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  • クリーム・スキミング - Wikipedia

    クリーム・スキミング(英語: Cream skimming)とは、企業にとって収益性の高い顧客のみに製品またはサービスを提供し、収益性の低い顧客を無視するというビジネス慣行を指す侮蔑的な概念メタファーである。 手動の遠心力を利用してクリームをミルクから分離するクリームセパレーター この用語は、分離機を用いて生乳から比重が軽い成分を抽出するクリームの製法に由来している。すなわち、クリームは生乳の上澄みをすくい取って(スキム)作られるのである。 ビジネスにおけるクリーム・スキミングの意味するところは、一部のサプライヤーが、収益性が低い顧客を捨て置くか他業者に押し付けて、(購入額が多い、あるいは低コストでサービスを提供できる)収益性の高い顧客、すなわち「クリーム」を囲い込むことである(通常、従前の価格よりも安く請求するものの、依然利益を上げている)。収益性が低い顧客に供給を行う業者は、逸失利益を

      クリーム・スキミング - Wikipedia
    • セキュリティ英単語帳

      2022年6⽉ 独⽴⾏政法⼈ 情報処理推進機構 産業サイバーセキュリティセンター 第5期中核⼈材育成プログラム 「セキュリティエンジニアのための English Reading」プロジェクト 動詞 単語 意味 関連語 使用例 include ~を含む 【名】inclusion: 包含、含まれるもの 【形】inclusive: すべてを含んだ the email including a malicious macro 悪意のあるマクロを含むメール steal ~を盗む steal sensitive information 機微な情報を盗む exploit (脆弱性) を突いて攻撃する 【名】エクスプロイト (コード) 【名】exploitation: (脆弱性を突く) 攻撃 【形】exploitable: 悪用可能な actively exploited vulnerability よく攻

      • The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?

        Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution.Internet regulation is upon us.Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local.The end of the betting economy. Inventing the future “The best way to

          The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?
        • COVID-19: Implications for business

          Our latest perspectives on the coronavirus outbreak, the twin threats to lives and livelihoods, and how organizations can prepare for the next normal. COVID-19: Briefing note #100, April 13, 2022 As COVID-19 becomes endemic in much of the world, we turn our focus to sustainable and inclusive growth. On March 2, 2020, just over a week before a global pandemic was declared, we published COVID-19: Br

            COVID-19: Implications for business
          • デジタルIDウォレットとは何なのか、私見と妄想とともに - Qiita

            最近 ID 界隈で話題になっているトピックとして、デジタルIDウォレット(DIW) というコンセプトがあります。これは、身分証、運転免許証や、銀行のキャッシュカード、さらにはお店のポイントカードまで、あらゆる本人のアイデンティティに関するデータを、スマホアプリに保存し、必要に応じて、必要な情報だけ、必要あれば複数をまとめて一度に、提示できるというコンセプトです。 話題になっている背景、必要となる技術、欧米の動きなど、2023年12月時点での私の理解をまとめました。 明確なソースがある情報は、極力ソースとなるURLを添付しています。 また、一般論としてここに記載する情報については、国内外の多くの識者の方のお話を、直接的、間接的に伺う中で、私の中で咀嚼、消化した内容となっております。ここの皆様のお名前は略させて頂きますが、御礼申し上げます。それでも、本ブログの内容に誤りがあれば、すべて私の責任

              デジタルIDウォレットとは何なのか、私見と妄想とともに - Qiita
            • G7 Leaders’ Statement | The White House

              We, the Leaders of the Group of Seven, acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic is a human tragedy and a global health crisis, which also poses major risks for the world economy.  We are committed to doing whatever is necessary to ensure a strong global response through closer cooperation and enhanced coordination of our efforts.  While current challenges may require national emergency measures, we

                G7 Leaders’ Statement | The White House
              • Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0)

