early 2010.)

                Why Generics? - The Go Programming Language
              • Rust Vs Go: A Hands-On Comparison

                Matthias Endler - Consultant at Corrode.dev  • 27 September 2023 Oh no, not another 'Is Rust better than Go?' article. Seriously, haven't we all had our fill of these comparisons by now? But before you sigh in exasperation, hear us out! Many comparisons between Go and Rust emphasize their differences in syntax and the initial learning curve. However, ultimately, what matters is the ease of use for

                  Rust Vs Go: A Hands-On Comparison
                • 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs

                  50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs 50 Shades of Go in Other Languages Chinese Translation: blog post, segmentfault (by wuYin) - needs updates Another Chinese Translation: blog post (by Shadowwind LEY) - needs updates Russian Translation: blog post (by Ilia Ozhereliev, Mail.Ru Group Blog) - needs updates Overview Go is a simple and fun language, but, like any o

                  • 【CSS】スイングする画像をCSSで作ってみる!【CSSアニメーション】 - mlog

                    今回はCSSを使って、振り子のようにゆれる画像を作ってみたいと思います! 最初に、ベースとなるCSSコードを紹介した後、カスタムパターンをいくつか紹介していきます。 なるべくコピペでも使えるように構成していますので、サンプルを見て気になるものがあれば、ぜひ試してみてください! 目次 ブログで使用する場合は はてなブログの場合 ベースコード 動作チェック カスタムパターン 画像のサイズを変えてみる! スイングスピードをカスタムしてみる! スイングの角度を変えてみる! マウスオーバー時にスイングを止めてみる! カスタム内容を組み合わせてみる! まとめ ブログで使用する場合は ご利用のブログがHTML記述に対応している場合は、紹介するCSSを<style>と</style>で囲んで記述してください。 ※ CSS用の入力欄がある場合は<style>と</style>の囲みなしで記述してください。

                      【CSS】スイングする画像をCSSで作ってみる!【CSSアニメーション】 - mlog
                    • Understanding all of Python, through its builtins

                      Python as a language is comparatively simple. And I believe, that you can learn quite a lot about Python and its features, just by learning what all of its builtins are, and what they do. And to back up that claim, I'll be doing just that. Just to be clear, this is not going to be a tutorial post. Covering such a vast amount of material in a single blog post, while starting from the beginning is p

                        Understanding all of Python, through its builtins
                      • Learn These Words First

                        Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

                        • WebAssembly Interface Types: Interoperate with All the Things! – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                          WebAssembly Interface Types: Interoperate with All the Things! People are excited about running WebAssembly outside the browser. That excitement isn’t just about WebAssembly running in its own standalone runtime. People are also excited about running WebAssembly from languages like Python, Ruby, and Rust. Why would you want to do that? A few reasons: Make “native” modules less complicated Runtimes

                            WebAssembly Interface Types: Interoperate with All the Things! – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                          • Old CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad

                            I first got into web design/development in the late 90s, and only as I type this sentence do I realize how long ago that was. And boy, it was horrendous. I mean, being able to make stuff and put it online where other people could see it was pretty slick, but we did not have very much to work with. I’ve been taking for granted that most folks doing web stuff still remember those days, or at least t

                            • WebKit Features in Safari 17.0

                              Sep 18, 2023 by Jen Simmons and the Safari / WebKit Team Today’s the day for Safari 17.0. It’s now available for iOS 17 and iPadOS 17. [Update September 26th] And now, Safari 17.0 is available for macOS Ventura, and macOS Monterey, and macOS Sonoma. Safari 17.0 is also available in the vision OS Simulator, where you can test your website by downloading the latest beta of Xcode 15, which supports t

                                WebKit Features in Safari 17.0
                              • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                                Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                                  The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                                • 大奥 | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                  '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                    大奥 | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                  • WebKit Features in Safari 17.4

                                    Just like Safari 15.4 and Safari 16.4, this March’s release of Safari 17.4 is a significant one for web developers. We’re proud to announce another 46 features and 146 bug fixes. You can experience Safari 17.4 on iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS Sonoma 14.4, macOS Ventura, macOS Monterey, and in visionOS 1.1. Architectural improvements It’s always exciting to ship new features that you can use while b

                                      WebKit Features in Safari 17.4
                                    • Google's new logos are bad | TechCrunch

                                      Google really whiffed with the new logos for its “reimagination” of G Suite as Google Workspace, replacing icons that are familiar, recognizable, and in Gmail’s case iconic if you will, with little rainbow blobs that everyone will now struggle to tell apart in their tabs. Companies always talk loud and long about their design language and choices, so as an antidote I thought I’d just explain why t

