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  • 【ZOZOTOWNマイクロサービス化】API Gatewayを自社開発したノウハウ大公開! - ZOZO TECH BLOG

    はじめに こんにちは。ECプラットフォーム部のAPI基盤チームに所属している籏野 @gold_kou と申します。普段は、GoでAPI GatewayやID基盤(認証マイクロサービス)の開発をしています。 ZOZOテクノロジーズでは、2020年11月5日にZOZO Technologies Meetup〜ZOZOTOWNシステムリプレイスの裏側〜を開催しました。その中で発表されたAPI Gatewayによるマイクロサービスへのアクセス制御に関して、当日話せなかった内容も含めて、API Gatewayについてこの記事で網羅的にまとめました。 API Gatewayやマイクロサービスに興味ある方、「API Gateway」という言葉は知っているけど中身はよく分からないという方向けの記事なので、読んでいただけると幸いです。 はじめに ZOZOTOWNのリプレイス マイクロサービス化の目的 ストラ

      【ZOZOTOWNマイクロサービス化】API Gatewayを自社開発したノウハウ大公開! - ZOZO TECH BLOG
    • 3DCGの終焉とAI生成レンダリングという未来|kogu

      これは 画像生成AI Advent Calendar 2022 16日目の記事です。 2022年7月末頃、AIによるテキストからの画像生成が一気に広がって以降、あまりに急速な変化が日々続いています。こうした激動の中でも、日本ではアニメ調のイラスト生成への注目が強すぎて、AIの可能性や破壊力、未来などの話題が少なく感じています。 そこでAIがもたらしうる未来や応用などを考え、特に身近な人々へ向けて、わかりやすく紹介することにしました。AIの専門的な研究者ではなくSFのような未来予想ですがご容赦ください。 なおこの記事は、挿絵も含め全体をCC0 1.0で公開します。最大限自由な利用が可能で、転載や加工や販売も自由に行なえます。CC0として利用しやすいよう、引用や転載も含んでいません。 また挿絵は、解説用もお飾り用もすべて、素のStable Diffusionのみで生成しています。キャプションと

      • Learn These Words First

        Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

        • Moore's Law for Everything

          My work at OpenAI reminds me every day about the magnitude of the socioeconomic change that is coming sooner than most people believe. Software that can think and learn will do more and more of the work that people now do. Even more power will shift from labor to capital. If public policy doesn’t adapt accordingly, most people will end up worse off than they are today. We need to design a system t

          • Developer Agreement – Twitter Developers

            <g> <g> <defs> <rect id="SVGID_1_" x="-468" y="-1360" width="1440" height="3027" /> </defs> <clippath id="SVGID_2_"> <use xlink:href="#SVGID_1_" style="overflow:visible;" /> </clippath> </g> </g> <rect x="-468" y="-1360" class="st0" width="1440" height="3027" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0,0);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" /> <path d="M13.4,12l5.8-5.8c0.4-0.4,0.4-1,0-1.4c-0.4-0.4-1-0.4-1.4,0L12,10.6L6.2

              Developer Agreement – Twitter Developers
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              Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4720 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 94 Buy Apogee One Breakout Cable (compatible With One For Mac FreeApogee One USB Audio Interface for Mac Apogee ONE is an all-in-one portable, USB audio interface that gives you everything you need to make professional recordings on the go. Connect a microphone, guitar or use ONE's exceptional built-in omnidirectional microp

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              • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation 2019 First Edition

                Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation 2019 Contributing Editor Josias Dewey First Edition GLOBAL LEGAL INSIGHTS – BLOCKCHAIN & CRYPTOCURRENCY REGULATION 2019, FIRST EDITION Editor Josias Dewey, Holland & Knight LLP Production Editor Andrew Schofield Senior Editors Suzie Levy Caroline Collingwood Group Consulting Editor Alan Falach Publisher Rory Smith We are extremely grateful for all contributio

                • Implementing a modern E-Commerce Search

                  Backend developer, productivity fan, likes the JVM, full text search, distributed databases & systems TLDR; Before joining Elastic my previous job was running a product search engine at a small b2b market place. I learned quite a few things, and especially, what I would do differently nowadays, given that search engines have evolved a lot in the last decade. This is the written form of a presentat

                    Implementing a modern E-Commerce Search
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                    Visiteurs depuis le 30/01/2019 : 963 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 18 • Remove unused parameters when changing model. • Support custom properties on cuts, sheets, accessories, miscellaneous. • Sheet goods cost and weight per square foot in lieu of square inch. Sheet goods optimizer for mac. • Stock length optimization similar to the feature in Optimumcut-1D v2. • Excel import Wizard for shee

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                    • ヴィンセント・ゲローソ他『パンデミック、経済的自由、制度のトレードオフ』

