Plugins & AppsSketch Toolbox → A super simple plugin manger for Sketch *MUST HAVE*Sketch Commands [NEW] → A Sketch port of Orange Commands for Fireworks Paparazzi (Paparazzi download here) → Import any website into to Sketch as an editable fileGenerate ICNS → Generate an Apple Icon ImageSync Plugins → Sync local plugins with their master version at GitHubClear Styles → Clear all style properties f
As the size and complexity of a project grows, you require some sort of logic to structure your Sass files. It helps to follow some agreed upon guidelines for creating files and folders when working in large teams and projects. Below is a review of some of the techniques in use today. Bootstrap-sass Bootstrap’s intention is to be a UI library for web developers to quickly get off the ground. It is
How It All BeganOur story starts in ancient times, when WURFLs roamed the wilderness, and mobile-only websites were a thing. In these times, a developer that wanted to provide access to his website to mobile users created a simpler, dumbed down version of the “real” website, and served that based on UA detection. As you surely know, the proliferation of devices with numerous viewport dimensions an
DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! The following is a guest post by Philippe Bernard. Philippe has done research on what it takes to make a favicon (and all the related graphics and markup) such that you are covered with the best quality output everywhere. Spoiler alert: it’s a lot of different graphics and markup. Also full
We all want our websites to be fast. We optimize images, create CSS sprites, use CDNs, cache aggressively, and gzip and minimize static content. We use every trick in the book. But we can still do more. If we want faster outcomes, we have to think differently. What if, instead of leaving our users to stare at a spinning wheel, waiting for content to be delivered, we could predict where they wanted
I'm getting to grips with the walker at the moment, but i need some assistance in getting my desired effect. My walker function looks like: class ik_walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu{ //start of the sub menu wrap function start_lvl(&$output, $depth) { $output .= '<nav class="site-navigation" role="navigation"> <ul>'; } //end of the sub menu wrap function end_lvl(&$output, $depth) { $output .= ' </ul>
We need developer help! Fork it, fix it, we'll pull it — on GitHub. SimplePie is a very fast and easy-to-use feed parser, written in PHP, that puts the 'simple' back into 'really simple syndication'. Flexible enough to suit beginners and veterans alike, SimplePie is focused on speed, ease of use, compatibility and standards compliance. Show some love! Wishlists for Geoffrey, Ryan P., and Ryan M. S
お早うございます!デザイナーの王です。 直感ですが、本を読む時、僕は縦書のほうが読みやすいのです。実際、人間の視野って、上下のほうが狭いそうなので、それだけ集中して文字を追いやすいと思います。何より、指でなぞりやすいのがいいww アルファベット表記が混在する場合は別ですが、基本的に縦書が好きです。 今回はタイトルの通り、ルビ付きの縦書の実装方法を紹介したいと思います。 以下は実際にWeb上で表示されたもののスクリーンショットです。 驚愕の事実!実はIEはバージョン5.5から実装されてました! 縦書を指定する際に用いるCSS3「writing-mode」というモジュールは、な‥なんと!IE5.5から実装されてました!今はすっかり嫌われ者とされているあのIEは当時では最先端ですね! 長い間、IE独自実装のため、新参のWeb屋にはあまり知られていない機能ではないでしょうか。 勿論、CSS3の「w
JavaScript のオブジェクト作成においてクラス定義で継承を実装する方法はいくつかあります。 正しい継承はどうあるべきか、基本から検証しながら考えてみたいと思います。 ※正しくクラス定義がエコ楽にできる様に追加記事書きました。 [JavaScript] getter/setterも使えるエコ楽なクラス定義 - もちろん継承も - private変数も 一番簡単なオブジェクトの作成方法 典型的な JavaScript のオブジェクトを簡単に作成してみて、それらを確認してみましょう。 var obj1 = {x: 12, y: "ab"}; var obj2 = new Object; // または new Object() obj2.x = 34; obj2.y = "cd"; // obj < Object var obj3 = [12, "ab"]; var obj4 = new