                                        Google's new logos are bad | TechCrunch
                                      • FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog

                                        These last two sometimes are referred to as "8 bit" or "10 bit" respectively, especially when talking about videos. That means 8/10 bits per single color channel. TransparencySome image formats support an additional channel together with the red, green, and blue components: the alpha channel. The alpha channel determines how transparent a single pixel is, and it can have different bit-depths, it i

                                          FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog
                                        • Golang Mini Reference 2022: A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY)

                                          Golang Mini Reference 2022 A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY) Harry Yoon Version 0.9.0, 2022-08-24 REVIEW COPY This is review copy, not to be shared or distributed to others. Please forward any feedback or comments to the author. • feedback@codingbookspress.com The book is tentatively scheduled to be published on September 14th, 2022. We hope that when the release da

                                          • 5日目: リッチフロントエンド - はてなインターン2019 (公開版)

                                            講義を始める前に 質問があったらその場で聞いてください 他の受講者の理解にもつながります 声を出すのが難しければ、Slack でも OK スライドモードで画面に写しながら話しますが、手元で資料を開きつつ聞くと理解しやすいと思います リッチなウェブページを作ってみよう HTML 構造 CSS 見栄え JavaScript 動き Single-Page Application HTML, CSS, JavaScript を駆使したリッチなウェブページ 書いたことあるよ、という方 🙋‍♀️ HTML HTMLとは セマンティクス コンテンツカテゴリ HTML Webページを記述する言語 code:example.html <!doctype html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>HTML文書</title>

                                              5日目: リッチフロントエンド - はてなインターン2019 (公開版)
                                            • Go 1.21 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language

                                              Introduction to Go 1.21 The latest Go release, version 1.21, arrives six months after Go 1.20. Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility; in fact, Go 1.21 improves upon that promise. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. Go 1.21 introduces a small ch

                                                Go 1.21 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language
                                              • Netflix (ネットフリックス) 日本 - 大好きな映画やドラマを楽しもう!

                                                '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                  Netflix (ネットフリックス) 日本 - 大好きな映画やドラマを楽しもう!
                                                • Python Type Hints | NP-Incompleteness

                                                  Jukka Lehtosalo is a Finnish Software Engineer at Dropbox. He developed an optional type system for Python, mypy, during his PhD thesis in Cambridge. After meeting in a Python conference, Guido van Rossum (creator of Python) invited Lehtosalo to join him at Dropbox. They started adopting mypy in real use cases during a Hackathon, which led to mypy being one of the most popular Python type checkers

                                                    Python Type Hints | NP-Incompleteness
                                                  • npm Blog Archive: npm CLI Roadmap - Summer 2019

                                                    The npm blog has been discontinued. Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog. Motion on the npm CLI project has been accelerating, and we’re now moving forward with a clear direction and vision. This document outlines what’s in store for the remainder of the npm v6 line, and what to expect in v7 and v8. Remaining npm v6 Releases npm v6 is officially i

                                                      npm Blog Archive: npm CLI Roadmap - Summer 2019
                                                    • Python’s “Type Hints” are a bit of a disappointment to me

                                                      2022-04-21 Preface You are reading version 2.0 of this blog post. Readers shared this link on Hacker News and lobsters, which unexpectedly blew up and sparked many heated discussions. I’ve incorporated some of this feedback into this revised version. (Some time later, there was also a discussion about this article on The Real Python Podcast.) Introduction Over the course of several Python 3.x vers

                                                      • Tutorial: Getting started with generics - The Go Programming Language

                                                        This tutorial introduces the basics of generics in Go. With generics, you can declare and use functions or types that are written to work with any of a set of types provided by calling code. In this tutorial, you’ll declare two simple non-generic functions, then capture the same logic in a single generic function. You’ll progress through the following sections: Create a folder for your code. Add n

                                                          Tutorial: Getting started with generics - The Go Programming Language
                                                        • Better Fbx Importer & Exporter

                                                          Who Don't Need It? If Blender is your only toolchain, you don't need this add-on. Who May Need It?Game developers Who need to import FBX files into Blender and export FBX files to game engines. 3d digital artists Who need to share your 3d artworks to other 3d digital artists who use other 3d softwares, or you want to sell your 3d artworks in various digital markets. What is it?Blender is lack of n

                                                            Better Fbx Importer & Exporter
                                                          • Kyle Halladay - Ray Tracing In Notepad.exe At 30 FPS

                                                            I do graphics and engine programming for games. I'm the author of Practical Shader Development, which is all about learning to write shaders. Check out some other stuff I've written A few months back, there was a post on Reddit (link), which described a game that used an open source clone of Notepad to handle all its input and rendering. While reading about it, I had the thought that it would be r