                      Pandemics, economic freedom, and institutional trade-offs 19 July 2021 by Vincent Geloso (King’s University College at Western University Canada), discussing Werner Troesken’s ‘The Pox of Liberty’ 〔訳者まえがき:本サイトで、ジョージ・メイソン大のマーク・コヤマ教授の論考を翻訳したことをきっかけに、その論考で取り上げられていたピッツバーグ大のヴェルナー・トレスケン教授の著作『自由の国と感染症――法制度が映すアメリカのイデオロギー(みすず書房)』が翻訳出版されることになりました。サイトの参加訳者の2人が翻訳を担当しています。邦訳版の出版に際して、関連した論考を複数投稿します。〕 パンデミック、経済的

                      • More Kawaii than a Real-Person Live Streamer: Understanding How the Otaku Community Engages with and Perceives Virtual YouTubers

                        More Kawaii than a Real-Person Live Streamer: Understanding How the Otaku Community Engages with and Perceives Virtual YouTubers Zhicong Lu City University of Hong Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong zhicong.lu@cityu.edu.hk Chenxinran Shen University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada elise.shen@mail.utoronto.ca Jiannan Li University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada jiannanli@dgp.toronto.edu Hong Shen Carnegie Mell

                        • The Passion Economy and the Future of Work | Andreessen Horowitz

                          The top-earning writer on the paid newsletter platform Substack earns more than $500,000 a year from reader subscriptions. The top content creator on Podia, a platform for video courses and digital memberships, makes more than $100,000 a month. And teachers across the US are bringing in thousands of dollars a month teaching live, virtual classes on Outschool and Juni Learning. These stories are in

                            The Passion Economy and the Future of Work | Andreessen Horowitz
                          • OpenAI の ChatGPT がセンター試験の英語を受けたら何点ぐらい取れるか試してみた

                            2022年11月にOpenAIから“ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue”というタイトルでChatGPTのアプリケーションが公開されました。 かなり話題になっているので知っている方や実際に使ったことがある方も多いかもしれませんが、ChatGPTとは、AI、特に自然言語処理の技術を使った対話のためのシステムといったところです。 今回はそのChatGPTの概要を簡単に説明し、ChatGPTが大学センター試験の英語を解いたら何点になるかを検証したいと思います。 私自身センター試験を受けたのは25年前ぐらいで、試験問題を解いたりする気にはならないので、基本的に答えが合っているか?だけを見ていきます。 深堀りしないので、そこはご容赦ください。 あと、下線を表現できないのどの問題があるので、ある程度質問の仕方を調整しています。 ですので厳密な

                              OpenAI の ChatGPT がセンター試験の英語を受けたら何点ぐらい取れるか試してみた
                            • Update on apps distributed in the European Union - Support - Apple Developer

                              Introduction Apple is sharing changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store, impacting developers’ apps in the European Union (EU) to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA). These changes create new options for developers, including how they can distribute apps on iOS, process payments, use web browser engines in iOS apps, request interoperability with iPhone and iOS hardware and software features,

                              • Why AI Will Save the World | Andreessen Horowitz

                                The era of Artificial Intelligence is here, and boy are people freaking out. Fortunately, I am here to bring the good news: AI will not destroy the world, and in fact may save it. First, a short description of what AI is: The application of mathematics and software code to teach computers how to understand, synthesize, and generate knowledge in ways similar to how people do it. AI is a computer pr

                                  Why AI Will Save the World | Andreessen Horowitz
                                • 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State

                                  Message From the Secretary of State Dear Reader: This year’s Trafficking in Persons Report sends a strong message to the world that global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and enduring discriminatory policies and practices, have a disproportionate effect on individuals already oppressed by other injustices.  These challenges further compound existing vulnerabilities to exploi

                                    2021 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State
                                  • Stripe’s payments APIs: the first ten years

                                    A few years ago, Bloomberg Businessweek published a feature story on Stripe. Four words spanned the center of the cover: “seven lines of code,” suggesting that’s all it took for a business to power payments on Stripe. The assertion was bold—and became a theme and meme for us. To this day, it’s not entirely clear which seven lines the article referenced. The prevailing theory is that it’s the rough

                                      Stripe’s payments APIs: the first ten years
                                    • Cloud metadata management service now available | Google Cloud Blog

                                      Discover, understand and manage your data with Data Catalog, now GA Google Cloud Data Catalog is a fully managed and scalable metadata management service. It can help your organization quickly discover, understand, and manage all your data from one simple interface. Accessible from within the Google Cloud console, Data Catalog allows immediate access to data discovery without requiring any upfront

                                        Cloud metadata management service now available | Google Cloud Blog
                                      • Targus 4 Port Usb Hub Driver For Mac