                NIST AI 100-1 Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) NIST AI 100-1 Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) This publication is available free of charge from: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.AI.100-1 January 2023 U.S. Department of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo, Secretary National Institute of Standards and Technology Laurie E. Locascio, NIST Director and Und

                • 歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧(参考資料編) -アナウンス日、General Availability(GA)の参考URL- - NRIネットコムBlog

                  小西秀和です。 歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧 -アナウンス日、General Availability(GA)、AWSサービス概要のまとめの記事で参考にしたURLが多すぎるため、こちらに別記事としてまとめました。 AWSサービスの概要など「歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧」のメインコンテンツは本編を御覧ください。 ただ、見方によってはこの記事の方が面白いかもしれません。 [English Edition] AWS History and Timeline - Almost All AWS Services List, Announcements, General Availability(GA) AWS全サービスの歴史年表に記載したアナウンス日・GA日(一般提供開始日)の参考URL 「What's New」のURL(例:https://aws.amazon.com/about-

                    歴史・年表でみるAWS全サービス一覧(参考資料編) -アナウンス日、General Availability(GA)の参考URL- - NRIネットコムBlog
                  • Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade | Dominic Green | Standpoint

                    Behind the schoolgirl climate warrior lies a shadowy cabal of lobbyists, investors and energy companies seeking to profit from a green bonanza Greta Thunberg is just an ordinary 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl whose fiery visions have convinced the parliaments of Britain and Ireland to declare a “climate emergency”. Greta’s parents, actor Svante Thunberg and opera singer Malena Ernman, are just an

                      Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade | Dominic Green | Standpoint
                    • How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class

                      Technocratic management, no matter how brilliant, cannot unwind structural inequalities. Updated at 9:54 a.m. ET on February 6, 2020. When Pete Buttigieg accepted a position at the management consultancy McKinsey & Company, he already had sterling credentials: high-school valedictorian, a bachelor’s degree from Harvard, a Rhodes Scholarship. He could have taken any number of jobs and, moreover, ha

                        How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class
                      • The Lumpenbourgeoisie

                        There’s a scene in the Norwegian movie The Worst Person In the World in which one of the main characters, a comic book artist, is being interviewed on TV about his early work. The interview quickly turns into an inquisition. The comic that had made the middle-aged artist famous decades before was classic 90s-style underground pop culture: raunchy, rude, vulgar, obscene, and deliberately offensive,

                          The Lumpenbourgeoisie
                        • Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality– A Quantitative Study of 39 Proprietary Production Codebases

                          Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality – A Quantitative Study of 39 Proprietary Production Codebases Adam Tornhill CodeScene Malmö, Sweden adam.tornhill@codescene.com Markus Borg RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Lund University Lund, Sweden markus.borg@ri.se ABSTRACT Code quality remains an abstract concept that fails to get traction at the business level. Consequently, software companies

                          • Macroprudentialism


                            • Posiflex Cr-4000 Cash Drawer Drivers For Mac - urlgreenway

                              Visiteurs depuis le 30/01/2019 : 1386 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 89 Posiflex Cr-4000 Cash Drawer Drivers For Mac ProPosiflex Cr-4000 Cash Drawer Drivers For Mac FreeSummary of Contents for POSIFLEX CR-4000 Page 1: Cash Drawer CR-4000/6000 SERIES CASH DRAWER USER’S MANUAL Rev. A2 FCC Notes: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and use

                                Posiflex Cr-4000 Cash Drawer Drivers For Mac - urlgreenway
                              • Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate

                                Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 1665 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 21 Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac ProNick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac FreeI discovered it took a lot of discipline to stay on track but after making such an effort for the week I will find it difficult to go back to the way I was before. The sustainable living p

                                  Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate
                                • 職場で働く政治 - himaginary’s diary