                                                            • 【はてなブログ】WordPressみたいな会話形式の吹き出しを使おう💓(コピペOK / 初心者向け) - 【ちゃんこめBlog】インド在住OLの雑記ブログ

                                                              Kome こんにちは! はてなブログでWordPressよりも可愛く洗練されたブログを作ることを目指しているKome(@chankomeppy)です♪ こんな吹き出し、見たことありませんか? 吹き出しを使うと、文章ばかりの記事やお堅い内容の記事がカジュアルで読みやすくなったり、ブログにオリジナル感がでたりするので、使ってみたいなぁ~と思っている方は多いはず。 WordPressではテーマに実装されていたり、プラグインを使うことで簡単に吹き出しを利用することができますが、はてなブログに吹き出しの機能は標準装備されていないので、自分でCSSをいじってカスタマイズするしかないんですよね。 初心者ブロガー やってみたいけど、難しそうだから手を出せてないんだよね~ Kome はてなブログでも簡単に吹き出しを導入できるんだよ! この記事で紹介するコードをコピペして、自分好みにカスタマイズするだけ!

                                                                【はてなブログ】WordPressみたいな会話形式の吹き出しを使おう💓(コピペOK / 初心者向け) - 【ちゃんこめBlog】インド在住OLの雑記ブログ
                                                              • WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas — surma.dev

                                                                WebGPU is an upcoming Web API that gives you low-level, general-purpose access GPUs. I am not very experienced with graphics. I picked up bits and bobs of WebGL by reading through tutorials on how to build game engines with OpenGL and learned more about shaders by watching Inigo Quilez do amazing things on ShaderToy by just using shaders, without any 3D meshes or models. This got me far enough to

                                                                  WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas — surma.dev
                                                                • Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout

                                                                  If you’ve been making websites for years, you know how frustrating it was to lay out a web page with CSS floats. Managing sizes and placement was tedious and time consuming. Being creative was often impossible. CSS Grid greatly eased that pain with Grid Level 1 in 2017, and now with Grid Level 2, aka Subgrid. But even with the powerful CSS of today, not every layout imaged by designers is possible

                                                                    Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout
                                                                  • 赤ちゃんを科学する | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                                                    '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                                      赤ちゃんを科学する | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                                                    • 監視資本主義: デジタル社会がもたらす光と影 | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                                                      '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                                        監視資本主義: デジタル社会がもたらす光と影 | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                                                      • 天才の頭の中: ビル・ゲイツを解読する | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                                                        '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                                          天才の頭の中: ビル・ゲイツを解読する | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                                                        • HTML Inputs and Labels: A Love Story | CSS-Tricks

                                                                          Most inputs have something in common — they are happiest with a companion label! And the happiness doesn’t stop there. Forms with proper inputs and labels are much easier for people to use and that makes people happy too. A happy label and input pair In this post, I want to focus on situations where the lack of a semantic label and input combination makes it much harder for all sorts of people to

                                                                            HTML Inputs and Labels: A Love Story | CSS-Tricks
                                                                          • The evolution of scalable CSS

                                                                            The evolution of scalable CSSA deep dive into the problems with scaling CSS on large projects. Understand the evolution of CSS best practices. IntroductionHow we write and think about CSS has changed significantly since the web’s beginning. We’ve come a long way from table-based layouts, to responsive web design, and now into a new era of adaptive layouts powered by modern CSS features. Managing a

                                                                              The evolution of scalable CSS
                                                                            • 0.8.0 Release Notes ⚡ The Zig Programming Language

                                                                              Tier 4 Support § Support for these targets is entirely experimental. If this target is provided by LLVM, LLVM may have the target as an experimental target, which means that you need to use Zig-provided binaries for the target to be available, or build LLVM from source with special configure flags. zig targets will display the target if it is available. This target may be considered deprecated by

                                                                              • Transformers from scratch | peterbloem.nl

                                                                                18 Aug 2019 code on github video lecture I will assume a basic understanding of neural networks and backpropagation. If you’d like to brush up, this lecture will give you the basics of neural networks and this one will explain how these principles are applied in modern deep learning systems. A working knowledge of Pytorch is required to understand the programming examples, but these can also be sa

                                                                                • New in PHP 8 - stitcher.io

                                                                                  What's new in PHP 8 PHP 8 was released on November 26, 2020. You can download it here. It's a new major version, which means that there are some breaking changes, as well as lots of new features and performance improvements. Because of the breaking changes, there's a higher chance you'll need to make some changes in your code to get it running on PHP 8. If you've kept up to date with the latest re

                                                                                    New in PHP 8 - stitcher.io