                                        Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 5988 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 17 Return Policy. Contact our Customer Service to register your complaint. Fill in the Return Form you received with the order or Download it from the Help Center Section in footer. Pack your parcel securely, with the product in the original manufacturer's packaging as delivered to you. Please return goods with a copy of the

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                                        • Multimodal Information Fusion for Prohibited Items Detection | Mercari Engineering

                                          This article is the 14th entry in the Mercari Bold Challenge Month. Hello everyone, I’m Kengo (@karolis_ml) and I’m with Mercari this summer as a software engineering intern in the AI Engineering team in Tokyo. In this blog post, I’d like to present the experimental results on information fusion techniques in multimodal modelling in the context of prohibited items detection at Mercari JP. TL;DR Ma

                                          • Trademarks in Open Source

                                            Trademarks in Open Source Introduction Cases Unmanaged Trademarks: Naked Licensing FreecycleSunnyvale v. Freecycle Network Discussion Common Law Trademarks Planetary Motion, Inc. v. Techsplosion, Inc. Discussion Fair Use Defense to Trademark Infringement: Nominative Use Playboy Enters. v. Welles Discussion License Terms’ Bearing on Trademark Use MIT Discussion BSD-3-Clause Discussion PHP-3.0 Discu

                                            • Tymoigne & Wray 『MMT批判に答える』の抜粋訳と、これを作成した理由|望月慎(望月夜)

                                              こんにちは、望月慎(望月夜)@motidukinoyoruと申します。 (blog「批判的頭脳」、togetter、noteマガジン一覧) (拙著『図解入門ビジネス 最新 MMT[現代貨幣理論]がよくわかる本』(秀和システム)(2020/3/24 発売)) ティモワーニュとレイによるMMT批判への再反論論文が書かれたのは2013年のこと、今から8年も昔の話になる。 Tymoigne, E., & Wray, L. R. (2013). Modern money theory 101: a reply to critics. Levy Economics Institute, Working Papers Series, (778). 基本的にこの論文は、アメリカにおける非主流派/異端派、特にポスト・ケインジアンによるMMT批判に応える内容となっていて、一般のMMT論争とはややテイストが異な

                                                Tymoigne & Wray 『MMT批判に答える』の抜粋訳と、これを作成した理由|望月慎(望月夜)
                                              • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

                                                Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

                                                  A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
                                                • Payments - Play Console Help

                                                  Developers charging for app downloads from Google Play must use Google Play's billing system as the method of payment for those transactions. Play-distributed apps requiring or accepting payment for access to in-app features or services, including any app functionality, digital content or goods (collectively “in-app purchases”), must use Google Play’s billing system for those transactions unless S

                                                  • My kids and I just played D&D with ChatGPT4 as the DM

                                                    This blog post is brought to you by Olympia, the AI Virtual Assistant service that I founded after realizing the potential of large-language models by playing Dungeons & Dragons with them. My two oldest kids Taylor Anne and Liam, are 26 and 23 (respectively). My youngest son Tenzin is 15 years old. All of us are together at my house in Mexico City this week, and the discussion topic generating the

                                                      My kids and I just played D&D with ChatGPT4 as the DM
                                                    • 記念にならない土産品 : 日本における菓子土産の変遷 - 名古屋大学人文学フォーラム

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                                                            ◆この雑貨について◆ [コレクションNo.0509] あけましておめでとうございます。今年もどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は昭和の餅つき機の2020年バージョンです。昨年紹介して好評だったので、今年も昭和の餅つき機で餅をついてみました。今回も餅は荒ぶり暴れ回りました(笑)。元旦に公開したかったのですが、年末年始に仕事が入り、編集が遅れて本日の公開となりました。2019年バージョンの動画で、つきたての餅をどうして食べないの?丸もちじゃないの?きなこもちが美味しいよ!などなどコメントを頂いたので今年は全てしてみました(笑)。モチケズ、モチスラを使って餅のアレンジ料理も楽しみましたよ。色々と詰め込みすぎて動画の尺がお餅のように長く伸びました。最後までご視聴頂けるとモチ(餅)ベーションが上がります。昭和の餅つき機でついた餅を、令和の醤油皿で食べるのは時代

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                                                            • Institute for the Study of War

                                                              This page collects ISW and CTP's updates on the conflict in Ukraine. In late February 2022, ISW began publishing daily synthetic products covering key events related to renewed Russian aggression against Ukraine. These Ukraine Conflict Updates replaced ISW’s previous “Indicators and Thresholds for Russian Military Operations in Ukraine and/or Belarus,” which we maintained from November 12, 2021, t

                                                              • [レポート] Data Catalog for Data Discovery and Metadata Management – Google Cloud Next ’20: OnAir #GoogleCloudNext | DevelopersIO