                                  前々回紹介した論文と同様に企業内人事への政治の影響を扱った表題のNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Politics At Work*1」で、著者はEmanuele Colonnelli(シカゴ大)、Valdemar Pinho Neto(FGV*2)、Edoardo Teso(ノースウエスタン大)。 以下はその要旨。 We study how individual political views shape firm behavior and labor market outcomes. Using new micro-data on the political affiliation of business owners and private-sector workers in Brazil over the 2002–2019

                                    職場で働く政治 - himaginary’s diary
                                  • How the Pandemic Will End

                                    Editor’s Note: This story is part of a collection of work by Ed Yong that earned the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting. Three months ago, no one knew that SARS-CoV-2 existed. Now the virus has spread to almost every country, infecting at least 446,000 people whom we know about, and many more whom we do not. It has crashed economies and broken health-care systems, filled hospitals and e

                                      How the Pandemic Will End
                                    • Project Office Manual-mac

                                      Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4459 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 25 D-link dwa-132 wireless-n300 usb adapter drivers for mac download. D-LINK DWA-132 WIRELESS-N300 USB ADAPTER DRIVER FOR MAC DOWNLOAD - I been using this product far a week now and I am happy with this product. Exclusive Deals and Offers! Welcome to the PC Pitstop Driver Library, the internet's most complete and comprehensi

                                        Project Office Manual-mac
                                      • Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity | The White House

                                        By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  Policy.  The United States faces persistent and increasingly sophisticated malicious cyber campaigns that threaten the public sector, the private sector, and ultimately the American people’s security and privacy.  The Federal Government must impr

                                          Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity | The White House
                                        • March 2013 Newsletter: Mvc9 For Mac

                                          Visiteurs depuis le 24/01/2019 : 4509 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 25 MAC Member Referral Contest One of the best advertising avenues for MAC is word of mouth advertising by our members, our members encouraging their family and friends to visit the MAC. The MAC membership department is currently offering a $500 cash jackpot to the current member who refers the most new members who join on a

                                            March 2013 Newsletter: Mvc9 For Mac
                                          • Amazon licenses Slack for all employees, while Slack adopts AWS video-calling tech

                                            Slack and Amazon are deepening their partnership. Under a new deal announced Thursday, all Amazon employees will have access to Slack's workplace collaboration tools. In addition, Slack will deepen its reliance on AWS, revamping its video-calling feature to take advantage of an AWS service called Chime. The alliance helps both companies battle Microsoft, whose Teams communications service has grow

                                              Amazon licenses Slack for all employees, while Slack adopts AWS video-calling tech
                                            • Cloud Native Computing Foundation Continues Steady Growth with 30 New Members

                                              Cloud Native Computing Foundation Continues Steady Growth with 30 New Members From Open Source Summit North America, CNCF welcomes 30 new members, including A10 Networks, Futurewei, and Toyota Motor Corporation SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – June 29, 2020 – Open Source Summit North America – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, tod

                                                Cloud Native Computing Foundation Continues Steady Growth with 30 New Members
                                              • Marketplace 100 2020 Edition | Andreessen Horowitz

                                                Click here for 2021 edition of the Marketplace 100. Today we introduce the Marketplace 100, a ranking of the largest and fastest-growing consumer-facing marketplace startups and private companies. Over the past few decades, marketplaces like eBay, Airbnb, Uber and Lyft, Alibaba, and Instacart, have become some of the most impactful companies in the world economy. Collectively, millions of individu

                                                  Marketplace 100 2020 Edition | Andreessen Horowitz
                                                • Plurality: Technology for Collaborative Diversity and Democracy

                                                  Plurality: Technology for Collaborative Diversity and Democracy English Introducing and soliciting collaboration on Plurality: Technology for Collaborative Diversity and Democracy We are about to embark on a journey and hope you will join us. Over the past half decade we have, in collaboration with so many of you, been developing an alternative to the usual narratives about the future of technolog

                                                    Plurality: Technology for Collaborative Diversity and Democracy
                                                  • COVID-19 Data Hub

