
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


testとpatternに関するwata_dのブックマーク (2)

  • TddAntiPatterns - TDD のアンチパターン

    TddAntiPatterns - TDD のアンチパターン 目次 この文書について TDD のアンチパターン TDD アンチパターン・カタログ 嘘つき。 (The Liar) セットアップ過多 (Excessive Setup) 巨人 (The Giant) モック酔い (The Mockery) 検査官 (The Inspector) 太っ腹な残り物 (Generous Leftovers) 地元の英雄 (Local Hero) 小姑 (The Nitpicker) 秘密のキャッチ (The Secret Catcher) ペテン師 (The Dodger) 大声 (The Loudmouth) はらぺこキャッチ (The Greedy Catcher) 序列屋 (The Sequencer) 隠れ依存 (Hidden Dependency) 点呼 (The Enumerator)

  • Unit Test Patterns

    (c) 2005 Marc Clifton All Rights Reserved. There is no download associated with this article. Introduction The idea of unit testing seems to always evoke a strong reaction in people.  For those that buy into the concept, they have unanimously stated that good unit tests are difficult to write, and some question whether the tests they have written were really worth it while others rave about the

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