                                                                現在、2020年7月14日から9月8日までの数週間にわたってGoogle Cloudのデジタルイベント『Google Cloud Next ’20: OnAir』が開催されています。 このイベントでは、2020年7月14日から毎週、異なるテーマで様々なセッションや催しのコンテンツが公開されています。(コンテンツは PDT[米国太平洋標準時(夏時間)]での火曜日午前9時→JST[日本時間]の水曜午前1時に配信される形になっています) 1.[2020/07/14〜] Industry Insights 2.[2020/07/21〜] Productivity & Collaboration 3.[2020/07/28〜] Infrastructure 4.[2020/08/04〜] Security 5.[2020/08/11〜] Data Analytics 6.[2020/08/18〜]

                                                                  [レポート] Data Catalog for Data Discovery and Metadata Management – Google Cloud Next ’20: OnAir #GoogleCloudNext | DevelopersIO
                                                                • App Store Small Business Program - Apple Developer

                                                                  App Store Small Business Program Propel your small business forward with the next generation of groundbreaking apps on the App Store and invest more resources into your business. How it works The App Store Small Business Program is designed to accelerate innovation and help propel your small business forward with the next generation of groundbreaking apps on the App Store. It features a reduced co

                                                                    App Store Small Business Program - Apple Developer
                                                                  • Full-stack observability of your AWS Control Tower landing zone with New Relic | Amazon Web Services

                                                                    AWS Marketplace Full-stack observability of your AWS Control Tower landing zone with New Relic Update June 16, 2021: In May 2021, AWS released an AWS Quick Start, which provides a simple, one-click implementation of New Relic’s integration with AWS Control Tower, with the following enhancements: Automatically enables New Relic’s AWS integration from your New Relic account. You no longer need to ma

                                                                      Full-stack observability of your AWS Control Tower landing zone with New Relic | Amazon Web Services
                                                                    • LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4

                                                                      Update Log / 更新履歴 2023/05/09 Updated character, Status(player character) page. Added Status under development. キャラクター・ステータス(プレイヤーキャラクター)を更新。開発中のステータスを追加。 2023/05/08 Updated the password generator page. Changed the initial display of the result field to be in English when the NES version is selected. パスワードジェネレータを更新、NES版を選択した時に結果欄の初期表示が英語になるよう変更。 2023/05/03 Updated character, Status(player character

                                                                        LSD4: Unofficial archive of Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer 4
                                                                      • Bullshit Jobs

                                                                        Notes: ISBN 978-1-5011-4331-1, ISBN 978-1-5011-4334-2 (ebook); Most names and many identifying characteristics have been changed.; Interior design by Carly Loman; Jacket design by David L Itman To anyone who would rather be doing something useful with themselves. Preface: On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs In the spring of 2013, I unwittingly set off a very minor international sensation. It all be

                                                                          Bullshit Jobs
                                                                        • OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China | 31 August 2022

                                                                          1 OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China 31 August 2022 2 Contents Page I. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1-3 II. Background .......................................................................................

                                                                          • Spoutible

                                                                            Last updated: January 25, 2023 TERMS AND CONDITIONS The website Spoutible.com along with any other URL, mobile application or similar technology that redirects to or facilitates access to the website (together, "Spoutible", “we”, “us” or “the Platform”) is owned and operated by Spoutible Inc., a corporation duly incorporated in and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware and Registered Of

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                                                                              Pharmacie européenne Ordre Teobag -- url-qr.tk/canada-pharm-24h -- Cliquez ici - Allez à la pharmacie - Anonymat complet - Qualité pharmaceutique et dosage. - Nous vous rembourserons l'argent si les marchandises ne vous conviennent pas. - Expédition mondiale rapide garantie. - Différentes méthodes de paiement: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin Vente Teobag Pas Cher Be selected jan world.

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                                                                              • ALL IN ONE CHEAT SHEET 8

                                                                                Page 1 of 330 ALL IN ONE MATHEMATICS CHEAT SHEET V2.10 eiπ + 1 = 0 CONTAINING FORMULAE FOR ELEMENTARY, HIGH SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS COMPILED FROM MANY SOURCES BY ALEX SPARTALIS 2009-2013 4/9/2013 9:44:00 PM Euler’s Identity: Page 2 of 330 REVISION HISTORY 2.1. 08/06/2012 UPDATED: Format NEW: Multivariable Calculus UPDATED: Convergence tests UPDATED: Composite Functions 2.2. 10/07/2012 NE

                                                                                • Terms of Use Agreement · FaceApp

                                                                                  This Terms of Use Agreement ("Agreement") applies to your access and use of faceapp.com ("Site") and mobile applications (each, the"App" and collectively"Apps") (collectively, including the Site, the"Services") provided by FaceApp Technologies Limited, its beneficiaries, and affiliates ("FaceApp", "us" or"we"). By accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the Site, App, or any other aspect of the Se

                                                                                    Terms of Use Agreement · FaceApp