                                                    Visualizing a pandemic On January 20, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed that an individual in Washington State had contracted a case of COVID-19—a disease that was first observed in Wuhan, China in December. By the end of the month, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID-19 was a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. By March 11, the CDC announced t

                                                      COVID-19 Data Hub
                                                    • Selecting A Good Cleaner For Mac

                                                      Visiteurs depuis le 25/01/2019 : 6381 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 Best Mac CleanersSelecting A Good Cleaner For Macbook ProThe best app to clean mac is a self-regulating software that won’t need your human intervention and will do all the tough job for you. However, you can easily switch to the manual settings and adjust everything to your needs and preferences. Apr 24, 2018 - The task

                                                        Selecting A Good Cleaner For Mac
                                                      • The Vtuber Industry: Corporatization, Labor, and Kawaii

                                                        “I do play games, I promise I play games. Just not this type of game.” A tiny animated girl wearing a shark hood named Gawr Gura demurs on stream as she maneuvers a 3D shark through the ocean of the video game Maneater. “I wanted to play this game so I could wow everybody with my shark skills but all I’ve done is make a fool of myself.” Her voice sounds dejected, but even her model slumps downward

                                                          The Vtuber Industry: Corporatization, Labor, and Kawaii
                                                        • Migrating to open-source technologies

                                                          Update: The name of the project was changed to Microservice Architecture on Libre Technology (MALT) to better reflect its scope. More information in this article. ________ The Microsoft Alternatives project (MAlt) started a year ago to mitigate anticipated software license fee increases. MAlt’s objective is to put us back in control using open software. It is now time to present more widely this p

                                                            Migrating to open-source technologies
                                                          • A review of Professor Mark Ramseyer’s papers on the Buraku Issues

                                                            角岡伸彦 かどおか のぶひこ 1963年、兵庫県加古川市生まれ。関西学院大学社会学部を卒業後、神戸新聞記者等を経て、フリーライター。大阪市在住。 著書解説 【著書】 ふしぎな部落問題/百田尚樹『殉愛』の真実/ゆめいらんかね やしきたかじん伝/ピストルと荊冠 <被差別>と<暴力>で大阪を背負った男・小西邦彦/カニは横に歩く 自立障害者たちの半世紀/とことん!部落問題/はじめての部落問題/ホルモン奉行/被差別部落の青春 【連絡先】 kadookanobuhiko-01@yahoo.co.jp 記事一覧RSS Text by: Kadooka Nobuhiko (A freelance journalist) ———– Professor Mark Ramseyer at Harvard University wrote a paper in which he says that the com

                                                            • 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State

                                                              Message From the Secretary of State Dear Reader: This year’s Trafficking in Persons Report sends a strong message to the world that global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and enduring discriminatory policies and practices, have a disproportionate effect on individuals already oppressed by other injustices.  These challenges further compound existing vulnerabilities to exploi

                                                                2021 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State
                                                              • マネーロンダリング対策に関する知識(暗号通貨規制の文脈から) - AkioHoshi

                                                                注意事項:当文書は、星暁雄が個人的な関心から表記の情報を書きとめたものです。予告なしに内容が更新される場合があります。 当ページに関連して、以下のページにも情報をまとめています。 ブロックチェーン追跡ツール デジタルアイデンティティとAML ■AML/CFTの基礎知識を得る資料 ●学術論文、学会発表資料 尾崎 寛, 発表資料:米国の反マネーロンダリング規制について, 2008年3月22日 https://www.cistec.or.jp/jaist/event/kenkyuutaikai/kenkyu06/2_ozaki.pdf (日本安全保障貿易学会(JAIST) 第6回研究大会の発表資料。発表時点での発表者の所属は三井住友銀行) 花木 正孝 , 〈論文〉国際的なマネー・ロンダリング防止(AML)体制の発展とわが国におけるAML体制の将来, 2017-07-31 https://kind

                                                                  マネーロンダリング対策に関する知識(暗号通貨規制の文脈から) - AkioHoshi
                                                                • Statements of Support for Software Measurability and Memory Safety | ONCD | The White House

                                                                  Read the full report here Read the fact sheet here Today, the Office of the National Cyber Director released a new Technical Report titled “Back to the Building Blocks: A Path Toward Secure and Measurable Software.” This report builds upon the President’s National Cybersecurity Strategy, addressing the technical community to tackle undiscovered vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit. Le

                                                                    Statements of Support for Software Measurability and Memory Safety | ONCD | The White House
                                                                  • Why does DARPA work?

