
2010年7月27日のブックマーク (6件)

  • Engadget | Technology News & Reviews

    Parrots in captivity seem to enjoy video-chatting with their friends on Messenger

    Engadget | Technology News & Reviews
    takunama 2010/07/27
    "Yahoo! JAPANはこれまで検索エンジンを独自開発していましたが、今後はGoogleベースのものへ移行することになります" "かつてYahoo! JAPANはGoogleのエンジンを利用していましたので、元の鞘に収まったという見方もできます"
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    James Khatiblou, the owner and CEO of Onyx Motorbikes, was watching his e-bike startup fall apart.  Onyx was being evicted from its warehouse in El Segundo, Los Angeles. The company’s unpaid bills were stacking up. His chief operating officer had abruptly resigned. A shipment of around 100 CTY2 dirt bikes from Chinese supplier Suzhou Jindao…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    takunama 2010/07/27
    "数週間前のNew York Timesの論説ページで、政府はGoogleのアルゴリズムを監視すべきである、と書いていたのは少々行きすぎだが〜" "しかし、いくらなんでもこれは残酷すぎるだろう"
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    James Khatiblou, the owner and CEO of Onyx Motorbikes, was watching his e-bike startup fall apart.  Onyx was being evicted from its warehouse in El Segundo, Los Angeles. The company’s unpaid bills were stacking up. His chief operating officer had abruptly resigned. A shipment of around 100 CTY2 dirt bikes from Chinese supplier Suzhou Jindao…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    takunama 2010/07/27
    "Androidのアプリ・ローンチャーにPlaces専用の独自アイコンまで用意されている" "Google Latitude APIがチェックイン機能をサポートするようになった以上Google Placesにも近く導入されることは確実だ"
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    James Khatiblou, the owner and CEO of Onyx Motorbikes, was watching his e-bike startup fall apart.  Onyx was being evicted from its warehouse in El Segundo, Los Angeles. The company’s unpaid bills were stacking up. His chief operating officer had abruptly resigned. A shipment of around 100 CTY2 dirt bikes from Chinese supplier Suzhou Jindao…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    takunama 2010/07/27
    "教育上の目的ないし批評のために必要な公正な利用とみなされる範囲で複製を行うため、合法的に所有するDVDの暗号化を無効化すること" "iPhoneを脱獄(Jailbreaking)させてGoogle Voiceを走らせるなど" 他。
  • ホメオパシー救急病棟

    BBCのコメディ"That Mitchell and Webb look"から、"Homeopathic A&E" (字幕つき)   マイリスト: mylist/9341038 次: sm11517284

  • YouTube API Blog: A New Way To Embed YouTube Videos

    Thursday, July 22, 2010 A New Way To Embed YouTube Videos An enhancement to our video embed capability is now available through a new embed code style. This new style uses <iframe> and looks like this:<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="385" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO_ID" frameborder="0"> </iframe> Example: If you use the new embed code style, your view

    takunama 2010/07/27
    "If you use the new embed code style, your viewers will be able to view your embedded video in one of our Flash or HTML5 players, depending on their viewing environment and preferences." "An additional benefit of the new embed style is that it will eventually allow embeds to work on mobile devices"