                                                                    Stay in the Loop This is hopefully only the beginning of a larger project! How can we enable more science fiction to become reality? If you want to do something, it usually pays to study those who have done that thing successfully in the past. Asking ‘what is this outlier’s production function?’ can provide a starting point. DARPA is an outlier organization in the world of turning science fiction

                                                                    • CARBIS BAY G7 SUMMIT COMMUNIQUÉ | The White House

                                                                      We, the leaders of the Group of Seven, met in Cornwall on 11-13 June 2021 determined to beat COVID-19 and build back better.  We remembered everyone who has been lost to the pandemic and paid tribute to those still striving to overcome it. Inspired by their example of collaboration and determination, we gathered united by the principle that brought us together originally, that shared beliefs and s

                                                                        CARBIS BAY G7 SUMMIT COMMUNIQUÉ | The White House
                                                                      • Gene pool engineering for entrepreneurs | Khosla Ventures

                                                                        Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION A. Why first hires are important B. Background on traditional (functional) recruiting C. Functional hiring II. ENGINEERING THE GENE POOL A. Benefits of gene pool engineering B. Step 1: Identity the five largest risks C. Step 2: Define the skill-set necessary to address those risks D. Step 3: For each risk, locate the centers of excellence E. Step 4: List the top t

                                                                        • バイデノミクス対トランポノミクス - himaginary’s diary

                                                                          大統領選は宴もたけなわという感があるが、2つの機関による両者の経済プランの分析をこちらの記事が紹介している(H/T Mostly Economics)。 The Committee suggests that ‘both plans would add substantially to the debt’ but in numbers that are a whisker difference from each other. Trump’s proposals for a second term would add $4.95tn to the debt through 2030. The Biden plan would contribute to a $5.6tn deficit over the same period. Similarly, there is little dif

                                                                            バイデノミクス対トランポノミクス - himaginary’s diary
                                                                          • PAPERWALL: Chinese Websites Posing as Local News Outlets Target Global Audiences with Pro-Beijing Content - The Citizen Lab

                                                                            Key Findings A network of at least 123 websites operated from within the People’s Republic of China while posing as local news outlets in 30 countries across Europe, Asia, and Latin America, disseminates pro-Beijing disinformation and ad hominem attacks within much larger volumes of commercial press releases. We name this campaign PAPERWALL. PAPERWALL has similarities with HaiEnergy, an influence

                                                                              PAPERWALL: Chinese Websites Posing as Local News Outlets Target Global Audiences with Pro-Beijing Content - The Citizen Lab
                                                                            • Why American medicine still runs on fax machines

                                                                              If you buy something from a Vox link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. When you walk into the Arlington Women’s Center, you see a spacious waiting room with artwork on the wall, maroon chairs, and a friendly receptionist sitting at the front desk. The obstetrics and gynecology practice serves a high-income suburb of Washington, DC. Framed photographs on the wall advertise

                                                                                Why American medicine still runs on fax machines
                                                                              • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


                                                                                  HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
                                                                                • Building a real-time notification system with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams for Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                  AWS Big Data Blog Building a real-time notification system with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams for Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink August 30, 2023: Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics has been renamed to Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink. Read the announcement in the AWS News Blog and learn more. Amazon DynamoDB helps you capture high-velocity data such as clickstre

                                                                                    Building a real-time notification system with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams for Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink | Amazon Web Services